Introducing the Vibrant PAS campaign
All that large sections of the P119 TITIWANGSA voters want to do is vote out PAS CANDIDATE AHMAD ZAMRI’. But if that rage and hope coalesce into a movement the voices from the street of Titiwangsa, the country, its politics and its people will have a lot to answer – to itself and to the world watching it. Because then we will never be able to hold any politician accountable for the wrong that he does or oversees or fails to stop. And that will be too much of a price to pay – even if it is in the name of Islam. Or the promise of it.
We have seen Changes as a man PAS CANDIDATE AHMAD ZAMRIwhose only brutality is this admission of “awe” – it’s a moment of ruthless intellectual honesty a radical fundamentalis from Malaysia PAS a radical party we the voters of P119 Titiwangsa will reject him We never see that moment of “awe” resurface what is the PAS dream? Whatever the truth about Changez, some of his associations are violent; that’s enough to keep him out of paliament.
The screenplay by the “Tiger of Jelutong”. and PAS president Hadi Awang is virtually a master class in how to adapt an apparently unadaptable source.
“The introduction of hudud to the legal system would mean one system but two laws, which is impossible to impose,” said the incumbent Bukit Gelugor MP popularly known as the “Tiger of Jelutong”.
He was responding to PAS CANDIDATE AHMAD ZAMRI statement that the Islamist party was confident its Pakatan Rakyat ally will accept hudud law because it was willing to contest using the PAS logo.
AHMAD ZAMRI said hudud is only for Muslims, the implementation of two systems will cause conflicts and chaos,” Karpal reiterated.
“Many people have misconceptions about what unity in Islam is. Unity in the ummah is when I love my brother regardless. When we look at the lives of the sahabah we realize that everyone had a different opinion, it is dealing with these opinions that keeps us united.”
As an example, Karpal said that if a non-Muslim and a Muslim were to be jointly charged for the same crime under the Penal code and hudud system respectively, it would be impossible to have a trial.
He pointed out that the Federal Constitution also does not provide for an Islamic state.
“If PAS wants to amend the Federal Constitution, DAP or PKR will not allow it,” he said.
“I don’t think PAS would insist on amending the Federal Constitution,” he added.
To some extent, I suspect, this lies at the heart of a fair amount of support for and the man PAS president Hadi Awang who could be the prime ministerial candidate for 2013. – something that would eventually take more – that’s what common folks believe. And sensing the PAS mahapurush sentiment, AHMAD ZAMRI hasn’t really gone out of his way to disabuse that notion. If anything, he has worked on that image. His Pas model’, he has quietly and subtly signaled, is not just about keeping the economy in place.
In the name of god, the merciful, the compassionate… brothers, sisters… what is the greatest threat facing islam today?
Aerican aggression in the middle east.
The zionist occupation of palestine.
These are merely symptoms… of a greater disease. The real threat…is in our hearts. Instead of allowing islam to transform us, some muslims are trying to transform islam to serve their political agenda. They are using the label “islam”…to kill, murder innocent people, something that the prophet would never have condoned — sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
Remember sura 13, verse 11…
“God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” How can we end the oppression of the muslims by resorting to even worse behavior? If our spiritual and our moral condition worsens, how can we expect god to improve our economic and our political conditions? This is the fallacy of the self-styled jihadists, who! I hope I haven’t angered you, brother. As-salaam alaikum. This is the fallacy of the self-styled jihadists who murder innocentcivilians.
How can you expect muslims to be civized when the americans, the israelis, the russians kill thousands of muslim civilians and dismiss it as collateral damage? The holy qu’ran permits an eye for an eye. If the unbelievers kill our civilians, we have the right to do the same.
Allah permits retaliation only against the guilty party, not against innocents. Sura 53, verse 38, says, “no soul shall bear the burden of another.”
The holy qu’ran also says, “and kill them wherever you find them. “And drive them out of the places where they drove you out,for persecution is worse than killing.”
You forgot the first part of that verse, brother –
“fight in god’s cause against those who fight you, “but do not commit aggression. God does not love aggressors.” There are many who are seeking god, but instead end up following the devil.
What you said tonight…
Toubled you.
It’s very different from what I’ve been told.
There are many false teachers taking verses from the glorious qu’ran out of context, corrupting the teachings of the holy prophet. Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Tell me, brother… what is the greatest jihad?
To fight the unbelievers in battle.
The holy prophet –sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam — said that war against the unbelievers is the lesser jihad. The greatest jihad is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself.
So, who is a true holy warrior, then?
The prophet’s cousin ali, who was fighting an unbeliever in battle, and he gained the upper hand. Just as he was about to strike the death blow, the unbeliever spat at him.Ali threw down his sword and refused to kill him.
Ali said that, when the man spat at him, he himself became angry And he was no longer fighting for allah, but to avenge his own pride. He knew that if he killed that unbeliever out of ange rrather than out of a desire for justice, he would be a murderer in the eyes of allah on judgment day. That, my brother, is a true holy warrior.
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