While (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak will be remembered as the first prime minister for a minority government, Zahid and Khalid on the other hand will be remembered as two figures who are dragging Malaysia back into the dark era of Dr Mahathir,” When people run short of ideas, they reach out for other things. Home minister and defence minister, these are pertinent and real security issues.So much for the big deal in arresting and showing violence against Malaysians who participated in the Bersih rallies.Why not send all the FRU (riot police) and PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) they had deployed in those rallies to solve the problem once and for all in Sabah?
There’s money, the first crutch of all fools. For all those who lack self esteem, the first argument is: If I had enough money, I could have done it. This is untrue. Money can make nothing happen unless you will it. And you can will nothing without a precise premise, a strategy or game plan that you have clearly thought through. In short, an idea. Without the idea, without the intellectual or emotional muscle that goes with that idea, any idle dream based only on the availability of money is always doomed. That’s why angel investors do due diligence. Not only of the idea to invest in but also of the person who will deliver it. Does he or she have the grit, gumption, dedication and leadership? Or the persistence to see the idea through its initial days when all that can go wrong always does, following Murphy’s Law?While you are good at threatening the ordinary peaceful Malaysian citizens with dire consequences for exercising their democratic rights, it’s interesting to note that there is hardly a squeak from you on real security threats.
Where are you? Hiding under your desks?So much for the big deal in arresting and showing violence against Malaysians who participated in the Bersih rallies.
Why not send all the FRU (riot police) and PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) they had deployed in those rallies to solve the problem once and for all in Sabah?
‘The home minister and defence minister are only good at threatening ordinary peaceful Malaysians for exercising their democratic rights…” The past has caught up with us to haunt our future. Mahathir wanted to steal the country from the Orang Asal. When Anwar Ibrahim was deputy prime minister, he may have been part of the problem – he obviously kept quiet – rather than being part of the solution.Mr Home Minister and IGP, what have you to say? Legal Malaysians holding peaceful assemblies have been arrested but what about illegal immigrants staying in our land.Are the police only there to ‘intimidate’ Malaysians but will do nothing to these illegal immigrants? Is this a joke or what?
Are you to wait for another five to 10 years? Or are you going to take action immediately?
Now that he’s in the opposition, he’s self-servingly singing a different tune for reasons of political expediency. We have to give him the benefit of the doubt instead of clobbering him on the head for his unsavoury past.
It’s no point pussyfooting around the issue or indulging in outright lies, disinformation, rhetoric and polemics like Mahathir, who should in fact be hanged for high treason. Ironically, both Mahathir and Anwar are of Indian origin.
Even those who believed in the concept of Muslim (political) leadership and thought that it exist Malaysi should have realised that this is nothing less than a myth.ust that Zahid and Khalid can’t keep Muslims hostage by instilling the sense of , these Muslim politicians should also bedumped as they are simply wasting their positions. It is always better to send pro-active non-Muslim leaders to legislatures.
Call me a cynic or whatever, that’s the truth. If there are any exceptions, please tell me. Meanwhile, the moral is that Muslim voters should better avoid voting for such politicians, who just have Muslim-sounding names, as in reality they have neither vision nor voice. The other crutch, very popular in India, is connections. Most people think they can achieve anything if only they had a godfather to see them through. The truth is, much as we may like to believe the opposite, few success stories of modern India have anything to do with godfathers. Except in politics and business, where it has been a tradition to mentor heirs from within the family. So it’s tough to break in. It’s far simpler to go out and make your own road. To do that, the first important step is to stop looking for godfathers. Mentor yourself. The rich uncle will always come to you once you have demonstrated your ability to deliver on your own promise. But if you hang around him hoping he will give you the first break, be sure that he will soon start avoiding you.
The fulcrum of this anger is corruption.Actually, there isn’t. But there is no justice in an election. Statutory warning to all ministers, prime or lower down: voters do not punish young men drunk on student spirits. Voters punish older men drunk with power. The story from UMNO victory. The moral of this story lies … Read more
“While (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak will be remembered as the first prime minister for a minority government, Zahid and Khalid on the other hand will be remembered as two figures who are dragging Malaysia back into the dark era of Dr Mahathir,”How did they acquire this imagery, the imagery that has won them so many protest and, at the same time, got them into so much trouble? They were the first of the brash, rude, tough talking, adrenaline driven brats. They flaunted their machismo, their mobikes and their muscles in an industry that had, for decades, celebrated the gentle hero who loved deeply and cried copiously. Zahid and Khalid broke that tedium with the Angry Young Men who redefined the role of the hero and made him the centre of a moral universe, ready to take up cudgels against every iniquity even if it meant breaking the law. He was the first vigilante. From the vigilante to the bad boy was but a short step
why Abdul Khalid was ardently “victimising” PR leaders.
“While his own sister was robbed and the sibling of the deputy prime minister’s house was broken into, Khalid should be focusing on tackling crime and not do other things to please the Umno warlords,” he said.
that the allegation of PR-backed plot to topple the government through street demonstrations was fictitious and created to justify the clampdown on a strengthening opposition.
Several PR leaders are also under police investigation for their involvement in a series of rallies held nationwide to protest what they allege to be electoral fraud during Election 2013.
“When I spoke last Wednesday before supporters who were protesting the arrest of Adam Adli, I told them Adam should not have been arrested. He was harmless, he did not carry weapons, burn houses or instigated people to do things that threaten public security.
“So did Thamrin, Tian Chua and Haris. They did not ask anyone to carry out an armed insurrection,” the former Kubang Kerian lawmaker said.
Adam Adli was charged with uttering a seditious statement at a May 13 forum where he allegedly questioned the results of Election 2013 and called on Malaysians to take to the streets to boot Barisan Nasional (BN) from Putrajaya.
According to charge sheet, his words had a seditious tendency and were aimed at rallying Malaysians to change the current government through undemocratic means.
His statement, originally issued in Malay, said: “Take my details, lodge a police report, because today, I would like to invite all those here today to gather and take to the streets to seize back our power! Can we do that? Can we do that? Can we do that? We do not have much time left, get ready, buy shoes, buy tracksuits, buy jeans, get ready to take to the streets because in a third world country like Malaysia, elections cannot topple a government.
“Only the people’s power can topple a government. Remember, ladies and gentlemen, this is the only opportunity we have.”
Charged under Section 4(1)(b) of the Sedition Act 1948, the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris undergraduate faces a jail term of not less three years, or a fine of up to RM5,000 or both, if convicted.
Authorities have not charge the three PR leaders but their arrests are believed to be in relation to the same forum.
Leaders from the opposition bloc have blamed the clamp down on Zahid and Abdul Khalid, whom they accused of being more interested in political manoeuvring than doing their job to curb rising crime
This has been so for many, many years already and you ask any Sabahan staying from Semporna straight up to Lahad Datu, it is all the same.
Whether they have a Malaysian blue IC or not, they still get treated in Malaysian hospitals and their children go to their own schools in the water village, they have their own curriculum there.
No one dares touch them because these are Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s people under Project M.