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Home Minister Zahid Hamidi are you Intelligent enough to understand what is sedition?


Why did Razak Baginda’s wife created an outburst when her then accused husband was brought to the Court , ‘My husband is innocent. He does not want to be the Prime Minister”. Then Pak Lah was PM and Najib was DPM. Shouldn’t the police investigators followed up with statements from her as to what she meant. The whole Altantuya murder trial was just a sham one to let the main culprit off the hook. why did Razak Baginda’s wife created an outburst when her then accused husband was brought to the Court , ‘My husband is innocent. He does not want to be the Prime Minister”. Then Pak Lah was PM and Najib was DPM. Shouldn’t the police investigators followed up with statements from her as to what she meant. The whole Altantuya murder trial was just a sham one to let the main culprit off the hook.

Resurrecting ‘middleman’ Jasbir Singh Chahl to try to whitewash the Scorpene scandal is hardly a scoop by the New Straits Times (NST) - his churlish account in the interview fails to answer the many questions raised by the scandal and the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Suaram has all along stuck to the facts and this can be checked in our publication: ‘Questioning Arms Spending in Malaysia: From Altantuya to Zikorsky’ which I wrote in 2010. By no means does Jasbir disprove the chronology of events in the book or shed light on revelations by the French enquiry thus far.

But first, let us examine the credentials of this man touted as the “architect” of the Scorpene submarine deal, the most expensive arms purchase by our country to date, costing well over RM7 billion.Can we come to any conclusion based on the biased views of only one man (an interested party). Why not hear from all the parties that were involved? Why is the Government afraid to hold a Royal Commission of Enquiry to set the record straight? We have not heard the last of this.

˜Shafee Abdullah: sodomologist extraordinaireâ.Razak Baginda saved by his affidavit drafted by Lingamgate linked Shafee Abdullah he is the one who received the sms from Najib

Indirectly, zahid are protecting those corrupt who involve this deal. shame on you, zahid! Suaram are revealing the abuse of UMNO-GOV!! Rakyat should protect Suaram

This type of lowlifes makes me boiling mad. Directly asking UMNO supporters to lodge police reports against such a righteous Suaram, and there after, all sorts of laws will be applied and used against Suaram. This is Ketuanan Penipu for you. Don’t know why so many fools believe in UMNO protecting this and that where in actual fact, it is making use of them for their own selfish reasons while they break every law of our land, and persecute those who want an end to all their atrocities. Let our future’s history shames them and their families for all the crimes they have committed. Repent UMNO, don’t let the Mamak lead you all astray till you lose your conscience, identity, and dignity of your race.RELATED ARTICLEEx-CJ Zaki says we can arrest Najib, EO-like law has its uses

Home Minister Zahid Hamidi has said that Suaram leaders were liable for sedition over their allegations about the Scorpene deal.Home Minister Zahid Hamidi has said that Suaram leaders were liable for sedition over their allegations about the Scorpene deal need to treat corruption as sedition All the signs are pointing to the fact that SCUMNO is becoming more and more insecure about its tenuous and illegitimate hold on power. It’ll only get worse as more and more Malaysians reject SCUMNO, until the day SCUMNO is finally rejected from power

Razak Baginda saved by his affidavit drafted by Lingamgate linked Shafee Abdullah 

Datuk Seri Shahrizat added that the Defendants deliberately sensationalised and spun this matter until it became “the talk of town”. Friends, family members and colleagues said that the allegations against her had even transcended overseas in newspapers and media in countries like Singapore and the United Kingdom.


It’s out in the open now – inMalaysiaTodayMalaysiakini, andMalaysian Insider, this is the content of the email that has been circulating and the string of sms-es inside:

Did Najib Tun Razak interfered in the Altantuya case and tried to help his friend Razak Baginda escape the gallows? Read the article  and sms-es inside and YOU decide.

The following text message correspondence is between YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, and Dato’ Shafee Abdullah, a Malaysian lawyer who initially represented Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda who is on trial for abeting the murder of Mongolian national, Altantuya Shaariibuu.

While it does not answer lingering questions about Najib’s alleged past relations with Altantuya, the text messages show clearly Najib’s active intereference in the case very early on.

The messages highlight Najib’s willingness to speak with both members of the Attorney General’s Chambers and Inspector General of Police about the case, something that suggests an abuse of executive power.

What is particularly revealing and troubling is that the counsel, Shafee, keeps asking Najib for details indicating some political intervention that may have influenced the case.

This observation is strengthened by Najib’s message to Shafee on 16 November 2006: “Pls do not say anything to the press today. i will explain later. RB will have to face a tentative charge but all is not lost.”

This message raises a lot of questions about Najib’s role in this case. Why did he mention “tentative” charge and that “all is not lost” for RB (Razak Baginda)? How would Najib know this before Razak was charged? Is there already a deal in place that will see Razak aquitted? These are important questions which will have ramifications not just on this case but far beyond.

The text messages were transmitted between Najib’s personal mobile phone (+6012 2143177) and Shafee’s mobile phone (+6012 3257052).

Those who seek the truth should challenge Najib and Shafee to deny that this correspondence took place between them. Perhaps a record of the messages still resides in the server of the relevant telecommunications company.

The truth is buried somewhere. Those who know what truly happened hope that the truth has been buried deep with Altantuya. But the funny thing is, the truth always finds its way into the hands of those who fight for justice – sometimes in the most mysterious circumstances.

. It’s just a matter of time.Again trying to silence the truth by all means? All the trademarks of Umno tactics. It’s time ALL Malaysians realized this country is being run like a private fiefdom. Malaysia is so full of scandals that it has become a staple of our daily life. No one blinks anymore as if scandals are the norm of our Malaysian life.This type of lowlifes makes me boiling mad. Directly asking UMNO supporters to lodge police reports against such a righteous Suaram, and there after, all sorts of laws will be applied and used against Suaram. This is Ketuanan Penipu for you. Don’t know why so many fools believe in UMNO protecting this and that where in actual fact, it is making use of them for their own selfish reasons while they break every law of our land, and persecute those who want an end to all their atrocities. Let our future’s history shames them and their families for all the crimes they have committed. Repent UMNO, don’t let the Mamak lead you all astray till you lose your conscience, identity, and dignity of your race.

Nira Radia tapes show how many journalists, many businessmen and many politicians conspired to threaten economic stability of India; how they threatened the constitution of India by putting the cabinet berths of Indian government on sale?  But the British laws under which we work do not treat this as sedition.The last time I checked the image of your leader is not Sacrosanct nor Royally Royal so what is so Seditious when Suaram is casting reasonable doubts that he is dragging down the image of our Country! It wouldn’t be far-fetched though it sounds ridiculous to allude that the Govt is being Seditious towards itself by misgovernance; just check your own Ministry and the men in blue for a start as the list is too long for you to shoulder alone.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the Opposition have tried to link Najib and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, with the murder since it happened in October 2006.

Najib has furiously denied any involvement with the case, and has even sworn in a mosque that he did not know the woman. His wife has also sought recourse in the courts to clear her name.

Their nemesis has been Raja Petra. He published many reports and commentaries alleging a cover-up in the investigation of the murder. He was detained under the Internal Security Act for allegedly publishing articles which were blasphemous.

Razak Baginda saved by his affidavit
The Straits Times, 2 November 2008

The acquittal of political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda in the high-profile murder case of his former Mongolian lover made big headlines in Malaysian newspapers yesterday, with many zooming in on how his affidavit had saved him. The sleazy and sensational affair, and Abdul Razak’s close ties to Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, had kept the case in the public eye as the trial ran for two years.

His almost-forgotten affidavit filed two years ago was the highlight as it was pivotal to the High Court judge’s decision to acquit him of abetting the murder. The document was filed in court in an attempt by Abdul Razak, 48, to obtain bail before the trial started. He failed to get bail and there was criticism then by legal experts who considered it a wrong move to disclose his case so early in the trial.

But it turned out to be an astute move. High Court judge Mohamed Zaki Mohamed Yasin on Friday ruled that the tell-all affidavit had helped clear him of the charge of asking two policemen to kill Altantuya Shaariibuu.

“In the absence of the rebuttal evidence against them (statements in the affidavit), coupled with the fact that there is no legal onus for him to rebut any statutory presumption, there is clearly no reason for the statements to be ignored and rejected,” the judge said.

The lengthy document detailed how Abdul Razak met Altantuya in 2004, and had an affair with her that lasted until 2005. After they broke up, he alleged that the 28-year-old interpreter harassed him, and that he had sought the help of the police. But he denied telling them to kill her. According to court evidence, Altantuya’s remains were found in a jungle outside Kuala Lumpur, blown up with explosives after she was shot dead.

The judge found that 13 statements in the affidavit were not rebutted by evidence put forward by prosecutors. In a nutshell, they recounted how Abdul Razak had asked Musa Safri, a security aide of the deputy premier, for help because of Altantuya’s harassment. Musa reportedly said he would introduce him to a police officer. The co-accused Azilah Hadri, an officer from an elite unit that guards VVIPs, called Abdul Razak the next day.

Abdul Razak said he called Azilah on Oct 19, 2006, when Altantuya turned up at his house. Altantuya was taken away by three police officers. Abdul Razak said he subsequently asked Musa what had happened to Altantuya but the aide said Azilah did not tell him.

The judge on Friday found these statements were corroborated by witnesses at the trial, and “clearly negated and nullified the act of abetment as alleged”. This detailed legal explanation was, however, described by veteran opposition politician Lim Kit Siang as a technical one, as he demanded further investigation.

The immediate public reaction on the Internet was, as expected, similar. Abdul Razak’s close ties to DPM Najib were hauled out to hint at favoured treatment although there was no evidence of this. Lim wrote in his blog that it was imperative for Najib to face an independent government inquiry on the allegations.

So far, Abdul Razak has not given his side of the story. After his acquittal, he went back to his house in upmarket Damansara Heights before going to the mosque for Friday prayers. He wore broad smiles each time he came out of the house, but declined to speak to reporters. He also said he had been fasting for the 22 months since he was arrested.

His two co-accused, Azilah and Sirul Azhar Umar, who allegedly killed Altantuya, have been ordered to present their defence. The hearing will begin on Nov 10.

Here are excerpts of the affidavit filed by Abdul Razak Baginda:

EVEN though I had appointed (private eye) P. Balasubramaniam, the harassment by Altantuya against my family and me did not stop. Hence, I asked Deputy Superintendent Musa Safri (a security aide to Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak) for help.

I also sought help to be introduced to a police officer from the Brickfields police station as my house was under their jurisdiction.

DSP Musa told me that he would introduce me to an officer who would help me.

On Oct 17, 2006, the deceased came to my house and wanted to meet me. I was not at home at that time, and my wife learnt of her visit.

On the night of Oct 17, I was at home and there was a commotion outside the house.

I called Balasubramaniam and Dhiren Norendra (a lawyer) to help me. A police patrol car arrived to settle the matter.

DSP Musa later called me and said a police officer would call me to help me sort out my problem with the deceased.

On the morning of Oct 18, 2006, Azilah Hadri (one of the co-accused) called me and introduced himself as the police officer who was referred by DSP Musa to help me.

I subsequently met with Azilah. I told him that the deceased had caused a commotion at my house, and asked him to conduct patrols around my house.

On Oct 19, 2006, Balasubramaniam called me and told me that there was a commotion outside my house. I was out with my family. So I called Azilah for help.

Balasubramaniam told me that three plainclothes police officers came to my house… to take the deceased away.

On Oct 20, I bumped into DSP Musa. I asked him what happened the night before and DSP Musa told me Azilah did not tell him anything.

In the least, all these people are guilty of criminal conspiracy under section 120B read with Prevention of Corruption Act.

Dr Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, fully knew that Raja was looting the nation. It was the constitutional duty of Dr Singh to stop that. Rather he turned a blind eye. Subsequently, the Prime Minister even tried to protect Raja’s misdeeds in various ways. He sat on the request of Dr Subramaniam Swamy for more than eleven months seeking permission to prosecute Raja. Then, the CBI directly working under the Prime Minister did not do any investigation in that case for almost a year after registering FIR despite strong displeasure expressed by Supreme Court on several occasions. CBI got into action only when the Court decided to monitor CBI’s investigations. Isn’t this sedition? However, the British laws under which independent India functions, do not treat such serious charges as sedition.

In the least, Dr Singh is guilty of criminal conspiracy under section 120B read with Prevention of Corruption Act.

Unfortunately, the role of none of the above players would even be honestly investigated because CBI, which is the agency responsible for investigating and prosecuting them, works directly under the command of the accused. Even if they were tried and convicted, they would be guilty of “corruption”, which carries a punishment of six months to a maximum of seven years.

Media has been replete with stories on how Dr Raman Singh, Mr Naveen Patnaik and Mr Yeddyurappa have been selling the minerals of this country at throwaway prices. They are giving licenses for mining, not because these minerals are needed for India, but for exporting most of these minerals. The state gets a royalty of Rs 27 per ton of iron ore mined, cost of mining is roughly Rs 300 per ton and the mining company sells it in international market at Rs 6000 per ton. The economics of the mining of almost all minerals is as absurd. Not just that, mining companies, with full knowledge of government agencies, mine much more illegally than they are permitted. Illegal mining is so rampant that it is feared that some of the mines would be empty within the next few years.

Royalty rates are fixed by central government. Licenses and permissions are given together by both central and state governments. Aren’t all these honorable Chief Ministers, who are openly plundering the national resources, in collusion with various ministries of Central Government, guilty of sedition? The party antagonism vanishes when it comes to plundering the nation. Complete bonhomie is seen between BJP in states and congress at the centre. They are doing precisely what their British predecessors did. Loot this country and take the wealth out of the country. Since we work under the same British laws, their loot is not a serious crime but anyone who dares to “hate” their activities or resist them and incite “contempt” or “disaffection” against such open loot of the country is a crime.

Our laws do not even recognize these crimes, which have the potential to destabilize India, as serious enough to be termed “sedition”.

Sedition, under the present law, is to cause “disaffection” against such corrupt and unjust governments. How can one call himself an Indian and still have “affection” for such practices? We fought against British not because of the color of their skin but also because of the exploitative character of their government. Unfortunately, the character of the present governments has become far more exploitative.

One may have strong “disaffection” for government of India, its policies and its systems. But one may love India. One may love Indians. But under section 124A of IPC, one would be guilty of sedition.

124A. Sedition – Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards, the government established by law in India, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years, to which fine may be added, or with fine.

 The expression “disaffection” includes disloyalty and all feelings of enmity.

Explanation 2 – Comments expressing disapprobation of the measures of the government with a view to obtain their alterations by lawful means, without exciting or attempting to excite hatred, contempt or disaffection, do not constitute an offence under this section.

Explanation 3 – Comments expressing disapprobation of the administrative or other action of the government without exciting or attempting to excite hatred, contempt or disaffection, do not constitute an offence under this section.

Therefore, sedition is defined as an act which causes contempt or hatred or disaffection against the “government” and not against the “country” or the “constitution”.

Most of us who regularly use RTI, expose corruption and criticize governments could be easily prosecuted under the above section. Everyday, opposition parties incite hatred against the government in power. Therefore, all opposition leaders could be held guilty of “sedition”. If strictly implemented, this section could muzzle dissent and democracy.

Interestingly, such grave offences, which have the potential of destabilizing Indian economy, are not treated as “sedition”. For instance, A Raja caused a loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crores to India. This is almost 30% of annual Gross Tax Receipts of Government of India. Therefore, he almost threatened the economic sovereignty of India. Interestingly, that is not sedition. That is “corruption”, which invites the same punishment as would be awarded to a food inspector who takes Rs 1000 bribe to make a ration card.IPC was written in 1861 by the British. Their aim was to economically plunder India. Anyone who resisted in those efforts was a traitor and his activities were declared as “sedition”. Unfortunately, after independence, we continued with the same system. Under our present legal system, economic plundering of Indian revenues and Indian resources is a petty offence called “corruption”. But anyone who resists that or has “disaffection” towards such practices is guilty of “sedition”.Section 120B of IPC is another section under which Binayak Sen has been convicted. Section 120B talks of criminal conspiracy. If anyone conspires in a crime, he is liable for the same punishment as is the person committing the original crime.

Now suddenly Perkasa, Jati and all the likes will be queuing up to lodge police report and police will solve case even before you can say jack shit…

Whose poverty is it anyway?  episode shows just how intolerant Mahathir is….

If some of you think that this nation is in a mess, then blame the Malays because they are the problem. Malays know that Malaysia is not the land of gold and honey any longer. In these difficult times, they have become more aware of their surroundings; but one other person has noticed this sea-change in the Malays.


He is former Premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He knows that a thinking and independent Malay is detrimental to his legacy and creation- UMNO-Baru – and to the well-being of his family’s fortunes. Today’s self-aware Malay is Mahathir’s downfall.

Malays are in positions of power in government and the civil service. They dictate policies and run the wheels of government; but Malays are also the nation’s worst hypocrites. They are greedy. They are happy with short-term solutions. They do not think of the consequences. They are happy to hide behind the cloak of race and religion if it will bring them some material benefit or status. The day they lose everything is probably the day they will regain their humility, values and self-respect.

With the downturn in the economy, Malays have noticed that jobs are hard to come by, that only the chosen Malays receive government tenders, and that the cost of living is increasing. Scholarships for the poor Malay child are snapped up by children of UMNO Baru politicians and cronies, leaving only a few places for the needy.

Crime is rife and foreigners are a common sight in every community, schools and hospitals. The Malay market-trader has to compete with a foreigner, who is willing to work harder for less money. Children in the rural areas are disillusioned and difficult to motivate. Many drift to the cities looking for jobs, then find that there are no jobs, so they add to the Mat Rempit menace.

The most privileged section of the community also has the highest proportion of drug users. Why are Malays more prone to drug addiction? Are they trying to escape reality? People who volunteer in charitable organisations allege that Malays have the highest incidence of problems, ranging from domestic violence to sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual problems such as rape, incest and illegitimate children.

Corruption is killing the country, but Malays are quite happy with the RM50 or PerKasa and HarussaniRM500 offered by UMNO Baru. The Muftis  issue  ridiculous fatwas and Friday sermons are politicised, but few Malays voice their objections. If this were Indonesia, the Indonesians would have walked out of the mosques, in protest.

Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim nation. If Indonesian women were subjected to acts of humiliation, many Indonesian women and men would have picketed to protest and demand that stern action be taken. Malay women would rather watch the latest TV soap.

Exacting vengeance

Malays are aware that government tenders above a certain value involve bribery but will they lodge complaints? Perhaps, they are aware that nothing will be done. The people who head these anti-graft bodies are Malays.

Malays know that cheating was rife in GE13 and in the by-election in Kuala Besut on July 24. It appears that Malays were more concerned about getting in the queue for their “travel allowance”, than stopping corruption.

Aziz and WanThe hundreds of millions of ringgit should instead have been pumped into schemes to benefit the community. The scoundrels are the Election Commission (EC) chairperson and his deputy, both Malays. Men who lack principle and dignity are championed by UMNO-Baru.

UMNO-Baru seems to be promoting the Malays, whereas Pakatan Rakyat appears to be inclusive of all Malaysians, but the irony is that the only way for Malays to prosper is to vote against UMNO-Baru and ensure that Pakatan forms the next government.

Mahathir knows which buttons to push. He is good at making you react, he excels at getting your attention and is pleased when you become all worked up – his expertise is that of a master manipulator. Mahathir would have made a better psychiatrist than a general practitioner.

Those who claim that Mahathir’s policies “help” the Malays, are wrong. What he does under the pretext of helping Malays is designed to have the opposite effect. He is exacting his own vengeance on the Malays. Sadly, the Malays are too blind or stupid to notice.

When Mahathir was a child, which traumatic episode in particular made him turn against the Malays? He appears to be torn between pleasing the Malays, so that he is accepted by them, but at the same time is driven by feelings of guilt, to redeem himself for being cast as an outsider.

Was he teased in the school playground and called derogatory names pertaining to his background? Was he ashamed of being registered as an Indian at medical school in Singapore? Despite having a Malay mother, did elite Malays, royalty and the community treat Mahathir as an outsider? Did an incident deprive Mahathir of a deep emotional connection with the Malay community, which fostered a deep seated envy of the Malays?

This week, Mahathir has again tried to pit Malays against Chinese, and vice-versa; he queried whether the Chinese wanted to share, or to seize power, in Malaysia.

The non-Malay colleagues or beneficiaries of Mahathir’s largesse are silent. If they are angry with Mahathir, none would dare voice their objections publicly. Mahathir knows that patronage has its advantages, and its limits.

Poor-quality leaders

Today, we are a nation divided along racial and religious lines and all of us are to blame. From the beginning, Mahathir had a racist agenda. The Malays were mesmerised by Mahathir’s spin but then, the non-Malays are not entirely innocent.

In the WikiLeaks cables released in April 2013, it was revealed that the US Embassythe-man-behind-perkasa1expressed surprise that Mahathir had been appointed Deputy PM in 1976, but they were probably more amazed by the lack of opposition from the non-Malays despite Mahathir’s “Malay chauvinism”.

Francis T Underhill Jr, the Ambassador at the time noted that “… the small, predominantly Chinese Democratic Action Party (DAP) has expressed some concern over Mahathir’s past record but has not openly opposed his selection. Other Chinese parties or politicians have either not commented or have welcomed Mahathir’s appointment in a pro forma manner”.

Malaysia does not have a Malay or a Chinese dilemma. Our only dilemma is Mahathir. His latest outburst about the Chinese seizing power is merely a side-show. He wants to deflect attention from the greatest show in Malaysia, the UMNO Baru general assembly.

Behind the scenes, the Malays in UMNO-Baru are positioning themselves, like pieces on a chess board. The rakyat’s problem is that we have poor quality Malay UMNO Baru leaders, who only want to maintain their vested interests.

Malays are the problem of this country but they could also be the solution. Right now, any aspiring Malay who wants to be leader must listen to the needs of the lower-income groups and families with aspiration. He must address concerns of the rakyat like illegal immigration, corruption, education and rising cost of living and  crime.

Nothing gives Mahathir a greater sense of schadenfreude than seeing the Malays suffer, despite the Ketuanan Melayu and UMNO Baru.

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