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To Rosmah with love yours loving hubby PM


Rosmah (2nd from right) with Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman (2nd left), wife of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, listening intently to the speeches at the Umno General Assembly in PWTC today. The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 7, 2013.

Men find it difficult to deal with strong, capable women colleagues!

But is this really a gender issue? Najib defends Rosmah, lists her unsung deeds

Federal Territories Umno delegate Affandi Zahari, in defending Rosmah’s use of the jet said, her safety is paramount and if anything happened to her, it will only upset the prime minister.

  • An older, single woman usually has had her fill of “meaningful relationships” and “long-term commitments.” Can’t relate? Can’t commit? She could care less. The last thing she needs in her life is another whiny, dependent lover!
  • Older women are sublime. They seldom contemplate having a shouting match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive dinner. Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.
  • Most older women cook well. They care about cleanliness. They’re generous with praise, often undeserved.
  • An older woman has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A young woman often snarls with distrust when “her guy” is with other women. Older women couldn’t care less.
  • Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to an older woman. Like your mother, they alwaysknow.

Yes, we geezers praise older women for a multitude of reasons. These are but a few.

Unfortunately, it’s not reciprocal.

For every stunning, smart, well-coifed babe of 75 there’s a bald, paunchy relic with his yellow pants belted at his armpits making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress.

Ladies, I apologize for my fellow geezers. That men are genetically inferior is no secret. Count your blessings that we die off at a far younger age, leaving you the best part of your lives to enjoy and appreciate the exquisite woman you’ve become. Without the distraction of some demanding old coot clinging and whining his way into your serenity.

A young woman will say nothing, fearing that you might think worse of her. An older woman doesn’t give a damn.
desi girl sex scandle photo
I am a young man in love,
In an old man’s body.
In love with an ageing woman,
Who is a young girl inside.
To find spring in autumn,
And blossoming as leaves fall,
Ripens fruit in my life
That summer never bore.
I see you run to me
As desperately as I need you,
The grey hairs no hindrance
To the young girl shining through.
– Tony Crisp –
Beauty of a Woman

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman
With passing years — only grows…..
Sam Levenson
There’s a kind of build-up of attraction that happens when a man and a woman meet. You could say that the more attraction happens, the more attraction it creates. This process happens very differently for men than it does for women. For men, it can happen instantly, and be over instantly. For women, it tends to build up over time, and then go away over time. I call this concept: “ATTRACTION MOMENTUM.”

now RosMAH is seen at par and on the same league as Hilary Clinton. She should be appointed as our new Secretary of State of Bloated Budget Ministry. Move over, Anifah, we don’t need a Foreign Minister anymore  this must be the weakest Foreign Ministry ever. We have a Foreign Minister who is most of the time invisible. I often wonder what he does. What Rosmah is claimed to have done should be a function of the Foreign Ministry. What is Wisma Putra and our Foreign Embassy doing? Wah must fly there and make phone call. Here at home too far or signal not good. Is our Foreign Embassy sleeping However and whichever way Najib or anyone justifies it, the use of Government plane for Rosmah’s personal use is still against the law – ILLEGAL! It goes to show the brazeness of UMNO and its mentality that it is alright for them to go against the law with impunity

“This involves the security of his wife. If anything happened to her, it will affect him emotionally,” Affandi had said.

The delegate then slammed the opposition for making such a big fuss over the issue.

Is it true that men constantly try to pull down women at the workplace? Why? Perhaps they do so because they consider the office, and in particular, the corridors of power, their original territory! And a woman walking down the same corridor is something they still haven’t got used to.

Most of us invest far more energy and strategy in choosing things such as a car, a house, or a holiday package than we do in selecting a life partner. Though it is de rigeur to be extra careful about your choice of vegetable, meal, restaurant, shoe or outfit, it is considered indecorous to strategise for the selection of the right spouse! Such a critical decision of life is left to Destiny, or at best, the vagaries of the heart!

Charles Darwin proved more than 150 years ago that animals’ choice of mating partner isn’t random, but a deliberate, well-worked out process that ensures and influences evolutionary patterns. The female of any animal species will not submit to just any male, but will be very selective and attentive to her choice. It is not by chance that even amongst animals, it is the best looking and strongest of the males that get their choice of females. A female looks out for the strongest of the contenders and a male looks for healthy females in order to pass on genes to the next generation.

The process is no different in humans, whatever we may imagine. Women are naturally attracted to healthy, strong men who can be good providers. A successful man, or one who is dynamic and ambitious, and so poised for success, attracts a woman. Men are attracted to women with a waist-hip ratio of about 70 per cent – actually an indicator of high fertility in a woman. All men love breasts and cleavage, and find a rounded, protruding behind attractive – a symbol of fertility since time immemorial. So, a man is naturally attracted to a woman who can bear him children and will in all likelihood, be a good mother.

So, even without our realizing it, there is some sort of sexual strategy naturally ingrained in our DNA! The heart may know no reason, but our instinct certainly does! It is another matter, however, that sometimes we close our mind and heart to the signals that instinct may hand out and make the mistake of imagining things will work out once we start living together.

What to look for!

In order to identify the perfect mate for you, it is important to understand yourself. Before embarking on this critical quest, you need to have a clear idea of the kind of life you wish to lead. Are you looking for someone who can be a counterfoil for your dynamic energy and restlessness, someone who can keep you grounded and build a steady home for you? Are you looking for someone who can give you the required impetus, some encouragement and that one push to help you on in life? Are you looking at bettering your material circumstances or shoring up your emotional fronts? Are you attracted by a life that takes you round the globe or would you rather strike root in one place? Once you understand what your triggers are, it is easier to identify people who would make good potential partners for you. How frustrating it would be if you are forced to kill your dreams or are stifled in a relationship that requires you to take paths contrary to your urges!

Communication is essential. Common areas of differences and clashes should be discussed with a potential partner and understood before launching onto a life together. Areas such as religion, finances, children, career, living within a joint family or independently are key issues that may lead to clashes. Do not turn a deaf ear to anything negative you may hear about your potential partner at this stage, nor turn a blind eye to any flaw you can see clearly.

Sometimes a process of elimination is a great way of working backwards towards a choice. The logic you employ for elimination reveals a lot about you and helps arrive at great conclusions about what you really want! Identify values and characteristics that hold the utmost importance for you. Can you live with a partner who is dishonest or has no sense of integrity? Can you tolerate living with someone who has no sense of humour? Someone to whom a job is just a way of earning a living? Someone changeable? Someone who is cruel or uncharitable? Someone who may be honest but will not stand up for another? Cold and calculating?

Do not be rushed into a choice. This is probably the most critical decision you are likely to make in your life and you cannot be pushed to decide either way. It takes a long time to understand another human being, particularly because during the initial phases of a relationship, one is on one’s best behavior. For your part, be as open and honest as you can from the beginning. Do not play down your own needs and requirements, and be clear about where you draw the lines.

To me the most important points to consider in the choice of life partner would be…

  • Basic values and core beliefs
  • A match in level of intelligence and emotional needs
  • Ability to arouse respect
  • Level of ambition and style of living
  • Vision and dreams about the future and level of commitment to make the marriage work!

This list is by no means the last word on the matter! Do help add any more points you consider essential…

So sack the Foreign Minister, appoint Ros as senator and then make her the new foreign minister and deputy PM

It is a nonsensical logic by Najib to defend the indefensible act of Rosmah being allowed to use a tax payer funded state asset for her personal trip. He must be thinking that we are a bunch of simpleton and will swallow wholesale what he says. If Najib wishes to reward his wife for meddling in the affairs between states, he will need to pay for it himself. Personally, I will say that she should not have been directly involved in appealing on behalf of Malaysia to Egypt and Saudi Arabia because she has no official executive position in government. Thanks but no thanks I would say. To those UMNO dimwit apple polisher, it is completely irrelevant if Najib sayang Rosmah or otherwise. We all realize it is very convenient and classy to be flying around in private jet but the truth of the matter is she just don’t qualify to fly solo in an aircraft funded by tax payer (which by the way are mostly non UMNO members).

Or, maybe men are convinced that women are inferior, and so give them short shrift. Or, is it because knowing the weakness of their own sex, men fear that susceptible male bosses may give women colleagues more attention and bigger promotions?   It is a nonsensical logic by Najib to defend the indefensible act of Rosmah being allowed to use a tax payer funded state asset for her personal trip. He must be thinking that we are a bunch of simpleton and will swallow wholesale what he says. If Najib wishes to reward his wife for meddling in the affairs between states, he will need to pay for it himself. Personally, I will say that she should not have been directly involved in appealing on behalf of Malaysia to Egypt and Saudi Arabia because she has no official executive position in government. Thanks but no thanks I would say. To those UMNO dimwit apple polisher, it is completely irrelevant if Najib sayang Rosmah or otherwise. We all realize it is very convenient and classy to be flying around in private jet but the truth of the matter is she just don’t qualify to fly solo in an aircraft funded by tax payer (which by the way are mostly non UMNO members).

Whatever the reason, the fact remains that a woman with a strong personality and even average looks can strike terror in the hearts of male colleagues for no fault of hers. If a woman has a mind of her own and dares to question a decision or make a point strongly, she is instantly labelled “enemy” for she has violated the traditional code of conduct between the sexes! And so as a protective response, men label her “difficult to work with”, “hard to get along”, “tough to handle” or “not willing to listen”. This is the global mantra of guys who find it difficult to accept a woman on an equal footing, intellectually or professionallySome amount of intuitive choice of the right mate is ingrained in us, but the selection of a life partner requires far more strategising than most are willing to invest

That is what we call Leadership by example in Malaysia and when Malaysians are told to tighten their belt for the good of the country,with the price of Petrol going up from RM1.90 to RM2.10 per liter,sugar price has gone up to save Malaysians from diabetes, which might end-up with the amputation of the legs,electricity will go up by 15% wef 1st Jan.2014 to be followed by Cukai Tanah.The best part is when Najib defended his wife Rosmah flying around the world on personal business,with UMNO delegates in tow,using PM Executive Jet.To those 47% Malaysians who voted for UMNO/BN during the 13th GE,you have been screwed.The crime of Apartheid is defined by the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court as inhumane acts of a character similar to other crimes against humanity “committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” On November 30, 1973, the United Nations General Assembly opened for signature and ratification the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. It defined the crime of apartheid as “inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.”

Men are very visual and they are instantly attracted to a woman, sometimes so much so that they lose all sense of reality and their surroundings. Women are initially attracted to a man’s looks, but beyond that something else is also happening. Women are also attracted to a man’s energy, confidence, the tone of his voice, and the way he listens when they speak.

A woman’s attraction to a man is complicated, while a man is overstimulated on the visual side like a giant Scooby Doo. To attract a man, a woman needs to be able to seduce his eyes with her sex appeal. To attract a woman, a man needs to intrigue and seduce her mind.

This is where men lose the connection. They tend to try to “wow” a woman in the same way they would go about trying to impress a fellow man.

Let me go further into this. A good woman friend once told me “The more a man speaks, the drier I get. I wish sometimes he would not say a word so I can remain turned on and attracted to him.” This is the cold hard truth. Most men have no idea that in order to create attraction, they need to shut up and listen.

Men tend to try to close a woman by selling themselves to her. What happens in reality, however, is that the more they sell the less the attraction to them becomes. Men are what I call “wing flappers.” They think that by trying to impress a woman with their life accomplishments, they will seduce her and attract her . . . which is far from the truth.

The key to attracting women and creating the “attraction momentum” is a 3 step process.

Step 1 is the initial approach. Women can see you coming from a mile away. They smell you, and if they are attracted to you they want you to approach them. But it is the way you approach that will cause the attraction momentum to either rise or fall.

Men that walk over immediately are ones who tend to be received well by women. Ask any woman what her feelings are about the way a man approaches, and she will tell you that if she hears the “Jaws” theme playing in her head she will lose any of the initial attraction that she was feeling. Most men tend to circle like sharks for hours before they approach, and by the time they finally do approach the woman is turned off by him.

What happens next, i.e., Step 2, is another attraction key that will either raise her level of interest or decrease the attraction.

Most men will talk at a woman with random thoughts. Men tend to speak in random circles . . . That works in the man world. Take the following example. Two men are sitting in a café watching a game on TV. This is how a conversation would typically go:

Man 1: “You hungry?”

Man 2: “Yes.”

Man 1: “Wow! Did you see that throw?”

Man 2: “Yes, that was great. Hey . . . Check her out!”

Man 1: “Hot!”

Man 2: “Yeah, really hot. So, how’s work?”

Man 1: “Good. Any you?”

Man 2: “Good. What do you want to eat?”

Man 1: “Sandwich maybe . . . Wow! Look at that play.”

Man 2: “Forget the play. Look at her!”

Man 1: “Hot.”

Man 2: “Yeah, I think I want a sandwich too. Let’s order.”

So now that you’ve seen what “man talk” looks like, let’s look at the conversation of two women in the same café so you can understand how women react to each other and how they speak to one another.

Women 1: “How was your date last night?”

Women 2: “It was ok.”

Women 1: “Just ok? Why? What happened?”

Women 2: “He was really funny, but…”

Women 1: “But what?”

Women 2: “He did something when the waitress came over that really made me think.”

Women 1: “What did he do? Was he checking her out?”

Women 2: “I am not sure. I have been running it through my head, and I just can’t get a reading on it.”

Women 1: “Details please! Let’s figure this out…”

Do you see the difference? Women get deeper in one conversation, while men talk in random circles eventually getting back to the original conversation.

So now you can see how attraction momentum works. Men need to learn the trigger points in women . . . how they think, how they react, and how they speak. Most men will talk to a woman in “man talk” and when they do, they will cause the attraction momentum to go down instead of up.

For every woman that is sitting in a café reading the newspaper, there is a man thinking that he can just walk over to her with some canned line and a few follow-up questions. Men believe that there is an approach that will work in all situations, or that there are custom approaches that will work regardless of what she says. It’s that mindset that kills all attraction for women, yet men think that there is some magic approach that will work in all situations.

Men will actually spend time looking for someone who can give them that answer, that “magic approach,” so they will be attractive to all women in all situations. Men will use an approach over and over, memorizing it so they can perform it in front of a woman. The truth is that women are looking to connect with a man . . . not to watch a one man show.

That alone will kill the attraction momentum for women. Women are present in the moment whereas men think about what they have to say.

So let’s see how the attraction momentum is killed in a café . . . and this is after a woman has smiled and checked out the man.

Man: “Can I borrow a section of your paper?”

Woman: “Yes, you can.”

Man: “Are you having a good day?”

Woman: “Yes I am… but this story about Iraq is really disturbing.”

Man: “Do you live here?”

Woman: “Yes… around the corner. I love this area.”

Man: “What do you do for work?”

See, a man walks over and he has these predetermined questions that he wants to ask her already in his mind. And not once did he pick up on anything that she was saying, which in turn is causing the attraction momentum to go down as each word comes out of his mouth. Because they don’t listen, men tend to kill the attraction once they open their mouths.

Step 3, therefore, is to remain present in the moment and to listen to what a woman is saying.

There are also many other ways a man can kill attraction.

Another way that a man kills the attraction momentum is when he looks at a woman like a desperate, hungry wolf staring at its next meal. Or when he’s out with a hungry testosterone-laden wolf pack, he will poke a friend five times before talking to a woman. Women don’t communicate like hungry wolves about to eat a meal.

Women communicate in a whole different language. When they look at a man, they admire a man. They don’t look at him like he’s about to be put on the grill.

Women like to be looked at a certain way in order to build attraction. By looking at a woman with a very seductive, sexy, George Clooney smile, you will be able to turn her on in ways you’ve never imagined! In order for attraction to build in a woman, you need to do it slowly and seductively. You also need to jump into her head and start a conversation based on thoughts she’s already having.

So . . . how do you do this?

First, you need to observe what she’s doing so you can jump into her head when you talk to her. This way, the conversation is based on something she’s already feeling or doing so it’s natural. Most men will walk over to a woman and do the exact opposite like the example above. In a second, I am going to show you a conversation that you can have anywhere that will get you to bond with a woman and create far greater attraction than you’ve ever had before.

The second tip before we go through that conversation, is to keep present in the moment so that the conversation is just an extension of her thoughts. If what you say is an extension of her thoughts, she won’t even realize what’s happening. She won’t have her defenses up, and by doing this you will be bonding with her about the things she’s already thinking.

The third, and most important, thing that makes the attraction meter go up instead of down, is to listen and to react to what she is saying. In my earlier example, I talked about two women and how they have a conversation. Women start on a subject and then go deeper into it, creating a bond between them. That is the exact type of bond you need to create with a woman in order to cause the attraction to rise instead of fall.

Most guys when they approach a woman, create a whole new feeling, thought and conversation. Take, for example, a woman who might be eating a peach at a farmer’s market. A typical guy will walk over and ask her a question about the weather, instead of picking the obvious thing like I’m about to show you.

Let’s take the peach example. You see a woman eating a juicy peach at a farmer’s market. So how do you come across as the confident male instead of the bumbling guy that has nothing to say? The first step you’ve already done, i.e., observed what she’s doing. The second step is to walk over immediately. Walk over with authority and confidence. When you approach her, be playful and say:

Man: “That looks great. Can I have a bite?”

Woman: “I don’t know . . . I don’t know if I’m in the mood to share today.”

Man: “What, you don’t like to share?”

Woman: “I love to share, but I don’t even know you.”

Man: “What do you need to know in order for me to get a bite of that peach?”

Woman: “Well, we could start with your name.”

Man: “So all I need to do is tell you my name, and I’ll get a bite of that peach?”

Woman: “Maybe . . .”

Man: “I’ll tell you what. Take me to where you got that peach and I’ll get my own. Then we’ll compare and see who got the better peach. We’ll go bite for bite.”

Woman: “You’re on . . .I’ll go bite for bite. I believe in my peach.”

Man: “What else do you believe in?”

At this point you’ve now segued away from the peach, and opened the door to her sharing her thoughts with you. You’ve also been very playful and you’ve challenged her. You’ve turned a simple approach into a fun game. Plus the game was all about something she was already doing. Most men fail to create attraction because they talk in random thoughts, which is not “woman talk.” I have found in coaching thousands of women over the last 10 years that the only way to build attraction in a woman is to bond with her in the moment and jump inside her head.

Don’t believe me….. So you have to understand, to meet the most amazing women everyday and have them desire you, you have to connect with them on a higher level than you ever have before.


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