There were red faces in front of the monitors broadcasting Najib’s speech when the Umno president was misunderstood as having said “big penis” in the Iban language Tian Chua
“That’s very bad! Utai besai means big penis,” one East Malaysian remarked.
Najib said this when thanking Sabah and Sarawak voters for voting BN in 47 parliamentary constituencies
Even as scores of Bangladeshi citizens continue to pour into Malaysia everyday, both through legal channels and illegally, Tian Chua and his gangs are keeping their Penis crossed on developments in sex life during the polls a month later.”The fast deteriorating law and order situation across the border is a matter of grave concern to us. We fear that if things get completely out of hand in Pakatan,guy men speak when accused of sexual misconduct always makes for funny reading. The reason is simple: Most men think it’s their birthright to sexually prey on same sex. They are brought up to believe that’s what all men, if they are real men, do. It has been said in a million ways, in books, songs, popular movies and yes, repeatedly in advertising, the most persuasive foreplay of our times, that when a woman says No to Tien Chia , But another guy actually means is Yes.
Not only men say this. Women do too. That there’s no woman ever unwilling for sex; all they need is a little persuasion. Perhaps Tian Chua was just being her usual witty self. But men, I suspect, have largely taken the advice to heart. Different men of course look at persuasion differently. So while someone may clobber a woman on the head with a baseball bat and drag her to his bedroom, another will drop a 4 carat solitaire in a champagne flute. It’s just a difference of technique, not intent
There’s no real difference between the gay who sneaks flunitrazepam into his date’s Bloody Mary when she goes for a quick loo break and the one who clumsily gropes an unwilling woman in an empty lift in the hope it may lead to something more exciting. It rarely does. A grope remains a grope. A groper, just a groper. He never quite graduates beyond that. But the most tragic figure of all is the pigtailed Romeo in the corner office flaunting his authority all day long and then, when the sun drops, tries to lunge at his juniors. That’s not seduction. It’s crass power play.
Batu MP Tian Chua our flamboyant editor has done what he is accused of, his crime would list in the last and most despicable category. But his intent here is not to tar him. There are enough people around to do it. My concern is that at some stage an actual trial must begin. It must assess the evidence coherently and come to a just conclusion. Currently we are putting the cart before the horse. While the truth may look obvious, facts have a curious habit of flipping themselves. So till the case is heard and justice dispensed with, it may be a good idea to stop playing a lynching mob.
Discussing and dissecting every salacious detail of the alleged crime also rarely helps the victim. She has been brave enough to come out and seek justice. Probity now demands she gets it quickly.DAP or PAS trying to muscle in.
MP Tian Chua has shot penis. His journalistic career, always overhung with too many unanswered questions about his ethics, is as good as over. So is his life, as he has known it till now. Charges of rape, even when unproved, are not easy to live with. They are neither forgiven nor forgotten easily and even in jail, such convicts are often welcomed with a sound thrashing and flick knives.
Much of this, I believe, could have been averted if MP Tian Chua had simply apologized to tall his victims and offered himself for trial. His flamboyant letter, where he claimed to be lacerated by guilt and offered to recuse himself from office for six months was so offensive in its tone that it enraged even those who were ready to give him some room for doubt. The florid language and cheeky tenor of the letter set everyone off. pink prose from a rape accused is the last thing one expects. But no, he didn’t stop at that. He kept bombarding the hapless victim with more such messages. Without the slightest hint of remorse.