Voters rises to reply to Harassed now, will complain later! have to bearthe increase in the cost of living
There will of course be fiscal consequences. But you can fiddle with the budget figures to hide the real impact. For instance, actual payments for the spending spree can be postponed beyond shifting the fiscal consequences to the financial years.This will not fool economists or big foreign investors. But so what? Any fiscal problems that arise will be somebody else’s problem after the general election. Why not go for broke, and announce a raft of populist schemes with a flourish? After all, desperate situations warrant desperate measures.
PM was populist pre-GE, but not now Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim agreed with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s claim that the latter impose policies that are “not populist the current industry landscape with its neighbouring countries is rather similar. However, no news of an increase in tariff from our neighbouring countries has emerged from escalating energy prices worldwide. In fact, 90% of Singapore’s power generation is from natural gas.
Is TNB being less efficient than our neighbouring state-owned utility companies?
Najib should ditch desperate populism before 2018 elections try to recover ground before the general election in May 2018?Umno MP reminds gov’t of GE13 promise BN’s Kepala Batas MP Reezal Merican Naina Merican today reminded the government to keep to the “spirit of its promises” over increase in the cost of living pointing out that the BN government had promised in its election manifesto
Is there a conspiracy of silence in the media? media pride themselves on being both free and fair, a self-congratulatory pat on the back which more often than not is well-deserved. TV anchors are particularly outspoken – some would say strident – in righteously denouncing all manner of foul play.
The year 2013 is coming to a close. An important poll battle has just ended There is much talk and controversy about appointing Abdul Wahid Omar is Putrajaya’s economic Czar and Khalid Abu Bakar would have been decided. democracy is vibrant enough to withstand both coercion and bribery the media have been loud and clear about government corruption, crimes against women and other derailments of the rule of law and order and the delivery of justice.
So why this silence about media’s alleged conspiracy of silence about the
Post election, almost on a monthly basis, the rakyat is assailed with price increase for essential needs. Every possible basic needs – food, services, water, toll, petrol is being considered for a price increase. The latest in a series of price hike is the electricity tariff.Why do the Malaysians have to bear the burden of rising electricity prices? mainstream media, breaking the sounds of dubious silence with irrepressible electronic chatter which brooks no censorship either state-imposed or self-imposed.
“We do not know how true the call is but we have taken proactive measures by lodging a police report on the attempt after spotting the banners and posters shared and distributed on the Internet and news portals,” Khalid told reporters at the police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.A coalition of student activists and youth groups under a movement dubbed ‘Turun’ has called for a rally on New Year’s Eve to protest against the government’s move to hike prices of essential goods and services.
He cited Section 124 of the Panel Code for activity detrimental to parliamentary democracy and under SOSMA (Security Offences (Special Measures) Act.
If found guilty, a person charged under this offence can be jailed for a maximum of 15 years.
He was responding to banners and posters on the social media urging people to attend a gathering on December 31 called “Himpunan Guling Kerajaan” (Rally to Topple the Government). The posters did not state the names of the organisers.khalid is pressing the panic button so soon? Or is he just sparring with an imaginary enemy to justify mass detention without trial?
It won’t be another 4 more years to GE 14, that is when the goofy gomen will be toppledlegally via the ballot box.
Khalid urged the person whose face appeared on one of the banners to come forward.
Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar (pic) has warned against a planned gathering on New Year’s eve at Dataran Merdeka, saying it was a national threat.particularly food inflation, and black money. The demand was to stop corruption, bring down prices, particularly of food articles, and take steps to bring back to the country money stashed in tax havens overseas. but Our undergraduates are very conscious on the impact of price hike on Rakyat but UMNO grandmaster wants to save his neck for his mistakes and poor leadership by price hike.
The Umno Youth have criticised Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar for telling road users to use other routes if they are upset with the proposed highway toll hike, saying his remarks were insensitive.
The proposed toll hike for 13 highways, mostly in Selangor, comes at the back of possible public transport fare increase, a 15% rise in electricity tariffs and higher assessment rates for Kuala Lumpur properties, fuelling anger among working Malaysians.
Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin earlier today said the series of price hikes for services by government firms and others will affect most Malaysians and must be discussed in the Cabinet.
“We do not agree with what he said. He should be more careful with what he says.
Motorists upset with the proposed highway toll hike can use other routes, although highway concessionaires will adjust rates according to traffic volume, Putrajaya’s economic czar Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar (pic) said today.
“We provide alternative routes for those willing to pay a premium. For those who think the rate is too high, they have the option not to use the route,” the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department said in Putrajaya today.
Media reports had said that the toll increase would likely be between 30 sen and RM1, involving 13 highways mainly in the Klang Valley.Abdul Wahid said concessionaires were required to conduct viability studies to ascertain if users were receptive to the proposed new toll rates prior to implementation.
“These projects are proposed and done by the private sector and government would determine based on the need, since we have to consider improving infrastructure at lower costs,” he added.
The minister tasked with economic matters said that PLUS, the country’s largest highway operator, has an agreement to maintain toll rates till 2015.
“With PLUS for example, there was a chance to lengthen the concession period and maintain the toll rates till 2015 and so we did that,” Abdul Wahid said.
He also said that the proposed new rates are based on traffic volume.
The minister had told the press last week that the toll rate hike was unavoidable as it was an express condition in the concession agreement between the Government and highway concessionaires.
Abdul Wahid had said the toll rate should have been revised in 2011, as stated in the concession agreement.
“However, the rate was maintained, but the government had to fork out RM400 million in compensation from taxpayers’ money, which could have been used for other purposes.”
DAP lawmaker Gobind Singh Deo had said that any agreement which has an impact on the people, like concession agreements, should contain clauses to give Putrajaya the right to control toll rates.
“This includes the right to reduce toll charges where it is shown that the volume of traffic on that highway has increased. This means the profit expected has been realised much
earlier,” he said.
His statement just showed that he was insensitive towards the rakyat’s need,” Umno Youth deputy chief Khairul Azwan Harun (pic) said at the party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.
“It is up to the rakyat to choose and he should not tell the rakyat what they should choose,” he added.
Abdul Wahid earlier today said that motorists upset with the proposed highway toll hike have the option of using toll-free routes, although highway concessionaires will adjust rates according to traffic volume.
“We provide alternative routes for those willing to pay a premium. For those who think the rate is too high, they have the option not to use the route,” said the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.
On the toll rate hike, Khairul said Umno Youth has several suggestions which they feel that Putrajaya and toll concessionaires should look into.
One of the suggestions is that for the highway operators to reduce toll rates through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
“We understand there’s a clause in the agreement which allows the government to reduce the rate. As we understand, almost all the operators gained a huge profit,” said Khairul.
Media reports had said that the toll increase would likely be between 30 sen and RM1.
Khairul added that some increase can be agreed upon only if proper studies are carried out over the traffic volume and the profit projection for the routes.
“Highways like North Klang Valley Expressway and Damansara-Puchong Highway… we do not see a problem to gaining profit.
“So why not the operators show their compassion and reduce the toll rate as part of their CSR? Such a programme should no longer be restricted to a conventional way or annual event and contribution. It can be this too (toll rate reduction),” said Khairul.
He demanded that such studies to be carried out first before any hike takes place.
“The studies should also be made public,” he said.
This is because the highways are no longer alternative routes to the users.
“They have used the roads even before the routes were taken over by highway operators. With the situation now, they are paying tolls just to be stuck in a jam.
“Can you imagine how upset the rakyat will be if we increase the rate?” said Khairul.
On another rate hike issue, Khairul said Umno Youth would also like to suggest to Putrajaya that public transportation services be exempted from the electricity tariff hike.
“The government wants the rakyat to use more public transportation following the petrol hike and now the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) wants to review the fare rate for LRT and Monorail.
“Our suggestion is to exempt public transportation concessionaires from the electricity hike, so they have no reason to increase the fare,” said Khairul.
He added that Umno Youth not only wants to put pressure on the government over issues concerning the rakyat, but also wants to give input and suggestions to resolve the issues.
Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin earlier today said the series of price hikes for services by government firms and others will affect most Malaysians and must be discussed in Cabinet.
Khairy, who is also Umno Youth chief, said the tsunami of hikes was a result of planned price hikes which were postponed over the past two to three years.
The country’s main power provider recently announced a 15% increase in the electricity tariff from next year.
The government dropped another bomb when it announced that the toll rate will also be increased next year.
Abdul Wahid said it is unavoidable as it is an express condition in the concession agreement between the government and highway concession companies.
He said the toll rate should have been revised in 2011, as stated in the concession agreement.
“However, the rate was maintained, but the government had to fork out RM400 million in compensation from taxpayers’ money, which could have been used for other purposes.
“Now it’s time to fulfil the condition,” he told Bernama.
Meanwhile SPAD chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said the fare is due to increase next year as there have not been any increase in the past 10 years or so.
Syed Hamid said the review would be comprehensive and take into account several factors to ensure the increase will not burden the Minister because they will be specifically exempt from paying