As people evolve and circumstances change, no decision seems too sacrosanct to be questioned again Between the two Liars , what a lesson learnt amidst the beautiful environs of Liars Club: Be true to your own self and cultivate passion for something meaningful… Is it okay to change your mind? How often can one do so without being labelled a weak-minded flip-flopper? Contemporary thinkers and successful people encourage thinking, revisiting issues and questioning decisions we may have once considered closed. Nothing is written in stone. We change our minds about small things almost every day and think nothing of it. But it takes courage to declare a change of mind about larger issues as we are scared of being labelled weak-willed or lacking in confidence. As a result we pressurise ourselves to take ‘firm’ decisions and stick by them. However, decisions are always taken under a certain set of circumstances and the context changes over time — as do people, their attitudes and beliefs. So, how can one not change his/her mind about decisions taken earlier as one learns and evolves?
A man who is irreverent and yet religious in his own way, true first to his own self, brave for himself as well as for others, disciplined to the point of rude. In effect, a ‘complete man’, one who marches to his own drummer and refuses to make compromises. What character and discipline. What passion, what a life lived and enjoyed to the hilt. What a message: Be true to your own self. Howeve Liar Muhammad Shafee Abdullahr does not want to confirm the presence of others until he reads former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim’s statutory declaration as he said it would be unfair to the former police officer.He added this was also to be fair to Mahathir. “Tun (Mahathir) is certainly not involved in all this rubbish.” If this fellow intends to be TRUTHFUL at all, – why on earth should he have to first sight Mat Zain Ibrahim’s statutory declaration? If anyone cares to ask Mahathi what was discussed, he’ll say he cannot remember..a plot was made against Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail at an alleged high-level meeting at Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s residence three months ago. Denial is a very common way of trying to escape from the truth. Even though if there was a meeting to remove the AG, they have to thread very carefully. Well the AG is very powerful person. His loyalty to his political masters and the many secrets he holds will put him in a secure position to deal or not to deal.Whom do we believe – Shafee, Mahathir or Mat Zain. And why the AG is not suing Mat Zaid for what he mentioned in the Sd ?
If you wish to achieve anything in life, go for it with passion, cultivate a degree of madness, lunacy for it Shafee Abdullah thundered.Malaysia today has everything we need, except the most essential thing needed for our future — Mahathir and Abdul Gani Patail that’s what the youth must inculcate.” Indeed, passion is a very strong emotion, which invariably acts like a magnet for whatever it is directed towards. It manifests itself as a stronger form of emotion, more intense, more driving and overpowering. In that sense, passion is not different from emotion. You have to feel deeply to want something badly, and try for it with all you have.
Some have argued that certain prosecutions were politically-motivated. Others have criticised the A-G for failing to prosecute where criminal acts were obvious and argued quite convincingly that those decisions were likewise motivated, either politically or otherwise.

Numerous police reports have already been filed by former CID chief of Kuala Lumpur Dato’ Mat Zain containing damning allegations against the AG. His failure to deny them renders him culpable of the wrong doings alleged and at the very least warrant an immediate suspension of duties.
The Prime Minister must not ignore public demands for answers and the AG must not be allowed to continue in office seemingly oblivious of the stark allegations of nefarious and criminal activities committed by him.
The exception as the rule Good Intentions cannot justify bad delivery
Bill passd in parliamnt are not in the laudable intention but in the clogged delivery. The desire to be politically correct has overtaken the imperative to be politically sensible. Method and order structural flaw could further erode the already ebbing credibility of our parliamentary systemThe irony is that such flaws can be easily corrected, with some time and thought. Both have been absent from the process, the favourite weapons of Hercule Poirot, might be usefully employed in analysis.It is odd that the government should have chosen law and order as its final alibi after some exhausting self-laceration in its search for a credible explanation for the escape ofJustice
When Instuation smuggled The Predators to safety, the authority of state abandoned the responsibility of state. Excuses, evasions and lies have shifted over years; this central truth has not.the umbilical chord of the colonial, or neo-colonial. Who had dared to arrest a pillar of the American corporate establishment. ‘Bail or no bail’: what was a rotten piece of paper signed