Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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Traitor Maria Chin Abdullah’s Act of Treason in pressuring our Agong if this slander you can sue me!


by editor in chief suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress  <syed1145@gmail.com>

Now that almost everything to do with Maria Chin Abdullah ’s open defiance to elected government  Coalition for Free and Fair Elections’ (Bersih) new steering committee will now start pressuring the agong for a new Election Commission (EC) to replace the existing members. has been discussed and debated. Now that has closed the chapter  transgression following  now that yet another  Traitor Maria Chin Abdulla ’s treason pressuring our Agong   write to the PM not    defied  a elected governtemt of Najib  fledgling political hopeful, made a mistake it would be loath to recognize, let alone admit? for an organization seeking to achieve the unprecedented the new  broom of  an organization seeking to break through glass and steel ceilings, and in one dramatic leap soar from street anger to responsible office? Is this broom is to brash  to recognize status of the constitution. point is the stability and strength of the institutions of  Malaysian democracy  Some people cite such strength to argue that Najib poses no serious threat to democracy. Even if he has anti-democratic instincts, our institutions would not only protect themselves  Malaysian democracy is still young and evolving. It is weak and malleable in many places, vulnerable to opportunistic pressure from outside the repressed will return in ugly and distorted forms, posing problems for governance .Likewise, harsh crackdowns on what’s construed as hate speech can have perverse effects. It allows governments and mobs to  do anything they find offensive as hate speech. can get away with anything, while artists, intellectuals and members of civil society are penalised for their views.Laws and government must followed  not realm of cultural and political provocationas dissident movements , other than those offered by our total revolutionaries? Hunt’ the villains, there is hope, even if there is a blinding sand storm that is coming our way the government has the duty uphold the rule of law and fulfil a political and moral obligation.

Parliament has become a platform for partisan conflict.  Change is a mist which floats through events, often obscured by the daily cloudburst of facts. It is noticed least by those it affects most.  The balance of power is not Coalition for Free and Fair Elections’ (Bersih) the states of the nation will determine  as  the united states of Malays with  our Agong as constitutional monarchy and Najib as head of the Government

Mr Lim Kit Siang  no one in his right mind in the country will dispute that Making Election Commission independent.While the opposition rants and raves much about the  Election Commission  a government stooge, in reality, no one wants to change the status quo. The reasons are transparent enough for anyone to see – after all in politics tables turn most unexpectedly. I am not sure how as a people we can slowly but surely move the government in that direction, The revelation by former Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman is the reason why the EC must be replaced by a truly independent, impartial and professional… READ MORE

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