A wheel that began to turn in , when Mahathir split UMNO and changed the fundamental structure of a party shaped by Tengku, has come full circle.UMNO collapse will leave a dangerous vacuum at the heart of Malay’s politics. A historic inflexion point has arrived. Najib should seize this moment.
UMNO politics is NOT moving towards the centre. It began with elephant steps. There is nothing like a general election to turn it into a jog old soldiers, goes the saying, never die; they just fade away. Unless their career includes a spell as dictator Mahathir , in which case they fantasize about a Napoleon-style comeback, cheered on by an adoring public now deeply regretful about having thrown the chap out. Mahathirf, who ruled for 22 years like an unforgiving sultan, has returned from self-sought exile because he wants to “save” Perkasa Ibrahim Ali.
Aspirant prime ministers often forget the first rule of Putra Jaya : the Centre can only be ruled from the centre. Even in an age when ideology no longer sits on certain ground, there is still broad separation between ‘left’ and ‘right’. It may be only as thin as a comparison, but it exists. as finance minister can lean left or tilt right, but a prime minister must have the flexibility to take whichever lane offers a solution. When BN president Najib Razak did not name Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali as BN candidate earlier in spite of former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s open endorsement of him, my wife remarked that Najib for once has a bit of guts not to listen to the ‘de facto PM’.
Delusion is a curious disease. It does not affect the afflicted, since they are unaware of their condition. Mahathir cannot recognise an irony: It does not make sense! BN is making blunder after blunder. This plot in putting up Ibrahim Ali obviously to represent Umno is sending shockwaves not only in Peninsular Malaysia but also to the most remote places in Sarawak and Sabah.Now I begin to believe that the possibility of Pakatan forming the next government is real indeed.
This only goes to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifli Nordin and Perkasa are part and parcel of Umno’s election machinery and that Umno is a racist party to the core.
All right-minded voters should reject this racist party which has torn apart the country’s racial and religious fabrics for 55 years.TRANSFORMATION TEAM: BN’s campaign will be built around Najib and his team of young, experienced and proven leaders Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani one with the impression that he is a man with a great vision and a lot of ideas He spoke impressively, eloquently and animatedly, often using colloquial expressions like “boss”, about how we need … Read more
: Najib is a wolf in sheep’s clothes. He is as sly as they come. Wooing the non-Malays with one hand and holding the keris with the other. Ibrahim will be his barking dog while Zul will be his poster boy.
He named instead Perkasa vice-president Zulkifli Noordin, the one who uttered anti-Indian and Hindu sentiments, for the Shah Alam parliament seat. We thought it was the compromised deal to placate Mahathir to at least put one Perkasa leader to contest.How wrong we were. Indeed, Najib is even worse – now he has two racist and bigoted Perkasa leaders contesting on the side of BN, with Ibrahim Ali been given a safe passage as BN-friendly Independent following the engineered withdrawal of the Umno-chosen candidate.If I remember correctly this is the first time in the history of BN (or Alliance in the past) that a chosen BN candidate withdraws his or her candidacy on nomination day – for whatever reasons.
So we would like to ask all the Indians who believe in Hindraf and its chief, P Waythamoorthy, can you still believe Najib for his promise
‘Waytha, are you going to Pasir Mas to campaign for Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali? You should, to please your new master.’
Najib pact unimaginable and historic, says Waytha
Hindraf has splintered into different groupings each vying for a share of the crumbs which BN has thrown at them since 2007.
RS Thanenthiran (remember him?) was loaned Hindraf leader P Wathyamoorthy’s photogenic daughter as a publicity stunt for his grubby agenda. He was co-opted by BN chief Najib Razak and became leader of the BN-friendly Malaysian Makkal Sakti Party (MMSP).
Now it is Waythymoorthy’s turn. His conniving brother P Uthayakumar, also from the MIC fold, will feign disappointment at his brother’s ‘treachery’ of the Indians and try to carve another niche for himself on the back of ‘the original Hindraf’.
Pakatan Rakyat was fully aware of the Hindraf leaders’ duplicitous agenda and therefore could not take them seriously. The crux of the issue was Hindraf is in the mould of BN, which fights only for race and religion.
Pakatan is for all Malaysians. What is “unimaginable” is that Hindraf has agreed to drop ‘racism towards Indians’ and ‘custodial deaths’ in their MOU (memorandum of understanding) with BN.
Kgen: Was it enough for Pakatan to merely sign the blueprint? Hindraf also wants seats from Pakatan but the same condition was not applied to BN. Obviously the negotiation with Pakatan was intended to fail by setting such unpalatable conditions.
Anonymous #76965586: Waythamoorthy, why do you allow only parts of the blueprint be adopted by BN while you insisted that Pakatan must adopt all of it?
It is obvious that you know no political party will accept the blueprint completely. Hence, you have misled the Indian community.
Onyourtoes: I feel sorry for you, Waytha, if this is the way you look at issues and solving them.
Did we not have a written constitution? Is that constitution more supreme than any written law and agreement? Did the ruling regime which governed this country for more than 50 years give any respect to that sacred document.
What was the original intent of the New Economic Policy (NEP)? What happened to the eradication of poverty and the removal of the identification of race with economic functions?
When we assess the sincerity of any counter party, we look at track records and consistent pattern of behaviour. What track record has BN got? What consistent pattern of behaviour have they persistently shown?
If you want to play politics and seek your fortune, it is within your right. But please don’t use the poor and ignorant people.
Anonymous #58815597: Waytha, are you going to Pasir Mas to campaign for Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali? You should, to please your new master.
Cala: The marginalisation of the Indian community under the Umno-led BN regime has been going in the last 56 years.
So what forces Najib to claim that change is underway when pressed by Hindraf on something MIC has failed for over five decades?
Simple, Najib realises that Hindraf may influence the vote on May 5. Once past the general election, the utility of Hindraf will be drastically reduced. By then, our Indian community will be left on the side of the road to fend for themselves.
Thus, the only way forward is to make sure that there is an equal and opposing opposition in place. For Waytha to claim that he has succeeded is sheer childishness. An autocratic regime is not known to take care of the minorities.
we get it that like me, many of you guys are seething at the way things have turned out in this whole issue.
Let’s show some maturity in not tarring all Indians with the same brush. Profanities and insults merely get a like response and resolves nothing. There are rotten apples in every barrel but let’s not throw away the whole barrel because of a few bad ones.
we are sure Waythamoorthy is also very much looking forward to the ‘historic’ and ‘unprecedented’ honour of becoming Malaysia’s first minister of minority affairs.
Indians gathered in thousands on the streets of Kuala Lumpur in 2007 due to the discrimination and marginalisation they faced for over 50 years perpetrated by no other than Umno-BN.
The Hindraf movement so happened to be the coincidental ‘banner’ for these thousands to come together and do what they did in 2007.
To say that all these Indians will go back and vote for Umno-BN just because a piece of paper, called the MOU, was signed on Thursday and that Waytha said so, would be too simplistic and grossly underestimate the intelligence of these Indians.
From the many Indians I know, their enemy number one is Umno-BN. They tell me that their first and most important priority is to defeat it, come what may.
Fifty years of manipulation, humiliation and suffering under Umno-BN cannot be so easily forgotten by just signing a MOU or by saying sorry.
I therefore think that the present Hindraf move is not in line with the general feeling of the Indians. For the Indians, Umno-BN is the problem, not the solution.
When is a MOU a legally-binding document?
See how he cheated the people with such a farce of indirectly supporting a known racist by pulling out the BN candidate to ensure a win for Ibrahim Ali?
Che Johan Che Pa, who did not submit his nomination papers after being selected by Barisan Nasional (BN) to contest the Pasir Mas parlimentary constituency, may face stern action including expulsion if his failure to submit his papers had been a deliberate act.
BN secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor said the party would carry out an investigation on the action of the Pasir Mas Umno division deputy head.There had been no leader in many millennia with a deeper commitment to the eradication of hateful curse, racial oppression,
“Umno will not compromise with anyone who has committed a wrongdoing and breached party regulations including acts of sabotage or going against the Umno constitution, especially to ensure victory for the BN in the 13th general election,” he said in a statement, here today. the very least, BN candidate Che Johan Che Pa could have gone missing and come out with some excuses why he did not made it to the nomination centre, but he turned up and did not submit his nomination paper despite duly given the authorisation from the BN chief and caretaker just show that the real PM (puppet master) is pulling the strings.
Che Johan caused a surprise when he did not submit his nomination papers at the nomination centre at the Operations Room of the Pasir Mas Land and District Office yesterday although he was present at the centre.
His action resulted in the incumbent for the seat, Datuk Ibrahim Ali, who is standing on an independent ticket, facing the son of the PAS spiritual leader, Nik Mohd Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz, in a straight fight.
There had been no leader in many millennia with a deeper commitment to the eradication of poverty and that hateful curse, caste oppression, but was Gandhi a leftist? Not by the logic of Marxists and their fellow travellers, who were convinced that the means must justify the ends, rather than the other way around. The Left has rather lost out on historical determinism in free India. Instead of striding along a shining path lit by dialectic debate, it became hopelessly tangled in that powerful British invention called a file-stricken, deskbound bureaucracy. The Indian right, untroubled by either doctrine or morality, placed its faith in the simplicity of greeddriven enterprise. It was naïve and self-defeating, particularly in a land diseased by poverty, but never waste your time arguing with the rich. Every morning their money whispers in their ears that they are always right. Even a self-made billionaire who started by asking splendid questions, switches to sermons with success. Money is an intellectual laxative.“What we saw when we were invited in was a model of transparency, with many checks and balances to assure integrity. People must show identification, their serial number is then entered into a digitial device and their photo comes up, then they give a thumb print to verify their identity again. They then proceed to …Read more