Silent Night
Sigh-lent bright star Anointed Joe
Oh Titiwangsa,a poll’s had won.
you has Waken from slum-ber dee-eep,
End your con-fu-sion deep.
Sigh-lent UMNO !Deep’ning night!
PAS quaking at the sight.
Alarm bells scream from near and afar.
The allies don’t sing Alleluia.
Joe the Saviour’bo-orn
Joe the meek peoleleader
Had a very shiny pose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say he so humble.
All the other parties
Used to scoff and call him names.
They never let poor Joe
Join in any voting games.
Then one foggy polling day G13
Titiwangsa came to say,
Joe. with your promise bright,
Won’t you guide our Titiwangsa tonight?’
Then how the red-faced praised him
As they cried with nervous glee,
Joe, the brave one
You’ll go down in his-to-ry.’
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Oh come all ye rallyists,
Roaring and triumphant.
Oh come ye, oh come ye
To save as from PAS
Come and behold him,
Must-be SERVANT of Titiwangsa
Oh come let us adore him.
you saved us from Pas by grace
Sing sing sing Titiwangsa,
Sing sulking PAS ,
Sing all ye cadres of DAP.
Glory to UMNO,
UMNO is the highest.
O come let us adore him,
Oh come let us vote for him,
Oh come let we enslave him,
A tremendous phenomenon of the times is the realization that each one of us has the power to bring about change just by knowing what we want and acting on it!
One of the most heartening things that has happened in recent times is the awakening of people in Titiwangsa. No longer do you see apathetic, deadened eyes that couldn’t care less what happens to another. People today care and they do not let go an opportunity to show that they do so. Not just that, they are more than willing to lend a helping hand, to make a difference.
This is an era when people have started believing in themselves and their power, and that gives them immense confidence. With a cellphone in hand connecting you to rest of the world, you are in a position to voice opinions that matter, take photos which make a difference and record conversations and incidents that could create a national stir. You feel powerful and effective indeed when you break news through twitter or facebook and add your voice to that of millions.
New Media is the greatest abettor and agent of change, encouraging and goading people along into discovering themselves, understanding issues and taking a stand. And so you never feel alone so long as your cause is just and clear — there are thousands waiting to hear, understand and support you! Those who earlier may have heard you out with sympathy, tut-tutted and moved on, are today willing to step out and support you.
Joke spoke of the rising of the conscience of the youth. Modestly downplaying the role of candlelight protest marches in that inspired a generation, \ said, “A lot of it has to do with connectivity and social media. People, ideas and consciousness all get connected very easily. And the youth do not think through and weigh the pros and cons of a situation; they just act out what they believe in, unlike most of us, as we grow older. Joe was at best a catalyst; things were waiting to happen, and so they did.”
“People were ashamed to see their own faces in the mirror every morning. They realized if something has to change, it has to change within them. You cannot keep sitting on the fence; at some point you have to jump in there. As parents, as teachers, as workers, we all have to start feeling responsible for the nation and to realize that nothing gets done on its own; one will have to get one’s hands dirty and do the work ourselves.”