Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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The residents of Lucky Garden Bangsar put up flags of Bersih and PKR at the roundabout but was removed by DBKL.

However they [ residents] took all the removed flags and replanted when they confronted the enforcement officers indicating that there is NO obstruction of traffic and further more Nong Chik ‘s banners are bigger and no approval seeked from DBKL but are all over Bangsar..

Thats people power… viva … the people of Lucky Garden…

Never before have we seen such unity … awesome solidarity!!!

Who would have sent DBKL’s staff to do this dirty work?


Sabarlah pakcik.. moga kepala Dato’ Raja Nong Chik bin Datuk Raja Zainal Abidin   yang  melastik ball bearing  tu pulak pecah kena lenyek lori..aminYes, Khairy, and I can categorically state that you have reduced yourself to the status of an apologist for all of Umno’s crimes against common decency – albeit a very well-dressed one with a posh imported accent.


BN-UMNO Gov’t, in power for 55 yrs, is rotten to the core, rotten & stinking inside out. Mahathir & Taib Manmud’s wealth is each rated at approx RM45 billion, Najib RM30 billion, Daim’s? Taib’s Uncle Yakub before that? And all the other cronies’ wealth? All the losses and mismanagement in 55 yrs? If you crunch the numbers, every single Malaysian has lost a fortune. (For the understanding of Sarawak’s interior natives: 1 billion is 1000 million). These are mafias, crooks & criminals by any standard. Now Jesse Jaskson Junior in US faces 3 yrs in jail for misuse of US$750,000 in election funds. In China people are shot for embezzling US$100,000. Your Malaysian Giant Criminals? You estimate the punishment to befit the crimes! I’d say 5,000 strokes of the rattan and 10,000 years in jail.

Shenaaz Khan

‘Twas a glorious day indeed as devilry had ceased momentarily and I was met at my neighbourhood street junction by the fine featured face of the legitimate Lembah Pantai lawmaker. This was rather unorthodox of course, given the vile vindictive vandalism perpetuating through my Pakatan-held constituency.

Having been a resident of Bangsar Baru for 38 years now, I have never quite witnessed such unashamed UMNO unlawfulness as I have in the last 2 years. The blatant breaching of by-laws has been bolstered with barefaced belligerence and Bolshevik brute! At every street corner, a pasty face with creepy veneers and still hair would pounce out at unsuspecting motorists without woeful warning of the wimpy visage! Public property has been plastered with pimping portraits of bribe-brocaded BN bumpkins. And patches of grass outside private homes have been plunged with BN billboards, erected on the directive of (SPOILER ALERT!) the Federal Territories Ministry! This nugget of information came as a terrible horrible shock to ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!!

For awhile now, many Bangsar folk have been subjected to this menacing modus of a moustached mooching marauder called Raja Nong Chik. A non parliamentarian and kitchen entrance minister, Raja Nong Chik is, for all intents and purposes, a perfidious politician who offensively plies the peasants of Pantai Valley with his patrician pity! And with hideous regularity, he is seen bouncing about and brunching with the Bob’s and Betty’s of Bangsar, venturing to vulture votes. Hardly acts of hardiment one would think!

If there is one thing that I hate to death, it is spam. Getting spam email is one of the most annoying things ever.

Even more annoying are spam SMSes… you know, the ones that tell you about cheap beer at various nightclubs or discounts at popular restaurants.
But recently, the most annoying spam SMSes I have received are from a certain politician and Cabinet minister who goes by the name of Raja Nong Chik.
It started when I decided to register to vote slightly less than a year ago. Registration went fine with no glitches (i.e. suddenly finding out I’m registered to vote in Sabah!)
My constituency, according to my IC address, is Lembah Pantai. As we know, the current MP in that area is PKR’s Nurul Izzah Anwar.
Since I didn’t vote in the last general election, I can’t claim to have played a role in getting her into office.
And now that the 13th general election is coming up, rumour has it that Umno will be fielding Raja Nong Chik in Lembah Pantai.
Now right after I had registered to vote (at the Election Commission office in Shah Alam), I started receiving the SMSes.
The first one wished me Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha, signed off with “RAJA NONG CHIK.”
I was quite shocked! I had only just registered a couple of weeks ago and now this Cabinet minister already had my mobile phone number.
I was about to cry “personal data theft!”, but quickly restrained myself. Good thing I did because, apparently, there is no such law against that in Malaysia.
After that, it just went on and on. I started receiving New Year greetings, advice on how to spend my Ramadan and even an invitation for Lailatul Qadar prayers.
Last month, I even received an SMS that had the hash tags #MERDEKA55 and #JANJIDITEPATI! He could be using the same bot service as #YORAIS!
The last straw came last Tuesday. My iPhone blew out the fog-horn ring tone, indicating that an SMS had come in so I quickly checked my phone.
When I noticed it was from Raja Nong Chik, I just got annoyed. But what pushed me to the edge was the content of the SMS itself.
“SLMT HARI LAHIR. Moga terus berjaya. Sama2 kita berdoa di hari lahir anda, agar agama, bangsa & tanahair terus terpelihara. Ikhlas: Raja Nong Chik, Menteri WPKB.” (Happy birthday. May you have continuous success. Let us pray on your birthday that our religion, race and homeland are protected. Sincerely: Raja Nong Chik, FTUW.)
I couldn’t take it anymore and although I knew it was useless, I immediately typed and sent a response to the bot mobile phone number.
“You got it wrong. My birthday is in June.”
Now, every time I’m in Bangsar or its surrounding vicinity, and I see a poster, banner or bunting with Raja Nong Chik’s face on it, I get turned off.
I literally feel sick and this is without even listening to him speak about his policies and promises. So much so that I’m inclined to vote for the other candidate.
I guess his plan to garner votes (that is if he really is going to contest in the Lembah Pantai constituency) is back-firing.
What he needs is someone with a decent enough level of intelligence to advise him on his A&P campaign. It’s really simple actually and I think I’ll SMS him my advice: “Don’t irritate your voters.”

Nonetheless his blog boasts a sudden stellar track record of service to the people of Lembah Pantai and could lead one to believe that Nong can do no wrong!! His catalogue of kindness includes stalking, soliciting and spamming the simple people of Lembah Pantai! Yes, everywhere a voter wanders, there he is. Just a fortnight ago, I received a box emblazoned with his smug mug, filled with festive fruit. Actually for this, I was rather thankful as I quite enjoy ingesting oranges and my cats love turning cardboard into confetti.

But the endless stream of text messages, mails and postcards pointlessly piled onto Pantairians carrying the “Nong Chik is no chickadee” chants has all but made many quite sick of Nong Chik. Yes, much like the Great Mustachio Prime Minister NAJ1B, who drums for support with a demeanour that demands a diuretic, Nong Chiks ballot begging has produced bile in many bellies. And Bangsar bellies are further upchucked by Chiks bastionhood of banner bullying. Yes, BANNER BULLYING! Tis a riveting game of brashly binning banners of one’s foe and then brandishing beastly banners bearing BN blockheads! The cheek of him!

Now the Nong-Nurul imbroglio has courted much contempt from both campaigning camps! Hence, last week, the democratically elected Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai, Nurul Izzah Anwar, invited the resident rounding Raja to a public powwow on policies and performances. She proposed a date and a bipartisan mediator. But the foul fowl frowned upon the offer as he has a debilitating disdain for democracy and diplomacy! This was abundantly justified of course, as a debate debacle could easily prove Nong to be one humongous nought!

To those who have beheld the idiocy of indignation, it was delightfully obvious that Nuruls’ debate demand dilemma-ed dear Nong and frightened the faeces out of the FT fronter, who favours flibberti-gibberti falsehoods to irrefutable facts! Now I don’t mean to get philosophical, but Nong is no Nietzsche and is more accustomed to spin than Spinoza. So he says NO to his nemesis, feebly fearing that Nurul, the novice, would nimbly numb his neurons with nuanced knowledge of his niggling nepotism.

A King among cowards, he instead opts to spinelessly spew spiteful slander from platforms made of plastercine and pipes and trumpet his trivial triumphs to troupers, trustees and Tamagotchis. Mindful that any public debate would expose Nurul’s natty nature against his nonsensical natter, the mischievous minister maligns my MP’s movement with madcap monologue.

Two days ago, amidst a barrage of barren bollocks, the cowardly Chik commanded us to feverishly fear the onslaught of dingling democracy should those tongue twisting, freedom frothing, homosexual hosting Opposition win the next general elections! The ninth circle of hell will then be upon us and we shall become the Nubian slaves of Godless heathens! Malaysia shall be imperilled, for the Opposition is going to Khmer our Rouge and hurl us into Das Kapital damnation! How very tragic!

Yes, Nong certainly neighed some knee-slapping nuttiness when he compared the Opposition to the Khmer Rouge. My, my, such asinine assertions would confound both Mulder and Scully alike! One can’t help but be nonplussed by Nong’s nonsense. His chid of the Khmer Rouge is like the pot calling the Pol Pot black! It is after all the BN regiment that represses the rights of its rakyat with racial and religious discrimination and rampant abuse of power! And they do this all while taking a whack at the nation’s wealth. Poor Raja- his thoughts must have been stuck at the taxidermist and he must have confused the Khmer Rouge with Moulin Rouge.

But if Raja Nong Chik wishes to invoke horrible histories, he ought to reflect upon these hard-hitting truths of yesteryears- Elmer Fudd never killed Bugs Bunny, Wile E Coyote never out ran the road runner and Gargamel could not impede the smurfs from becoming Ipad icons, even if it was the last thing he ever did!

And Raja Nong Chik best remember that on March 8th 2008, the people of Lembah Pantai handed divorce papers to the malfeasant Madam Shahrizat and retained custody of our pride. We value our vale far too much to ever let anymore thieving, smirking BN overlords leech on to our land. So, so long Nong! And may the rest of the nation bid adieu to the BN blisters and their rotting residue!

While maintaining that there has yet to be proof of who started the Pantai Dalam fracas on last Thursday, Lembah Pantai Umno division chief Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin speculated that it happened because PKR brought outsiders into local politics.

related articlehttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/taxidrivers-street-sources-says-raja-nong-chik-has-given-a-blank-cheque-to-mayor-ahmad-fuad-to-organise-to-c

 I dare say Khairy is not in the inner circle of Umno to confirm whether directives were issued or not. The problem is that Malaysiakinidoes not report the news accurately. They do not tell you of the PKR supporters throwing and starting the violence, but show one side and report only one side.
Just like the butt hooligans who masqueraded as army veterans outside Bersih co-chair S Ambiga’s house have been traced to Rela members under the home minister’s purview, these attacks are well-coordinated using similar tactics of throwing stones, eggs and water bottles.
Umno may want to portray incidents like this as Malays being unhappy with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, but till the day thugs like the Sekinchan Ikan Bakar owner can manage to draw 100-200 loafers for his protests and not thousands of Malays, we could safely conclude that Umno’s so-called Malay support and support from the silent majority are fairy tales. Keep dreaming.

 Who but Umno encourages and gets involved in this type of thuggery? Give credit to the opposition and the public that they have not retaliated to this ‘samseng’ culture.


More interested in mega-business

related http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2012/02/11/raja-nong-chik-shining-lembah-pantai-voters-drowning-can-we-afford-another-unquestionable-sharizat-in-name-

Now how on earth do our politicians have the time to be involved in healthy and wise politics serving in the best interest of the rakyat and the nation if they are also into mega-buck businesses?

Besides, one also wonders how on earth can they place rakyat first before self if they have their own profits to worry about, day and night. Should the government of the day not ban all politicians from indulging in business deals and leave business to the business world?

It seemed that BN/UMNO has already won the Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat before it begins with the registration of 15,000 new voters which appears to be exceptionally high !

Would the Election Commission cares or dares to make public the electoral rolls for the public to scrutinize if no underhand tactics or methods are intended.realated articlehttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com


The public has every right to check the lists of names and addresses of the new voters to ascertain that they are genuine and bona-fide new voters It is here that the shift in voter support is happening. Raja Nong Chik has been active in cultivating voters at the PPR flats and the numerous crowded urban housing schemes in Kampung Kerinchi, Pantai Dalam and Brickfields.


Mr. Baradan,how much you were paid by Raja Nong Chik the bastard who unleased the dogs at his voters . As usual it will be buttering a BN candidate, this time Raja Nong Chik, the backdoor representative. You have left out an important point ( deliberate or by ignorance). Whose money is Raja Nong Chik using to ” win” the hearts Lembah Pantai voters. And every candidate will display the most caring attitude before election except for Nurul Izzah who remains humble as ever.relatedhttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2012/04/28/mr-mayor-fuad-you-are-fucked-nong-chik-sodomised/

The constituency also has a strong PAS presence among the rich and poorer sections and they are expected to back Nurul as they did in 2008.

But many of the electorate are moving away from  lies transformation programmes introduced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Grassroots workers are seeing a shift in voter perception for Nurul

Both sides have registered voters in large numbers in this Malay-majority constituency that they hope would tip the balance in their favour.

Whatever the outcome, the battle for Lembah Pantai will be one of the hottest in the upcoming general election.

But this time around Nurul has a tough fight on her hands to retain this urban seat that has a mix of voters – urban poor, middle-of-the-road civil servants and the urban rich.

Shahrizat and her supporter, who are  expected to re-contest the seat that she had held for three terms, was removed from the political scene by the “Cowgate” scandal, will give  maximum trouble to  Raja Nong Chik  so that he will loose his deposit leaving the political scene for ever



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