Death in custody victim N Dharmendran was defencelessly beaten to death while handcuffed, according to the preliminary report of post-mortem examination revealed today. Do you have any courage to call for the full force of law applied to this case? BN is stripping away our dignity and defenceless community live in fear.
Media tries and judges….and is also the arbiter of probity and righteousness…. media’s limited intelligence, the world is cut up simplistically into black and white. Right now Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is the blackest sports administrator in the country. And in order to makeWaytha for silence on custodial death look even more black, if the other black-tinted people have to be shown to be white, so be it. realizes this, and has played his cards smartly.
As far as Najib and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi are concerned all Indians are dogs. This Waytha is their favorite dog.
Have you noticed this other thing that has been happening in our media space recently? That whoever takes media’s side is painted in virtuosity, and against, in dark colors of immorality. I suspect media does this with an agenda. To pull in more support for its point of view. And people oblige. After all, who doesn’t want a lustrous self-image, a chance to cleanse all the misdeeds of the past….and in fact, create a world of new opportunities? Media has today become the arbiter of probity and righteousness.
Another Indain(3rd class citizen) bites nthe dust read in the newspapers that dogs rounded up and taken to city pounds end up dead. what is the difference between the dogs and Indians? That’s how’s police force treats Indians and yet the idiots gave their support to the ass lickers MIC/UMNO/BN ing recent elections. Get what you deserve. If you all see MIC fellas or Waytha throw your slippers or shoes at them.What is it that we are trying to say here? That Khalid Abu Bakar was a one-man army who steam-rolled everyone into everything? But then on a different day, our media also called him of power brokers, or a “private fiefdom” and many such things? Media should make up its mind – are all of them the same, or are some bad and other virtuous?
There are lies, damn lies and statistics.
The figures exclude those who don’t die in custody but are bashed up anyway near death and perhaps die not long after because of the beatings. The figures also exclude those who die in shootouts with the police, those rotting for years under “remand” pending trial and those banished or placed under restricted residence.
Indian suicide rates, the highest in the country, are mostly the result of an absence of a social safety network. These people, generally displaced from the estates without any marketable skills, should be provided with some land by the state so that they can fend for themselves.
The police should also not appear to do the bidding of the wealthy, the Triads and elements of the criminal underworld.

Ahmad Zahid’s inhumane and irresponsible attitude towards this tragic custodial death that the policemen involved should not be suspended from duty lest the police force be demoralised. Ahmad Zahid is not fit to be Home Minister as he is not protecting public safety regardless who commits crimes whether it is from lawless criminals or policemen or duty,” Lim said in a statement here.

P. Karuna Nithi died yesterday in a police lock-up, just under two weeks after N. Dharmendran died in another police lock-up.
How many more Malaysians or anyone else for that matter have to die before the authorities take notice and ensure that those who enter a police lock-up don’t come out in a body bag?
How many more times do Malaysians have to raise this matter before the government takes action and throws the book at errant policemen?
P. Karuna Nithi died yesterday in a police lock-up, just under two weeks after N. Dharmendran died in another police lock-up.
How many more Malaysians or anyone else for that matter have to die before the authorities take notice and ensure that those who enter a police lock-up don’t come out in a body bag?
How many more times do Malaysians have to raise this matter before the government takes action and throws the book at errant policemen?
How many more times before Malaysians think that custodial deaths appear to be a policy condoned by those in power?
According to rights group Suaram, there were 218 cases of alleged deaths in custody in Malaysia from 2000 to this month, with its records showing that nine of those cases occurred in 2012, while five cases took place this year.
A United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention 2010 visit to Malaysian prisons and detention centres reported in 2011 that between 2003 and 2007, “over 1,500 people died while being held by authorities.”
All this shows custodial deaths are not new. Previous cases have thrown up proposals for CCTVs, independent oversight and better procedures but still, people die in lock-ups.
The duly elected government must take action now. Any delay will further deepen the trust deficit that already persists in the country.
After all, if we can’t trust the police with our lives, who can we trust?
Any other answer than the police will lead to social breakdown, absolute distrust and lawlessness.
All because the authorities have ignored what is clear to all of us — a police force that thinks it is a law unto itself.