Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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Penang opposition leader Datuk Jahara Hamid Correcting Cavities -seemed invincible.the whole hole within


Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng ” I always thought of Jahara as a typical grandmother but now she has become an unreasonable and racist grandmother,”

Penang opposition leader Datuk Jahara Hamid has given Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng one week to tender his resignation letter, over his “racist grandmother” remark which he had made earlier this month.I will make sure his  racialist DAP  will  Collapse However, DAP can will continue to find justifications on why Lim Guan Eng  accused Datuk Jahara Hamid of much worse, The only cavity we really need examined is the collective space between our ears.The five-term Teluk Air Tawar assemblyman from Barisan Nasional said Lim was not sincere when making his “partial” apology a day after calling her a “racist grandmother” on December 9.

DAP democracy is vibrant enough to withstand both coercion and bribery the prospects for the DAP in the coming encounter therefore may not be very different. Till before next Assembly elections,

“I am not a racist. For five terms I have served the rakyat regardless of race. I want him to apologise for all he had accused me of,” she told a news conference at Menara Umno in Penang today.Mis-governance in Penanga which has for decades now mis-treated the Malays from a free Penang appears to be in a state of shock on the Datuk Jahara Hamid  episode  Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng   appear to be scurrying around seeking public support by drumming up

to caution UMNO  how, in a vibrant democracy popular fury can become the most effective instrument for ushering into the political system the much needed attribute of accountability DAP not invincible opposition leader demanded seemed invincible.resignation. Racialist the issue of national Interest and/or Pride, restraining  the Malay by DAP is not to be tolerated, which is on one Ubah plane withDAP flag and Nation.within us this episode appears to be keeping in line with the vast amount of entitlements those who mis-govern us have built up for themselves over the decades, and we are supposed to fall in line to blindly support these entitlments and their continuedproliferation. There is a mismatch here.Over the last few days I have had occasion to experience first-hand many of these entitlements which in any other democracy would have been of larger national importance than what appears to be an issue which does not really impact the larger state of affairs in Malaysia. At the same time, they are all in some way or the other related to how diplomacy is one more arm of mis-governance in Penang  which permits an explosion of these Chinese entitlements.

Lim had earlier apologised for calling Jahara a “grandmother” but had refused to back down from calling her a “racist” after she had questioned the DAP-led administration in the state legislative assembly about the local authorities’ enforcement against an illegal seafood restaurant in Pantai Bersih, Butterworth.

Jahara had pointed out that the Pantai Bersih outlet was Chinese-owned and was not torn down while Malay stalls on Persiaran Gurney were demolished, prompting Lim to tell a press conference outside the state assembly that Jahara had taken a racist line and tried to “twist the issue” when she could have just questioned the non-action of the local councils against illegal hawkers.

“It is alright to criticise us for not taking action but why be racist and continue their racist propaganda?” Lim said

Jahara said she is deeply offended by the remark.

Lim had also slammed Jahara for alleging that his administration had approved the changing of Pulau Jerejak’s name to Mazhu Island. Mazhu is the name of a Chinese deity.

Jahara said Lim had accused her of being unprofessional but it was he who had behaved unprofessionally in this case.

She slammed the DAP secretary-general for twisting her statements to confuse the people about the real issue.

“He accused me of being a racist, that I wanted to create hatred among the people, that I was 1,000 times evil and called me a lying grandmother.

“He had no respect for the august house where elected reps have the right and freedom to speak. He was not sincere in his apology and lowered his own dignity as the chief minister,” he said.

Jahara said Lim should instead analyse the facts carefully, rationally and positively.

“As a government leader, he should listen and help resolve people’s problems and not censure anyone, namely elected reps, who voice up issues,” she added.

Meanwhile, state Umno Wanita chief Senator Norliza Abdul Rahim urged the DAP disciplinary committee to take disciplinary action against Lim for his remark that was both sexist and racist.

She said as chief minister, he should be more careful with his words and be more gender-sensitive.

“He should not put labels on others. How will he feel if he is called ‘Apek Rasis’ (racist uncle)?” she said.

Norliza also told the state government not to carry out selective enforcement, as it is against its own CAT (competency, accountability, transparency) principles.

Marks & Spencer appeared to backtrack on Sunday night by issuing an apology after a Muslim member of staff refused to serve a customer trying to buy champagne.

Previously the supermarket said Muslim staff can refuse to serve customers who are trying to buy pork or alcohol.

But a spokesperson for M&S last night said: “Where we have an employee whose religious beliefs restrict food or drink they can handle, we work closely with our member of staff to place them in suitable role, such as in our clothing department or bakery in foods.

“As a secular business we have an inclusive policy that welcomes all religious beliefs, whether across our customer or employee base … We apologize that this policy was not followed in the case reported.”

The issue arose after an unnamed customer told the Telegraph they were “taken aback” when “I had one bottle of champagne, and the lady, who was wearing a headscarf, was very apologetic but said she could not serve me”.

It has highlighted a split amongst the major supermarkets, between those who will and those who will not excuse staff from certain tasks for religious reasons.

Morrisons said it had a great deal of experience dealing with the issue because it is based in Bradford, where there is a large Muslim community.

It said it would “respect and work around anyone’s wishes not to handle specific products for religious or cultural reasons”.

Sainsbury’s, meanwhile, has issued its official policy on the matter in the form of a pamphlet called “The Little Book of Faith”. It said it had come up with the guidance following research conducted with religious groups, and had concluded that just because a person was not able to eat pork or drink alcohol didn’t mean they should be allowed to avoid handling them altogether.

Asda and Tesco both said they were unlikely to employ a person on the tills who could not handle some goods – though the latter said they dealt with the issue on a case-by-case basis.

An M&S spokesperson had told the Telegraph: “We recognize that some of our employees practice religions that restrict the food or drink they can handle, or that mean they cannot work at certain times.

“M&S promotes an environment free from discrimination and so, where specific requests are made, we will always make reasonable adjustments to accommodate them, whilst ensuring high levels of customer service.”

The policy appeared to anger the biologist and author of The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins, however. He wrote on Twitter: “So, can followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster refuse to sell pasta? Could I refuse to sell baseball caps?

“These Marks & Spencer tweets may seem frivolous. But they are serious examples of the kind of RIDICULE religious discrimination deserves.”

The outspoken former Apprentice candidate Katie Hopkins tweeted on the subject: “It is not a myth. M&S hoping to attract Saudi investment I wonder?”

Yet others supported the retailer, with Channel 4 journalist Fatima Manji writing: “Note how it says they accommodate all religious belief on case by case basis, but people fixated by the Muslim bit.”


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DAP  ambivalence is equally deceptive. It promptly take up race , lingual, Chinese sectarian and communal issues in the name of social justice and development for electoral gains.The party represents an ideology which has always been opposed to Malay , social reforms  the case of DAP, , an issue which is about to blow up big time, this …Read more

Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. … Read more

Implications of Chinese. DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang Implications of Chinese. DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang “Free Women”, “No Sharia” and “No Oppression” In a political landscape where thorns far outnumber the roses, sexism tends to rear its grotesque head often. The list of culprits … Read more

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng  calling someone a racist for political gain a racist act in itself? The Penang BN’s Pulau Betong assemblyperson Muhammad Farid Saad o clarify the meaning of ‘racism’.the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Discrimination or prejudice based … Read more

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It is time PAS stood up to truth dont make Islam a political football? Prior to attempting any genuine critique of UMNO, it becomes imperative to substantiate the same with either empirical facts or hard evidence. Even so, in tune with the liberal tenets of our Constitution, UMNO does not object to genuine criticism of its …Read more

”:   When Muslim organizations invite Shaykhs who speak openly about the values of Islam, the Islamophobic western media starts murdering the character of that organization and the invited speaker. The question these Islamophobic journalists need to reflect upon is; are these so called ‘‘radical’’ views that they criticize endorsed only by these few … Read more

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