Seven reports have been lodged against Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali over his controversial call for the Malay and Jawi version of the bible containing the word ‘Allah’ be burned.
A cartel of secular shamanists, love to stand with murderer Jihadis, anti-democracy and constitution burner Naxals, but through a control over media and money, they try to portray a different ideological stream members as sinners and pariahs.But still it has the cheek to question PAS on RSS support.
Simply because patriotism is a hateful word in PAS lexicon.
Anyone who works against the Malay unity and integrity becomes a natural buddy of the party. Like PAS-DAP, gang, Jihadis and Maoist mafia..
Hence RSS must be an obvious target of the UMNO crowd.
It may be a non event but Malaysians are watching in earnest if the government dares take any action against these evil creatures and their political masters Even the lame duck PM and the useless cousin of a Home Minister have not enough guts to touch Abraham Ali.… Read more Touch him and suffer the wrath of the ultra Malay nationalists and those who have transformed themselves constitutionally into more Malays but ironically are portraying themselves as more Malays than the original Malays. Ibrahim Ali is the paid UMNO troll. He is paid precisely to stir up religious and racial unrest. Therefore, he is untouchable…. for now. Remember this Katak… the rakyat will not forget your shenanigans.
Kulim Bandar Baru Member of Parliament Datuk Zulkifli Nordin’S informal Insufficiently thought on Islam
may appear to be the most defining moment for PAS his fomer party
refer to the claim by Zulkifli Noordin on 29 April 2013 that his insulting remarks against Indians and the Hindu religion were made during the time he was with PAS.
This is a blatantly false and dishonest statement by Zulkifli Noordin. We have video evidence that Zulkifli Noordin had continued insulting the Indian community after he had joined BN.
A recent video shows Zulkifli Noordin insulting Indians at a ceramah(political rally) on 6 March 2013 which is less than month before the dissolution of the Parliament.
VIDEO Zul mocks ‘Keling’ ‘Tuhan gajah’ ‘Tuhan tongkat’
Lied for Zulkifli: How should the Indians trust PAS ?
Whereas Zulkifli Noordin is no longer welcome in PAS, but leap frog to PAS
By failing to take action against Zulkifli Noordinan. We call upon the Indian community and all fair-minded Malaysians to reject the BN’s discriminatory and divisive rule.
N Surendran is the PKR vice president and candidate for the Padang Serai seat
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