Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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Part2 Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said unprecedented in a democracy to stab Najib at back


you are wrong to think  Najib will not last in office long, as the UMNO elite are busy now sharpening their knives for the long unheld UMNO elections, postponed repeatedly by the testicularly challenged Najib.

There’s been plenty of chatter lately about UMN Ooutsourcing their  new Prime Minister elected by the people. The argument, like the mythical Sarasvati river, requires more faith than reason and runs dry quickly.This duality of power – or diarchy as one senior editor cogently termed it – is unprecedented in a parliamentary democracy where the elected Prime Minister should have the last word on government policy. Mr. Najib’s National Front coalition secured around 60% of the seats in Sunday’s ballot, but the vote was heavily split between Malaysia’s thriving cities, which largely voted for opposition parties, and rural, mostly ethnic-Malay areas that threw their support behind Mr. Najib, the 59-year-old

Here’s how it goes: in the  event of the  forming the next government,while, Mahathir, he controls the remote.

Did Najib performs worse  than Badawi did it 2008, No Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said Najib saved  UMNO by winning G13 in hard fought battle and now we  should give the mandate to be president of  UMNO why should ‘night of the long knives’ will be re-enacted soon by UMNO, thankfully, Najib has responded magnificently:

This duality of power – or diarchy as one senior editor cogently termed it – is unprecedented in a parliamentary democracy where the elected Prime Minister should have the last word on government policy.

an old victory and a wife of similar vintage recently; had he been smarter, he would have stopped at making such a remark about the current UMNO team, which is on the brink of its ultimate humiliation:  ‘Whether he’s my nominee or somebody else, I will campaign if somebody does not perform and in my view, Pak Lah didn’t perform.’Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has denied practising double standards in campaigning for Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, but against the fifth prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

 hero father fights a lone battle, against Najib for his son’s political servival

Mahathirl plays many roles, some of them quite well. But he is inimitable when he turns caustic. Sarcasm descended from his heavy eyebrows with the full force of a waterfall when he taunted the  middleman during his rule Shakespeare was never so bitter about Shylock

as Mahathirwas about the Lobbying

Read between the lines……He is saying he will go against Najib soon. Watch your back Najib

Just as you campaigned against Badawi, Malaysians who have seen through your self-serving crookedness and who have experienced the destruction of all institutions and standards are now campaigning against you, your proxy Najib and everything you represent. This campaign will not end until all vestiges of you and the poison you have spread through the land are removed.

The problem with Mahathir is very simple. He was just an ordinary person but fate has made him the PM and Malaysians especially the Malays accorded him with such high status that he started to take advantage of the situation very well making him almost untouchable. But life is strange, today you are revered tomorrow you can be a hated figure(once they found out the truth). I believe his last days will be very very sad and painful especially if Umno/BN fall.And, the Malays  have the privilege to go against you too!What he is saying is he will go against who does not do his bidding and protect his and his family interests. Who does he think he is? God? It is the rakyat who is the determinator not him alone.Dr.M’s you step down because you know that the Malays are not supporting you or else you will still hold on to powers.Do not blame Pak Lah.During your reign many politicians was put under ISA and your abuse of power.Dr.M’s you step down because you know that the Malays are not supporting you or else you will still hold on to powers.Do not blame Pak Lah.During your reign many politicians was put under ISA and your abuse of power.Najis also cannot perform. He cannot debate and he is is still deciphering his own 1Malaysia slogan. RoastMama can perform though. And she’s overperforming, especially in the arena of shopping, private diamond exhibitions, gracing Genneva parties, accumulating titles from ivory towers, overshadowing grooms and brides at their weddings, etc.Mahathir himself dd not perform! Perwaja Steel, MAS, Bakun, Proton. etc.. are clear examples of his failures. Anyone can talk big

Mahathir chose Badawi to take his place because he thought Badawi was a simpleton whom he could control after he stepped down and continue to get his multi-million ringgit kickbacks from various projects like the crooked bridge. Unfortunately for him that simpleton on gaining power turned out to be not that simple and he also came under the influence of his ‘Rasputin’ son-in law. Thus all his well laid plans to continue with the plunder of the country went down the drain and this infuriated him as his dream of stealing a couple of more billions of the people’s money was shattered. His continuous demonization of Badawi up to today indicates the depth of hatred in him for Badawi for not allowing him to steal for 5 years. But Najib with things like ‘Scorpenes’, ‘Altantuya’ and ‘Port Dickson’ hanging over his head cannot do a ‘Badawi’ on him and so Mahathir is very happy with his ‘performance’ as now his children can continue with the crooked business of making easy money.

Its not about Badawi that Malaysians kicked out BN in 2008. It is all about Dr.M’s ill gotten wealth and his abuse of power. Its about corruption and the abuse of power of the highest magnitude under his tenure. Thats why Malaysians are angry today

Mahathir you are one of the major cause of Najib’s poor performance. You and Perkasa have caused BN to loose thousands of votes. I do  expect Najib to do the right thing now because  unmoved by shenanigan Mahathir trading starts in Umno. Newly installed PM Najib Razak and his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin are out in the market wooing warlords and the ‘emperor’ (ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad) to gain favours to take over the crown of Umno president in the coming Umno general election expected at the end of the year.Mahathir is also in the market to put his son, now Kedah MB, Mukhriz, in a good position, possibly as a running-mate as deputy president, either to Najib or Muhyiddin. That way Mahathir junior can be on the fast track to power before his father kicks the bucket as he is now 88 years old.

And here is the final irony. When asked who would head as the UMNO , the stock answer of  UMNOI leaders is that this would be decided by the party’s highDELEGATES The fact is thatNajib won i ndespite the miserable choice of  Mahathir’s son. It is theyoung UMNO leaders who clinched the victory. A bit of modesty would do a whole lot of good to the high command.nd the target timeline remains the same – before the 13th general election which must be called before June this year.

a fallacious belief. A man who is mentally agile to be a Prime Minister and take decisions that impact on the destiny of the millions  in our  country is surely equal to the task of vigorously taking up party work.

How confident is Muhyiddin of taking over from Najib? Can the 66-year-old Muhyiddin, who has shown a surprisingly independent streak, do a better job than the amiable but feather-headed Najib? What does Muhyddin aspire for Malaysia? Does he plan to reform Umno or leave things as they are? Can Muhyiddin stand on his own without Mahathir’s support? Is he merely another puppet for Mahathir and his sons? Or will he – like the ‘soft’ Abdullah Badawi – suddenly show a different persona once he becomes PM?

The answers to those questions can only be known in due time. For now, Muhyiddin has to play along with both Mahathir and Najib. Mahathir will surely want to continue hoarding more wealth. The 87-year-old can be expected to pressure Muhyiddin to farm out lucrative deals to his sons, but fortunately for Muhyiddin, he may not need to entertain Mahathir for too long.

In this respect, Muhyiddin can be expected to share the sentiments of many of his party colleagues, including Najib and Rosmah. Whatever their personal feelings for the ‘grand old man’ of Umno, it is an open secret they are all waiting for him to succumb to old age. They believe that only then can they finally get to be their own men!

This is indeed the saddest indictment for Mahathir. Some say it is fair retribution for his nurturing of the current divisive and corrupt culture in Umno. Perhaps this is yet another reason for the heightened infighting in Umno these days.

The warlords know that with each new year that comes, they are another step closer to finally taking over from the Big Boss and becoming King of all they survey. Unlike now, when even the prime minister is a mere ‘vassal’ and has to pay ‘tribute’ to the real power behind the proverbial throne.

This is not an empty rant against the ruling class. It is much more — it is an expression of utter and total condemnation. It is a notice. The entire country stood as one, a rare occurrence in UMNO.Leadership is about engagement. Real leaders do not run away from crises. But ours have specialized in burying their heads during any emergency hoping it will resolve itself and disappear on its own. This was one time they miscalculated —  But there is an elephant in the room. An elephant that refuses to turn tail and leave. Ignoring the animal is not an option. But which of our mighty leaders is ready to take on the challenge and deal with not just the elephant, but the hungry beast that is on the prowl. It is a beast without a name. It is ferocious and cannot be tamed.The power of this beast is bigger than the  country. This insatiable creature is about to gobble up  Malaysia. Water cannons, lathi charges…even bullets, will not stop its march.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has again reminded Barisan Nasional (BN) supporters not to use the selection of candidates as an issue in order to ensure victory for the BN in the coming general election.

the UMNO/BN eminence grise, Tun Mahathir, who seems to be increasingly pessimistic about UMNO’s chances of winning Putrajaya in the 13GE, causing him to call on Malaysian voters to support “the devil you know than the angel you don’t”, and recently, making more and more reckless and desperate statements,

In the last stretch before GE13, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dropped all pretense for a Bangsa Malaysia and has gone for the Malay vote and slammed the Opposition for listening and accommodating the views and needs of the non-Malays.

State news agency Bernama quoted the country’s longest-serving prime minister as saying that Selangor must be saved from the opposition to ensure the rights and position of the Malays and Bumiputras are maintained in the state.

Dr Mahathir also said that it is up to UMNO to decide the fate of PM Najib Abdul Razak if the latter does not do as well as Abdullah Ahmad Badawi after the 2008 general election,had recently said that  Najib should hand over the reins of the administration to his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to ensure a better mandate.It predicted an uprising from beneath Umno and the BN pact against the first-term Prime Minister Najib, who will be, for the first time in his political career, leading the ruling coalition into a polls contest that observers believe

Umno watchers say the die has been cast and Najib’s failure to issue a categorical denial he did not recently suffer a stroke will only benefit Muhyiddin, who is now on high gear to take over as the next Umno president and prime minister of Malaysia.

And the target timeline remains the same – before the 13th general election which must be called before June this year.

a fallacious belief. A man who is mentally agile to be a Prime Minister and take decisions that impact on the destiny of the millions  in our  country is surely equal to the task of vigorously taking up party work.

Umno information chief Ahmad Maslan and former Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad have made their own predictions for the next general election. Whose analysis is more appropriate and whose is more accurate?

There are common and different points in their views.

The common point is both are not optimistic about Pakatan Rakyat’s chances of taking over of Putrajaya.

The difference is the former is optimistic about the prime minister’s ability to defuse the political tsunami with its top 10 achievements, leading BN to a major victory with two-thirds of majority; while the latter dares not to say that Datuk Seri Najib Razak will bring a new prime minister effect to win a two-thirds majority like how Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Abdullah Razak did in their first election battle as the prime minister.

By comparison, the analysis of Mohd Radzi, who is no longer in his official position, has apparently left more hints:

  • • Although he firmly believes that BN will be able to stay in office, he also admits that BN still needs to set off a political tsunami to regain lost constituencies from Pakatan Rakyat.
  • • He pointed out that among the 16 Selangor parliamentary seats of Pakatan Rakyat, 15 of them were won with more than 20,000 majority votes. How is BN going to overturn it?
  • • He bluntly said that the state seats lost by BN in the Sarawak state election the year before last are under the jurisdiction of five to six BN parliamentary seats. Therefore, the state is no longer a fixed deposit for BN.
This is even more true of the  high command. This cabal is out of tune with the swift federalisation of MALAYSIA politics. It botched its chances in selangor,pulau poinang AND perak. It will botch them in other BJP-ruled states if their leaders who have proved their worth are side-lined. The cabal has disrupted the functioning of parliament at a time when it has enough ammunition to make the Congress answerable for the humongous scams that have taken place under its watch.
One swallow, famously, does not make a summer, but when an ideological bird peeps out from the bush, it is time to check the thermometer for possible signs of climate change. Nor was this bird plumed in irrational racial hatred . Brand Mahathir did not win Kedah for BN, but it was rather a case of This is again laughable from Mahathir. Have you ever noticed how predictable he has always been in everything he says, announces or pronounces? Have you noticed how he is always stating the bleeding obvious, such as Malays being divided and minorities feeling strengthened? Go back to his speeches prior to 1969: see how he was dividing Malays, and wedging Malays and non-Malays then with strong racist undertones. When Umno-BN won 64% of the popular vote in the 2004 elections, who launched into a tirade against his appointee Abdullah Badawi and undermining his PMship nonstop? Why? When were Malays ever “united”? If they were, why did PAS come into existence? Why has PAS continued to exist? Do you realise how easy it is to take down Mahathir for everything he says, for all the crock that he manufactures, include the crock on Malay(sian) history? There was a time when Malaysian almost in unision put him on a pedestal and revered him as if he were their god. Why? What has changed among Malaysians? How many Malaysians get it? How many still don’t? Does Mahathir get it? Should he? Who will have the guts to set him straight once and for all? Because you could poke a million holes in Mahathir’s Malayan Union so-called argument.his paper looks in detail at the performance of the three main Chinese-based political parties in Peninsular Malaysia in the 1999 Malaysian general election. They are the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and Gerakan (Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, or Malaysian People’s Movement Party), which are members of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN), or National Front, coalition, and the Democratic Action Party (DAP), the only Chinese-based opposition party in the Barisan Alternatif (BA), or Alternative Front, coalition. While conventional wisdom suggests that there was a significant swing of Chinese votes towards the government, this paper argues that there was no swing, and that the Chinese voting pattern in 1999 was broadly similar to that of the 1995 general election, confirming that the 1995 Chinese vote marked a permanent shift in the pattern of Chinese voting
Malays are not divided , neither beggars , nor empowering minorites
Malays have come around to their senses , they have a new understanding of unity, a new sense of riches and an understanding of others including minorities.
A true blue Malaysian ethos is developing .
Malays are no more talking to themselves ..they are seeing and talking to non Malays to live in and prosper this nation on a new platform.
This race and religeon theatre of yours is worn out and wobbly
There are new actors now new vigour, new vision , newer more intriguing story lines
new music new dialogue new theatre …and of course it is all for a new audience .The ‘cornered tiger’ Startling ironies mark the results of the elections Mahathir benefited  Najib’s  simple majority otherwise with Pakatan victory Mahathir will be rotting in Jail FORrecord of abject greed during his years in power.How many more years can Mahathir live? Mahathir, we tell you now when you are still alive, the way you behave at this moment, … Read more

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