Politicians are entitled to reinvent themselves. And because we live in an era of instant coffee, they believe, perhaps, that masks can be worn and shed at will and images changed with the wave of Najib’s hand But can he abandon the muscular brand of politics that has served him so well during the last UMNO election made him a runaway success with thedivision leaders rank and file, for the conciliatory approach that made him UMNO leader? Can he shrink his 56-inch chest and soften his machismo to deal with the likes of Mahathir and Muhyuddin?Drumbeaters about the dangers of dumping the tradition of collective leadership for the ephe-meral benefits of personality-driven politics and the havoc this would wreak upon the party’s DNA.Najib anyway can be forced resign as Prime Minister he is playing with fire.
Members of Parliament from Sabah and Sarawak who met Tengku Razaleigh are not expected to reveal their intentions until Parliament starts on June 24. were dissappointed with Najib decisions to appointment of new cabinet . ”now concerned with new ministers on own their personal agendas.They are seeing Ku Li to see what they can do to express their disappointment
Umno won 88 federal seats in Election 2013, up nine from 2008 but several party veterans have blamed the party and BN’s lacklustre performance on Najib’s “war room” strategists, and hinting that the prime minister might be shown the door if he doesn’t remove his strategists for their bad advice.BN took 47 of the 56 federal seats in Sabah and Sarawak, contributing one-third of the 133 federal seats it won in the elections despite both states only having a quarter of the 222 seats in Parliament,east Malaysian MPs are the latest to rattle Najib after he won his first personal mandate with fewer seats than his predecessor Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.Najib is already under pressure from within Umno and now this, just after a poor result in the pollsPrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak doled out 20 ministerial and deputy ministerial posts to east Malaysian MPs, leaving parties like Sarawak’s SPDP without any representatives despite winning four federal seats.
In contrast, the MIC in the Malay peninsula saw all four MPs getting ministerial and deputy ministerial posts in the Najib administration — which has 32 full ministers including eight in the Prime Minister’s Department.
They are seeing Ku Li to see what they can do to express their disappointment
Four years ago in my speech at this same hotel, I said that Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak was not a suitable man to succeed Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. With such deep-seated problems of corruption, intensified by distrust amongst the different races, coupled with the glaring weakness of the Police force to address the question of security and the deaths in Police custody, I believe that the country needs a strong leader.s there anyone who would mount a challenge to Najib? Insiders say that Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin would prefer to wait for the durian to fall without having to shake the tree. It’s also true that waging an UMNO contest entails spending a lot of money, and having spent so much already during the General Election, not many supporters have the appetite to submit to another round of “donations.” Some of the big donors who are usually prevailed upon to supply election war chests are strapped for cash. Even if they are inclined to support the challenger, they remain wary of Najib. The Prime Minister can easily make the call to the banks and these industrialists would be exposed to some serious recall of their loans.
Since the election, we are further faced with the terrible truth about the inefficiency and partisan behaviour of our own Election Commission, the irresponsible and provocative behaviour of UMNO’s media apparatus in maligning those they felt had not supported Barisan Nasional, the spate of arrests and charges against students and political leaders – all these matters have contributed to the present state of helplessness and anger amongst the people. Will the Prime Minister tackle these issues head on?
UMNO cannot function when its leader is weak, and neither can the country. The many years of indoctrination, including the inculcation of fear of threats from other ethnic communities, require that UMNO have a strong leader. This leader is someone who doesn’t fear his own family or the UMNO warlords, and who can employ the strength of his convictions and intellect to push his economic and social agenda successfull
More importantly, UMNO requires a leader who at heart is someone who will not let the Malay community down. He is someone the Malays can have implicit trust to take care of them. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a classic example of a strong UMNO leader. He committed some errors during his years as Prime Minister and gave a number of projects to his non-Malay friends, but the UMNO Malays trusted him to always take care of their interests. He had a long history of protecting Malay interests without talking too much about it.
Although lately he was rather harsh on the Chinese community for rejecting the BN and making the most unfortunate remarks in his blog, he was never like that when he was the Prime Minister. In fact, the Chinese community was always supportive of BN under him. He was a strong Malay leader who was acceptable to most non-Malays.
Perhaps that’s why he was strong enough to replace the NEP in 1990 with the National Development Policy, and was also able to come up with Vision 2020, which articulated a future in which Malaysians of all races could live together in harmony in a developed Malaysia. That’s why he was strong enough to get the school children to learn English through science and mathematics. There was no Utusan to mock or attack him and his policies, and there was no backlash from UMNO businessmen because he had the foresight to distribute the country’s largesse fairly.
During his tenure, there was never the kind of racial incitement or extreme posturing amongst the races. Relations between the Chinese and the Malays were good except for a brief moment during Operasi Lalang in 1987. He was able to do what others could not. That’s why he was able to sign a historic peace deal with the Communists. If he was the Prime Minister today, Chin Peng would have been allowed back home. Dr Mahathir would have honoured the agreement and Utusan and the ultra Malays would not have bothered him. That’s what a strong UMNO leader is capable of.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin thots
In 2009,headed by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin a special Umno general assembly approved constitutional amendments giving 146,500 delegates the right to vote for the leadership, abolishing the quota system, simultaneous delegates meeting, and allow more women appointees, as UMNO member , feel vulnerable and it is therefore my moral responsibility Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today refused to exclude a potential contest for the top Umno posts later this year, saying only that he will reveal his position “when the right time comes”.“As we know Umno is a democratic party. It’s not the individual’s right but the rights of members and party that matters. I will not comment, wait until when the right time come,” Muhyiddin was quoted as quoted as saying by state news agency Bernama at a Barisan Nasional (BN) thanksgiving function in Kundang Ulu, Johor today.“But the problem is that some UMNO members cannot differentiate between the government decisions and their implementation by the bureaucracy. Hence, if the schemes that have been announced are not fulfilled, it will be the ruling party which will face the music,” he adds. He says there is still time for the party to rectify the situation members electing the right UMNO president.Why almost all Malay leaders are silent
UMNO members are losing faith in Najib’s UMNO Persidency in damage control mode it was Muhyiddin and Dr Mahathir who forced Abdullah to make way for Najib in 2009, hinting that the combination may still have the same potency as five years ago.PRIME MINISTER IN WAITING TAN-SRI-MUHYIDDIN-YASSIN’S FIRST MALAYS THE MALAYS WILL NOTFORGIVE “MISTAKES” NAJIB GIVING AWAY THE MALAY’S RIGHTS. “My definition of Malaysia is simple: ‘Malays First’. Whatever you do, wherever you work, Malays should be the top priority for all its citizens,”Muhyiddin said as”Country is above all religions and ideologies,”
“A large segment of umno members understands that Najib is only misleading the whole community. Najib is not talking about education, poverty, housing and other such issues of the Malay population. The fact is that all the schemes are aimed at garnering votes. Since becoming UMNO president uncontested is playing the appeasement politics and it has touched its peak now appears reluctant in making a move against any of his cronies accused in Whatever the development, the grassroot UMNO member’s anger over Najib is not likely to subside immediately. An influential section of the community, which is also close to Najib, however, prefers to shift the blame somewhere else.Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also said that it was up to Umno to decide if Najib should step down as party leader after helming BN to its worst ever electoral performance.
The test of success of any democratic nation is its fair and equitable treatment to all our Malay brothers and sisters not by class Najib have failed this test very often. There may be difference in degree of failures but have often failed to protect the rights of the Malays There have been continuous violation of their rights tolerating the acts of injustices committed againstMalays is Najib’s greatest sin
Datuk Ahmad Maslan and Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri in which way internal bickering and continuous politicking which will only weaken the party? like DAP When Hitler was persecuting the Jews and Communists in Germany others remained silent in the hope that it’s only happening to these two groups of people but these silent and mute breed of other people could not remain safe for longer as Hitler turned his tirade against all whom he considered a threat to his vision for Germany.Calling spade a spade is a requirement of the all the times, It’s disturbing to note that a situation is fast developing where el ite Malays will only speak for elite Malays but MUHYIDDIN GIVE VOICELESS UMNO MEMBERS ‘CHANCE TO BE HEARD’ I know one fact for the sure: if Datuk Ahmad Maslan and Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri will not speak for poor UMNO members, Datuk Ahmad Maslan and Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri will have no interest to speak for them and their cause. We all are living in a compact world where incidents anywhere affect us at our places. And therefore, I am waiting for the day when Malay intellectuals and civil society groups will start speaking against the atrocities committed by DAP on Malays not professing their faith in neighbouring and other foreign countries. I am also waiting for the day when non-Muslims will speak against the communalism of the Muslims and Muslims will be doing the same against the communalism of the non-Muslims with equal ease. I am also waiting for the day when your communalism and my communalism will equally be considered dangerous.
Former New Straits Times (NST) group editor-in-chief Datuk A. Kadir Jasin said Umno’s grassroots should get to decide the fate of Najib as party president when internal polls are held at the year’s end disagree with suggestions from state-level leaderships that the party’s top two posts not be contested, saying their views must take into account that it was likely Umno’s grassroots leaders and members who helped save BN from losing Election 2013.Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also said that it was up to Umno to decide if Najib should step down as party leader after helming BN to its worst ever electoral performance.Can we be adults, please? Najib so engrossed in their selfish behaviour that he is more worried about a possible threat to hisr future rather than threat to the ethos of the game. also tied up by the UMNO constitution which gives great power and almost infalliable stature to the president.The divisions align to Najib … Read more
Muhyiddin is an unusual politician. Perhaps even his worst critics might grant him that. It is not easy to sum up 2013 without a deep feeling of despair. If 2013 was the year in which some fundamental structural issues with our political system were exposed, 2013 seems to have not only deepened our understanding of those DAP atrocities on the Malay communities? The fight for Malay right and equal rights cannot be fought with limited vision. Wrong is wrong and it has to be stopped. 146,500 UMNO delegates must come out and oppose Najib Why? Get soaked in the red coloured rains, It’s no time to remain inside and get entangled in the mumbo jumbo of political technicalities. Come out and feel the pulse of the nation. The rain of change is flooding the masses and it is bad to take refuge under umbrellas. For once, the political leaders should … Read more