So what is new?
Thanks to a rising mismatch between hope and delivery, has returned to an antique formula on the assumption
The skies in which the powerful reside may still be clouded by false illusion, but ground reality has shifted. The people have, with good reason, lost faith in the government’s ability to lead economic change or provide the exhilaration of opportunity. Ever since ideology committed suicide in the early 1990s, those in power have sought to fill the vacuum with ideas. Most ideas were perceptive and prescriptive; some were even brilliant. The flexibility was exhilarating after too many decades of doctrine born in an open mind but killed by a closed one.
Hence, the last people to recognize change are those who should be leading it. The immediate is so overpowering that it fogs perspective.Hence, the last people to recognize change are those who should be leading it. The immediate is so overpowering that it fogs perspective.Muslims have been the most static, although there is evidence emerging that some groups have begun to recognize that their real problem is the politics of fear, with prejudice possibly a parallel but subsidiary fact. Fear drove them repeatedly into the false comfort UMNO embraces. Deputy minister was delighted; if fear was sufficient to deliver the vote, there was no reason why UMNO should waste jobs on Muslims
Pragmatism became politically correct. But a serious problem was soon evident: it was difficult to make ideas work without a framework. The patterns of democracy encouraged spasmodic birth but hindered growth. Politics eroded the time necessary for nurture. A five-year term in office began with loads of self-congratulation. Then eager eggheads sat down to set policy into language that could buy advocacy from media and support from the legislature. But if the process entered the third, or worse fourth, it was overtaken by uncertainty, spluttered and shuffled before the withdrawal symptoms arrived. Ever since ideology committed suicide in the early 1990s, those in power have sought to fill the vacuum with ideas. Most ideas were perceptive and prescriptive; some were even brilliant. The flexibility was exhilarating after too many decades of doctrine born in an open mind but killed by a closed one.
When logic snaps, rational discourse stumbles. Why is it perfectly acceptable to applaud a Muslim nationalist, but denigrate a Hindu nationalist? Either both terms are right, or both wrong. Muhiddin gave “Muslim nationalism” gave “Muslim nationalism” institutional credibility was father of an ideology that knit the groundwork of modern Malaysia. His moral compass was set on a firm axis: politics with religion was immoral. said kamalanathan
As a Deputy Edu. Minister how could he also ‘ AGREED ‘ using Shower Rooms as Canteen when the Toilets are just next door to it……How could he said Fiasco is now Settled….???
Is he out of his Mind to OK with what he saw there or is he TRYING to safe face for Muhiddin..Well the Deputy Minister Kamalanathan has solved all the canteen issues of the Sg.Buloh school. Nothing to worry. He is indeed great. Now the children can go back to the wash room during recess. They have been using it since March this year. Why the big fuss? They can still continue eating there. What a shame to the non-Malay students. It has got nothing to do with race or religion. Well you may be right. But how about” sending your children” to that school to eat at an atmosphere like that.Come on minister sir, pls try your level best to take action on the HM. There is no easy way out. The damage has already been done.Well the Deputy Minister Kamalanathan has solved all the canteen issues of the Sg.Buloh school. Nothing to worry. He is indeed great. Now the children can go back to the wash room during recess. They have been using it since March this year. Why the big fuss? They can still continue eating there. What a shame to the non-Malay students. It has got nothing to do with race or religion. Well you may be right. But how about” sending your children” to that school to eat at an atmosphere like that.Come on minister sir, pls try your level best to take action on the HM. would have been puzzled by any suggestion that Hinduism was an obstacle to secularism;There is no easy way out. The damage has already been done. Both used a faith-influenced dialectic almost unconsciously . Muslim-majority Malaysia is not secular because Muhiddin not secular; Deputy Minister Kamalanathan is secular because MIC is secular.
Faith does not make us communal, human nature does. A politician has as much right to be a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian as any other citizen. Any doubt about an aspirant to power can be cleared by a simple question: is he committed to sarvadharmasambhava or not? If the answer is unclear, vote for someone else.
Let those Malays who want to bully, do so; let those who want to watch television instead, switch on. Faith is a freedom. Let us celebrate this freedom with a smile, not a snarl.