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Najib said Umno not racist party is time PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has to prove he is not a fake Muslim

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Najib said Umno not racist party unlike enemies like PAS,Gerakan,MCA and MIC are real racialist to the core There is a sense of horror that pervades the news in recent months.  It seems as is a basic form of humanity has been lost as one horrific instance of…PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang    It is as if routine exploitation and violence is no longer enough; we are seeing a new brutalities of a political kind that are difficult to comprehend. What kind of a human being violates just  to become as PM, he is even willing to to prostitute his islamic belief. will you voters want PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang being chosen as prime minister
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Gerakan stalwart backs Hadi’s May 13 stand

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today Umno was not an “assabiyah” (racist) party as certain political parties claimed.

The prime minister said the government had never rejected Islam in the national administration and, in fact, the Umno national spirit was founded on Islam.

“Assabiyah is when we collude to do wrong, meaning we gang up with one group to suppress or oppress other groups,” he said when addressing about 6,000 people at a gathering in Mengabang Telipot, here.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, who accused Umno a racialist party of masterminding the May 13 racial riots in 1969.the bloody racial riots 44 years ago were orchestrated by Umno to cling on to power.Hadi told a political rally in Kuala Kangsar,without any hard evidence.he further said Only those who were members of Umno or associated with it were involved. DAP and Gerakan members had nothing to do with May 13.

the riots in Kuala Lumpur started even before the counter-procession was held by Umno in response to opposition victory marches in the wake of the unprecedented gains by PAS, DAP and Gerakan in the 1969 general election.so as Muslim leader working with infidals accuses a fellow Muslim leader as a  racialist


Few things excite us more than lies. We constantly lie to ourselves. We lie to those around us, particularly those close to us. In fact, the closer they are, the more we lie to them. We lie to perfect strangers as well. Entire professions and industries have grown around the art of the lie. The more we lie, the better we lie, the more brilliant we are seen to be.

Creative people lie because that’s what all art is about. More people watch feature films than documentaries. More people switch away from news to entertainment channels because after a while reality begins to spook us. Fiction is easier to live with because we know it’s a lie. Readers prefer it as well. So, most non-fiction books today are almost fiction. We read what we find more exciting, not necessarily what is more truthful.Fifty Shades of Grey excites us more than Putin’s biography. Not only is fiction more attractive, more popular, in fact sexier; it’s more enduring. Even great actors are remembered more by the roles they played. Marlon Brando is remembered more as Stanley Kowalski or Terry Malloy or Vito Corleone, the Godfather, than as Calcutta-born Anna Kashfi’s husband or Christian’s father. The lie has outlived the truth.


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Hairun Nizam said Abdul Hadi was the ‘best person’ to lead the nation. — Picture by Saw Siow Feng

This is the weakness of PAS. Religion is not amenable to argument based on logic!

The administration of a country cannot be left in the hands of people who cannot make decisions based on reason and logic. Now, earlier some leaders said that one should not say any thing that is unnecessary that may harm the party from winning the next GE. This PAS conference is not even over, and now this?
Anwar has a much better credential and reputation than Hadi Awang, not just in Malaysia, but outside the SEA region. Anwar has the ability to united the 3 main components parties of PR than PAS. I am sure Hadi Awang is also a very capable person, but many voters/supporters, especially from DAP and PKR would agree with me on this.

The followers of the three religions that originated in the Middle East have been fighting ever since their religions existed. For thousands of years, religion has not been able to make peace. How can religion ensure good government? PAS has shot itself in the mouth. It is simply this type of rhetoric that derails any aspiration to over throw the corrupted BN regime. Instead of focusing on winning the general election a single ‘rotten apple” from the Ulama wing spoiled the basket of apples. HAIRUN NIZAM SPOILED THE PARTY. I hope Tok Hadi is wise enough not to be caught into this vicious game. So such grand standing will hurt the opposition’s chance to capture PUTRA JAYA. PAS should also remember that it was UMNO that kicked it out from BN and it took decades for it to reinvent and re-establish itself as a genuine opposition that is acceptable the plural Malaysia. I hope common sense will prevail among the PAS delegates at its muktamar
Just as other delegates has cautioned against making sensationalist remarks and statements, here’s another that’s trying to do the opposite. To win this election, we are gonna need the votes of those sitting on the fences, those undecideds. Scaring them with the prospect of an Islamic state is never the right answer.
How many times do we have to put this to rest ? Malaysia  state, with Islam being the state’s official religion. That is enshrined in the Constitution and will never, EVER change. We certainly don’t need such distraction now. Keep harping on this issue, and PKR will only win the elections in their dreams.

Like a person facing personal challenges, it is what you do after the problem, and not the problem itself, that defines you.’It is not without reason that people worldover call “politics a game of scoundrels”. Why point the finger at everyone and everything else?  PAS is recalcitrant or is unable to oblige?.

No, dear Hairun, the religious beliefs of a person is the last thing you want to consider in selecting a PM!Perhaps so but the damage has been done! So who said Pakatan had GE13 in the bag? Who said Pakatan was as united as a flight of flying geese? Did not someone see that for at least the last two years that PAS’s Ulama wing, which an Islamic fundamentalist rightwing group, has been uppingbthe ante for wanting to be top dog in the Pakatan coalition? If Pakatan leadership cannot manage the power-plays six months out from the next poll, it will severely erode its chances of winning the coming election. Knowing who will be theOpposition PM-in-waiting should have been ironed out and cemented a long time ago. And you can bet Umno-BN will exploit this weakness in Pakatan’s leadership to the hilt. Umno smells blood. Pakatan must quickly resolve the designate PM matter once and for all, and quickly. In my view, compared to Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang would not make a good PM. I liken him to Abdullah Badawi, who I thoughtbwas useless and hopeless and a waste of precious space and time

Washout of DAP its part of a PAS strategy…that PAS is responsible for making politics inside Malaysia  so murky. Well, it’s a trend that it has started. If it gets to rule Parliament ever, the need for spite and retribution will drive the UMNO to pay back in the same coin. So forget good governance; what we … Read more


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