Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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Sheridan Mahataver in politics, you are pregnant, or you’re not


kua kia soong

Beware of predators!

 Dr.Kua Kia Soong’s Racism and bigotry you just cannot be charged because your a minority Desire or dharma: Dilemma that is as old as the vedas ’The Rigveda says, “The cosmos emerged from the seed of kama, ‘desire’ , in the mind of the One”a element’  Chinese chauvinist’-

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has spoken against non-Bumiputera companies for not hiring Malay chief executives, unlike the Malay-led government which had non-Malay secretary-generals. - November 4, 2013.

Over the past few weeks,we have been mesmerized by

the tragic story of Malay bashing http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com a moral voice to a whole generation , looked up to for courageous and uncompromising journalism, Dr.Kua Kia Soong’s Racism and bigotry you just cannot be charged because your a minority Desire or dharma: Dilemma that is as old as the vedas Millions of words have been written on this story but no one has explained why men in positions of power behave badly. We need to try and understand the nature of human desire in a patriarchic society where Chinese  narcissism is an ever-present reality  is rooted chauvinist in a subtext of  Chinese . He keeps the   element’chauvinist’-Chinese sotto voce while the governance story occupies centre stage. Remarkably, Dr.Kua Kia Soong  makes few concrete promises, nor he does he offer sops Chinese  are meant buy into Lim Kit Siang and Karpa’sl  Racism and  bigotry in Islam
Desire is instinctual energy deriving from primal biological urges. Human beings are not only governed by instinct. Desire travels from our senses to our imagination, and often gets focused onto a specific person. Society exploited this idea by creating  his familiar MAY 13 ghosts, pace and bounce, return to haunt Malaysia. his Racism and bigotry  institution of  for the purpose of social  disharmony.

When Umno started out in 1946, it united many Malay groups and organisations in the pursuit of Merdeka, an independent Malaya which later formed Malaysia with Sabah and Sarawak.

It fought for the race, religion and rulers. And it ruled Malaysia with its allies, MCA and MIC, and later expanded that to Barisan Nasional in the aftermath of the May 1969 race riots.

Its mission never changed and every annual gathering was focused on race and religion. But now, that is being used to profit the few rather than the many.

This year’s assembly is no different, especially at a time of rising costs and shrinking surplus in the country. Malaysians are told to tighten their belts as assessment rates and electricity tariffs go up. Soon, toll rates will be raised while a consumption tax comes into effect in April 2015.

The Face of Sheridan Fascism

Sheridan Mahavera (above): he writes in a colonial language called English, has never spoken to the Chinese a word of hanyu, but he calls the Chinese ‘a barrier’ to integration. To remove the barrier why not dump the Chinese into the Malacca Straits, Sheridan? That would be freedom from the Chinese – right, Botak Pig?


In Malaysian Insider Sheridan Mahavera writes a lot about Malaysians – Chinese in the Sibu election for example. Then one day he went out into the streets in, he says, the ‘Chinese enclaves’ of Jinjang and Sepang to interview 107 Chinese. Thinking he has made a profound discovery, in that most Chinese don’t use Malay regularly or proficiently, only interact with other Chinese, creating a barrier for greater inter-ethnic integration in plural Malaysia.


In medical science, you can’t be partly pregnant; either you are pregnant, or you’re not. In politics, can a state be partly part of one country, and partly not part of it? This question has once again been raised in

Most rakes are pathological liars. If you happen to catch his lie, do not take it lightly. Be alert and watch out for further untruths.
Most sociopaths have a grandiose sense of themselves. They will exaggerate and try to portray themselves as highly important. This may or may not be to impress you; it is just the way they are.
Their emotions are pretty shallow and sociopaths rarely have friends.You will be able to figure this out by checking on his relations with relatives and friends.
They have poor control over their emotions and find it difficult to control their anger or irritation. They also do not respond with emotion to good or bad news.
A sociopath will not find it easy to apologise. In fact, he will almost never accept his fault, preferring to blame others.Anyone who is unbelievably good has to be unreal. This may sound cynical, but when have you ever seen a perfect hero walk out of a book or movie and enter your life? The good guys are the real guys, the ones with all their foibles and follies, the ones who forget to wish you on your special day, but are always there to pick up the broken pieces when you most need them.
Watch out for flowery compliments that ring untrue. While some concession can be made for a heart touched by romance, an overflow of compliments that are unbelievable even to your own ears should be taken with fistfuls of salt.

This time around, Dr.Kua Kia Soong’s remark that Article of the Constitution – which provides special status for Malays needs to be subjected to public debate.

Immediately, UMNO clarified that Dr.Kua Kia Soong’s remark did not in any way compromise the long-held DAP’S demand that Article be scrapped; there was no question of debate about this.

On the other side of the political fence, Dr.Kua Kia Soong debate on Article, which according to Dr.Kua Kia Soong had effectively kept the non Malays out of the national mainstream and hampered its development.

Article is like one of those theological riddles that monks in medieval Europe endlessly discussed to help pass the time, a typical example being: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? As angels are insubstantial beings, the answer could be anything from one to an infinite number.

Article is rather like that imaginary pin acting as a dance floor for angels. Constitutional experts, jurists, historians and scholars have endlessly argued about its validity and its implications.

Shorn of jargon, Article gives the Malays special status in that, barring defence, foreign affairs, finance and communications, other laws passed by Parliament will be subject to ratification This was part of the deal, the Instrument of Accession, by which the pre-independent ruler of Tanah melayu, Chinese and Indu leaders have always argued that if Malaysia’s does away with Article, it simultaneously does away with the constitutional umbilical cord that links it with Malays. Critics of Article have contended that it is discriminatory between This is the political equivalent of part-pregnancy: being part of a nation, and yet not being part of it

once again become the subject of an impassioned – and inevitably inconclusive – debate.

over at the Putra World Trade Centre where Umno has its annual general assembly, it appears to be more like a gathering of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves as delegate after delegate speak about the economy and the need to reward only those who supported BN and Umno in the 13thGeneral Election.

They are all trying to parcel out and get more for themselves in the name of protecting the Malays! It is still about business opportunities just for Malays and corporate positions just because they are Malays.

There is so little talk about how far behind Malaysian students are lagging in mathematics, science and reading in the PISA rankings this year.

Not one squeak on the ticking time-bomb of household debt and income inequality in the country, except that people should tighten their belts. Even the cash handouts are a miserly amount which some delegates now want to restrict to just their supporters.But what makes the special status of  Mal ays particularly controversial is the centre of the 50-year old dispute between Malaysand non Malays which continues to occupy what it calls DAP

Just gimme gimme gimme.

Everything is for them and pity those who stand in their way and question what they are doing.

All the government-linked companies are for their own economic development and not for the rest of the country.

How then can we still have 1Malaysia? Even that might give way to 1Melayu if some delegates have their way.

Let’s just cut the fluff and call the Umno assembly what it is: officially sanctioned plundering of Malaysia.

There can be no other reason to meet, except to find ways to profit for themselves at the expense of their community and country.

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