Today’s self-assertive culture is all about stating clearly your desires and wants, and expecting to fulfill them. We have allowed ourselves to imagine we have a right to get whatever we want; this creates a sense of entitlement that makes us selfish and self-centred, blurring needs from wants. It is important to define the tipping point at which a want becomes a need and to understand well the reasons for allowing this walkover. We all wish to cater to our needs, but it is essential that we understand what they are and how important these are to us. Sadly, most of our needs are dictated by someone else. We wish to acquire that bigger mansion, that fancy car or those expensive trinkets all in an attempt to outdo others and prove we are no less than anybody else. What a waste! These are precisely the ‘wants’ that masquerade as ‘needs’.
Alies Anor Abdul: the man who has been tasked with bringing down the Prime Minister Company Background |
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EWT Transformer Sdn Bhd (formerly known as EPE Wilson Transformer Sdn Bhd ) specializes in the manufacturing, sales and services of Oil Immersed Distribution Transformers, Prefabricated Substations Units and Earthing Transformers.
Background:EWT Transformer Sdn Bhd (formerly known as EPE Wilson Transformer Sdn Bhd) is a joint venture company whose principle shareholders are Malaysia’s Bumiputra Company, Teras Dara Konsortium Sdn Bhd (TDK) and Australia’s Wilson Transformer Company Pty Ltd (WTC). TDK is a Malaysian company specializes in plantation, property and urban services development and management services has diversified its business by acquiring majority shareholders in EWT. WTC is the largest Australian owned company specializes in transformer manufacturing of both Power and Distribution Transformers.
History:EWT has now become one of the preferred suppliers of distribution transformers, compact substations and earthing transformers. With its proven track records, reliability of its products and strong after sales services, EWT business has grown substantially over the 16 years period since its establishment. Since its inception, EWT has secured a significant number of contracts from the utilities especially from Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and other private sector customers.
Alies to Najib: If you don’t help me I will help Muhyiddin Cat Out of Bag (23 August 2011) So it seems Datuk Rockybru has dismissed my earlier post about him leading a media onslaught against our Perdana Mentri Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Many in Tan Sri Muhyiddin and the great sepupu PM Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein’s camp have also claimed that my posts are the work of the opposition. Really? Do you really think these Pakatan guys really have information that I have? Like the information on what Datuk Seri Dr Alies Anor Abdul is up to. Now maybe you will be scrambling to guess who I am. If Tun Daim has an oracle maybe our PM has one too? Please lah stop guessing lah. And stop insulting my intelligence by dismissing it as an opposition tactic to drive a wedge between Najib and Muhyiddin. For once, that Barking Magpie maybe on to something. The split is real. And the traitors are led by the sepupu, businessmen and those funding Datuk Rocky. So to those who still support Najib, watch it when you are in the presence of the sepupu and Rocky. And joining them soon is Datuk Seri Alies Anor Abdul. Who is he? Alies is the chairman of Putra World Trade Centre, the grand Umno HQ. But crucially he has been a long-time servant of Najib and is now one of his closest advisers. But he recently had a major fallout with his boss over the advice to crack down on the Bersih activists. He led the team of advisers who won the day after a late night session with the PM just before the rally. The advice that won the day was for PM to allow his sepupu to crack down on the rally, and to allow Muhyiddin to play the hardline champion. The result as PM realises now is that he has been forced to the right of centre and is no longer able to portray himself as a moderate leader for the country. And the result of Alies falling out with PM is this – he has threatened to work for Muhyiddin. This is also because PM is not supporting his bid for the airport cargo scanner project. Alies has been the man behind the rise of Najib, since the days of the Wawasan team when Najib was part of Anwar Ibrahim’s gang poised to take over from Dr Mahathir. He was Najib’s political secretary between 1999 and 2005, and so the fallout is a very serious matter indeed. But now because of money and power, he wants more and is willing to help Muhyiddin if Najib doesn’t help him. Najib is now being threatened and basically blackmailed by his own adviser. Of course Alies is not the only one. One by one, the sepupu, Rockybru, Alies are all poised to jump ship to Muhyiddin’s side. This may not happen immediately but they have given notice and are looking after their own futures. Remember, the big elections soon may not be the general election. It may well be the next Umno elections.
Alies Anor Abdul: the man who has been tasked with bringing down the Prime Minister
The stink in the corridor power remains a billion dollar question.UMNO politicians, like politicians the world over, generally agree only to disagree. But on one thing all of them —Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is attempting to keep the divide within Umno under wraps with his call that the top two posts in the party not be contested, said political analyst Khoo Kay Peng. whichever party they belong to and whatever ideology they profess — agree to agree: we, the people, have no right to know where, and from whom, they get the money to fight elections and run their organisations.Getting political parties entangled in such unnecessary things will damage the democratic process. We simply cannot accept it,Najib and Tan Sri Muhiyiddin Yasin will win unchallenged will depend on the feedback at Umno divisional meetings and Putrajaya’s success in handling two restive groups: Umno MPs who were not given Cabinet positions and Umno divisional chiefs not fielded as candidates in the general election. You wouldn’t buy a loaf of bread which insisted on keeping its ingredients secret. So how come we are expected to buy — to vote for — political leaders who keep their finances a secret? Don’t ask. You don’t have the right to that information.Mahathir is trying to keep the fight between the respective factions in support of either options within Umno’s walls ‘Is Umno a party of dynamic change and renewal, or is it a fossilised party determined to keep incumbents in power for as long as possible?’After the calls for no contest for Umno’s top two posts, it is not surprising that there are similar calls for the Umno Youth chief’s post.Election of leaders is a democratic process of every organisation. To ask members not to contest is nothing more than tyranny, they may as well tell the party grassroots that contest breeds disunity and ask them to let the leaders rule for life. This is a good move as it protects the posts of Prime Minister Najib Razak, Deputy PM Muhyiddin Yassin and Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin. But then someone out there will be very disappointed as he may have laid plans to open the way for Rosmah’ son to move up the party hierarchy through the Youth post at least. If their leaders are so good, why are they scared of an election? Unfortunately, Umno leaders don’t have an internal Election Commission (EC) to help them, so they have to resort to ‘no-contest’ to retain power,both Najib and his deputy were not elected to their offices. I think it will do the Umno members a big disservice if they are not allowed to make their choice. more liberalism and democracy so that you can appeal to the ‘middle ground’. To the rightists in Umno, ‘getting its house in order’ would mean being more Malay-centric and nationalistic so that you can appeal to the rural and nationalist Malays. Hence we are going to see a battle to decide not only the new Umno leadership but the direction Umno is to take over these next four or five years leading to the 14th General Election. Those who feel that Umno needs to appeal to the middle ground will back Najib. Those who feel that Najib has ‘sold out’ to the non-Malays will oppose him. It does not matter whether Najib is going to be challenged or not in the party’s general assembly. Pak Lah was not challenged either. Pak Lah was not ousted during the general assembly. He was ousted after that. And that too will be when Najib is going to be ousted if he is ousted — after the general assembly. And if Najib is ousted that is going to mean only one thing — and that is Umno is moving to the right and the liberals in Umno will no longer have a voice. And that can only bring Malaysia deeper into racial politics at the risk of exploding some time in the future to fulfill Lim Kit Siang’s prophecy of a time bomb ticking away in Malaysia. Some 145,000 out of Umno’s 3.5 million members will vote directly for all posts in the party elections this year, under new rules enforced to ensure corruption will not skew the results. The party’s Supreme Council had already agreed last month that there will be no contests for the top two posts but several senior leaders have said contests for all posts would make Umno more democratic,The recent overtures by the Mahathir also point to a re-allignment of political forces; and a concerted Pakatan attempt to break the back of UMNO. This is politics, Najib style!Najib presents a moderate face – with its concomitant “weak”, “soft”, “undecisive” style notwithstanding – and becomes a natural magnet for all and sundry. The MCA and GERAKAN may have suffered the loss – but none of them left because of any ideological political reasons it was mostly an economic affairs issue.Political situation is of concern to many of Malaysia’s top echelon of businesspeople, politicians, civil servants, and even members of the Royal Families. There is a strong feeling amongst the country’s elite that Malaysia needs good governance rather than politicking. Many are very sympathetic to the concept of a national unity government, as a solution … Read more related articles NAJIB-MAHATHIR ERA IN UMNO IS OVER, MUHYIDDIN WILL MISS THE BEST CHANCE TO UNSEAT NAJIBNajib will have to use all available ways to fight Mahathir. In the coming weeks and months to the UMNO internal election, Malaysians can expect ‘movie’ after ‘movie’, ‘drama’ after ‘drama’ although most of these will tend to be either disaster flicks or outrageous comedies. After all Mahathir has so many ways and resources at … Read more TENGKU ADNAN MANSOR“GUIDED JUDICIARY,DEMOCRACY AND POLICE INVESTIGATION”. IS THE UMNO WAYDAP challenges Tengku Adnan’s credibility DAP secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has questioned the appointment of Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s cabinet, since Tengku Adnan has been involved in the “Lingam-gate” affair. Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor stressed that the top two posts in Umno …Read more ZAHID: PM SHOULD ALSO RESIGN FOR ALLEGED MURDER OF MONGOLIAN NATIONAL ALTANTUYA SHAARIIBUU.French Scorpene probe extends to Bala’s SD2 PM should also resign for alleged murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. Mahathir said, When a BN minister or member becomes a liability, the BN will use all the “goodies” they have collected to destroy him/her by using the judicial system and other forms of blackmail. Mahatir is the master of … Read more WHEN UMNO TURNS INTO HELL A STORY REWRITTEN BY DR MNajib has never seemed as helplessly weak as now Hell has more definitions than heaven , possibly because more of us expect to end up there than in the other place. A cynic described hell as other people. Men of religion generally promise hellfire for the wicked, an image that rather contradicts the doctrine that … Read more IF MAHATHIR ASKS ME TO PICK UP A BROOM AND SWEEP, I WILL DO IT SAID NAJIBIn the latest example of political sycophancy of najib this man was that powerful. Remember Tun Salleh Abas who was unceremoniously sacked as Chief Judge. Even the Malay Rulers lost their immunity against prosecution! It was then that dazzled by his own power, Mahathir began ruling the country like his own property, arbitrarily helping his sons … Read more |