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Marina Mahathir to ISMA ,please finish me first,has issued a legal ultimatum


ISMA , find it difficult to deal with strong, capable women?Literary giant Ernest Hemingway lived, loved and died by his own rules, leaving a trail of exceptional work, but also broken women and homesIn a November 12 statement that was signed by its deputy president Aminuddin Yahaya, ISMA had insisted that Marina was involved in Comango’s actions and criticised her lawsuit threat.

Marina Mahathir Simply put,  Aminuddin Yahaya, your core is your real, essential self — the authentic you, the person you are when you shed all pretences. That’s the easy part; what is more difficult is tearing down the perception you have of your real self! For, all of us come to adopt an image of ourselves that we believe in very early in life, and then live trapped in that image for the rest of our lives. In doing so, we forget to understand who we really are, what makes us tick and what is true happiness or the real purpose of our lives.

And it is equally true that these men, when they get out of their own intensely thoughtful headsIntellect is seductive… and is equally eager to be seduced. Women are drawn to intelligent men; the interest of a worthy man gives a woman an increased feeling of self-worth. And genius is a world apart. We forgive our men of letters many evils, and indeed many of them – most dead, some still alive, are boors when it comes to real life, After the initial charm wears off, reluctant to settle with anything lesser, they have changed women as one changes clothes, seeking to stay on the high which the initial flush of love and sex brings. This keeps the adrenaline flowing, the ego sated. And of course, it keeps the ideas coming.


Ambiga deserves our admiration an respect forComango for calling for the freedom to renounce Islam; the protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) rights; the removal of Malay privileges; the freedom to embrace Syiah teachings; and the right for Catholics to refer to God as “Allah”, among others.  the campaign , this being one of the foundations of democratic politics. It was due to the strength of her character and integrity that she was able to lead BERSIH successfully and withstand the pressures and intimidation from a discredited and openly corrupt regime

Punjabis have an interesting saying, which translated, says, “Before you criticise another, take a hard look at your own self.” And also remember, every time you point a finger at another, three of your own fingers remain pointed back at yourself.

Marina Mahathir said criticism is nothing but a cover-up for low self-esteem. We criticise people because we wish to lower them in the eyes of others, and maybe through the same action raise our own worth. And we are self-deprecating or self-critical when we do not value ourselves and seek to occupy a high ground by making a joke of our own shortcomings. A self-deprecating person is a weak personality, who believes that he or she is inferior to others. He is convinced that something is wrong with him and rather than wait for others to point this out, jumps in with self-criticism. So  ISMA  will typically say, “You would know better, I don’t have half the brains you do,” or “This is  Malaysia, what do you expect?” Have you ever heard a confident, successful man make such a self-deprecating statement? Either way, whether you criticise yourself or another, you are doing so out of a feeling of low self-esteem.

SMA has been at the forefront of attempts to discredit Comango, which has also come under fire from other Muslim activists here who claim the group’s human rights recommendations to the United Nations ran counter to the “true” teachings of Islam and the sovereignty of the Federal Constitution.ISMA, which has since signed on with a coalition of Muslim NGOs called MuslimUPRo, also accused Comango of attempting to spread “liberalism teachings” backed by Western powers. Harassment comes in many forms and is not necessary always sexual in nature. Women are persecuted in many ways. Women are automatically labeled as weak, the foundation built on the underlying assumption that they will rarely put up a fight. In many unfortunate cases, the victim may not get support from another woman that she may turn to as well. The hapless victim is most times mortified by somebody she trusts, she does not getting a shoulder to lean on, instead is degraded by the same people she would necessarily turn to. This is precisely the reason why law makers and those entrusted with enforcing the law find excuses to imprudently blame the woman instead of doing what needs to be done in facilitating her protection

Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir has issued a legal ultimatum to Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA), promising to haul the Muslim activist group to court unless it retracts allegedly false and “defamatory” claims against her by next week.

The Malay Mail Online understands that Marina had through her lawyers recently sent out a letter of demand to ISMA and its office-bearers over the group’s statements that had purportedly cast serious doubts on her “integrity and honesty”.

The letter claims that ISMA’s allegedly groundless statements were intended to smear the reputation of Marina, a prominent activist who is also the eldest daughter of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Earlier, the letter traced ISMA’s allegedly defamatory statements, where the group was said to have distributed 70,000 leaflets that had featured Marina’s photograph and named her as a purported “dalang” or mastermind of Comango, which ISMA had claimed was composed of 54 “anti-Islam” non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

In the leaflets reportedly distributed on November 8 in mosques throughout the country, the Islamist activist group named several non-governmental organisations including Sisters in Islam (SIS) as supporting Comango.

The leaflets also slammed Comango for calling for the freedom to renounce Islam; the protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) rights; the removal of Malay privileges; the freedom to embrace Syiah teachings; and the right for Catholics to refer to God as “Allah”, among others.

In her response reported two days later, Marina described ISMA’s allegation that she was one of the masterminds behind Comango as “wholly untrue”, stating that she was not involved in the Comango process despite being a board member of Sisters in Islam.

“Therefore I view this allegation by ISMA as defamatory and demand that ISMA and its office bearers withdraw it immediately with a public clarification in all media, including social media, on my terms. Failure to do so will result in my taking legal action against them,” Marina wrote in a brief statement then.

The letter of demand said that despite Marina’s clarification, ISMA had not retracted its claims, noting that the group had continued to make allegedly baseless accusations against Marina.

In a November 12 statement that was signed by its deputy president Aminuddin Yahaya, ISMA had insisted that Marina was involved in Comango’s actions and criticised her lawsuit threat.

The LoD also noted that in a report on its website and Facebook page, ISMA said it had on November 15 distributed 10,000 of the same leaflets at mosques across Johor, including the districts of Skudai, Pontian, Kota Tinggi and Batu Pahat.

ISMA has been at the forefront of attempts to discredit Comango, which has also come under fire from other Muslim activists here who claim the group’s human rights recommendations to the United Nations ran counter to the “true” teachings of Islam and the sovereignty of the Federal Constitution.

Social media and the various platforms it gives people, has made critics of all of us, and we freely voice our opinion on the many networks available. Who cares about a designated professional critic anymore, except as a reference point, whether for food, films, art or books? Everyone has an opinion — and that is fine — but people get judgmental, and sometimes cruelly so. Some people are so critical all the time that it becomes difficult to discuss anything with them. Their first response is always negative, a sure way to discourage others from coming to you with ideas. Are you sure you are not one of them? Because a recent study found that most such negative souls are unaware of this trait, and claim they criticise because they are honest and they care.

What they do not realise is that bringing down others becomes with some people an attempt at proving their own smartness. People criticise so as to draw attention to the weaknesses of others, thereby proving their own superiority. Everyone wants a success story. Some get theirs by working hard; some by pulling others down and so seeming taller. However, those who are truly superior do not need to prove anything by pulling down others.

We are of course not talking of constructive criticism here. To do so would be akin to throwing away the baby with the dirty water. Constructive criticism is important and helps us grow as a part of the learning curve. Criticism, in order to be effective, must serve a purpose and be delivered in as gentle a manner as possible. How do you differentiate between constructive and negative criticism? Simple. Just ask yourself the purpose of your criticism. Is it because you are truly concerned about the one you are critical about and wish to help in the growth process? Or is it because criticising another helps you feel better about yourself? The first is absolutely justified; the latter is demeaning to you.

Punjabis have an interesting saying, which translated, says, “Before you criticise another, take a hard look at your own self.” And also remember, every time you point a finger at another, three of your own fingers remain pointed back at yourself. Utusan Malaysia has accused the Coalition of Malaysian NGOs (Comango) of attempting to help foreign powers colonise the country. Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) accused today Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir and Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan of supporting a local human rights coalition called Comango, whose demands the Islamist group said were a threat to Islam. It said …Read more

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