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Datuk JOHARI ABDUL GHANI: Social media and elections a developing story

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Neither changing circumstances nor people can affect your balance so long as your essential self as a human being remains the same

There is this type of person I find amusing beyond belief — the one who varies his behaviour based on how useful a person can be to him. He will refuse to acknowledge an acquaintance with either a smile or a wave, waiting for the other person to come up and greet him. But then in the next minute, he will spot someone he stands to gain from, and forgetting all pride, rush to grovel at his feet!

His smiles are measured and stingily allocated, his words are thought through, his gaze Shylock-like. You can almost see the business ledger ticking in his mind as he eyes a person, and decides upon the look he will bestow.

Retired bureaucrats often complain that it is this type of person who serves to highlight their changed status overnight as they retire from service. Most of us have experienced ‘changing eyes’ to paraphrase in Hindi “badalti aankhen” as we shift from portfolio to portfolio, job to job. The person who swore allegiance as you held one portfolio disappears from your life along with the post, and then reappears again when you take on the next portfolio, with a completely valid excuse for the disappearance.

The other obnoxious kinds are the ones who wear the arrogance of their status like a cloak, looking down superciliously at rest of the world. Both these types just do not seem to learn the one lesson that life teaches us again and again — time never stands still; it changes for everyone, and we must make allowances for the same.

What guarantee do you have that you will always enjoy the same power and position? Time changes, situations change, people change. The ones that do not change become extinct, frozen in time. The only thing that remains constant is your core as a human being, and this is what defines you — whether you are in power or out of it! What matters is your growth as an individual, the experiences you gain, and the lessons you learn. There is a lesson to be learnt when you are at the helm of power, and another to be learnt when you are out of it. Both lessons are equally important to the growth of an individual, and life ensures that we get a chance to learn both.

The most respected and evolved people are those who are able to maintain a balance and keep a steady mien through ups and downs, through times when they are feted and times when they are sidelined; at moments of pride, and moments that may be dark and despairing. Through all this, the core, the person you are essentially, must not change. That is the only guarantee you can have for a peaceful existence that is unaffected by the many paths that life traverses, the many people who attempt to upset your balance. That is what helps you stand head and shoulders above the rest.

Here are a few pointers to help you remain true to your core…
• Keep in mind long-term goals. Plan for work, life as well as for a meaningful life beyond work.
• Do not try to please everyone; you never can!
• Be your own critic; do not be affected by others’ praise or ridicule.
• Recognise your self-worth. Focus on what or who gives meaning to your life!
• Never trust blindly — neither your circumstances, nor people around you!
• Create and indulge in meaningful activity away from work.
• Invest in good personal friends.

Malaysia  media has some of the best journalists in the world. But we also have a diverse lot who differ in their beliefs on what’s worth reporting and how to report. Some merely report how Jack and Jill went up the hill and what happened thereafter; some others probe the reason for Jack’s fall; yet … Read more

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YOU happen to be charitable and buy Haraka , you’ll notice the headlines this past week has about Islamic criminal law hudud and rising violence in the GE13 campaign. Add to that explosion of murders involving guns and knives. Today, the MCA-owned The Star daily front-paged the surge in electoral violence across the country, none … Read more


At the most basic level, it is possible to challenge even the overall understanding we have about who won and who lost.P119 DATUK JOHARI ABDUL GHANI will gain in terms of vote , which means that as a proportion of their existing vote share,. If we were to, for the sake of simplicity, argue that … Read more

“brings the narrative that everyone wants to return to — that MALAYSIA is the land of extraordinary opportunity and possibility, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said“To those  P119 Titiwangsa hardcore PAS voters whose support I have yet to earn,” he said, “I may not have won your CONFIDENDENCE but I hear your voices , I need …Read more

How does a leader quell the everyday, inner conflicts caused by the heavy responsibility, the need for constant self-control and the inevitable crises – and still remain an effective leader? One could answer, “Not easily,” and be right.Voters must Knock PAS CANDIDATE AHMAD ZAMRI Out and make Pas a fringe party that they used to … Read more

The brave visionary and future PM from Pasis keen to shun P119 Tiiwangsa, Knowing perhaps that his party has no chance of winning there.PAS PRESIDENT ABDUL HADI AWANG have  nothingto gain by going to Titiwangsa? What does his parachuted  candidate Ahmad Zamri from hot Sentul to lose? A lot, considering how the media would jump to say that … Read more

Who is the real you PAS  AHMAD ZAMRI  ? In hindsight the magnitude of opposition was surprising. PAS CANDIDATE AHMAD ZAMRIis not an intellectual in the sense that understanding of economics. In that sense is the personification of the ‘stupid party’— the familiar Left-liberal caricature of the Right. The real redevelopment plans problem was that the ideas … Read more

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Who is the real you PAS  AHMAD ZAMRI  ? WHERE THE MALAYS IN KAMPONG BARU AND KAMPONG PANDAN GONE TO? ALIEN HAS TAKEN OVER DURING PAS LAST TERM IN TITIWANGSA Why   PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang always the issue ? That’s a lesson political parties which preach secularism but practise communalism will have to learn quickly … Read more

Introducing the Vibrant PAS campaign All that large sections of the P119 TITIWANGSA  voters want to do is vote out  PAS CANDIDATE AHMAD ZAMRI’. But if that rage and hope coalesce into a movement the voices from the street of Titiwangsa, the country, its politics and its people will have a lot to answer – … Read more

Voters must Knock PAS CANDIDATE AHMAD ZAMRI Out and make Pas a fringe party that they used to be. Pas Muslims remain a minority though,Muslims making up 65 percent of  Malaysia population the most part, they have been living in harmony with Malaysian of other faiths, and protected by a somewhat fragile secular democracy. But all has … Read more

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Last night, One of the most fascinating, if not disturbing, aspects of  Ammal PAS Malaysia threat in recent dayts has been the emergence of a diverse, yet very small group of radical Salafists in Titiwangsa and all over the nation  that to create havoc during the G13 Barisan candidate P119 Titiwangsa3 DATUK JOHARI ABDUL GHANI received a timely boost … Read more

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Simply put, your core is your real, essential self — the authentic you, the person you are when you shed all pretences. That’s the easy part; what is more difficult is tearing down the perception you have of your real self! For, all of us come to adopt an image of ourselves that we believe in very early in life, and then live trapped in that image for the rest of our lives. In doing so, we forget to understand who we really are, what makes us tick and what is true happiness or the real purpose of our lives.

Modi , Rajapaksa and  Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang  are clearly around for some time to come. Both are clearly hoping to expand their constituencies and speak to larger audiences. Both are ambitious men and believe they can cut a deal with posterity. Unfortunately, history has this terribly bad habit of coming in the … Read more

And so, a child who may have had to deal with difficult parents withdraws into himself and lives the rest of his life convinced he is an introvert; a girl who may have been complimented for little else than her looks, may start focusing on her looks to the exclusion of all else. Someone who is appreciated for their sense of humour, may start believing that is their calling card. If smartness benefitted you in early childhood, you start believing yourself to be clever. But how sure are you that this is the real you? Most probably the person you really are is hidden within the layers you have built over the years.

Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) has demanded that PAS president Hadi Awang explain his allegation in a Youtube video that the Islamic party cannot cooperate with a “Marxist” party. PSM secretary general S Arutchelvan said that Hadi’s statement alluded to PSM even if he did not mention it by name. “We want to ask, is Hadi …Read more

Add to that the pressures of fitting into predetermined slots and measuring up to expectations — of punishing fitness
routines, cosmetic surgery, and makeovers; of faking it to measure up, pushing yourself beyond limits, and doing things that you intrinsically don’t agree with — and your core self is too deeply hidden to even flutter in protest! Everyone wishes to be someone he or she isn’t. Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like clawing the walls in frustration or getting out of your body, so to speak, and walking away? At such times, you are obviously being forced to do something that runs contrary to your true self; something your very being rebels against!

PKR kecewa terhadap kenyataan Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang yang menyifatkan sesetengah calon PKR bermasalah. Presiden PAS pada ceramah di Kampung Tebakang di Marang malam tadi, berkata mengikut maklumat, mereka khuatir ada antara calon PKR menjadi pengedar pil kuda selain mendakwa ada calon yang meletakkan gambar pemimpin komunis seperti Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin … Read more

Psychotherapist Stephen Cope, author of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self, says that people are aware of a sense of self-estrangement, and understand that they are not living lives according to ‘their true authentic selves, their deepest possibilities in the world. The result is a sense of near-desperation.’ Healing this, he feels, would lead us to a new sense of purpose and to a deeper, more satisfying life.

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My foot Only PAS can lead M’sia to Islam, declares Mat Taib Collective identity is not produced by one man overnight. Mat Taib alone cannot create a culture which is deviating from PAS. After all, one hardly see any of their elected wakil rakyat jumps ship. Oh wow, so now he is all conscience clear … Read more

Being true to your real self, psychiatrists tell us, induces psychological well-being as it leads to a feeling of higher self-esteem and satisfaction, and hence happiness. People who are true to themselves also have better coping skills and are mentally and physically, healthier.

The underlying principle involved concerns not the arithmetic of fairness, but the calculus of morality. It is when a civilisation puts the prospect of   a person who deserves the death penalty according both humanity and humility, but it needs to be rooted in a moral conviction about a society’s values.Can an election ever throw up the … Read more

Fatwas produced by politicians cannot be used. Don’t practise the fatwas, they’re wrong and deviant, our faith will be distorted,” Muhyiddin  Muslims nationwide should shun ‘PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang , Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said today Islamization of campaign makes no sense while praising the government’s role in defending Islam. The caretaker deputy prime minister had …Read more

But how can one discover one’s core self? Read on…

  • Understand that to be the real you a certain amount of selfishness is necessary! Your focus has to shift to yourself.
  • Who are you really? And what do you want? The first step is to understand yourself and know your priorities — listen to your mind and body language.

PAS closed political system with its focus on elections and on intra and inter- party collisions as its centrepiece is becoming outdated. The combination of traditional media particularly television becoming shriller and more persistent, the coming of age of social media which atomises the right to be heard and do so in real time and … Read more

  • Know your strengths; more important, know your weaknesses.
  • Have the confidence to be yourself and not copy anyone else.

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  • Make it a habit to look your best and feel good all the time. Nurture your mind with stimulating conversations, reads, and other challenging activities.

Nothing happens in the PII9 PAS election waiting room.. Do not expect too much excitement. Time will disappear through the passage of the predictable, occasionally diverted by a faint dread of what might happen once the great surgeon of democracy, the voter, gets his scalpel on the body politic in a general election. . woman …Read more

  • What are the things that give you happiness? Indulge in them. Often.
  • When are you most uncomfortable and irritated? Shun those activities.
  • Focus on your most important relationships and don’t waste time with negative souls.
  • Dream big, and empower yourself to fulfil those dreams!

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