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Part2 Geetha Anjatha- G Gnanalingam certainly not husband-wife but are lovers and inherently love each

Usually it’s the men who want more sex than women, but what happens when it’s the other way around?

Vanessa Thompson, a Newcastle sexologist, attributes mismatched sex drives to testosterone levels.

She puts it down to biology, saying that typically men have the higher libido, while  woman  have a tenth of the testosterone in men.

Do you think woman are inscrutable? Do you think they are extremely difficult to understand? Are you struggling to find out what she really is thinking and what she is all about? Don’t worry, you are not alone.

 ”Maiya Yashoda”, Hollywood… are you ready for her?

A woman can say a lot with her silence while sometimes a man can talk for hours yet say nothing. You need to listen very carefully to figure out what your girl is trying to say. It is not rocket science, its just that you need to be sensitive to her. Here are a few things that women look for in men. Read on and you will probably understand her better…

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Sometimes suspicion and mistrust can ruin your relationship with your girlfriend. But if the matter is serious and the nagging suspicion is impossible to ignore, here are few steps to figure out if your fears are real:

1. If she turns secretive and tries to guard her conversations on the phone, leaves the room everytime she gets a call on her cell
2. If you call or text her first all the time and she doesn’t bother to do so then that is a bad sign

3. If she starts picking fights too often

4. If you catch her lying, it is often a cause for concern giving signal of infidelity
5. If you find a change in the behaviour of close common friend then it is possible that they know something that you don’t. Perhaps you are the last to know
6. If your girlfriend suddenly starts worrying a little more about her appearance - new clothes, make-up…she may be trying to look good for someone else. If she gets dressed up for you, that’s one thing but if they seem to spend a little more time looking good to go out without you, then that might be a cause to worry.

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THR Raaga radio announcer Geethanjali G, who was selected as one of ’10 Most Powerful Women in Malaysia “I keep that part of my life separate, it is quite personal… but to clear the air, I (have) to say that (Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd CEO) G Gnanalingam is not my husband.If your guy wants to have sex , he’d do anything to please you and put you to bed. Don’t let your emotions rule you. Decide whether he’s genuinely praising you or caring about you or just pretending to do so. If he is always this way, it is not an issue . We are at times foes and at times friends, certainly not lovers but are husband-wife and inherently love each other even though we may keep denying all the time how our love has gone out of the window. I was attracted to him being down-to-earth. If I am flying high, he has the string of the kite. In my glamour and glitz,he was the only source of my being grounded.  Which actress would be able to do that? Unlike me who is a professional actor,he is only having a blast shooting.  I traumatised with the fact that I has to gett up at 8.30 to go to work even busy the whole night. he is my anchor and keeps me mobilised.

Citizens in rage as brides-to-be are subjected to virginity tests at a mass marriage ceremony.

How important is it for a bride to be a virgin in India? The controversial issue has resurfaced and made headlines after officials in Betul district, Madhya Pradesh, allegedly conducted virginity and pregnancy tests on more than 450 prospective brides recently. The incident, naturally, drew the ire of women’s rights groups, as the brides were forced to undergo the tests at the venue itself.

While mass marriage is a concept that is common in all parts of the country, including Karnataka, the ceremonies have often come under the scanner of activists who allege that on many occasions children are married off as adults. But the recently held ceremony in Madhya Pradesh has sparked many discussions over social networking sites and pushed many others to protest.

Actress and columnist Pooja Bedi asks, “Is virginity a big issue over a small (replaceable) tissue? Isn’t it illogical that an intact hymen represents the total worth of a woman upon marriage?” She goes on to slam the whole idea that virgins should be celebrated as clean and chaste, and non-virgins decried as ‘impure’. Pooja adds that those who are responsible for forcing the women to undergo the tests should be awarded strictest of punishment.

Filmmaker Kavitha Lankesh rues that even in the 21st century the virginity of a woman counts most for a man to marry her. “The Madhya Pradesh episode is a clear abuse of human rights. It shows that we are in a regressive society. Most men want their brides to be virgins, which they themselves are not ready to adhere to. It’s the duty of parents to raise their children (irrespective of their gender) as equals.”

While the officials, in their defence, said the tests were conducted as they suspected that many married couples say they are unmarried to avail benefits granted under massmarriage ceremonies, the fact remains that a woman cannot be subjected to such embarrassment and humiliation.

Women’s rights activist Pankaja Kalmath says the Madhya Pradesh episode should never be repeated anywhere else. “It should be made mandatory that prospective brides and grooms should furnish all documents, including an age proof certificate to be eligible to participate in mass marriages.”

Virginity and myth

Myth: The hymen is the ultimate marker of virginity

Reality: A woman can rupture her hymen through an accident or sporting and physical activities. Even insertion of a tampon or a finger or an instrument by a doctor during a pelvic examination can lead to the rupture of the hymen.

Men who are “too nice” to their other half spark fears that they are cheating, a new study has found.

Researchers of the study that two thirds of women become suspicious if their partner suddenly has “new tricks” in the bedroom, makes grand romantic gestures or even if he makes them breakfast in bed.

Other triggers for suspicion amongst mistrusting wives and girlfriends are if their man treats them to jewellery or sexy underwear.

According to the poll of 2,000 adults conducted by Kellogg’s, even helping out with housework leads to millions of females to believe her chap is “playing away”.

A third of women said they would be happy to turn a blind eye to a minor indiscretion if it meant that their partner was nicer to live with.

“It seems there is an emotional gulf between the sexes when it comes to matters of the heart,” the Daily Mail quoted Louise Thompson Davies, a spokesman from Kellogg’s as saying.

“So when men think they are just being nice and showering their other half with gifts and affection they think they are being attentive but the reality is that women just don’t see it like that.

“Today’s work and life pressures have resulted in romantic gestures like making your wife or girlfriend breakfast in bed much more of a rare occasion.

“This is why most women tend to reach for the panic button and suspect the worst when they are made a fuss over.

“The smallest changes in a man’s behaviour can set a women’s mind whirring and get them worrying.

“But it’s interesting to see how many women would be willing to ignore their suspicions and just enjoy having a new more attentive partner.

“It seems that for some women having a romantic and thoughtful partner is more important than having one that is faithful,” Davies said.

The study also found that surprise gifts of chocolates would instantly cause concern for most women, with one in six women saying that their partner has given them a gift in the past because of a guilty conscience.


The top 20 things that make women suspicious are:
- Buys jewellery

- New moves in the bedroom

- More emotional

- Buys flowers

- Buys chocolates

- More attentive

- Buys sexy underwear

- Book a romantic weekend away

- Buys you more things

- Helps more with the chores

- Tells you he loves you more

- Makes breakfast in bed

- Pays more compliments

- Texts more

- Does the cooking

- Calls more

- Listens better

- Runs baths

- Hand over the TV remote

- Cuddles more

Jiah Khan’s mother Rabia, speaks about her daughter’s troubled affair with her boyfriend and the film industry

When did you first know that Jiah was dating Suraj? 
Last year. Initially, I never stopped her from meeting that boy. He was wooing her with flowers and home-cooked food. And she liked it.

When did you realise that Jiah was in a troubled relationship with him? 
In February, this year she had come to London. I told her, ‘You are in love but there is no glow on your face’. She broke down. I asked her to share everything with me. I told her ‘Home is hospital, world outside is a battlefield. Don’t hide anything from me’. I asked her to withdraw from the relationship. But I realised it was too late… She was head-over-heels in love with that boy. I managed to dissuade her from talking to him for few days but I saw that they were in touch again. She returned to join piano and kathak classes. She had a maid, driver- her life was going fine. Her younger sister was going to get engaged on June 23, which is why I was in Mumbai. And on return I felt that she and Suraj had sorted it out and life was smiling upon her once more.

If things had indeed settled down between them, how did it suddenly go all wrong? 
I don’t know. But since the past ten days, I could see that Suraj was trying to distance himself from Jiah. I sat Jiah down and had a chat with her on this (pauses). I could see that he was becoming commitment phobic. But youngsters are youngsters I guess…Love is blind.

Did you and Aditya Pancholi ever discuss Jiah and Suraj’s relationship? 
It’s a misconception that Aditya and I were friends. Aditya is Anju Mahendroo’s friend. If he was my friend, things would have been amicable and this incident wouldn’t have happened. But yeah, I know he threw a fit when he came to know about his son’s relationship with my daughter. He even told Salman Khan about it, who tried to talk Suraj out of it. But Suraj told him that he loved Jiah and Salman was then cool about it.

Have you ever met Zarina Wahab (Suraj’s mom) and interacted with her? 
Never. He never introduced me to his parents as Jiah’s mother. I kept telling Jiah that it is strange that you have introduced him to me as your boyfriend but he never reciprocated.

Did Jiah ever tell you that she was pregnant with Suraj’s child and underwent an abortion? 
No. Had I known about it, I would’ve blasted the sky.

Did Jiah want to marry Suraj? 
Yes. She wanted to settle down and have a home with him.

Any message to young girls aspiring for a career in films or their moms? 
I don’t want to preach. But this industry is not bad if you work sincerely. And for heaven’s sake, don’t get me wrong. I have not been an ambitious and pushy mother. Every parent motivates his/her child to pursue his/her dream, I was doing the same

Was Jiah upset when she was ousted from Chance Pe Dance? 
She was very disappointed. But I think only the makers of CPD (Read: UTV, Ken Ghosh) can tell you why they threw her out. But her dream was getting back on track. Recently, she had metSuraj Sharma (of Life Of Pi) and the makers of a South film had almost finalised her. They asked her to put on some weight and did not reject her outright as has been reported in the media.

Do you think that the fact that Jiah hadn’t signed too many films but Suraj was being launched by a big banner (Salman Khan Productions) drove a wedge in their relationship? 
I think so. After he signed his debut film (remake of Hero) with Salman, his body language changed. In fact, Jiah told him that she wanted to meet Salman and tell him that she wanted to work with him. But Suraj did not make it happen.

Jiah was quite bitter about her dad. Where is he? 
She had issues with him but that was her personal matter. At this point, I would only like to say one thing about him. He called me after Jiah passed away. And he cried a lot over the phone.

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Jiah Khan suicide: Bollywood is incestuous, says Ranvir Shorey

Jiah Khan’s mother Rabia, speaks about her daughter’s troubled affair with her boyfriend and the film industry When did you first know that Jiah was dating Suraj?  Last year. Initially, I never stopped her from meeting that boy. He was wooing her with flowers and home-cooked food. And she liked it. When did you realise …Read more

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