Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has slammed Chinese companies who discriminated against Malays in terms of pay and recruitment, adding that none of these companies have a Malay chief executive.This still occurred, he said, while Malay dominated government ministries and departments were appointing more non Malays in senior positions, such as secretary general.The Umno Youth chief based his claims on two studies by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Universiti Malaya. Wealth has declined faster for Malays than for Chinese on the national average.
Why is Malaysia still a country divided by race and religion after all these years most important DAP leader being racist, Kit Siang For a long time now, politicians have given speeches, and the world has gone about its business, without too much connection between the two. Till Lim Kit Siang came along. Now every speech he makes is covered THE MALAYSIAN INSIDER lingering detail by almost d talking heads dissect his words with the certitude that only they are capable of use of the speech as his central political instrument is by itself hardly radical, but in the context of the times, and the general disenchantment with the political class, the fact that he gets heard with such seriousness is quite remarkable.. Lim Kit Siang wanting to be popular for the sake of being popular then people can easily see through the leaders’ smokescreen and be exposed as fake, or a con-artist. Not so much a leader, but a buffoon trying too hard to be popular. His rise to the top position in a party full of leaders, anointed and self-styled, on the back of the ‘DAP story’ generates interest but it is the sense of strength and clarity that he exudes that makes him particularly attractive to the middle class Chinese that is longing for some direction. In his speeches, they hear echoes of everything that they miss today- optimism, a sense of purpose, and a desire to take on responsibility, rather than side-step it.-sms such as ‘the burqa of secularism’, which are a form of a sly wink exchanged between PAS and his audience. The proposition he offers is a combination of his track record in DAP, which most people have heard about but not experienced, and an aura of decisiveness that is rooted chauvinist in a subtext of Chinese . He keeps the element’chauvinist’-Chinese sotto voce while the governance story occupies centre stage. Remarkably, he makes few concrete promises, nor he does he offer sops Chinese are meant buy into Lim Kit Siang as an idea first; he is more than the sum total of promises he makes. This is in stark contrast to UMNO, whose campaign hinges on ‘schemes’, complex reward systems that seek to garner votes in an act of transparent reciprocity. PAS sees itself as an aggregation of its welfarist schemes and cannot offer any other compelling reason why it could be voted for.
Zaid Ibrahim. Ideas and thoughts for here
“I have known Kit Siang for a very long time, inside and outside of Parliament.I know him as a brave MP. I have never heard him attacking Islam or belittling Malay leaders in Parliament, never,” said the former UMNO minister, who was sacked for protesting the use of the Internal Security Act in 2008.
“He always talks about the issue of good governance, corruption and others. In the past, if Mahathir (Mohamad) has succeeded in convincing Malays that Kit Siang is against the rights of Malays, that is a lie! “How can he fight against the rights stipulated in the federal constitution? He can’t,” he stressed, reminding the crowd that Malays still dominate the country with a majority population of 62 percent.He said: “According to the studies, although they met the grade in terms of merits and qualifications, they do not get a fair deal.
“There are cases where they get lower salaries compared with other workers with similar abilities and qualifications.
“What is even sadder is that we constantly see advertisements for work that clearly state their preference for one community and marginalise others.”
Lim Kit Siang political Strategy have tried to carve up Chinese support bashing the Malays
The government should appoint a minister whose responsibility is solely to advance Malay under the Bumiputera Economic Empowerment (BEE) policy,
This is a sly way of preempting appointing minister who really work for Malay agenda unlike FEDERAL TERRITORIES MINISTER DATUK SERI TENGKU ADNAN Typical of one who is experienced in shady transactions, judicial fixing and skullduggery.Sandiwara sahaja! Shadow boxing, wayang kulit, political make-believe, clowning, staged shows. Behind it all, power-crazy, self-interest, vested interest, drowned in Mt.Kinabalu-high ego !Sandiwara sahaja! Shadow boxing, wayang kulit, political make-believe, clowning, staged shows. Behind it all, power-crazy, self-interest, vested interest, drowned in Mt.Kinabalu-high as his age Party over at Federal Territories Ministry given that in any crisis, good, clear and honest communication has a far better chance of convincing people than taking Najib to the Road to Disaster The election of 2018 will be about the future of the stomach. Since we live in overriding virtually every other attribute, this week’s sordid scandal … Read more NAJIB TO REPLACE TENGKU ADNAN MANSOR, PARTY OVER AT FEDERAL TERRITORIES MINISTRY
Umno Youth has urged the government to formulate concrete measures to safeguard Malay welfare
Former Supreme Council member Saifuddin Abdullah said frankly during an exclusive interview with Sin Chew Daily that party president cum prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was under tremendous pressure from within the party during the Umno elections, resulting in him declaring to make the bumiputra agenda a key national agenda on September 14 in a bid to win broader support from Umno delegates.
If the bumiputra empowerment policy was only a contingency plan put forward during the party elections, then Najib would possibly reactivate the New Economic Model as soon as this pressure is removed.
Najib must lead
I personally feel that Najib’s presidential address, the Umno assembly atmosphere and the base tone would determine whether Umno would eventually move towards moderation or more fundamentalism (further clinging onto its traditional support base).
GE13 is now seven months behind us, and over the past seven months, the political climate in this country has been gloomy, with racist remarks making occasional resurgence every now and then and transformation program laid aside. In its stead, bumi empowerment has taken the driver seat as if to herald the return of racist politics.
Having suffered the electoral setback, how will Najib instruct party leaders and members to take heed of the lackluster response from urban, young and Chinese voters? Will they call for more assistance for the Malays?
If the focus of Umno assembly debates falls on how to reward the supporters of BN, then there will be no way for the New Economic Model running on meritocracy model to ever have a possible comeback again.It is time PAS stood up to truth dont make Islam a political football? Prior to attempting any genuine critique of UMNO, it becomes imperative to substantiate the same with either empirical facts or hard evidence. Even so, in tune with the liberal tenets of our Constitution, UMNO does not object to genuine criticism of its …Read more HYPOCRITE PAS DIVERSION STOP BLAMING UMNO DON’T CONFUSE YOUR COMPASSION WITH YOUR WEAKNESS