What do you think about live-in-relationships?
It is as sacred as the institution of a real marriage.
Your view on sex before marriage?
It’s must!!!!!!
What is your meaning of love and loyalty?
It is certainly not limited to fidelity. It’s about real friendship and passionate companionship.
What is the best thing you did for a guy?
Yet to do
What is the one thing that you expect from your partner?
Genuine admiration for who I am and what I do.
Will you forgive a cheating partner?
Yes! Most people deserve a second chance.
What do you think about sex and its importance in a relationship?
Real and passionate love tends to lead to physical intimacy which strengthens the relationship.
Subscribers of open marriages say monogamy is like living a lie, but is there really space for a third in a marriage?So call me conventional, old-fashioned, not with-it, or what you will. But when actor Irrfan Khan spoke in favour of open marriages I did not join the crowd of admirers applauding his ‘honesty’. Most of the applause anyway came from men; women were wary. What Irrfan had done was to lay bare an eternal male fantasy, and stoke a woman’s essential fear. He gave expression to what he called a “sanctified marriage” but what actually can at best be termed “sanctified infidelity”.From a time when we taught the world a few lessons in sex to becoming a repressed society, Indians are indeed one sexually confused lot he male lead, a befuddled Saras (played by Gautam Gode) cannot understand her misery. “Issme paap kya hai? Kal hum jis duniya mein thhe wo sirf hum dono ki duniya thhi…Ye hamara hakk thha!” (What’s sinful in our coming together? This is just between the two of us, it is our right!) To this Kumud replies that love follows some principles, which they have ignored! I do not agree that one gets married only because of societal compulsions, but yes, these may help keep many a marriage together. One of the essential stages of loving is to become so attached that you wish to not just share moments, but an entire lifetime with your loved one. You want to make a home and babies and share the pleasures of life with each other, be responsible for each other’s happiness and live in the security and knowledge that you are bound to each other by more than just that frivolous thing called romantic love. And this security comes from marriage. Love may ebb and flow, but marriage keeps you from walking off at the first visible hurdle. Kids hold you back even after several hurdles. Our love — even for those we are bound by blood to — has an essential element of duty to it. Most of the time, you do things for parents, siblings or children because you are duty-bound to do them. Pure affection and sincere emotions do not necessarily dictate everything we do for our blood relatives. Similarly a sense of duty and responsibility are an essential part of our love for a spouse, and the marriage contract spells that need for responsibility as much as blood does. , even one affair outside marriage carries with it the risk of breaking it up. With 10, the logistics would become impossible to handle. Proponents of an open relationship talk about the liberating effect of discussing other liaisons with their spouses, but they also agree that juggling lovers and trying to keep jealousy at bay can raise stress levels dangerously, often resulting in explosive situations; it is difficult for us to accept a love that is not exclusive. Supporters of polyamorous relationships claim they are far more honest than those plodding along in boring monogamous ones. But to me, a swinger is more honest to himself and to those he/she has relationships with. Having a series of lovers and intimacies one after another without promise of commitment is better than having them all simultaneously. And marriage should come only when one is ready to commit to that one relationship. Accidents may happen along the way, but a planned infidelity runs contrary to normal human emotions and would spell chaos in society. I would like to think that Irrfan was doing more than confessing a sexual deviancy; he was talking of options and the power of choice – of marriage and fidelity as a choice, rather than a societal compulsion. Irrfan compounds the confusion further, “If you ask me, I would respect a marriage where the man and woman have the freedom to sleep with anyone. There is no bondage.” Of course, Irrfan stresses too much on the “sleeping with” bit. A marriage is not about just sex. If you look at sex as just a momentary act, a release for stress and a means to feel good about yourself, it may sound fine to have it anywhere, any time, with anyone. But look at it as a woman does – a means of coming intimately closer to the one you love. That can certainly not be shared with 10 people. And look at it the way scientists do. The act of sex releases chemicals that bring a couple closer to each other. Scientists opine that two powerful hormones that are released after sex — oxytocin and vasopressin — are responsible for feelings of deep commitment and attachment between two people. And so, if in your experiments, you are attracted by and get attached to one of the outsiders, there is bound to be a lessening of attachment to the significant one, essentially rendering the open marriage into a broken marriage. Rightly do some therapists call an open marriage a recipe for disaster, jealousy, hurt and disappointment. “I think a sanctified marriage is when you have an option to sleep with 10 people, but you are still choosing that one person to live with,” said Irrfan. People wondered if he was hinting at being in an open marriage. Or was he a swinger? While an open marriage or a polyamorous arrangement implies a relationship with more than two people at the same time, a swinger swings from person to person, merely ![]() HOT!!! Tiger Show by Shaila Nair
Shaila Nair Who?
Well, she is wife of Vel Paari, son MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu …
Very hot looking wife of Vel Paari, Shaila Nair talks very dirty in this clip (in English) to her lover
All that talk about first impression and lasting ones… well, that’s not all jazz you know. Whoever said it sure knew what they meant. And guess what, if you want to seduce someone, you’ve got to do more than just dress and speak the role, you have a secret yet powerful tool at easy disposal, your eyes. Making the right eye contact and giving the right signals via your eyes to the person you are interested in means about 50 per cent of your work done. The truth is that most of the communication that occurs between two people who are interested in each other is wordless, it’s all about the looks. readmore Indian women have a certain allure to them, a sultry exotic sex appeal. You just know that once you get them in private, they let loose. Hot, sexy
These sex videos have the biggest bush on a chick I have ever seen, this girl look like she has a grizzly bear in a head locked between her legs. Namrata Shrestha sex tape and Namrata Shrestha scandal are among the top searches on the Internet from Nepal. In total there are three videos, two of which overlap. All three videos are posted below instead of trying to merge the two overlaying videos into one and post Just for a second, wait and think. Had you found out that your husband is cheating not only on you but your kids as well — would you approve of it? Let it pass by? Cheating in any form is disgraceful. More than that, you can never guarantee that he will leave his wife and kids and accept you legally.
You have grabbed eyeballs with your Kamasutra moves and are all set to thrill people, but any advice you would like to give to your followers?
Here’s a look at the Bollywood actresses who raised the temperatures with their drenched look: Katrina Kaif: Her dare bare approach in a wet seductive rain dance sequence shot her to fame in Bollywood.

Any sexually repressed Indian will immediately understand that the ‘principle of love’ she refers to, is ‘no physical intimacy’! The moment intimacy is initiated, pyaar becomes paap, never mind the deep emotions or commitment involved. Surprisingly, for a country known at one time for leading sexual innovation worldwide and celebrating the erotic through murals, sculptures and the Kamasutra, many Indian generations have been brought up to consider the most natural expression of love — the physical — to be sinful outside marriage. Indeed, within marriage too, sex is not something to be enjoyed, but to be submitted to for the sake of procreation — a task to be performed!
But wait, the hypocrisy doesn’t end here. The paap or sin is all on the girl’s side; it is she who carries the onerous responsibility of keeping herself ‘pure like the Ganges’ (never mind the state of the river anymore!). And so Kumud in Saraswatichandra (which Sanjay Leela Bhansali has declared a “modern love story” ) accepts that it is natural for Saras to have felt tempted, and berates herself for not holding back. The man is given a free ticket, while the dubious honour of her family is inextricably linked to the girl’s intact hymen. The idea of a girl initiating or enjoying sex is still considered taboo. And so, if she indulges in sex outside the set paradigm, she is assailed by guilt the moment the deed is done. Shamefully, a woman is still looked upon as a possession that can bring shame or honour to a man. Very conveniently, he uses her as a peg to hang his shame on.
And so, all male depraved acts against women are blamed on women. In fact, why just the living things, now men have taken to even blaming lifeless mannequins in show windows for provoking them to commit crimes against women. In Mumbai, the Municipal Corporation recently declared that lingerie mannequins may promote “rape” and encourage other depraved male acts against women, and so must be removed.
From the explicit portrayals at Khajuraho to the nodding flowers and frosted camera lens depicting a kiss in Hindi films, from domestic violence to the depraved acts of men ganging up to violate innocent girls and children — we are indeed one sexually confused lot. From Gandhi’s vow of celibacy and recorded loathing for sex to its later metamorphosis into his bold, adventurous experiments, we have all shades of sexuality except the transparent.
When you keep sexuality on a tight leash and under wraps, it is bound to strain at the bit, and natural urges and curiosity find their own outlets, resulting in chaos and lawlessness, in depraved and shocking acts of misogyny and inhumanity. Nirbhaya’s case is only the very minuscule tip of the iceberg. For every Nirbhaya who gets media space, there are hundreds who die unsung, unknown.
Ancient India openly celebrated sexuality and indulged an uninhibited expression of it. Where and when did we lose that openness? Psychologist Sudhir Kakar explains in his book, The Indians, that Muslim invaders, and the repression of British colonialism and Victorian morality changed Indian sexual attitudes and made us more wary with regard to selfexpression. With so many taboos attached to it, the subject of sexuality is almost never discussed openly, leading to the repression of one of the most natural urges in human beings. India’s ‘Dirty’ Grand Old Man, Khushwant Singh, claims that “nine-tenths of the violence and unhappiness in this country derives from sexual repression.”
Nobody can deny that urban India and the upper middle class have a somewhat more relaxed attitude towards sexuality. Indeed the Millennial Generation even in India certainly is leap years ahead of the present retarded way of looking at sex. And yet the vast majority remains puritanical and repressed, ensuring sexuality retains its dark, dangerous edge rather than freeing it to reach a level of liberating self-expression; a level where you are allowed to get over it and focus on other things in life, rather than allowing sex to prey on your mind to a fanatical level.