The truth – the real truth – will become well established…. is that is untrustworthy as a friend. Even Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang … dangerous. ,The new P word resulted in verbal incontinence, with everyone jumping in to empty his blather. PKR went on a fast ostensibly to atone but actually to tone down electoral damage. That pressure will ease, but the non-newsmaking fact will remain: urinate,
PAS is proving that they are still not a strong coalition despite the fact that a good majority of people supporting them. Clash between partners is a disappointment for their supporters which in turn will be disastrous for them. If you can’t agree on seat allocation, how you are going to agree on policy matters in the government. You have to sort it out immediately and let your supporters know if you are interested in their support. pas please look at bigger picture. Putrajaya is your aim and seeing PR at putrajaya is our aim too. Losing rm5000 deposit is just a matter Small matter but don’t confuses the Rakyat. Rakyat is watching and remember your only one enemy should be BN. Please make decision!
PKR has fielded Badrul Hisham Shaharin – or better known as Chegubard – whereas PAS’ candidate is Mohd Yusni Mat Piah.
The incumbent for the seat is Umno’s Mahmud Zakaria. He had previously won the seat by a razor-thin majority of 250 votes in 2008.
PKR and PAS are facing off in one parliamentary seat in Sabah and six state seats in Penang, Selangor, Johor and Terengganu.
The two opposition parties will vie for the Labuan parliamentary seat, the Sungai Acheh state assembly seat in Penang, Kota Damansara state seat in Selangor, Panti in Johor and Kota Putera, Bukit Besi and Seberang Takir state seats in Terengganu.Shift from politician to voter, and you get a pattern. Despite the multiple identities of Malaysian electorate, voters are no longer disparate. They now vote decisively. Whoever wins, does so by a comfortable distance.
This is not as obvious in prospect as it might seem in retrospect. Pundits get paid a pittance compared to pollsters , but neither predicted PAS huge victory .
Umno Information Chief Ahmad Maslan has vowed to do his best to bring PAS into Umno and Barisan Nasional to unite the Malays. In doing so he hopes to stop Malays from quarrelling among themselves. He said a merger would lead to peace that would benefit not only the Malays, but the other races as well. Ahmad also said that the Malays should regard the Chinese and other races as friends so that they could jointly develop the country.
A classic example of the one-track mind of a typical UMNO Malay Leader, Ahmad is implying that the Malays are quarrelling among themselves and that Malays should regard other races as friends, and Malays must unite so that there will be peace in the country and Malay and Muslim unity.
This stale rhetoric seems to be part of the UMNO legacy. Yet, while the Malays have grown tired of it, UMNO still capitalizes on it lovingly.
How can there be unity when UMNO continues to belittle the Malays and treat them as fools. Malays watch in amazement and anger when their own Malay brothers are openly disgraced with Sex and Sodomy Charges without any regard for religious sensitivities. The so-called special rights of the Malays never reached their doorsteps even though UMNO continues to hype at it, constantly telling everyone who will listen, while the Malays themselves could only sulk in silence
Reasons for disunity
There are a few reasons why Malays refuse to unite.
Educated Malays and Muslims who can see through the hypocrisy of UMNO and their corrupted ways, their greed and lust for power will choose to disassociate from them. They watch in astonishment at the blatant distortions and the constant hijacking of the religion to enslave the masses. They have seen how their counterparts suffered, lagging behind and struggling to make ends meet while the UMNOputras continue to grow richer and more powerful.
The rural less-educated Malays in the villages shake their heads, at the mention of UMNO, unimpressed with the shouts of Ketuanan Melayu and Bumiputra rights. Malays are openly unhappy with UMNO for their failure to uphold Religion and to reduce the growing economic divide with that of the Non-Malays.
Too cowed in the past, they accept their fate and look onto the Almighty to provide sustenance. But now, the Malays in the rural areas are finally learning to say that enough is enough.
The Malays are really starting to come out of their coconut shells. They want to go forward. They are looking forward to a united Malaysian race, with equal opportunities for everyone, a democratic government answerable to the people, corrupt-free and colour-blind. They can foresee a brave new world without UMNO.
UMNO is incapable of thinking outside the box. Still clinging lovingly to their old ways, their refusal to accept changes has made them obsolete. Their ‘constant reminders for the Malays to be patient, spendthrift and accepting of their fate while the other races are moving forward at lightning pace have made the Malays weary of UMNO.
Najib’s invitation for PAS to join UMNO in the interest of Race and Religion is heating up It is evidently clear that UMNO has stepped up its campaign to woo PAS into a merger. There is no denying the desperation in UMNO as it goes about openly wooing PAS to merge.
Lately, they started a campaign to re-educate the UMNO grass roots of the benefits of a merger saying that the core of Umno’s struggle is still to champion the Malay cause and strengthen Islam, while at the same time ensuring fair distribution of the economic pie to all races.
They go on to say that PAS is an Islamic party that has been around for more than 50 years without making any impact on Malaysian Politics and still chalking up limited number of seats in every election.
Meanwhile, PAS – despite championing Islamic ideals – is still a political party interested in gaining political mileage and worldly benefits. It is the only party in the Pakatan that represents the Malays and Islam, while PKR is a multi-racial entity and DAP a multi-racial but still Chinese-based organization.
Sooner or later, PAS may soften its heart and reconsider their stance. It is hard to resist if UMNO is willing to concede half its power to regain their tactical might. UMNO knows that if they are persistent enough, PAS will relent in the end. UMNO has nothing to lose buts its face, and they can hardly wait for PAS to give the green light.
Sooner or later, PAS will forget all the gross injustices that UMNO has waged against them in the past. All the lies about extremism, radicalism, talibanism and fundamental Islamic state will be forgotten as UMNO pretends to play along.
PAS with all its goodness and grace may see it fit to forgive their Muslim brothers and stretch out their hands to prevent them from falling into the abyss.
Crazed with lust, Umno will promise everything
UMNO in their bid to show sincerity will promise everything under the sun to ensure a merger, which will consolidate their power in this country. They will sell out the nation, the Constitution, and the Multiracial Citizens to ensure their survival.
Would a merger be possible, when Unity requires that the Good and the Bad, the just and the unjust, the Corrupt and the Non-Corrupt, the Saints and the Devils, the humble and the greedy the power hungry and the meek to mix and merge?
Actually, a Merger would be suicidal to the nation, to our Faith and to our Race. We simply cannot merge. Trying to unite good and evil is like trying to mix petrol with water. The engine simply won’t run. It will have a seizure and the good will go down together with the bad.
While Umno openly disgraces and condemns a fellow Malay leader in Anwar Ibrahim in the foulest way possible, they still continue to preach Islamic Unity. The vile poisons disguised as sweet words continue to spew forth daily from their mouths with forked tongues.
It would be very unwise for PAS to consummate with such a foul entity. In doing so, it will arouse the anger of the true Muslim Malays who have lost complete faith in the BN government.
Although the senior leaders in PAS are wise to the ways of UMNO, the younger leaders may have minds of their own. Their passion for instant power, grandeur and wealth, may cloud their judgement, which UMNO is trying hard to impress upon them.
The constant propaganda by UMNO, that PAS would not be able to realize their struggle for a Islamic State with DAP in the way, does not help either.
PAS doesn’t need Umno, Umno needs PAS
The time has come for us to realize that PAS doesn’t need UMNO. UMNO needs PAS. The latest fiasco about Malaysia becoming a Christian country is seen as an attempt to blackmail PAS into an Unholy merger to fend of the threat of Christian domination.
PAS president, Hadi Awang’s timely statement, calling the BN government to refrain from using dirty tactics to destabilize the nation and pave the way for Emergency rule is a blow to UMNO.
Whatever respect PAS has for UMNO is long gone. UMNO’s desperate insistence at a merger, grovelling at PAS’ feet, on their hands and knees to beg for their hand in marriage has made it apparent that UMNO has lost total credibility.
Finally, PAS has offered UMNO an olive branch. Resign with honour and join PAS, if they are really sincere to struggle for Malay Unity and Islamic Unity.
For sure, it will be PAS that will make the calls then. Why is UMNO or more specifically the UMNO elite not considering the offer? Why is UMNO so silent on this matter? Are they too proud to concede to PAS? -