AR Rehman is so polite and humble….. like DATUK JOHARI ABDUL GHANI that is what makes him different from rest
Can an election ever throw up the right candidate? Or to put it more moderately, is an election the mechanism best suited to throw up representatives that will strive to work for their constituents and attempt to better their life? Are there in-built into the electoral process, a set of imperatives that help pre-determine one kind of outcome.
Increasingly, it would seem that what it takes to win an election is not only very different from what it takes to govern, but might well be at odds with the idea of providing governance. The privileging of representativeness in our democracy, with an emphasis on race and religion, has meant that electable candidates are chosen with a view to who has the biggest electoral draw in terms representing the interests of a community rather than select those that have a view on issues of policy or administration. At one levels is perhaps the most vital element in the idea of democracy, but over a period of time, what representativeness has come to mean identity the leader resembles his or her constituents, speaks for them and on the occasion that he or she acts on their behalf, it is often through the same narrow lens of community. Under these circumstances, the election abets the process of weeding out those that see their role in more secular terms, and focuses its attention narrowly on those with more sectarian agenda
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, who accused Umno a racialist party of masterminding the May 13 racial riots in 1969.the bloody racial riots 44 years ago were orchestrated by Umno to cling on to power.Hadi told a political rally in Kuala Kangsar,without any hard evidence.he further said Only those who were members of Umno or associated with it were involved. DAP and Gerakan members had nothing to do with May 13. the riots in Kuala Lumpur started even before the counter-procession was held by Umno in response to opposition victory marches in the wake of the unprecedented gains by PAS, DAP and Gerakan in the 1969 general as Muslim leader working with infidals accuses a fellow Muslim leader as a racialist
Umno meanwhile unfortunately for their critics, could make a credible argument for religious stability, what with all the nonsense coming out from PAS, in their wilderness years, where they were the Islamic bogeymen du jour. It was a poisonous kind of stability but then again there are few ‘Islamic’ countries in the world that boast the same.Rich electoral dividends have flowed from such fear mongering. In the process, over the years
Do we want fear or hope in these eyes!
That’s a lesson political parties which preach secularism but practise communalism will have to learn quickly before 2014 closes in on them.The DAP has rubbished the efforts of its opponents to reignite the debate on the aims of PAS’ hudud law,
2013 election will be fought between “secular and radical fundamentalist forces, fear meanwhile is Muslim vote polarization that will work against it in the next general election. But the Muslim vote bogey is just that – a bogey. while deeply religious themselves, have moved beyond wanting to see religion used as a political tool.
Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said that Islam was being hijacked by some people in Pas who were trying to strip it of its spirituality.
“brings the narrative that everyone wants to return to — that MALAYSIA is the land of extraordinary opportunity and possibility, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said“To those P119 Titiwangsa hardcore PAS voters whose support I have yet to earn,” he said, “I may not have won your CONFIDENDENCE but I hear your voices , I need …Read more
In the name ofTitiwangsa Umno’s pride ’s pride The huge ads are everywhere in P119 TITIWANGSA. With a full-face photograph of PAS introducing himself and inviting you, personally, to vote for PAS on May 5th, Come to think of it, didn’t have something to do with guy lying about REDEVELOPMENT in KG BARU,, way back when? why he did … Read more
At the most basic level, it is possible to challenge even the overall understanding we have about who won and who lost.P119 DATUK JOHARI ABDUL GHANI will gain in terms of vote , which means that as a proportion of their existing vote share,. If we were to, for the sake of simplicity, argue that … Read more
Johari, who hails from Kampung Pandan, is a certified accountant who has been leading the Umno division since 2010, and will pose a big obstacle for the young Ahmad Zamri to retain P119 Titiwangsa for PAS Someone from somewhere must come out and take p119 Titiwangsa out of this insensible dark PAS box of despondency and self-flagellation is giving a false dose of some hope. Are we are neither cowards nor aggressors?. Then why should we doubt our win? The present crisis, the Chinese belligerence, fifth tent after the fourth … Read more
Caretaker Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat (centre in photo) was present to lend support t on Wednesday night and his presence at Kelab Sultan Sulaiman had resulted in a turnout of close to 3,000 people, mainly comprising non voters from surrounding areas and from outside KL.where are the voters who Ahmad Zamri claim has big support
Now compare this is what real support is
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