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Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who face criminal charges New Home Minister in Najib’s new cabinet


Political parties have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Under the guise of “winnability”, they pick candidates with muscle or money power and race, regional or religious affiliations. How can we force change on a system where the rot has spread deep and wide?The EC today has the power to de-recongnise but not de-register a political party. It must be given that additional statutory power in order to police parties more effectively.Only when they are faced with automatic de-registration will political parties stop giving tickets to candidates
 Who the hell are you to tell others to leave..you serve at the behest of the rakyat …you are not royalty…..so shut
There they go !!! Reconciliation at its best !! Threaten, threaten, threaten…..that’s all they know….Don’t they know that was one of the main causes why they lost so many votes ?
Despite all the facts at hand, he still doesn’t get it that it was NOT only the Chinese who gave BN a solid beating in GE13. It was MALAYSIANS!
Crunching the numbers, in reality , BN has lost the elections. For thin brains like Zahid, only thin thoughts can come through like the toad, ibrahim Ali and zulkifli and now we have one more-the ex-judge
 Zahid, I can fully understand your intense unhappiness in being taken out of the Defence Ministry and being sent to Home. But you should not take it out on poor us. I am sure that with your UMNO imaginative mind, you could convert the Home Ministry into as golden a goose as Defence. Perhaps you could order a couple of submarines and while you are at it, a few Stealth bombers also so that our police force can heroically stem any attack from the many enemies around us. And remember the horses your predecessor acquired? You can use one of those to later ride off into the sunset. What more you want,
Migrate, Zahid tells those unhappy with GE13 results
New Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says the opposition can “migrate elsewhere” if it is not satisfied with the country’s electoral system that saw BN winning 133 parliamentary seats on May 5, despite Pakatan Rakyat bagging 51.78 percent of the popular votes to get 89 seats.Please login to read full story.Migrate, Zahid tells those unhappy with GE13 resultsWe cannot accept a political system that is full of corruption, murder, incest, rape and treason. Tell us, which part of the federal constitution says that the four misdeeds are sacrosanct for us Malaysians. In fact, Zahid, you should be the one ready to migrate, into a French jail, once the French have completed the Scorpene case. We are Malaysians and we intend to stay put to right the wrong of this nation. You traitors be prepared to face the gallows for allowing our nation to be populated by foreigners, thus putting the lives of our citizens at risk. Enjoy your new portfolio while it lasts.
Umno vice- president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has called on the Malays to unite to support Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates in the next general election, particularly those from Umno, to ensure their interests are taken care of.
He added that although the position of the Malays and the Malay rulers were enshrined in the constitution, this could change if the opposition won the election.
“We should therefore take steps to unite the Malays under the umbrella of Umno and BN; let’s not harp on trivial issues which could undermine the unity which we have built all this while,” he said, here.
As an Umno leader, he said, he and other party leaders were ready to render assistance to Umno and BN at the state level in retaining existing seats and in winning back the seats won by the opposition in the last general election.

Melayu jenis apa Islam Syial punya kah ?

In 1998 and 1999 Zahid Hamidi also wet his pant when he was questioned by Special Branch. Instead of learning from that experience, he beat up his divorced daughter’s boyfriend in 2010
Ini adalah kisah yang membabitkan hubungan cinta antara En Amir Bazli Abdullah dengan Nurul Hidayah Ahmad Zahid (Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi - hari ini adalah Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri yang sebelum ini adalah menteri Penerangan).
Percintaan terhalang ini mengakibatkanEn Amir Bazli Abdullah menghadapi kecederaan kekal di mukanya. Amir Bazli Abdullah diculik dan dipukul dengan begitu teruk hanya kerana menjalinkan perhubungan cinta dengan Nurul Hidayah, Puteri Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
Tindakan yang tidak berperikemanusiaan ini telah menyebabkan kehidupannya berubah dengan kecacatan kekal di muka dan hidung beliau. Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dan rajan-rakan “gangstser” beliau telah melakukan semua ini dan sehingga hari ini masih bebas tanpa diambil sebarang tindakan.
Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab dan sepatutnya beliau perlu dihakim atas tindakan melampau beliau. Pendedahan ini akan memaparkan kebenaran apa yang sebenarnya berlaku dan kenapa tindakan masih tidak diambil ke atas Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
Adakah kerana beliau berjawatan Timbalan Menteri, maka beliau berhak untuk melakukan apa sahaja sehingga melakukan kenayah yang melibatkan penculikan, penderaan, pukul dan mengugut bunuh?
Sehingga hari ini masih tiada lagi siasatan yang benar-benar telus dilakukan. Sehingga hari ini mereka yang terlibat masih di luar sana serta bebas dan yang paling menyedihkan penjenayah ini sekarang bergelar Menteri.
Berikut adalah petikan dari media Sunday Mail 21-22 Julai 2007 yang telah memaparkan insiden tersebut. Ini adalah hasil dari kegagalan pihak polis dalam melakukan siasatan terperinci mengenai kes tersebut. Kenapa sehingga kini tidak ada pendakwaan.
Suratkhabar ini telah memaparkan kecederaan yang dialami olehAmir Bazli Abdullah serta sebab yang menyebabkan beliau dipukul dengan begitu teruk oleh kumpulan Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Menurut Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi tindakan Amir Bazali hanya untuk memburuk-burukkan namanya dan adalah mustahil beliau melakukan perkara ini semata-mata kerana Amir Bazli keluar “temujanji” dengan anaknya. [Nota: Ini menjawab saranan komentar yang menyatakan Amir Bazli layak dipukul kerana keluar tanpa persetujuan.]
Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang menolak tuduhan itu dengan alasan hanya bertujuan untuk memburukkan namanya tetapitidak mengambil sebarang tindakan atas tuduhan yang dibuat oleh Amir Bazli Abdullah.
Lebih memburukkan ialah polis turut “senyap” mengenai isu ini. Kenapa?
Agak keterlaluan sekiranya Amir Bazli terpaksa memukul dirinya sedemikian rupa dengan mengalami kecacatan semata-mata untuk memburukkan nama Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Ini tidak logik dan sukar diterima akal . Persoalan-persoalan tuduhan ini sepatutnya dirungkai oleh pihak polis demi untuk mencari kebenaraan (dan keadilan).
Ini kes jenayah dan tuduhan adalah tuduhan jenayah.Persoalan ini memerlukan siasatan dan pembelaan.
Apakah dengan penafian Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi sahajacukup untuk menolak perbuatan jenayah yang beliau lakukan.
Apakah hasil siasatan yang dibuat oleh polis? Adakah Amir Bazlimencederakan dirinya sebegitu rupa, mengalami kecederaan kekal hanya untuk membuerukkan nama Dato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi?
Adakah kecederaan di muka Amir Bazli tidak menimbulkan sedikit kemusykilan dari pihak polis?
Kenapa tidak disiasat dan sekiranya Amir Bazli menipu,mengenai isu ini kenapa beliau tidak diambil tindakan kerana laporan palsu?
Ini semua menaikkan bulu kening. Polis tidak mengambil langkah-langhkah yang sepatutnya dalam memastikan kebenaran terselongkar. Sekiranya tidak, maka timbul spekulasi bahawa polis bertindak menyorokkan insiden ini hanya keranaDato’ Ahmad Zahid Hamidi seorang yang mempunyai kedudukan dalam kerajaan.
Adakah kedudukkan ini melayakkan undang-undang diketepikan dan mengsa terbiar tanpa pembelaan?
.Umno vice president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is skeptical that PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar had received a threat her three year old daughter would be kidnapped if her father (Anwar Ibrahim) did not retire from politics.
He said today in Kuala Lumpur that he believed it was just an opposition ploy to gain sympathy.”They are sitting on the edge of a cliff where even a gentle breeze can make them fall. That’s why they are looking for something to hold on to,” he commented.
Ahmad Zahid also expressed support for the statement of Perlis Mufti Dr Juanda Jaya  that  Najib  must  marryZiana Zain for Jakim to Halalkan their Past Sexual Relationship to Qualify High Moral Standards.
A Chief Editor of a mainstream newspaper who had an affair with a young girl while his wife lay paralysed in bed – Zam himself.
A Chief Minister who eloped to Thailand to secretly marry his second wife – Muhammad Mohd Taib (then Chief Minister of Selangor).
A Federal Minister who was caught with a female artiste in a Port Dickson hotel room – Najib Tun Razak (Defence Minister) and Ziana Zain.
A Federal Minister whose brother was arrested for drug trafficking – Muhyiddin Yassin.
A Federal Minister who had an affair with someone else’s wife that eventually resulted in a broken marriage – Ruhaini Ahmad.
A Chief Minister who had an affair with someone else’s wife that eventually resulted in a broken marriage – Muhammad Mohd Taib.
A Chief Minister who had an affair with an under-aged girl – Rahim Tambi Chik (then Melaka Chief Minister).
A Chief Minister who had an affair with a girl who eventually gave birth to an illegitimate child – Shahidan Kassim (Perlis Chief Minister).
A Chief Minister who kept an under-aged mistress at a condominium in Kuala Lumpur – Shahidan Kassim.
A religious leader who had an illicit affair and who is now holding a prominent position in a very important government religious body – Ismail Ibrahim of the National Fatwah Council.
A Chief Minister who had an affair with his sister-in-law who have birth to an illegitimate child – Abu Hassan Omar (then Selangor Chief Minister).
2007 – OK you want to talk in English I change my mood. – MR Pukimak who raped Indon maids at home In detail please contact Datok Rocky. Wikileaks.
2007-2008 _ Chief minister of Kedah – Mahadzir having affair with UMNO puteri, Shahanim.
“Why should we take a vow of morality when we have done nothing wrong? We are not saying we are angelic or anything like that. It is about the (sex) video. I don’t have a video, so why should I take a vow?” he said.
The minister added that the call to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) would not have arose if the opposition did not jump to conclusions and blame BN for the video.
“Had they not blamed us, we won’t be called to make such statements or to call for a RCI,” he said.
The minister also launched a broadside on Baljit for slamming Nazri for stating that Anwar’s wife and PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was not the right person to identify the man in the video.
“If this Punjabi is smart enough, he should realise that there is a conflict of interest (involving Anwar and Wan Azizah).
“Any ordinary person will understand that if you have a conflict of interest, you cannot be a party to investigate your husband’s identity. She is his wife, and this is the conflict,” he said.
In taking Nazri to task over this, Baljit had previously asked if Nazri knew Anwar’s body better than Wan Azizah.
“Vice in any form is forbidden. In this case, we leave it to the police either to follow the civil or syariah law,” he said.
The defence minister added that the negative perception affecting the credibility of BN must be dealt with continuously.
He said this is to allow the public to understand completely the transformation programmes introduced by prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
He said that Najib’s charismatic leadership had helped shore up BN’s credibility, but others must help to wipe out negative perceptions of Umno and the coalition.
“Although the situation and the leadership have changed, and the dynamics that the prime minister and his deputy (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin) have brought are well known, the transformation taking place must be felt on the ground as well,” he said.
“This is to ensure they (people at the grass roots) are themselves involved in the transformation,” Ahmad Zahid told reporters after opening the Lembah Pantai Umno delegates meeting here.
Umno vice-president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi on Saturday vowed to defend party president Najib Abdul Razak to his last breath.
“If anyone wants to topple Najib, they would have to cross over the body of this person in front of you.
“We will have to defend him. The blood that flows in his veins is the (second Prime Minister) Abdul Razak (Hussein)’s blood, the blood of a warrior who defended us, Umno, the BN and the rakyat,” he said.
Ahmad Zahid, who is also defence minister, delivered his stirring pledge at an event hosted by BN Merlimau Pasir to a dismal turnout of about 100 people.
He was speaking alongside Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Ahmad Maslan.
They are part of a large entourage of cabinet ministers and top BN leaders who have come to Merlimau in the final lap of the campaign in a state seat which has been a BN stronghold.
Merlimau Pasir is also where a multipurpose hall named after BN candidate Roslan Ahmad’s father stands and where his family home is located.
According to Ahmad Zahid, Najib, who is also prime minister, did not “rock the boat”, and is currently continuing and improving the policies of former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi after taking over two years ago.
As such, he said, it is ridiculous for Pakatan Rakyat to say that Najib should get the boot like the ousted leaders of Tunisia and Egypt.
Like others who spoke on the BN side in Merlimau, Ahmad Zahid went on the offensive against PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, this time roping in the Turkish government.
The minister said that Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan called Najib his “brother”, instead of the usual protocol address of “your excellency” during Najib’s recent visit to the European country.
He said that Anwar had misled the people into thinking that the Turkish government is on his side, as the Turkey foreign minster, whom the PKR man said he is close to, said he last spoke to Anwar was more than a year ago.
He said the government also corrected Ankara’s perception that the ongoing case against Anwar is a continuation of Sodomy I.
“I explained to them that it is a different complaint and it is sexual harassment against an employee,” he said.
Poor turnout alarm for BN
Ahmad Zahid was expected to share the stage in Merlimau Pasir with Ummi Hafilda Ali, a witness in Sodomy I who has hit both the campaign trails in Merlimau and Kerdau on behalf of the BN.
However, Ummi, who attracted about 200 people in Chinchin on Thursday, was said to have chosen to spin her yarns about Anwar’s wild scandals at the Ayer Merbau event instead.
PAS vice-president Mohamad Sabu in ChinchinAbout 500 metres down the road, PAS attracted about 600 people who stood, squatted and sat on the dirt in the dark to listen to popular former PAS vice-president Mohamad Sabu.
Speaking in his trademark deadpan humour style, Mohamad drove home the message that criticising Umno does not mean criticising the government nor is it about going against development.
The marked difference in crowd size may indicate higher support for PAS candidate Yuhaizad Abdullah at the polls on March 6.
It also raises questions about the strength of the Umno machinery, which early into the campaign faced hurdles with several factions of Umno Jasin threatening a boycott as they were unhappy with the candidate selection.
A DAP event featuring Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng drew what looked like a larger crowd than the pro-BN 1Malaysia NGO free dinner-and-dance show, despite the party charging RM30 per head for dinner.
However, it was unclear how many of those in attendance were actually Merlimau voters as several who spoke to Malaysiakini said that they were from neighbouring constituencies.
In 2009, when Najib Tun Razak took over the country’s affairs from Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, he promised the rakyat that his government would be all ears. But two years down the road it appears that the promise was just lip service.
One such example of refusing to listen to the rakyat was displayed through the insensitive remark by the Federal Territories and Urban Well-Being Minister Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal.
In February this year, Raja Nong Chik had admonished the Bukit Jalil estate workers who turned to him for help in trying to avoid being evicted from their homes. The minister told the residents that they should be contented with the Little India project when they wanted to negotiate compensation.
Raja Nong Chik, instead of living up to the objective of his “ambitious” sounding ministry, told the residents that they should be glad the Barisan Nasional (BN) government had spent a lot of money on the Little India project in Brickfields.
Raja Nong Chik arbitrarily offered RM23,000 each to those who had worked in the rubber estate for more than 15 years and RM11,000 for the rest.
Initially, the offer was RM11,000 for those who worked there for more than 15 years and RM6,000 for the others.
Forty-one families had asked for three acres of a 26-acre land to build low-cost terrace houses as compensation for vacating the land they had been living on for three generations.
Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) had acquired their land in 1980 and pledged that the appointed contractors would pay their wages and make EPF contributions for working on the rubber plantation.
But the pledge was never kept and the residents demanded that DBKL pay up the outstanding wages and EPF contributions.
The residents were equally upset that their representatives were not allowed to speak at a meeting, which was attended by Raja Nong Chik’s deputy M Saravanan and Human Resources Minister Dr S Subramaniam.

Showing more disrespect
Raja Nong Chik, it seems, only allowed the residents to voice their grievances after much objection. The residents who had been living at the Bukit Jalil estate for three generations were given a mere week to consider the offer, failing which the minister threatened to issue them with eviction notices.
It was later revealed that the land belongs to Bukit Jalil Development Sdn Bhd, a property developer. Questions were raised as to why was the BN government negotiating on behalf of a private entity, in a typical show of abuse of power.
The residents were told that upon acquiring the land, the government would build a cemetery on it. But to an independent observer, Shin Choong Men, he doubted as to whether a cemetery would really be built there.
“Are you trying to say that a private developer wants to build a cemetery on this valuable piece of real estate?” Shin asked during a Press conference on this matter.
In August this year, Sarawak’s State Land Development Minister James Masing, labelled the Penan native customary rights landowners as thieves, accusing them of stealing oil palm fruit bunches from four major government-linked oil palm plantations.
Earlier on, Masing accused the Penans of being “good story tellers” when the Penan women and girls cried rape at the hands of timber loggers.
In the case of the oil palm fruit bunches, Masing lost his head because illegal harvesting of oil palm fruits had cost Land Custody Development Authority (LCDA) and its joint-venture partners some RM33.6 million in losses.
As far as Masing was concerned, the thieves were none other than the Penans.
“Stealing is stealing, no matter how you (the landowners) try to justify it. You don’t steal from your friend,” Masing had lashed out at the Penan community.
Masing’s finger-pointing outraged the Penan community in Kampung Ugos, Jambatan Suai, in Baru Niah, who took offence and proceeded to lodge a police report against Masing.
Drop the arrogance
Penan chief Ugos Sugon, who lodged the report on behalf of his people at the Batu Niah police station on Aug 12, said Masing had no right to call them thieves.
“We are not thieves… we are not happy at being accused of stealing from our own land. We have been waiting for our dividends for a very long time.
“In February 2009, after waiting 13 years we received a cash cheque of RM500,000 to be divided among us.
“The 500 of us in Kampung Ugos are to share the RM500,000… after 13 years. It is not right,” he said.
Ugos and his people had, in 1999, agreed to jointly develop their NCR land with the LCDA and its band of private investors.
However, the “deal”, according to the villagers, was somewhat unfair to them.
Many claimed that they had not even seen the agreement. The villagers believe the joint-venture project involving their NCR lands has made millions for LCDA and the private investors “in view of the very good oil palm price for many years”.
Early this month, Tenaganita director, Irene Fernandez, criticised director-general of labour, Sheikh Yahya Sheikh Mohamed, who was quoted in The Star, as saying that Malaysia was not “desperate” for Indonesian maids and could hire maids from other countries.
“His statement smacks of arrogance. What he is saying is that since we are ‘rich’, we can move anywhere to recruit maids,” Fernandez said.
She had pointed out that Indonesian maids were turning away from Malaysia as an employment destination because of the poor treatment and official arrogance on matters concerning their welfare.
A slap to Malaysia
She said the recent decision by the Australian High Court to block the refugee swap deal between Australia and Malaysia was a slap to Malaysia’s policies and should “awaken us to change”.
Malaysia, she said, was shamelessly sliding back into exploitation and slavery as other nations move towards developed sustainability.
“The government can no longer sustain this form of modern-day slavery manifested in domestic labour.
“Employers must realise that they can no longer expect cheap labour, demand 18-hour work schedules and silence migrant workers with the support of the state.”
Two years ago, the Labour Department director-general Ismail Abdul Rahim commented that the Sexual Harassment Act “could lead to a dull and rigid environment in the workplace”.
Women, Family and Community Development Ministry revealed that between 2005 and 2008, there were 3,096 cases of sexual violence and harassment cases, including rape and molestation, reported to the police. Another 27 disciplinary cases involving the public sector were reported to the Public Service Department.
“Besides, sexual harassment in whatever forms, be it physical, verbal or psychological, was a serious offence under the Penal Code,” Women, Family and Community Development deputy minister Noriah Kasnon had said.
How should the rakyat perceive a department head like Ismail, who is least disturbed by incidences of sexual harassment at the workplace? One wonders what Ismail’s take is on the Rabia Abdul Salam case, an athlete who committed suicide 17 years ago after she was sexually harassed by her coach.
In December 2009, Immigration Department director-general Abdul Rahim Othman said a Malaysian transsexual fighting deportation from Britain would be punished for bringing “great shame” to Malaysia.
Mohamed Fazdil Min Bahari, a pre-operative transsexual known as Fatine, married a British man in a civil ceremony but was refused permanent visa on technical grounds.
Uncalled-for haughtiness
Abdul Rahim had said that once deported to Malaysia, Fatine could be banned from travelling overseas for at least two years, all because she brought “great shame” to the country.
In April this year, Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister, Noh Amar, who, in his capacity as the Selangor Umno deputy chief, chided urban voters for being ungrateful for the initiatives implemented by the BN government, as seen from their refusal to vote for BN in the Sarawak state polls held on April 16 this year.
Incidentally, on April 7 last year, Noh, infamous for his racist remarks, read out at the Selangor BN convention quotes from speeches of MIC and MCA leaders, in the 1960s, which praised Umno for giving citizenship to the non-Malays.
This prompted 15 Kapar MCA delegates to walk out of the convention, claiming Noh’s speech was an insult to the Chinese and Indians. DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang later raised this issue in the Dewan Rakyat demanding that the government apologise over Noh’s remark.
However, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Nazri Aziz, rejected the demand and instead asked Lim to settle the matter with Noh.
The intention of harking back to incidences of “official arrogance” is to caution Najib of the arrogance festering among the government servants. Instead of serving the rakyat, the department heads show no remorse in name-calling and condemning the very people they are supposed to help, ending up making a hash of a job.
The government servants, through their uncalled-for haughtiness, have conveniently forgotten who the stakeholders really are, that is the rakyat. The carte blanche abuse of power will exert a price, more so going by Najib’s refusal to come to the defence of the rakyat and take such irresponsible department heads to task.
It remains a mystery as to for how long Najib intends to remain silent while the people are bullied under the weight of “official arrogance”.
Perhaps Najib plans to open his mouth and spew words of support just before the 13th general election. But, by then, it would have been too late to undo the damage resulting from the “official arrogance”.

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