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Honest man like Attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail and Justice Ganguly never lied to stay in the job?





There is a verse in the Holy Quran that captures what is happening in the Arab world today.

“Truly, God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (13:11).

That verse was often cited by ordinary Muslims, scholars and apathetic youth before the revolutions; now it takes on a different meaning, as people all over the Arab world are demanding more rights and changing their societies.
During the secular, Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions, protestors, hipsters, trendsetters, and individuals, filled the streets and TV screens, but that didn’t deter protestors from praying in Tahrir or many others from shouting Islamic slogans as rallying cries, and in some cases calling for more religion in their societies. In the Arab world, religion and politics are intertwined. Take for example, The Muslim Brotherhood, which is the most organized opposition movement in Egypt, with influential branches in Tunisia, Libya and Syria. Their campaign to convince the west (and Egyptian voters) that they reject violence, support women and believe in democracy may make many Muslims and non-Muslims nervous, but it also might just signify a change in the Islamic philosophy of so-called extremist groups.
In Benghazi and throughout Libya, revolutionaries passionately cling to Islam as just and Gaddafi as unjust as they countered his phrase “Allah, Gaddafi, and Libya” with “Allah, His Messenger and Libya”. Many Libyan refugees I speak with called Gaddafi’s army “blind”, referring to Quranic verse, “Whoever is blind in this life, he will be blind in the hereafter; straying further away from the path” (17:72).
In Syria and Bahrain “Allahu Akbar” or God is Great is used by Muslim protestors who believe God is greater than the crimes of their government. On Twitter and Facebook, young people profess their belief in Islam alongside their belief in democracy, and frequently post verses from the Holy Quran that reference injustice, oppression and patience.
There is a big difference between the terms Islamic and Islamist, which revolutionary youth are not, but their unhappiness and frustration is directly related to their desire for better treatment and dignity, which Islam preaches. Youth in the Arab revolutions demanded society stop pretending that the status quo is acceptable; the implications that has on religion cannot be overlooked.
At a discussion on sexual harassment in Cairo, women often brought up Islam, arguing that if Arab men followed it right, they wouldn’t be groped in the street and Egyptian police would think before taking free passes to insult a woman’s dignity-something not encouraged by Islam. During protests in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, women arrested by the Egyptian police were forced to undergo ‘virginity tests.’ According to Amnesty International, the women were “beaten, given electric shocks, subjected to strip searches while being photographed by male soldiers, then forced to submit to ‘virginity checks‘ and threatened with prostitution charges.”
In Libya, Syria, and Bahrain dictator’s men ignore all aspects of Islam’s emphasis on modesty, human dignity and and respect for women, as women are humiliated and raped and forced to flee to preserve their dignity.
In Yemen, niqab-clad women led protests and called for reform, squashing the male-dominated discourse. In Saudi Arabia, women speak of Islam to support their right to drive, even as the government misuses its authority to crack down on women drivers. Others in The Kingdom cite Islamic teachings of obeying a ruler to counter the revolution and calls to topple the king. “The best Jihad is speaking the truth to an unjust ruler,” may be appropriately used to discourage people from taking up arms even as it completely ignores the government’s crimes.
Islam will not find a balance in the changing Arab society, or with the modern democratic world, until Muslims take responsibility of their own lives. This is what the uprisings are about. The millions of youth protesting want control over their own life. And old autocrats addicted to power refuse to give it.
Islam (and religion in general) has always been manipulated by those seeking power, but the Arab Revolutions suggest that Muslims’ perceptions of Islam are changing not only the power-struggle but the fundamental discourse- something we cannot continue to overlook.
Young Arabs, the ones that started the upheaval, the ones protesting in the streets, and the ones beginning to rebuild and actively engage in the affairs of their country, cannot accept the Islam that’s been forced upon them by despotic regimes. They are more connected to Muslims in democratic societies around the world, who enjoy individual freedom, even as they choose to practice their faith collectively. Arab youth are simply more in tune with the rest of the world, and this connection — the constant flow of information and ideas — will directly influence the way Islam is understood in post-revolution societies.Najib’s Comedy piece Inspector-General of Police’s an Abrahamic Call to follow Imam Ahmad Zahid Hamidi  the savior of SunniMuslim Ummah: On Aug 5, 2013, former PM Mahathir attended the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rohani.He met with him to discuss Teheran-Kuala Lumpur relations. So is Mahathir an admirer of Shiite teaching? In common discourse, …Read more
In “Hill Diaries,” my essay in the critically acclaimed anthology “I Speak for Myself: American Women on Being Muslim,” I write about the dichotomy between religion and politics in Washington and its effect on individual identity. In the Arab world, the same dichotomy exists, and young Muslims, whether they realize it or not, are impacting the lives of Muslims and the understanding of Islam, in their societies and around the world.
CAN MALAYSIA DEPEND ON US? Tan Sri Eric Chia, the former managing director of Perwaja Steel, was acquitted after 43 days of trial without his defence being called.In acquitting the accused, the presiding High Court judge heavily criticised the conduct of the prosecution, especially their failure to call several key witnesses who had obvious knowledge of the material elements of the case.With reference to particular key witnesses from Japan, the judge questioned whether it was the Japanese witnesses who were “reluctant” to come or “the prosecution was the one reluctant to bring them here”.

The prosecution of Koh Kim Teck, a businessman, and his two bodyguards, who were charged with murdering 14-year-old Chinese national Xu Jian Huang, and who were acquitted in 2005, is another case in point.

After a trial lasting 36 days and with 39 prosecution witnesses having given evidence, the presiding judge found that the prosecution had not brought forward any evidence which could implicate the accused in the murder and that there had been no “prima facie” case made out to warrant the defence being called to answer the charge.

The prosecution had apparently omitted to call material witnesses, including the investigating officer for the case and Koh’s driver who had reportedly given a cautioned statement that he had seen both bodyguards throw Xu into the swimming pool where he was eventually found. Two other material witnesses who were present in the house were also not called.

Yet another was the prosecution for the murder of Noritta Samsudin, where the accused was acquitted after 29 days of trial. The prosecution appealed against the acquittal right up to the Federal Court.

In dismissing the appeal, the Federal Court noted that there was a gaping hole in the prosecution’s case, where it failed to sufficiently account for the likelihood of there being another person present at Noritta Samsudin’s condominium unit who could also have committed the crime. No one else has been charged for the murder.

Any discussion on expensive and long-running criminal trials would not be complete without reference to the Irene Fernandez trial which spanned seven years and took over 300 days to complete.

It is still not over for the Tenaganita director, who was convicted in 2003 of publishing false news about the ill-treatment of detainees in camps for illegal immigrants. Her appeal against this conviction to the High Court has been the subject of numerous delays and has yet to be heard.

Everyone knows Gani Pattail got promoted to AG For his role in Anwar’s case for sodomy
Maha Shithead purposely brought him To stop and kill Anwar Ibrahim

The solution is to separate the offices of the AG and the PP

The scope of the Attorney-General’s powers in Malaysia has long been a subject of debate and controversy. He is the chief legal adviser to the government and is responsible for advising ministers involved in legal proceedings in their official capacity.

But as public prosecutor, he is also entrusted with power, which he uses at his discretion, to start, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for an offence, other than proceedings before a Syariah court, a native court or a court-martial.

His dual role has posed a real problem. A conflict of interest is bound to arise if he has to institute criminal proceedings against members of the government.

  the AG ever lied to stay in the job?  AG ready to facilitate letter to scrutinise bank accountsAttorney-general Abdul Gani Patail reiterated today that he is prepared to facilitate whatever authorisation letter sought by Pandan Member of Parliament Rafizi Ramli to scrutinise all his bank accounts, including in Hong Kong as claimed by the latter. Rafizi , ask AG where he get money to buy a Seri Carcosa House in Seremban for the Second wife?? May be all the Account in the Second wife’ name!
How come not much details about this scum of a judge? Augustine Paul. How come he is allowed to get a way with what he has done. Was his life threatened? Were his children’s lives in danger? Was he black mailed? extorted? If the answer is NO, then Augustine Paul, you have been exposed for what you are – a scumbag. You will go down in Malaysian History as the most unprincipled and corrupt judge ever  sit on the bench. Don’t think you can quietly slink away into your burrow to enjoy all the illgotten gains because you will one day have to face justice. Is there anyone sick in your family? is there turmoil in relationships in your family? Is there trouble in your family? Can you sleep peacefully at night? Beware, all these are a warning to you. The blood of inoncents are on your hands. 
your time has come to face god almighty and all things you did on earth will be relevant my dear judge. hope god shows you mercy. and history will remember you and your family will carry that burden. just see how people speak of your death.may god bless you. Other judges, policemen, MACC men… you will also be judged by god when your time comes. you can escape the law on earth but God awaits you. Ahmad Said try not to speak bad about the judge in Australia cos he will get more credit from god than you
Allah S.W.T says in his mighty Al-Quran Chapter No. 27 : Verse No. 50 …”So they plotted a plot: and We plotted a plot, while they perceived not. “While Mahathir and Co plotted a plot to jail and maim Anwar, Allah S.W.T had a great plan for these evil men! Subahanallah! All Praise to God!

Govt readying presidential reference to remove Justice Ganguly

Although an in-house inquiry by three Supreme Court judges had indicted Justice Ganguly of “unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature”, its conclusions were informal and no case has been registered against the retired judge.

The three-judge Supreme Court committee probing the law graduate’s sexual harassment complaint against retired Supreme Court judge AK Ganguly has said that there was prima facie evidence of unwelcome sexual conduct on the part of retired judge.

However, Chief Justice of India P Sathasivam has closed further proceedings on the sexual harassment allegation saying it could do little against a retired judge administratively.

The CJI has sent a copy of the fact-finding committee report to the law graduate and Justice Ganguly indicating that the aggrieved party could take desired steps.

The law intern had first alleged sexual harassment on November 6, in a blog for Journal of Indian Law and Society. Subsequently she repeated the allegation in an interview to Legally India website.

On December 2, BJP leader and leader of opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj demanded the resignation of Justice Ganguly as chairman of West Bengal human rights commission, saying “not only Caesar’s wife but Caesar too must be above suspicion”.

She wrote on Twitter: “I strongly feel that Justice A.K.Ganguli should resign as Chairman of WB Human Rights Commission,” adding, “Not only Caesar’s wife but Caesar too must be above suspicion.”

The Trinamool Congress too demanded the resignation of Justice Ganguly from the West Bengal human rights commission.

Trinamool Congress MP Kalyan Bandopadhyay on November 29 said, “This is the first time such an allegation has been made against a former Supreme Court judge who is at present holding the post of WBHRC chairman. He should resign immediately.”

But at the same time, Justice Ganguly received support like from eminent lawyer Soli Sorabjee and former Chief Justice of India Altamas Kabir amid calls for him to step down as chairman of West Bengal human rights commission.

Justice Ganguly had denied the allegations against him.
The law ministry is processing papers for a presidential reference for the removal of West Bengal human rights commission chairman Justice AK Ganguly under the Human Rights Act.

Justice Ganguly has been accused of sexually harassing a law intern who worked under him a year ago. The law ministry is likely to inform the President that a formal inquiry can be constituted against the former Supreme Court judge.

The President can remove Justice Ganguly from the post of WBHRC chairman only after making a reference to the Supreme Court for holding an inquiry in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the court.

As per section 23 (1A) of the Human Rights Act, “The chairperson or any member of the state commission shall only be removed from his office by order of the President on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity after the SC, on a reference being made to it by the President, has, on inquiry held in accordance with the procedure prescribed in that behalf by the SC, reported that the chairperson or such member as the case may be, ought on any such ground to be removed.”

Sources said the government will communicate to the President that in Justice Ganguly’s case, there appears to be a case of “proved misbehaviour” — a ground for removal under the Human Rights Act. The Act also states that “moral turpitude” can be a ground for removal of a human rights commission member or chairperson.

Although an in-house inquiry by three Supreme Court judges had indicted Justice Ganguly of “unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature”, its conclusions were informal and no case has been registered against the retired judge. In this case, the apex court can take cognizance of the panel’s report.


Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  will finally have to  resigned, the operative word being ‘finally’. It has taken the government a lot to reach this point, and the final call was taken apparently because of Rosmah’s push. On the face of it, the decision to make   Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee … Read moreWHY NAJIB YOUR CRUDE SILENT ON ABDUL GANI PATAIL AND MUHAMMAD SHAFEE ABDULLAH

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