Najib should be thankful to the Malays for delivering the electoral victory. Zainuddin Maidin echoed Mahathir and other figures in asserting that the Chinese had shown disloyalty by deserting the Barisan. an UMNO source told Asia Sentinel. “He should go if you ask me. I’d much rather have Muhyiddin. UMNO is particularly upset as we told Najib not to throw money at the Chinese as other constituencies needed the resources and the Chinese wouldn’t vote us anyway. So now he has to answer for it.”The “Muhyiddin” in question is Muhyiddin Yassin, Najib’s deputy and a man who openly covets Najib’s job. A Malay nationalist, he is close to Mahathir. So far, he has maintained his silence on whether he intends to challenge the prime minister at UMNO’s annual general meeting, scheduled to be held in October although Najib appears to be trying to move it to a different time to give himself the best advantage.
On the other side, reformers such as Khairy Jamaluddin, the son in law of former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, have urged Najib to press ahead with the social and economic reforms he has attempted to put in place for the past three years in an effort to address the concerns of the young, urban voters who have crossed over to the opposition.
At the same time Najib is being whipsawed by the Pakatan Rakyat, with Anwar Ibrahim leading the charge, continuing with a series of massive rallies in virtually every major city across the country, alleging that the election was stolen through a long litany of electoral abuses including vote buying, phantom voters, intimidation, stolen ballot papers, malapportionment, gerrymandering and other manipulations.
the plot, or the plot is thickening, when all the old hatchets have come to stab Najib ala Brutus. Beware Najib, evil forces are lurking in the shadows. Zam anally of mahathir is creating a perception. It was 53% of Malaysian who voted for Pakatan and chinese are only 25% and rest who voted are Malays and hence Najib you are totally out for good
Zam aiming MUHYIDDIN YASSIN- to be next UMNO PM Now that campaigning (aka backstabbing and vote buying) among this bunch of scumbags and lowlife is well and truly on, we will see more of this over the next six months. And in the process, opposition leaders will be used as fodder while Utusan Ketuanan Melayu provides the fuel. Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks. We hang petty thieves and appoint the bigger thieves to public office. Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. What happens if a politician drowns in a river? That is pollution. What happens if all of them drown? That is a solution …
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is getting heat from certain factions in Umno, with the latest public flogging coming from former information minister Zainuddin Maidin.
Please understand, it is all part of the charade. As the media has now started highlighting,the silence of the UMNO members is deafening. UMNO Presiden is actually a private entity but masquerades consists of some warlord from the division, and their silence speaks more than words. They all have vested interests and the cosy relationship that exists among those fromcorrupt, criminals political spectrum is the reality that the gullible among us fail to see.Things will not change and even the committee being set up to investigate fixing allegations would do more to hide than to reveal, especially as some of the names being talked about as part of the committee are themselves not above board. At least those in the media who have followed the game would testify to that.Always watch out for ‘The Big Obsessive Scam’ the media goes after. It often covers up a great deal more than it reveals. It also draws away our immediate attention from issues where we were about to get close to a dangerous truth or two. Poirot famously described it as a red herring, a cunning device to draw people’s attention away from real issues to focus on a non sequitur MacGuffin.
Like the MacGuffin, which Hitchcock made cult, The Big Obsessive Scam vanishes or becomes irrelevant once its purpose is over. This is what the spot fixing scam could be: Too much outrage chasing what matters so little to most of us. The evidence in hand is flimsy, so flimsy that it’s unlikely to get past the smallest court but the noise around it is so much one would think World War III has broken out.Ever since ideology committed suicide in the early 1990s, those in power have sought to fill the vacuum with ideas. Most ideas were perceptive and prescriptive; some were even brilliant. The flexibility was exhilarating after too many decades of doctrine born in an open mind but killed by a closed one.
Pragmatism became politically correct. But a serious problem was soon evident: it was difficult to make ideas work without a framework. The patterns of democracy encouraged spasmodic birth but hindered growth. Politics eroded the time necessary for nurture. A five-year term in office began with loads of self-congratulation. Then eager eggheads sat down to set policy into language that could buy advocacy from media and support from the legislature. But if the process entered the third, or worse fourth, it was overtaken by uncertainty, spluttered and shuffled before the withdrawal symptoms arrived. But I really think we are all playing into the hands of those who have much more to hide than these idiots and a scam.similarly, was meant to be the first great stride in a transformative journey towards poverty eradication. Instead, its bulk was eaten away by the familiar demons of indifference and corruption.
“We can vote you to power and if you do not serve the public interest, we can reject you. That is what democracy means. Wise Up, Home Affairs Minister and IGP Khalid Abu Bakar” -– Din Merica
A new Home Minister and a new Inspector General of Police. This combination is proving to be truly lethal as the message sent out is loud and clear: Don’t toy around with us. We mean business!
The strong message is good, and one that has long been awaited by a public pushed to the end of the tether by escalating crimes and corruption. Rightfully it should have been sent to criminals, corrupt government officials, policemen who abuse their power and sleaze balls who make our streets unsafe. NOT to Opposition politicians, activists and their supporters.
Maintaining law and order is fine. In fact, that should be the main priority for the two esteemed personalities. They should work together to put in more policemen on the streets to combat crime, ensure people feel safe walking alone at any time of the day, and that the men-in-blue are truly your neighbourhood cops who will help you in any given situation. We all are rooting for that. At the same time, there must be a line drawn between a political battle and fight against crime.
In one corner we have politicians from one side of the divide claiming that they have been robbed of their victory at the general election. They may ormay not have good grounds to make such claims- that’s for the courts to decide. However they must have the freedom to express their dismay about their losses. They must be allowed to share their disappointment with their supporters, for as long as these gatherings do not end up in riots and bloodshed.
So far, rallies organised by these politicians have been peaceful as these events are participated largely by a seasoned, mature crowd with enough experience to know how to behave in a multi-cultural environment.
The powers-that-be should be able to use their discretion to allow for these rallies to take place, and not issue naive warnings to people against participating in them. It is high time for all involved to display political maturity. Every accusation concerning electoral fraud should be countered if these accusations are not true.
Keeping silent and constantly preaching that the general election outcome should just be accepted without question based on the outdated ‘first past the post’ system is not an option. Neither is abusing the law to harass, intimidate, arrest and prosecute those from the other side.
The message needs to come from the top man himself and so far Najib Tun Razak’s silence has been numbing. Instead of presenting a clear, strong strategy or explanation to counter accusations of mass cheating Najib seems happy to delegate the task to certain ministers, government agencies and the Election Commission, who are all seen as acting on his bidding. This is deeply disturbing especially considering the EC itself is under tremendous fire to clear its name.
What is Barisan Nasional’s response to the accusations made by Pakatan Rakyat? Can the BN counter evidence tendered so far in the series of press conferences held by PKR? Can it debunk the attacks by showing proof that it did not cheat? Or at least counter the evidence tendered to show that they were not articles of fraud but genuine voting mechanism?
Pakatan Rakyat has the lead now as far as taking its grouses to the rakyat is concerned, as evidenced by the crowds that gather relentlessly at all their rallies. It is putting up a presentable case for the people to see and evaluate the evidence of fraud for themselves.
Barisan Nasional on the other hand has done nothing to counter these accusations, hoping perhaps that Malaysians will eventually give in to their infamous ‘short memory’ trait and move on.
While not countering Pakatan Rakyat’s accusations, BN has been taking legal steps using the Police to silence voices of dissent, which only leads to the increasing believe on the ground that Malaysia is back in the folds of its longest serving Prime Minister.
It is indeed strange to think that Najib and his think tank are unable to see that their high handed persecution only adds value to claims made by the other side; unless of course, there is indeed another hand pulling the strings now. The longer this attitude continues the more insurmountable becomes the task of the BN leadership to convince Malaysian people that they are the legitimate government.
There is a sense of horror that pervades the news in recent months. It seems as is a basic form of humanity has been lost as one horrific instance of barbarism follows another. It is as if routine exploitation and violence is no longer enough; we are seeing a new brutalities of a kind that … Read more
We have suddenly woken up to the nightmare of an incessantly chattering digital universe. We all knew it existed, and we thought it largely existed in the rich, literate, utterly spoilt West where people had more leisure than they knew how to use and no time for each other. Families were breaking up. So were … Read more
Adept at his job, with loads of inexperience Zaid Hahmidi , reticent either by temperament, or an aftermath of previous encounters The youth-led uprising has left Najib and his administration in a bind. Wavering between using ‘scare tactics’ and the fear that he might set off an unwanted wave of public resistance if he overplayed his …Read more
While (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak will be remembered as the first prime minister for a minority government, Zahid and Khalid on the other hand will be remembered as two figures who are dragging Malaysia back into the dark era of Dr Mahathir,” When people run short of ideas, they reach out for other things. Home minister and …Read more
Why do Malays, and there are quite a few of them, persist in alluding to themselves as ‘middle class’? Is it hypocrisy? Is it a form of inverse snobbery, a relic of Mahathirism when affluence was considered a socially transmitted disease, a precursor to AIDS? Is it an attempt to avert the evil eye of … Read more
The Voice of Student Dissent It’s not that we have no alternative. Whose fault? BN never promote leaders with good integrity. What BN has is adulterer, murderer, corrupter, racist and all type of sins you name them BN has them. BN killed all alternatives. Our Tun has in his 23 years created a batch of … Read more