Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani defend Najib from hare-brained snaky Tien Chua and his sleeping partner Wong Choon Mei harebrained Malaysia Chronicle


Tien Chua another wolf in sheep’s clothing


Given a choice, Tien Chua  will commit a crime than do any good. I wish I were wrong, but simply can’t help feeling this way. In ,

Tian Chua’s fear has now crystallized into reality and thus become a current contentious issue within PKR
 we was told by a friend that Tian Chua has mucho influence in Malaysian Chronicle,

Wong Choon Mei  said

This is a most unpleasant situation with racial overtones. Not all who have been dropped are Chinese but most are  we Chinese  very concerned. Who will be next?””At the end of the day, it’s the way they make decisions at the top. It is just like the BN. PKR is the new Umno and DAP the new MCA. Anwar talks about creating a new Malaysian identity but when push comes to shove, he sells out his own members. You can’t blame me for being angry because  Tien Chua and me spent the past 3 years investing a lot of time and money to build a following in their designated constituencies. But it is Anwar’s betray that really hurts,”Several of PKR’s most senior Chinese leaders had even convened a meeting a few months ago to discuss the grouses of their grassroots. Their complaints were then formally presented to Anwar but it appears he has not seen fit to take their views seriously.

Perhaps, it is time for the PKR adviser to come down to earth and realize that his greatness came not only from God but from millions of unseen Malaysians who supported him in good faith and without condition

readmore Wong Choon Mei of Malaysia Chronicle watch your words our words are weapons

but No. Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said Najib saved  UMNO by winning G13 in hard fought battle and now we  should give the mandate to be president of  UMNO why should 

you are wrong to think  Najib will not last in office long, as the UMNO elite are busy now sharpening their knives for the long unheld UMNO elections, postponed repeatedly by the testicularly challenged Najib.

There’s been plenty of chatter lately about UMN Ooutsourcing their  new Prime Minister elected by the people. The argument, like the mythical Sarasvati river, requires more faith than reason and runs dry quickly.This duality of power – or diarchy as one senior editor cogently termed it – is unprecedented in a parliamentary democracy where the elected Prime Minister should have the last word on government policy. Mr. Najib’s National Front coalition secured around 60% of the seats in Sunday’s ballot, but the vote was heavily split between Malaysia’s thriving cities, which largely voted for opposition parties, and rural, mostly ethnic-Malay areas that threw their support behind Mr. Najib, the 59-year-old

Here’s how it goes: in the  event of the  forming the next government,while, Mahathir, he controls the remote.

Did Najib performs worse  than Badawi did it 2008, No Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said Najib saved  UMNO by winning G13 in hard fought battle and now we  should give the mandate to be president of  UMNO why should ‘night of the long knives’ will be re-enacted soon by UMNO, thankfully, Najib has responded magnificently:

This duality of power – or diarchy as one senior editor cogently termed it – is unprecedented in a parliamentary democracy where the elected Prime Minister should have the last word on government policy.relatedarticleSuara Keadilan Malaysia blogged Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani public anger against Najib is misplaced?

an old victory and a wife of similar vintage recently; had he been smarter, he would have stopped at making such a remark about the current UMNO team, which is on the brink of its ultimate humiliation:  ‘Whether he’s my nominee or somebody else, I will campaign if somebody does not perform and in my view, Pak Lah didn’t perform.’Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has denied practising double standards in campaigning for Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, but against the fifth prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawiyou are wrong to think  Najib will not last in office long, as the UMNO elite are busy now sharpening their knives for the long unheld UMNO elections, postponed repeatedly by the testicularly challenged Najib. There’s been plenty of chatter lately about UMN Ooutsourcing their  new Prime Minister elected by the people. The argument, like the … Read more

the most important thing that Najib must now do is to set up a Cabinet and this is not an easy task because those who are not chosen will definitely look at what the Opposition can offer. Maybe Najib is contemplating forming a bigger Cabinet than the one he had, with a ministry for every possible sector. But that would be ridiculous and it will need extra budget allocations even as our soaring national debt hits the RM470 billion level. Furthermore, as part of his election promises, the amount of cash aid under his BR1M program has to be increased. Najib must realize now that it is easier said than done but the question is – does he care? Or is he just keen to be PM for as long as he can and take as much as he can while the nation hurtles into bankruptcyG13 was a turning point for UMNO’s political history When people run short of ideas, they reach out for other things.There’s money, the first crutch of all fools. For all those who lack self esteem, the first argument is: If I had enough money, I could have done it. This is untrue. Money can make … Read more.

So due to his short-sightedness in still trying to hold onto the mandate by himself, Najib now has to face the prospect of unhappy BN MPs being lured by the Opposition to jump ship. Najib’s only possible move is to counter-offer, but this will create a huge opportunity amongst the BN MPs to make as much money as they can and practically blackmail Najib into a corner. Their price will surely be very high. But maybe Najib has already prepared for this event. Remember, he has somehow managed to hide the RM500 million commission he allegedly took for the purchase of the useless Scorpene submarines. Or perhaps, Raja Ropiaah – the corruption-tainted Selangor Wanita chief – can help with the millions she has been accused of having pilfered.

Perhaps, Najib was hoping that PR would be too stunned by the GE-13 results and entrap themselves by squabbling over posts. But unlike UMNO which has not been able to close ranks, PAS’ Husam Musa has accepted the decision to drop him from the Kelantan state government and PKR No. 2 Azmin Ali has agreed that Khalid Ibrahim continues as the Selangor chief minister.

Worse of all for Najib, UMNO, BN and Mahathir Mohamad, the people are still behind Anwar Ibrahim. This is evident in the huge numbers that come to any PR gathering, including the gigantic May 8 Kelana Jaya ‘Post GE13 Rally’ and the May 11 record breaking rally in Penang.

PR is ready for the next stage of their action plan. It is Najib, UMNO and BN who are at loss on what to do next. Ironic is it not?Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani bersama YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani  said Najib has said he wants to be prime minister for all Malaysians. unlike –Pakatan is clearly tired. No one wants to do the hard job of fielding….but everyone wants to become the PM!. The economy too has turned the corner, with exports on …Read more

So due to his short-sightedness in still trying to hold onto the mandate by himself, Najib now has to face the prospect of unhappy BN MPs being lured by the Opposition to jump ship. Najib’s only possible move is to counter-offer, but this will create a huge opportunity amongst the BN MPs to make as much money as they can and practically blackmail Najib into a corner. Their price will surely be very high. But maybe Najib has already prepared for this event. Remember, he has somehow managed to hide the RM500 million commission he allegedly took for the purchase of the useless Scorpene submarines. Or perhaps, Raja Ropiaah – the corruption-tainted Selangor Wanita chief – can help with the millions she has been accused of having pilfered.

Perhaps, Najib was hoping that PR would be too stunned by the GE-13 results and entrap themselves by squabbling over posts. But unlike UMNO which has not been able to close ranks, PAS’ Husam Musa has accepted the decision to drop him from the Kelantan state government and PKR No. 2 Azmin Ali has agreed that Khalid Ibrahim continues as the Selangor chief minister.

Worse of all for Najib, UMNO, BN and Mahathir Mohamad, the people are still behind Anwar Ibrahim. This is evident in the huge numbers that come to any PR gathering, including the gigantic May 8 Kelana Jaya ‘Post GE13 Rally’ and the May 11 record breaking rally in Penang.

PR is ready for the next stage of their action plan. It is Najib, UMNO and BN who are at loss on what to do next. Ironic is it not?you are wrong to think  Najib will not last in office long, as the UMNO elite are busy now sharpening their knives for the long unheld UMNO elections, postponed repeatedly by the testicularly challenged Najib. There’s been plenty of chatter lately about UMN Ooutsourcing their  new Prime Minister elected by the people. The argument, like the … Read more

if UMNO-BN had lost in the recent GE-13, Najib would have just a few things to worry about, such as how to step down gracefully as the UMNO president, what will become of his family’s business empire and how prepare himself to face the worst possible repercussions from the Altantuya murder and Scorpene corruption cases.There are some familiar and very vocal arguments that have been put forward againstThat it sacrifices merit and severely hampers the quality of output generated by the organisation in questionDatuk Johari Ghani Najib was at wrong place at wong timea mythological, yet, public were exposed to crime and sex crime, sex and controversy Najib have repeatedly denied to the … Read more

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