The letter written byMuhyiddin to Najib . What was there in the letter that will take such a drastic step of not nominating Najib as the next UMNO PresidentDoes it mean that there is zero tolerance in the party for “viewpoint plurality” (rather than for corruption)? Can the party simply not discuss its internal problems, and handle charges against its president leadership without exerting authoritarian measures? The answer is that the contents Muhyiddin ’s letter are indeed damning; and shows Najib and Rosmah in poor light. While the letter is damning enough, it also begs me to ask another question: Who is behind the leak of this internal letter? Is itFT MINISTERTENGKU ADNAN MANSOR TOLD NAJIB THAT WINNING THE UMNO POLLS AND FENDING OFF ANY CHALLENGE TO HIS POSITION ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN REFORMS Stone-age politics holds back 21st century Malaysia economy It is once again open season on PM Najib. He presides over the most corrupt BN government has seen, his inertia has infected policy with paralysis, he has no authority except to twitch as desired by puppeteer Tengku Adnan Mansor, he loves power too much to just …Read more
considering how much he benefits if Adnan Mansor, Hishamuddin are cut to size? There is more than a small reason to believe this theory.
“Since you talk so much about corruption, can I ask you as to where did the money come from for toppling Adullah Ahmad Badawithat brought you to power; Why were you silent when all this was happening without hindrance?”. Good questions indeed. Of course Adnan Mansor knew there was illegal money funding his party’s election in . What is Operation Adnan Mansor? How did this operation enable you buy over a majority delegates fo rthis ? Did you buy out the delegates vote, and their leaders?
Nothing became better than the manner in which Muhyiddin Yassin played out the waiting game.The Old Testament, which can be pessimistic about God’s mercy, notes that seven lean years are followed by seven fat ones. Nawaz Sharif doubled the Biblical average, and maintained his patience through the desert of exile, and the torture of standing by as the credibility of an usurper, Ex-PM Abdullah and Najib, peeled off in heavy layers.Muhyiddin did not panic, did not fuss and did not rush. When Najib sought to make a meaningless point by completing full term,Muhyiddin kept his cool and waited.Sharif’s confidence should be familiar to any student of elections: once people have lost trust in a government, they do not change their minds. A shrinking government never forsakes the desperate hope that some last-minute miracle will reverse anti-incumbency . Najib believed till the last minute that he would manage to cobble together a new coalition for another term,in UMNO preserves the hope of continuing beyond the next election. God reserves miracles for saints, not politicians. PAS Talibans will be kind towards Muhyiddin during UMNO polls;
The tough test of character comes in a waiting room. We are all heroes in a drawing room, stoking plans toward fantasy as far as the tensile strength of imagination will permit. While waiting, the lacklustre kill time and die of boredom . The ambitious dread the possibility that time will kill them before desire becomes reality.
Do you think March 2008 could have happened had the Malays remained the Malays of 1957? More importantly, do you think 5th May 2013 could have happened had not the seed of change been planted in 1946, 1959, 1969, 1990, 1999, and finally in March 2008?
Some societies took thousands of years to change. Some took just a few hundred years. Nevertheless, whatever time it took, it still took time to see that change. And someone must always be the one to bell the cat.
We must also remember one thing. The non-Malays suddenly swung only in 2008. Before that the non-Malays were living in ignorance as well. The Malays have been swinging back and forth since before Merdeka. The Malays swung this way and then that way from time to time. However, each swing the Malays make, it is always larger than the last time.
You can see the Malay swing in 1946. Then they swung back and took another swing in 1959. Then they swung back and took another swing in 1969. Then they swung back and took another swing in 1990. Then there was another swing in 1999 after swinging back in 1995 (and then swung back in 2004). In 2008, we saw another swing and a slight swing back this time around in 2013. Will the Malay ‘pattern’ prove true and will we see yet a bigger and maybe a ‘terminal swing’ (for Barisan Nasional, that is) in the 2018 general election?
That is all up to you. If you know how to handle the Malays you are going to see that. But how do you handle the Malays? I think I have written about that so many times in the past I really do not need to repeat myself.
You will never read from anywhere that brand Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King as racists.
Abraham Lincoln pawned his life to fight against the enslavement of the African Americans, Nelson Mandela traded decades of his freedom to free South Africa from the shackles of the Apartheid policy and Martin Luther King paid for his life for the equal rights of Americans. Their detractors could call them any vile names they wished but never as a racist.
Only in Malaysia, the very people who do not condone racism and voted against it are labeled as racists. Over the decades, Umnno, led by Dr. Mahathir and his armada of mass media had been accusing DAP with its vision of “Malaysian Malaysia” as a bigoted political party, hell-bent to destroy the Malay.
The rakyat particularly the IT savvy urban-dwellers who ironically voted for the multiracial parties from Pakatan Rakyat in GE13 were branded as racists because they rejected the race-based political system where every race fights endlessly to defend their respective rights.
To put things into perspective, could anyone imagine any American being branded as racist if they do not endorse Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist organization?
For a record, DAP has a total of 2 Malay lawmakers representing the party, (Malay from MCA = 0, Malay from MIC = 0). The number of Indian and Sikh representatives from DAP amounts to 14 at state level and 6 at parliament level (MIC state assemblymen = 6, members of parliament = 4).
Talk about DAP being a Chinese chauvinist party, their Indian and Sikh representation is 2 times of MIC!
As for PAS, the party even has a Chinese Muslim state assemblyman in Kelantan and fielded a Chinese Christian in Ayer Hitam. Not to mention PKR is very evenly represented by all ethnics including the Kadazan-Dusun ethnic from Sabah.
So the question is, exactly how many non-Malays represented Umno and Malays represented MCA and MIC? Your calculation is as good as mine – NONE.
Now, where is the racism element in Pakatan Rakyat, specifically DAP?
What about BN endorsement of the far right groups such as Perkasa and Hindraf, both which were rejected by the rakyat? What about the racist remarks from an ex-judge and a pro-chancellor of a university? What about the call by various far right NGOs to boycott Chinese products? Najib do you have the courage to make a stand these nonsense?
Come post election, our very Prime Minister set the racial persecution ball rolling by coining the term of “Chinese Tsunami”. The accusation of Chinese voted along the racial line become more raucous by days with attacks spearheaded by none other than Utusan.
Excuse me, didn’t the Chinese voted overwhelmingly for Rafizi Ramli in Pandan against a MCA candidate? I am sure had Khalid Samad from PAS contested in the Chinese majority Seputeh constituent which was won by Teresa Kok with super majority in the last general election, he would have won handsomely too, even if he was up against the president of MCA!
The highlight of the Malaysian political black comedy must go to the recent fiasco resulted by remark from Azran Osman Rani, the CEO of AirAsiaX who stated that “I am Malaysian. I am anti-racism. I am disgusted by Utusan’s editorial stance” – a statement apparently defending the Chinese community from the continued racism attack in the media.
Now he is branded by his detractors from being arrogant, ungrateful, someone who has forgotten his root to a racist by some blogspot!
Only in Malaysia, you are racist if you are not racist.The biggest irony of our times is that people perceive all politicians as ‘thieves’ but at the same time they are also forced to elect them to Parliament again and again to rule the country. And, these ‘thieves’ pick up people similar to them from all walks of life and every profession to build a nexus … Read more