Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor has a disorder characterized by his severely disorganized thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The word “schizophrenia” means “split mind,” Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, or Ku Nan, don’t be stupid.UMNO is not the agent of confusion as you described. positive feature of our electoral system should not translate into a potentia timebomb for Najib purely strategically, it boggles the mind as to why Najib has not sacked the Federal Territories Minister If there was an election for the Federal Territories minister, obviously Tengku Adnan will lose. But the mockery of our democracy allows for Umno to take this position. It is frustrating for KLites The ‘demonstration’ will convey this message.
KL-ites voters should file a complaint to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak about his wife Rosmah Mansor insisted Tengku Adnan her luxury lifestyle, huge handbag collections and her shopping spree? why organise a protest march? Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to dumb Tengku Adnan that we cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. Many virtues extolled by religion have waned Najib. He led the government but could not contain persistent inflation or reverse a crippling slowdown. That there would be corruption in the government is perfectly understandable (how else are parties supposed to mobilise the fortunes they need to function? said dumb Tengku Adnan but did he even make an attempt to speak up in defence of the government when accused of assorted scams? Now, telecom is a scam in public perception, instead of the genuine revolution – which has spread to the remotest corners of the land, empowered people and raised productivity and economic growth – that deserves to be celebrated.
KL-ites voters has raised their fist against Tengku Adnan . The rest of us can happily smirk over the poetic justice: always so hung up on power, it quite rightly got a hung… as if the governing politicians are concerned about the livelihood of the common rakyat. it quite rightly got a hung. Unfortunately for Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor can indulge in horse-trading. This time he dare not fall back on the old dependable: ‘money makes the mare run’, which had always helped him make up the shortfall and scrape past the winning post. This time, voters have clearly shown that they will reject mere jockeying for position and loaded pockets.
World Bank already said 2014 will be a very tough year for Malaysians but not the ministers as they are rich through corruption.
The rakyat are facing electricity tariff hikes, GST (goods and services tax), taxes hikes, etc, in 2014 and 2015 and many will be suffering and could even be facing dire financial difficulties.
Demonstrations to bring down the cost of living is the right of the rakyat against a corrupt and tyrannical government.
Ku Nan, you were right that the demonstrations in Thailand caused the lost of billions – but did you also know the countless billions occurred due to illicit capital flight out of our country?
DBKL’s property assessment hikes are absolutely ridiculous and exorbitant. Is this one of your strategies to raise the government coffers due to overspending or the expected bankruptcy because rakyat’s money had been abused?
We are now in the 21st century, not 19th or 20th century. Any politician who thinks that their political position is a god-given right, they better think again. Don’t ever think that they can steal or grab the rakyat’s money without any repercussion.
If they cannot perform to the rakyat’s expectation, they should just quit and ‘balik kampong’. Don’t ever think that they can dictate to the rakyat in the 21st century and not expecting any adverse reaction. Tengku Adnan is the crazy one, not KL-lites. If we have true democracy, anyone of them would have been appointed minister instead of you, a shameless no locus standiperson elected by a handful of people who know not what paying taxes is all about.
If you are a competent minister, you would not have started the problem and then pretend to resolve it.
Are you stupid or arrogant to impose more than 200 percent increase in assessment rate without consultation? Why can’t the people show their displeasure when you are not known to understand reasons and arguments rationally and professionally? We are now in the 21st century, not 19th or 20th century. Any politician who thinks that their political position is a god-given right, they better think again. Don’t ever think that they can steal or grab the rakyat’s money without any repercussion. Ku Nan. Behave like a people’s representative, not a ruler. You are tax-crazy. Stop flip-flopping in your statements.
If Ku Nan cannot perform to the rakyat’s expectation, they should just quit and give others a chance . Don’t ever think that you can dictate to the rakyat in the 21st century and not expecting any adverse reaction. Tengku Adnan is a schizophrenic one, not KL-lites.If these idiot Federal Territories Minister can’t talk sensibility, what makes us think that they can read and understand the thousands upon thousands of ‘surat bantahans’ (protest letters).
Can Federal Umno’s appointment of Mohammad Kazim Elias as its new supreme council member has left the party red-faced after the religious scholar admitted that he is a PAS member.How can Secretary-General of United Malays National Organization (UMNO) can not advice UMNO Presiden. Doesn’t UMNO has rules and regulations governing such appointment?. Look like Minister Datuk … Read more