Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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Mayday, Mayday, Mayday run for cover Zahid on shooting spree


Weird Companions And Adapters Fixers within the party may argue for new populist Change is a mist which floats through events, often obscured by the daily cloudburst of facts. It is noticed least by those it affects most. Politicians have a sharper eye than they are given credit for, but they can miss the obvious. A tectonic shift is taking place in the structure of party politics. After a long and dominant reign, the high command is dead. It has become a dinosaur, a museum piece whose skeletal jaw hints at the massive bite it once possessed.last inheritors of a concept that has exhausted its moment in history. After them, there will be command, but it will not be very high.  If  Zahid had a stronger personality he might have postponed the inevitable, but not prevented it. Change took its time, but it has arrived. The states of the nation will determine the state of UMNO

Some fixers will argue that such small sops will not be enough remove Najib
However, like Prime Minister Najib  and finance minister will oppose this tooth and nail. he is almost certainly win the argument because  will make sense in terms of sheer realpolitik  prudence Zahid last-minute populist spree will NOT unseat Najib,  poltical opportunity will be better strategy than desperate populism in the next few months in the game for governance, not maverick thrills, and zahid will not be taken seriously by umno members.We have got a glimpse in 2013. We shall see the full face of anger in 2018.Your evidence is at best, hearsay. And since when did it become the onus of the accused to prove his innocence? Why was this not the case with the NFC Cowgate scandal? Why was this Not the case with the Malaysian Ant-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Teoh Beng Hock? Why was this not the case with Altantuya Shaariibuu? It’s selective persecution.

In the great toss-up between perception and evidence, the former generally wins. Conventional wisdom, for instance, suggests that unity within a party brings victory. Reality: It is the scent of victory that encourages unity.  Grade A or solid evidence: Mat Sabu attended…, he met.., he visited…, he praised…! Then many are guilty as found. What ever he does is his own business and his conviction as he did not cause any harm to the rakyat and country.

Whether Mat Sabu is a Sunni, Shiite, Wahabi or Taliban… he is obviously a better and a more respected Muslim than many Umno Muslims leaders.When crowds recede in an election campaign, leaders squabble and search for alibis. Tensions become septic after results. Witness the blistering attack on Mat Sabu  . As for alibis, top marks to Politics is better understood with a scan below the surface. Tilt the perspective on what seems an obvious fact, and the picture changes to startling effect.Kelantan prince’s New Clothes. The plot revolved around a prince who was tricked into believing that he was wearing a special outfit when in fact he was naked. His sycophants complimented him for his wonderful choice of clothing. When the prince went out on the street, scared commoners praised the invisible suit. Finally, an innocent little … Read more

Zahid is just taking his philosophy one step further in asking Mat Sabu to prove that the latter does not have any links with the Shia Islamic sect.

Not long ago, he was reported to have said “shoot first, talk later” when talking of policemen shooting “gangsters” gangland style. He got away with that one.

It is not that he himself believes Mat Sabu is a Shia, or that he has any evidence at all about his accusations about Mat Sabu.

It is about character-assassinating someone who has some political clout that could pose a challenge to the incumbents in power.

Having made the accusation, which was reported widely, the blind followers of those in power will believe that their leader would not be telling lies. So among this group, Mat Sabu’s name is damaged.

That is what was wanted – damage someone’s reputation and standing by any means, for in politics, even foul actions are considered legitimate, at least in Malaysia.

When people laughed at the “solid evidence” presented, the law was changed to suit the occasion. The onus was put on the accused to prove his innocence. Well, if Mat Sabu’s guilt is already proven by the mere words of Zahid, just haul Mat Sabu to prison and lock him up. Why is he being allowed to roam freely?

He should be behind bars until he proves his innocence. He is a dangerous person, is he not?

Now it is Zahid’s dignity that is at stake – if he has any. He should not be turning the law on its head and asking Mat Sabu to prove his innocence.

Not only is he making a fool of himself, but he is also trying to make a fool of the people by wanting them to believe that the onus is on Mat Sabu to prove he is not a Shiite!

What does it matter what one’s belief is so long as the person is of good character and does no harm to anybody, does not engage in corruption and other irreligious and unethical acts? Can Zahid tell us if all the followers of the Sunnah Wal Jamaah sect are persons of better character than Mat Sabu?

Applying Zahid’s creative licence should we not ask the former Chief of the Election Commission to prove that he is innocent of committing electoral fraud as he had himself proudly proclaimed that the delineation exercises he carried out were done in such a way to ensure that the Malays remain in power, totally ignoring the 13th Schedule of the Federal Constitution that says that the number of electors in each constituency should be approximately equal, which the EC unashamedly, unethically and even illegally interpreted to mean that even 15 was approximately equal to 1?

In short, Zahid’s antics remind me of school bullies. t is easy to remember good government , even if we tend to take it for granted when we get it. It works. Rotten governance is more complicated, for its consequences are more evident than its causes.

Should inflation be considered an obvious manifestation of political mismanagement? A major reason for today’s street rage is certainly the fact that  acolytes who hyperventilated at the prospect of a sound-bite . A government that reduces food on the tin plate of the poor is irresponsible. Why should the voter care for a government that does not care for the voter?

The original sin of bad government is arrogance , with complacency as a silent partner. The ministers of UPA2 began to believe that because they had got away with a lot, they could get away with anything.

There is a visible and vocal sense of crisis in the present environment. The anger is not just about economic decline, inflation unchecked and corruption rampant — which affects everyone — but also about aspiration denied which is why the young are in the demographic vanguard of opposition to the establishment. Incidentally, this is not the first crisis that India has faced. While its intensity can hardly be denied, it might be the most easily remedied.   So much ignominy, sadness and double-speak A budget on corruption levels is also needed. The morality of taxes and other stories So much ignominy, sadness and double-speak angry KL-lites who want the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to roll back planned hike in property assessment taxes for 2014 have been told to hold street … Read more

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