Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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UMNO’s ‘transformation candidate Zul Noordin by Mohd Zin


Shah Alam voters, please pay attention. The last time people voted Zulkifli, he cheated them big time.

: Mohd Zin claims that he has got Selangor in his hands already. The people of Selangor may have been bombarded with BN propaganda but remember we are a state which braved the storm and chose Pakatan. We had reasons and we are not stupid.

The people of Selangor have transformed to become a very well informed lot, we know how to differentiate a cheat from an honest person. Selangor will not revert to BN.

fiction is safer to applaud than the actual badlands of PERKASA-UMNO where generations have been exploited by the State and criminal warlords, often working together. Law enforcement itself is a lie. Ask any victim, and there are thousands rotting in our jails without trial or justice, and they will tell you why. Much as I hate to admit it, even our democracy is a lie. We all know people in politics and business who manipulate the system through power and pelf. Even when they are caught, they sidestep justice because they know how to play the rotten, corrupt system. The funny thing is we survive all this because our lies that offer us hope in this darkness.

There are always superheroes who magically spring up to fight back evil. There are always placebos offered by religion, cults, alternative histories, articles of faith that we keep discovering in the hope they will lead us to deliverance. And that’s how every generation endures every injustice and finds a way to make their lives look better, their dreams look more real, their hopes glitter. If there indeed is a God particle, I would like to believe it exists in every lie we speak or live. For these lies fulfil us, make us who we are.

The perfect society is an imperfect lie. Those who sell it to us do so with the clear intent to manipulate. And when we buy into that dream, we do so knowing fully well that we are buying a Chinese-make fake. But, as in the movies, there’s a wilful suspension of disbelief that makes the trade possible. The buyer is aware he is buying into a lie. The seller knows he is selling a dud. But the conviction with which the seller sells the lie is matched only by the credulity of the buyer.

In politics this happens all the time. We hated the Left Front so much, not for what it did but what it did not do for West Bengal despite ruling for three decades  Did we think it was actually possible? I doubt it. We are not so gullible. This nation has lived with disillusionment for decades. But yes, we desperately needed hope

What we fail to realise is nations don’t change like this. Hope is a great thing but it cannot, by itself, transform a political system that is moribund. Did we really believe thatNajib was equipped to bring about the change Malaysia so acutely needed? Do we really think Najib, young and charming as he may be, can and will change the destiny of UMNO?.

The problem is: We do not want change. We love to kick out those who fail. It gives us a sense of power. Then we have a brief honeymoon with the successor which soon gives way to despair and rage. Never do we make a serious effort to seek out people or parties with a genuine agenda for transforming Malaysia. Everyone knows exactly what the problems are. But when elections come, we celebrate the tamasha. Politics today is just another form of entertainment. We love the rush of adrenaline in our blood, the buzz, the excitement, the thrill of watching celebrities beg for votes. Beyond that, there’s no serious thought. Reforms haven’t taken place for five years now. And I doubt anything will happen in the next two.

What we are missing out on is opportunity. A nation all set for stardom has opted to limp along because you and I get carried away by the glitter of politics, not the tough, difficult business of making  Malaysia better.

This is a political strategy, let’s not lose the plot. Najib fielded him to ensure his political aspirations is dead. This is because former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad nominated him.

A case of killing two birds with one stone. Give Mahathir what he wants, and make sure his guy don’t make it into power.

If you want a liar, a racist and a religious bigot (all-in-one like those coffee or bubble jet printers that they sell at the supermarket) to represent you, then by all means vote for him.Najib, this will go on record as the biggest blunder ever made in the history of Malaysian politics. Transformation candidate? Yeah right!

He will help transform Bolehland into Bigotland. It looks like BN is also not keen on offering good candidates to the people. So be it. People, you have to make your stand with your votes. Shah Alam constituents, please show this bigot the door.

But if you want someone with squeaky clean reputation, someone who doesn’t cheat and respect people regardless of race and skin colour, then choose incumbent MP Khalid Samad.

These two candidates are so different – like heaven and earth – so to make the right choice should not be difficult. Heck, I can’t believe BN would put someone like Zulkifli to go against Khalid… talk about poor decision.

We now have a better understanding of what Najib was talking about when he invokes the word “transformation” – it is just to package the old ideology into a more marketable wrapping and then slap a label on it.

This is totally stupid idea. Why? The voters are smart, they can read, analyse and think hard about their choices. If Zulkifli represents the best “transformation” BN can dish out, then I think Umno cannot change.Mukhriz as MB can sway fence-sitters,Sending a strong signal that Jerlun incumbent Mukhriz Mahathir will be menteri besar if BN takes over Kedah, “could sway fence-sitters in favour of BN”.According to a paid Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia political scientist Samsu Adabi Mamat, this was the feedback received when the university conducted a yet-to-be-published survey in Kedah …Read more

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