It is time PAS stood up to truth dont make Islam a political football?
Prior to attempting any genuine critique of UMNO, it becomes imperative to substantiate the same with either empirical facts or hard evidence. Even so, in tune with the liberal tenets of our Constitution, UMNO does not object to genuine criticism of its judgment in Islam. However, scurrilous attacks and comments attributing motives to decisions are absolutely unacceptable. These exceptions are reasonable and essential to preserve the sanctity ofits’ that flow . Commentators must understand that the scope of their criticism ought to be restricted to decisions itself – and not the personal characteristics of its leaders . The simple fact of the matter, is that the politicians is supposed to be, and thankfully is, scrupulously apolitical. Islam is not in the race to win a popularity contest Change they say is the only constant in life. Some minor, some life altering while some leave a lingering aftertaste. Taking a leaf from PASi’s philosophy, attention was the appeal to youth to spin the spindle and have an experience in meditation while spinning.It is clear that the changing situation in Malaysia needs a fresh approach. Rampant corruption, failing economy and spiralling inflation are enough to defeat UMNO in the next election but PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has kicked unnecessary debate such a strategy was not a new thing as such scenarios had existed for thousands of years.“Muslims in our country were shocked by a string of attacks in relation to Islam being the official religion of the country.Undoubtedly, today’s PAS is not the one which fought for Islam in Malaysia. PAS version of islam flourished in KELANTAN under PAS. The pluralistic society of Malaysia flourished under UMNO.One unified Malaysia, the other gave a socio-economic direction. Together,D AP controlled riots and put thousands of innocent life danger
DAP led temple movement, leaving behind series of Hatred Chaos. DAP go beyond ‘builders’ brew’ and give masala chai and chapati a try allow us to believe! Please? In an era that prides itself on ripping away dreamy veils to reveal ugly truths, a sense of mystique is a rare, undervalued commodity.Life would be simpler if we accepted everything at face value but would … Read more
Who is the real you?
Mentioned that neither changing circumstances nor people can affect your balance so long as your core as a human being remains the same, I was inundated with requests to write about one’s “core as a human being!”
Simply put, your core is your real, essential self — the authentic you, the person you are when you shed all pretences. That’s the easy part; what is more difficult is tearing down the perception you have of your real self! For, all of us come to adopt an image of ourselves that we believe in very early in life, and then live trapped in that image for the rest of our lives. In doing so, we forget to understand who we really are, what makes us tick and what is true happiness or the real purpose of our lives.
Karpal Singh is a lawyer, he often cheat … the moment we read the article in M’kini, everybody knew what he meant and not be surprised since he don’t like Islam, now he is saying other people cheating… so much of a person with principal …PAS Youth vice-chief Dr Raja Ahmad Iskandar said today DAP national chairperson Karpal Singh had lied in denying that he urged at a press conference in Penang on Nov 5 that PAS be deregistered.
Does PAS have no future? If you were to listen to all the election rhetoric, that’s the honest takeaway. There’s so much chest thumping about how Malaysia the most exciting politics. It’s all about the past, nothing about the future.Nowhere is this more obvious than in our politics. Our biggest statues are built for the long dead.But what PAS talking about that.NOT offering a blueprint for change But what next? There’s so much more to be done and undone. But is anyone interested?i, PAS who looked different to begin with, has now settled into the familiar groove of badmouthing his rivals and making one gaffe after another, showing that his reading of history is as inconclusive as his strategy for change. Everyone’s fault lines are being revealed.All Muslim in Malaysia have one simple question today to Pas leaders: How are they going to set the future right? No one PAS Lleader wants to answer that.
When PAS politicians stoop so low of using Islam,, as a “political weapon” to boost its decreasing support among Muslims in Malaysia. as to invoke PAS and its despicable ideology to score political brownie points, it becomes increasingly clear that something is seriously wrong with our polity. Are we truly that devoid of pressing issues that we need to worry about PAS and its despicable ideology Muslim voters forced to trade their valuable votes for permanent indignity. UMNO may speak softly on Islam, but this must not be confused with weakness or ‘fickleness’, as some PAS observers have claimed, in the backdrop of the Allah issue, Almost all Malaysians look up to the Justices of the Supreme Court with the reverential belief that no matter what the odds, the Court will ensure that justice prevails. Indeed, the Court has rarely disappointed those who come to it with meritorious claims. Even the harshest critics of the court will concede that the Supreme Court has earned its rightful place as Malaysia’s most respected public institution. This has not happened by mere chance or accident. Muslims and Infidals of the highest calibre and unimpeachable integrity have fulfilled the immensely difficult responsibilities that a judge of the apex court must shoulder. . In the larger Muslim interest, it is crucial that the record is set straight.