Temerloh Nasrudin Hassan. thank the Chinese Voter now the Chinese must give...
Give syariah law a chance for all Malaysia, says PAS Youth Syariah law should be given the chance to tackle crime if the existing criminal law system is inadequate, says PAS Youth chief Nasrudin...
View ArticleHome Minister Zahid Hamidi must charge Deepak Jaikishan with sedition
Sometimes, the formidable morphs into the pathetic. For a long time, the juggernaut Submarine Furor Returns to Malaysia, with its potent combination of powerful interests seemed to carry such sweeping...
View ArticleJack of all faith… master of none! the sick tapestry of interfaith unity in...
Muppadhu kodi mugamudayal Enil maipuram ondrudayal Ival Seppumozhi padhinetudayal Enil Sindhanai ondrudayal (This Bharatmata has 30 crore faces But her body is one She speaks 18 languages But her...
View ArticleCabal of politicos, bureaucrats, mafia will always eject Najib
How Najib becomes an object of ridicule among the educated, indeed a lot of his voters too. He is, however, saddled with not just an overbearing wife but also two cronies and his powerful home...
View ArticleNajib the ‘Superman, AG and CJ can’t respond to judicial fixing claims
Najib You can run but you can’t hide.. Why Najib scared of strong Rosmah? this chief editor is asking the home minister to sue him to the facts that he had put here don’t go on cheating the Malaysians...
View ArticleFor every Malay, a dozen seeds are being fertilized
For every Malay, a dozen seeds are being fertilized The burden of independence OF Justice The unfortunate truth is that there is reason for this cynicism. A lot of the opinions that abound in media,...
View ArticlePAS’s existential dilemma is Najib’s gain DAP’s loss and P Uthayakumar...
Najib campaign. It was a communication disaster for a leader who is being projected as the prime ministerial candidate in a country where any brand of exclusivist politics is bound to fail in garnering...
View ArticleMazlan opens up the Pandora box Tengku Adnan has a lot of experience to fix up
One scam follows the other, taking the heat off the earlier scam. Of course, the hyper-active media moves on even as the earlier ‘huge scandal’ is consigned to the backburner, till it resurfaces. This...
View ArticleRed Light Area what they do not teach at UMNO schools of politics Umno’s...
I am taking the liberty, sir, of writing to you at a critical juncture in Malay politics. Needed: A playmaker, not centre-forwards in VP posts in Umno Will the battle for 2013 be won or lost on...
View ArticleMahathir you can run but you can’t hide..the real cost of a bribe
When Mahathir shoot first and whistle later Only one thing is clear in this dust storm of fierce argument. We are not interested in truth. A complex reality has been distilled into campaign fodder in...
View ArticlePerimekar Sdn Bhd -Jasbir Singh No, Chapati isn’t healthier than a Paratha
Jasbir Singh Chahl, in a statement issued to Bernama, stressed the contract between the Malaysian Government and Perimekar Sdn Bhd for a value equivalent of 115 million Euro was for defined scope of...
View ArticleDr Mahathir Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Abdul Razak the Dark Side of...
Every once and again, the enormity of the realisation that amongst the billions of planets in this infinite universe, we are the only known planet to have life, and that too so many varieties simply...
View ArticlePenan communities’s torture and rape why more UMNO MT and VP prone to...
Rohani Abdul Karim, the new minister for women, family and community development, has a greater and more urgent task than simply to “revisit” in middle Baram “soon”.Rich is seductive… and is equally...
View ArticleNedim Nazri, is our moral mirror elist game there are no Malay in UMNO take...
The task is to decipher the moral basis of the Malay political community into actionable language . People in the end obey the law because they think it is fair and just, that it applies equally to...
View ArticleDr Shastri dont lie to Malaysians Why Churches disallowed burial of a person...
PAS: Agenda to create fear, hatred among non-Muslims A PAS leader has condemned the manner in which religious issues have been publicised and sensationalised to disturb the sensitivities of...
View ArticleMahathir’s burning ambition Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir to be PM
That the embattled Najib is fighting for every inch is clear from the way he was forced to delay the Umno election by a good two weeks to October 19 from October 5 as scheduled. Najib was caught...
View ArticleCan Dr M’s ex-aide Abdul Aziz Shamsudin deny? UMNO President, the PM and the...
The solution is to revamp how we fund politics, to mandate transparency and accountability in political expenditure and source of funds, to reform the justice system, so that all cases are settled...
View ArticleNajib Paradox : In power because he’s weak Tengku Adnan has no qualms to dump...
This is useful if you want to buy time, but not effective if you want to run a government. Najib is burdened by a further paradox. He is presiding over not one but two coalitions. Mahathir himself is...
View ArticleTony Fernandes “our girls are nobody’s constituency and we are nobody’s people.”
It is difficult not to look at the ground when you are in a room full of women who have been subjected to unspeakable sexual abuse. It is awkward when you meet those who up until that moment have...
View ArticleTun Dr Mahathir Mohamad did sabotage Umno not Malays Reboot or rewind to 2...
“Members are bribed with money, overseas trips and to perform umrah. With that, all Umno members are involved in bribery by selling their votes for money,” he said. However, the former Umno president...
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