Court amends charges to include Dr Mahathir in NFCorp cheating case
A severe, trite, authentic case made by a journalist not just from your fraternity but from your office, the office that for over 12 years has been emblematic of unflinching, investigative journalism is mulled over at a pace that defies your very etymological origin is this your way of acting correctly?Neither one of you has offered any rationale about why your office does not examines cases which is mandated by Court judgment in correct correct correct case. How have you acted correctly?Your statement – that you “need time prioritize it,” – does not even make sense – for prioritizing it would mean acting without lapse in time – self contradictory statements such as this have the media, and the ever watchful readership waiting in abeyance while you prioritize, or rather think about acting correctly!If you are, as you say, ‘driven by what she wants’ then how can you follow it up with a statement such as, “(he) stepped down. It was something had not asked for. It was much more than what she wanted.” How sardonically heroic for to give so much more – a self-contrived temporary vacation to get away from the eye of the storm – for what he ‘in his correct senses’ deems as ‘drunken banter’ and a ‘lapse of judgment’ the Attorney General should read and understand Article 145(3) of the Malaysian Constitution Unholy Trinity of Mahathir, the AG and the MACC Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail for malicious prosecution.
said it before and I say it again- AG Gani Patail is a liability to this government!
AG Gani Patail is a liability to this government!
When Mat Zain first divulged Mahathir had asked to meet him, many believed that his rambling and convoluted attack against the AG was a red herring.When Mat Zain first divulged Mahathir had asked to meet him, many believed that his rambling and convoluted attack against the AG was a red herring.Factually, there is little room for doubt, ambiguity, misunderstanding or convenient errors of contrivance relative to the atrocious incident that took place in As if the complete apathy towards what constitutes a ‘correct’ moral system, a ‘correct’ humane system, the ‘correct’ legal system, the ‘correct’ professional system and ah – the very vertebrae that ought to sustain it all– the ‘correct’ journalistic system – were not enough, the leitmotif that a journalist of stature is hankering after – ‘give me time to act correctly’ is painful, hypocritical and …incorrect.But even so, we would urge the government to investigate Mat Zain’s claims against Najib and Gani impartially. These are very serious allegation involving possible treason as far as Pulau Batu Puteh and the US agents are concerned. As for Najib’s part in so far as the Umno election is concerned, if true, that would be gross abuse of power
Mat Zain accuses AG Gani Patail of being LIAR, FABRICATOR and MANIPULATOR.
Mat Zain’s contempt for AG Gani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan is so without bounds. That these two have destroyed the criminal justice system and have brought total disrepute to PDRM and the A-G Chambers. AG as being the root cause that will discredit the whole government’s efforts to eradicate corruption. he exception as the rule Good Intentions cannot justify bad delivery
Bill passd in parliamnt are not in the laudable intention but in the clogged delivery. The desire to be politically correct has overtaken the imperative to be politically sensible. Method and order structural flaw could further erode the already ebbing credibility of our parliamentary systemThe irony is that such flaws can be easily corrected, with some time and thought. Both have been absent from the process, the favourite weapons of Hercule Poirot, might be usefully employed in analysis.It is odd that the government should have chosen law and order as its final alibi after some exhausting self-laceration in its search for a credible explanation for the escape ofJustice
When Instuation smuggled The Predators to safety, the authority of state abandoned the responsibility of state. Excuses, evasions and lies have shifted over years; this central truth has not.the umbilical chord of the colonial, or neo-colonial. Who had dared to arrest a pillar of the American corporate establishment. ‘Bail or no bail’: what was a rotten piece of paper signed in an Indian court worth to a lord of Wall Street? Not even the decency of silence. Anderson was publicly, even proudly, contemptuous of those who did not have the courage to interrupt his freedom for a mere industrial disaster in which a few thousand semi-slave Indians had been gassed to death within hours and thousands more would die over years.Accusation is the easy exit route from Bhopal. Introspection will take us back to the beginning. Betrayal is impossible without trust. We did not trust Carbide to be honest. We trusted our political class, and it continues to search for new and inventive ways to betray us again.

“The root cause of all this suspicion is the credibility of the A-G Chambers, in particular of the personal integrity of AG Gani Patail himself. As a public officer, the AG’s conduct, both public and personal, must be beyond reproach. That is the root problem. For so long as there is suspicion about the personal conduct of AG Gani Patail as described above and it is not addressed, all sincere efforts by the Government and the MACC will be futile. It will be regarded as mere public relations exercise or slogans. It will be unfortunate if the AG himself becomes a stumbling block to the Government’s and the MACC’s efforts to portray a Bersih. Cekap, Amanah Government. It is like the saying “Ketam cuba mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus”.Gani Patail is the problem. He is mired in controversy . He is vindictive. Hevictimizes the innocent and protects the crooks.
The Umno election was held on October 19, all the ‘president’s men’ had won. Najib, the Umno president, and deputy Muhyiddin Yassin had retained their posts without any challenges made.
t must be noted that Mat Zain is given ‘face’ by many of the media who report his allegations, and as he has also divulged, even Mahathir has asked to meet hm. This is due to the fact that he had access to extremely sensitive and confidential information while in the police force. why should you get to decide the correct measure of the correct recompense – a recusal from office for six months – six months of atonement? What does that amount to? Why just six months? Do you even realize the gravity of your – at this point –
Sad to say, Najib – who perhaps stands to lose most in the event of any neutral public inquiry – is unlikely to pay any heed to Mat Zain.
In fact, some in Umno believe that it was Najib’s supporters who had sabotaged the Pulau Batu Puteh case so as to tarnish Abdullah Badawi, Najib’s immediate predecessor.Their motive – to help Najib oust Badawi and take over as prime minister in 2009.The hotly-contested vice-president posts were swept by incumbents Hishammuddin Hussein, Zahid Hamidi and Shafie Apdal – all regarded as being loyal to the Najib camp.Mahathir’s youngest son Mukhriz failed in his bid to win one of the 3 VP posts and few of his allies managed to get into the supreme council.
A re-election in Umno would obviously give Mukhriz and his allies another shot at key party posts. However, despite his startling revelations, few doubt Mat Zain would be able to accumulate sufficient momentum to really dislodge Najib & Co.”I doubt Umno will vote out corrupt politicians no matter how strong the evidence. Corruption is their raison d’etre actually,”And the explosion is devastating. The former police chief has accused Najib of deceiving Umno members and wants the party election held last month to be declared null and void.According to Mat Zain, he had sent Najib a copy of a 31-page statutory declaration on October 9 that contained ‘sensitive’ information about many of the senior Umno leaders vying for office.However, Najib kept the information to himself, and this may have helped his allies win key posts in the Umno top decision-making body – the supreme council.”And by concealing the content of the SD, Najib could be said to have deprived the members of their rights in choosing the right candidates in the party polls,
reported Mat Zain as saying.
“The Registrar of Societies must show that it has a backbone and is able to take action against any political party which has violated the laws or party constitution.”Mat Zain zoomed in on the AG again, accusing him of protecting Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.“There were Umno supreme council candidates who are known to have been protected by Abdul Gani when allegations of wrongdoings were raised against them. There is a strong possibility that Umno members would not have voted in these candidates,” Mat Zain.”Umno supreme council candidates, especially those from Sabah, would not have fared well either as Abdul Gani is from Sabah and has family ties with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.”Musa himself has been accused of being protected by Abdul Gani on several occasions when he was accused of corruption and abuse of power. I believe that if Najib had told the assembly about my SD, the outcome of the polls would have been very different.”Mat Zain has mystified many in the political arena with his recent revelations of a hush-hush pow-wow with former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad that had been brokered by senior Umno lawyer Shafee Abdullah.The former police chief has also alleged that US agents were working in the AG’s office with Najib’s knowledge, and that the AG had been negligent in handling the Pulau Batu Puteh ownership tussle against Singapore.And now, even before the dust has settled on those accusations, which incidentally are deafening due to Najib and Gani’s persistent silence and refusal to clear the air, Mat Zain has dropped his latest bombshell.