sebenarnya otak Najib kt lutut..bodoh!ape beza die gn kau?die berpelajaran, kau tidak..sebab 2 kau jd pak turut semata2..heh, ni negara demokrasi la, sape2 pun bleh jd pemimpin.puih!!!NAJIB=ROSMAH boleh
Datuk Ahmad Maslan says there shouldn’t be a leadership challenge in Umno because stability is important. And stability is what the stock market wants. What flawed logic is this? Money over the country’s future? What it points to is an Umno that has not invested in a system that is stable no matter who the leader is. And an Umno that doesn’t trust the wisdom of all its members. Umno and Barisan Nasional have won the elections. They need to decide their leadership because the country needs to move on, not for the sake of the stock market but for the sake of Malaysia.
We are indeed moving on beyond GE13. That is why we must continue to expose Najibs hypocrisy, deceit and outright lies to theUMNO members. Our agenda isn’t finished until this corrupt Najib is finished off., ths corrupt Najib will use anything legal and illegal to stay on in power.
Each corrupt element at each level of Najib organisational structure will dig in to protect its own turf. Otherwise the whole game is given away-thatNajib has its every finger in the kitty and robbing Malays to the bone. Corruption has already become a cultural thing. Each BN politician is wired up that way. Each Najib operative right up to their minions at the village level.
We will continue to expose the hypocrisy of Najib who is claiming that it is the vanguard which protects King, religion, race and country. Not in that order of course. It rearranges its priorities. Najib and his gang was once at the forefront in the assault against the Malay monarchy. Now, it is playing the role of a pit-bull body-guarding the Malay Monarchy because such a stand is of strategic importance.
An old doctrine about communication strategy suggests that it is easier to persuade those who know that they are being persuaded. This certainly works in romance. Wooing is wasted on those who are oblivious to its possibilities. But neither individual nor collective assurances of true love work without credibility. will demand to know what you did with the last five years before they give you another five. Since the obvious answer,Can we be adults, please? Najib so engrossed in their selfish behaviour that he is more worried about a possible threat to hisr future rather than threat to the ethos of the game. also tied up by the UMNO constitution which gives great power and almost infalliable stature to the president.The divisions align to Najib … Read more
After the G13 tamasha, it seems that the entire media is bewildered with NAJIB-ROSMAH and their ways. We still cannot say for clear whether he last as president UMNO time has elapsed can caretaker division leaders and their ‘no contest for the top two posts in UMNO’s resolution, be accepted by ROS and imagine ROS”s plans to clean up the mess? The obvious that everybody expected happened too soon.Not having any leadership challenge means the selection of UMNO leadership is moved from the General Assembly to some dark corners, moved from the members into the hands of a few. Don’t they care about the voice of the many?
The results of the recent G13 elections do not lend themselves to any one-dimensional extrapolation. But this is precisely what both the victors and the vanquished have done with much relish and alacrity.The dark night between the sunset of a UMNO and the dawn of a new election is a good time for rumination MUHYIDDIN discovered finance minister Najib has been “squeezing the poor” and that “elements supporting laissez faire theory” have forgotten Malays. Najib has been obvious; pale capitalism in office, There is UMNO electoral mathematics in this: mobilise on the basis of identity, and split the majority as far as you can on privilege-poverty lines. This is not an original concept, but when you do not have a new idea an old one is far better than nothing. It has worked before. However, will it work again?The majority of Malays rejected Najib. The fact stays that way despite all the fanciful regression and statistical analyses one can muster by Main stream media with Najib’s Money
If you cannot Change so you must be changed
The letter written byMuhyiddin to Najib . What was there in the letter that will take such a drastic step of not nominating Najib as the next UMNO PresidentDoes it mean that there is zero tolerance in the party for “viewpoint plurality” (rather than for corruption)? Can the party simply not discuss its internal problems, and handle charges against its president leadership without exerting authoritarian measures? The answer is that the contents Muhyiddin ’s letter are indeed damning; and shows Najib and Rosmah in poor light. While the letter is damning enough, it also begs me to ask another question: Who is behind the leak of this internal letter? Is itFT MINISTERTENGKU ADNAN MANSOR TOLD NAJIB THAT WINNING THE UMNO POLLS AND FENDING OFF ANY CHALLENGE TO HIS POSITION ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN REFORMS Stone-age politics holds back 21st century Malaysia economy It is once again open season on PM Najib. He presides over the most corrupt BN government has seen, his inertia has infected policy with paralysis, he has no authority except to twitch as desired by puppeteer Tengku Adnan Mansor, he loves power too much to just …Read more
considering how much he benefits if Adnan Mansor, Hishamuddin are cut to size? There is more than a small reason to believe this theory.
“Since you talk so much about corruption, can I ask you as to where did the money come from for toppling Adullah Ahmad Badawithat brought you to power; Why were you silent when all this was happening without hindrance?”. Good questions indeed. Of course Adnan Mansor knew there was illegal money funding his party’s election in . What is Operation Adnan Mansor? How did this operation enable you buy over a majority delegates fo rthis ? Did you buy out the delegates vote, and their leaders?
Is this the beginning of the end for Najib? Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad already started the ball rolling when he said Najib will probably stay on as there are no suitable candidates who can replace him.
Knowing how cunning Dr M is, I am sure he did not mean what he said. Now Zam and former finance minister Daim Zainuddin, both close associates of Dr M, are criticising Najib, calling him a clown. Where is the respect for our PM?
If I can remember correctly, a young student was threatened with the Sedition Act for stepping on the PM’s poster. It looks like there is a big battle ahead for Najib.
The think-tank noted that Malaysia has so far managed to dodge the harmful effects of corruption on the investment climate to remain one of Asia’s most vibrant economies.
But it said that Malaysians had shown they were more politically aware, judging from the increased social media coverage of the polls, and were no longer willing to tolerate corruption.
The results of the recently-concluded general election saw the BN retain power by a simple majority although it lost the popular vote to a resurgent opposition.
BN won 133 seats in the 222-member Parliament against the opposition Pakatan Rakyat’s 89 seats, drawing a weaker score than in Election 2008 and which the think-tank noted has put the 13-party ruling coalition in a precarious position unless it moves to reform the way it has conducted business by tackling corruption seriously.
Datuk Ahmad Maslan says there shouldn’t be a leadership challenge in Umno because stability is important. And stability is what the stock market wants. What flawed logic is this? Money over the country’s future? What it points to is an Umno that has not invested in a system that is stable no matter who the leader is. And an Umno that doesn’t trust the wisdom of all its members. Umno and Barisan Nasional have won the elections. They need to decide their leadership because the country needs to move on, not for the sake of the stock market but for the sake of Malaysia.
Muhyiddin is an unusual politician. Perhaps even his worst critics might grant him that.
It is not easy to sum up 2012 without a deep feeling of despair. If 2008 was the year in which some fundamental structural issues with our political system were exposed, 2013 seems to have not only deepened our understanding of those shortcomings, but also made us alive to the deepening fissures in the Malay Society.subsequent callousness and insensitivity shown by the political class, underlined the fact that class discrimination is deeply embedded into the societal fabric.subsequent callousness and insensitivity shown by the political class, underlined the fact that class discrimination is deeply embedded into the societal fabric.f one were to try and tease out some patterns underlying the events of this year, they might broadly fall under two, somewhat related heads. For one, we are beginning to see the tentative first steps towards the formation of the idea of citizenry; the notion that as citizens there exists a reciprocal responsibility to not only respond to one’s immediate environment, but also play an active role in managing it. Over the last couple of years, the interest in directly influencing modes of governance has grown; democracy as a practice is increasingly detaching itself from the narrow idea of elections. The political class has not understood this change; one has only to look at the fact that in the recent protests in Kuala Lumpur, virtually no elected representatives, not even local politicians, were involved. When a movement that holds the nation’s attention with such intensity fails to stir the representatives of people even a little bit, the schism between citizenry and the polity can be deemed to be enduring.
Najib ’s big battle seems to be with his party that he allegedly leads. Najib is interested in his name not UMNO, his visage, the unquestioned nature of his authority but is deeply uncomfortable with his ideas which are indulged so that they don’t have to be implemented. His critique cuts too deep for it to be actionable, particularly his secound wife. Fortunately for UMNO,own suspicion about power has rendered him incapable of pushing through his ideas with any force. He keeps plugging away in his little laboratories, emerging occasionally to make some pronouncement before diving back away from the real world. It is Najii’s belief that power is contaminating that makes his endeavours and ideas a non-starter. Without exercising power, change is unlikely to come about on its own. By labelling all power regardless of the manner of use as corrupting, he has effectively neutered the power of his own prescriptions.Could it possibly be true? Has Najib begun to believe what some admirers have started to suggest with incremental passion, that he is Malaysia’s best-ever Prime Minister? The answer must be no. He is clearly not self-delusional.The anti- Muhyiddin capaign in our politics has a fertile past. The good that men do, as Shakespeare noted, is … Read more
In effecti Najib placed himself at an existential cul-de-sac. He is in a position to try and change things with his ideas, but only because of the power he derives as a dynastic leader –a thought that violates the core of the very ideas that he calls his own. The paradox is inescapable-according to his own framework, he has earned the rights he has illegitimately, and therefore everything that follows cannot be put into practice. He has convinced himself without genuine democratisation, all other questions are ‘smoke’ or ‘irrelevant’, and hence need not be engaged with. He rejects the idea of leadership itself in an attempt to efface the power that is his for the asking, at least till 2014. He thus stands perennially on the outside, looking in, disowning all that has led to his leadership, and shying away from any action that is enabled by the illegitimacy of his position. He is the disembodied voice in UMNO head, tentatively issuing abstract conceptual constructs while party tries to make its way forward in an increasingly hostile political landscape. The fatal flaw is existence of Najib; and because he is only too aware of this, his leadership is almost by definition, a non-starter.
Kadir suggested that it was possible the Malays had seen how the prime minister appeared too willing to curry favour with the non-Malays, and felt worried that if the MCA, MIC or Gerakan won big, their power would be usurped.
“They would have read, seen and heard of how the prime minister unrelentingly went about improving Chinese and Tamil school education, gave additional allocations to these schools, and met with several radical Chinese and Indian groups like Dong Zong and Hindraf,” he said.
“But what frightened a majority of the Malays even more was the possibility of a PR victory and the emergence of the DAP as a dominant player in national politics.
“So, did Umno win bigger in the last general election because its president prioritised the Malays or because the Malays themselves felt they were no longer prioritised by the party leadership, and therefore they acted to ensure that Umno and the Malays are strengthened from bottom up,” Kadir asked.
If this were the case, Kadir said it would only be fair to allow the grassroots to decide on Najib’s fate when polls are called at the end of the year, instead of the party leadership arbitrarily deciding not to allow the party’s presidency to be challenged.Dr Mahathir Mohamad is saying the truth about UMNO Malay voters had no other choice.but UMNO not Najib The real truth is that the UMNO is disintegrating. Even before it has got a decent whiff of power. A little hint of it, yes, but the stench of the internal feud is so strong that it is masking … Read more
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