Written by <syed1145@gmail.com>
Lim Guan Eng ask how MCA can fight UMNO to defend Malaysian rights?
Does Malays have no future? If you were to listen to Lim Guan Eng election rhetoric, that’s not honest takeaway. There’s so much chest thumping about how DAP, how we had the most amazing leaders, the finest Chinese culture, the best Chinese schools of learning, the most exciting Chinese politics. It’s all about Destroying of Malay rights?
If MCA dare not object when they are humiliated in their own building and openly in front of their member. Lim Guan Eng ask how MCA can fight UMNO to defend Malaysian rights? No wonder, in such a complex world, where your friend could well be owned by your enemy, young Chinese want a leader who can take Malays They think DAP is that party. they have a track record of inspiring change. Unlike MCA which has always enshrined the status quo. And young Chinese believe, it’s the status quo that hurts Chinese most.Come elections and DAP’s existential dilemma gets more pronounced. The party, founded on t the mind of the One a element’ Chinese chauvinist ideology, has failed to come to terms with the changing political narrative in recent years. Even veteran leaders like Karpal Singh were not spared when they tried to do what was seen as … Read more
MCA suffered the ultimate political humiliation, not from the general election losses and rejection by the rakyat, but from their long time friend in UMNO when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak told the MCA General Assembly yesterday,”You have the members, you have the people, but it’s like the flesh is there but the spirit is weak. We need some political Viagra… We ask the MIC Health minister to provide the Viagra medication”But does it? Just shift focus a bit from economics to politics; you will be surprised. There’s no way Chinese politics could have ever thrown up the kind of results No, our economy’s not growing at 10%. Yes, we have much too much corruption everywhere. But Malaysia has no political system that allows us to correct our own mistakes. Isn’t that amazing?s voting power to chuck out those who fail us and find the change that can redefine our public life, renew our hope in Malaysia? It will make up for all the lost years. There is a sense of horror that pervades the news in recent months. It seems as is a basic form of humanity has been lost as one horrific instance of barbarism follows another. It is as if routine exploitation and violence is no longer enough; we are seeing a new brutalities of a kind … Read more
And the rakyat are seeking answers on how to be set free from the prison of poverty, corruption and debt as result of the mismanagement of BN.We are not talking about the mountain of debt of 55% Federal government debt to GDP amounting to RM541 billion but the 83% of GDP of personal household debt of Malaysians.
Even though absolute poverty has been reduced, relative poverty has worsened with the price hikes in sugar, petrol, electricity and highway toll charges.What are the solutions offered when the answer from BN given so far gives no comfort to ordinary Malaysians? On toll hikes, a BN Minister asks the rakyat to avoid them by using alternative roads, even though there are none for some routes. On sugar price hikes, Malaysians are told to eat less sugar to look after their health even though the price of sugar in Malaysia is now higher than the international market price.On corruption, BN just makes an outright denial that the illicit outflow of funds amounting to RM1.2 trillion over 10 years that made Malaysia the world champion of corruption, is a serious problem.
Can political Viagra solve these daily livelihood problems faced by the rakyat? Or will be fall back on UMNO’s divide and rule policy of playing the fires of racial hatred and religious extremism by pitting Malays against non-Malays, Muslims against non-Muslims and even Muslims against Muslims? asked Lim Guan Eng to each one of the Chinese the most heartening things that has happened in recent times is the awakening of the Chinese. No longer do you see apathetic, deadened eyes that couldn’t care less what happens to another. People today care and they do not let go an opportunity to show that they do so. Not just that, they are more than willing to lend a helping hand, to make a difference.The MCA general assembly today rejected a motion that several delegates wanted to table on the party’s resolution not to accept positions in the government.Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. … Read more
The chairman of the assembly, Datuk Yik Phooi Hong, said the motion did not meet a requirement of the party constitution.
Article 37.3 of the party constitution pertaining to meetings states that a resolution adopted by an extraordinary general meeting requires the attendance of 100 per cent or all the 2,385 delegates at an assembly.
He rejected the motion brought by, among others, delegate Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew of Parit Sulong.
Believing in themselves and their power, and that gives them immense confidence. With a cellphone in hand connecting you to rest of the world, you are in a position to voice opinions that matter, take photos which make a difference and record conversations and incidents that could create a national stir. You feel powerful and effective indeed when you break news through twitter or facebook and add your voice to that of millions.
Newly-elected MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai today pledged to bring about inclusive and collective change and renewal to the party.
Liow, who was elected party leader on Saturday, called on the senior party leadership, delegates and members to return to the fold as one strong team to make a success of its transformation programme.
“We have to prove that MCA remains relevant and has the capability to bring about a major change in the lives of the Chinese and other communities,” he said during his winding up address at the 60th MCA annual general meeting (AGM) today.
“We don’t want anyone to mention that there is a ‘Liow-camp’ or ‘Chua (former president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek) camp’ any more. From now on, we are a non-faction party. We are a new MCA!” he declared.
“Jealousy, envy and resentment must be eradicated. Let us all come together in the spirit of unity to reform and to safeguard the party.”
Liow said with unity, the party can regain its pride and honour as one of the country’s founding political parties and also regain public confidence, especially the Chinese community.
He echoed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s statment that this is the last call for MCA to prove its relevance among the Chinese community and the public at large.
“This is not a wakeup call, this is our last call; the last chance for us to rise,” Liow said.
At the party elections on Saturday, Liow garnered 1,186 votes to beat former vice-president Gan Ping Sieu (1,000 votes) and former president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat (160 votes) in a three-cornered contest for the top post.
Soi Lek did not defend the post of president.
Liow said a committee would be established to draw up and initiate a development agenda as pledged in his election manifesto.
He also said that the first meeting of the party’s new Central Committee would be held as soon as possible to discuss matters arising.
Meanwhile, newly elected deputy president Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong also urged factional-influenced central delegates to ceasefire in order to work together efficiently.
“Let us not waste any more of our energy fighting each other, but focus it on our enemies outside the party,” Wee said.
Wee said even though Liow only garnered 51% of votes from delegates and that there was a significant portion of delegates who did not support him, everyone should now unite under Liow’s leadership and cooperate for the good of the party.
He also paid tribute to late former South African president Nelson Mandela, saying the party should emulate his example to call for unity among all races in the country.
Echoing Wee’s sentiment, newly elected youth chief Chong Sin Woon said MCA would need to adapt to the modern political landscape, where championing a single race is no longer an effective strategy.
“Politics have changed, and the younger generation does not look at ‘race’ as an issue any more. Chinese youths are no longer bothered with Chinese issues,” Chong said.
“We need to pay attention to all races, and naturally the needs of the Chinese community would be included,” he added.
He said the MCA used to be a more inclusive party while the DAP used to champion Chinese-specific issues, but along the way, the MCA changed tunes to compete with the opposition party.
Chong said now that the DAP is a part of several state governments, it has adopted a more inclusive approach leaving the MCA to be the more extreme party between the two.
the New Media red beans of DAP is the greatest abettor and agent of change, encouraging and goading people along into discovering themselves, understanding issues and taking a stand. And so you never feel alone so long as your cause is just and clear — there are thousands waiting to hear, understand and support you! Those who earlier may have heard you out with sympathy, tut-tutted and moved on, are today willing to step out and support DAP.MCA were ashamed to see their own faces in the mirror every morning. They realized if something has to change, it has to change within them. You cannot keep sitting on the fence; at some point you have to jump in there. As parents, as teachers, as workers, we all have to start feeling responsible for the nation and to realize that nothing gets done on its own; one will have to get one’s hands dirty and do the work ourselves.” MCA may feel lost when it comes to guiding the youth today, but there is a guiding spirit in the air, so to speak, and the youth are far more confident than they were a generation ago; they can easily engage with like-minded people and understand their own minds.
“Nature has a way of bringing about balance. It does not allow too much extreme. So when people became too uncaring and insensitive, Nature balances it by bringing about this change; today it’s in the air, you can feel it!”
However in order for change to be effective and make a difference there has to be a method to it, a logic that needs to be followed. In order to participate in national discourses and public discussions people need to be aware of what’s happening in the country and to introspect what they themselves feel about it. They need to hone their emotional maturity and intelligence. And most importantly, there has to be a clear intention to bring about a positive change.
The big differentiator today is that people know what to do and where to reach out with the various available communication channels. With a million helplines out there catering to every possibility, you just need the right intention and you are not just connected, but on your way to making a difference!All Malays have one simple question today of their leaders: How are you going to set the future right? No one wants to answer that. ExceptThis bastard MCA vice-president Chua Tee Yong has sparked outrage after he reportedly sent a racist tweet about UMNO so is he still in control of MCA? Chua Tee Yong tweet read like this, Najib who said about applying the viagra injection., could have done so out of sheer absent-mindedness. He could be under stress that pleasantries ought … Read more