Pray tell me which law Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi have not broken to stay in, let’s dig into his past and recover any bullets that can shun him from holding his ‘samseng’ role.It’s really a shame! people like him will do anything just to remain in power.
Which body is responsible to investigate this offence? MACC,PDRM or the EC? Get cracking whoever is responsible. Meanwhile, Rafizi, they my be witing for a police report. Please help them. Sue this idiot big time. Pressure on the past assault case. Let’s this idiot having more sleepless night so that this idiot will come out with some other joke of century statements to get the Rakyat-Rakyat entertained. Many offenses here. 1. Exceeding the Rm200k not allowed by the Election Offences Act. 2. Vote buying 3. Corruption
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had violated the Election Offences Act 1954 when he spent more than the mandated RM200,000 while campaigning during the 13th general election, alleged PKR.
Evil at its Worst, and Conspiracy at its Highest. Justice will not be served This drama was expected before the UMNO election.
Ahmad Shabery who is also Communications and Multimedia Minister said Umno’s performance in the GE13 was very encouraging in which the 88 seats were very close to the tally of 89 seats won by parties under Pakatan Rakyat.
Once image smeared, can never be cleared ever… Is Najib afraid of losing why talk about ‘no contest for the top two posts in Umno? must revert to the original objectives of helping the Malays and not it’s members only ….and give up corruption and racism like the UMNO of 1946 The dark night between the sunset … Read more

In a society that respects human rights and the rule of law, these criminal policemen would have been arrested and charged forthwith. But in this particular case, the policemen who were involved in causing Dhamendran’s death have been given desk jobs instead of being suspended immediately!
And for the home minister to even suggest that if they were to be suspended from duty that it would demoralise the police force, only exposes his extreme ignorance and lack of respect for the human life.
It is tantamount to admitting that the entire police force condones this despicable conduct within the force. This surely cannot be true? The entire police force can never be that heartless and ruthless. It is the black sheep in the police force who are the exception. They must be weeded out and punished to safeguard the good name of the police force.
These criminals must not be protected, as doing so would only tarnish the image of the police force and cause the loss of confidence by the public in their ability to act honourably and with integrity.
This is all the more reason why we need to establish the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) urgently, so that swift action can be taken against the wrong-doers in the police force. On an urgent basis we need a body that owes no allegiance to the powers-that-be to investigate the misdeeds of the police without any bias.
Aliran urges the prime minister to dismiss Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who seems to be an ill fit to head this important ministry. He doesn’t seem to respect the sanctity of human life and is totally incapable of inspiring trust in his leadership.
Not only did Dhamendran die during his brief stewardship, but there were two more other deaths, thus bringing the total to three. On May 26, R James Ramesh died in police custody in Penang and on June 1, engineer P Karuna Nithi died in Tampin while under police custody. This is totally unacceptable.
Aliran also urges the PM to order the inspector-general of police to arrest and charge the four policemen who are implicated in the death of Dhamendran without any further delay. There should be no dragging of the feet because a life has been brutally taken away – rendering a young wife a widow, a two-year-old son without a father and his parents, the loss of a beloved son.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
In the first five months of 2013, there were eight deaths in Police custody (Suaram monitoring group).In January there were two cases – Chang Chin Te ( Subang Jaya) and C. Sugumaran (Hulu Langat). In February we had Mohd Ropi (Temerloh); in March there was a John Doe (Seri Alam, Johor) and M. Ragu, (Kampar).
In May we heard about N. Dharmendran (KL) and Jamesh Ramesh (Penang) and in June we had P. Karunanithi (Tampin). These deaths provoke many questions but one stands out; how is it possible that no one saw or heard anything?
The rogue Policemen who tortured the detainees were not alone in the building. Other Policemen were on duty and must have seen or heard something.
Why are they silent?
A few months ago, an Indonesian female worker was allegedly gang-raped by three Policemen in a Police station.Was the complex deserted? What other sordid activities take place in our police stations? Why are good, honest cops afraid to intervene or report these crimes?
We hear of the deaths in Police custody only because a body has to be claimed by family members, from a morgue. What about the men who are beaten senseless until an inch of their lives? What about the men who become unconscious from the torture but who are then revived and made to undergo the same ordeal, again?
Do Policemen who witness crimes in their police station, have to turn a blind eye to their miscreant colleagues?Were they threatened? Did the rogue policemen receive orders from the top and so no one dared challenge them?
Najib’s government only reacts
Are prisoners who are witnesses to the Police brutality warned to keep silent? There must be police procedures to prevent sadistic Policemen from satisfying their lust for violence on defenceless men.
When a death in Police custody is reported, the rakyat can expect one of the following responses: The man who died was not a victim of beating and torture during interrogation. The Police will claim that there was no foul play. The dead person was said to have died from sudden death, a weak heart, an asthma attack or a fall down the stairs.
What has been the usual response of the minority government of Najib Abdul Razak? Did the Police force, which is under the Home Ministry crack down on Police brutality and re-examine the standard operating procedures (SOP)? Did it force an immediate investigation into these unexplained deaths?
No. Najib’s government merely reacts.When your hand touches something hot, you pull your hand away. That is how Najib responds; instead of being pro-active and taking the initiative, his government simply reacts to stimuli, like a slug reacts to salt.
Malaysians are familiar with the tricks used by the government to try to reduce the severity of the situation. With the collusion of the Home Ministry, the Police will attempt to cover up the existence of rogue policemen, keep us in the dark, claim the CCTV was malfunctioning and make it impossible for the families to gain answers to questions about the deaths of their family member.
Only when the government is forced into a corner do the ministers and police react.We also know that if an inquest is held about these deaths, the proceedings will be subject to many delays.
IPCMC is not a new idea
Are there any law abiding Policemen who will blow the whistle on crimes within the force? Are they afraid for their security? Is there a culture of fear within the Police force? Do the Policemen have no conscience?
This writer knows of a few Policemen who have resigned and sought employment elsewhere. Theirs was a difficult decision, as their fathers and grandfathers were once proud members of the police force.
These men could not condone what they witnessed within the Force and they have advised their children not to join the police, thus depriving their family of a respected tradition, and the nation of loyal citizens who are proud to serve their country.
For years, the rakyat has demanded the setting up of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) but the government dragged its heels.
With an enraged public, current and former public officials are now trying to get on the right side of the rakyat.
Former IGP Musa Hassan now claims that he had once supported the formation of the IPCMC. When he retired, he claimed that his political masters interfered in his job. Why does he speak out only after he has left office and is powerless to stem the rot or correct the system?
When the three Policemen were charged in court for Dhamendran’s murder, even the Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail tried to claim credit for the swift action. What would his reaction have been if there had been no public backlash?
Despite the seriousness of the custodial deaths, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi cannot make up his mind about the IPCMC and said, “We need to get feedback and discuss with NGOs.”
The IPCMC is not a new idea which was mooted yesterday or last week. It was suggested years ago. Both Zahid and his predecessor are clueless about what goes on in the country and have no real intention of restoring public confidence in the police force.
Zahid is disingenuous when he said that he wanted to remove the errant Policemen from the force.He said, “Dhamendran’s death while in police custody is a tragedy that I hope will not occur again”. (sic.)
How many more deaths in custody before Zahid has the political will to act? Zahid also said, “The charging of the police personnel is a first step towards ensuring no more such deaths will happen in custody.”
If he were to recall the case of Kugan who died in police custody in 2009, he would remember that the sentence given to the Policeman who killed Kugan was ridiculously short.
So far, Najib has maintained an undignified silence over these killings by policemen.In civilized countries, the Prime Minister would have ordered an immediate investigation and demanded answers from his IGP, or his resignation.
Malaysia has a long track record of Police brutality. Both the Home Minister and the IGP are paid handsomely for their senior positions. The buck stops with them and they should tender their resignations.
Whatever punishment is given to the three policemen (apparently one other suspect is still at large) and whatever moves that are made to prevent further deaths in custody, it will be too late for the families of the victims. They must endure a lifetime of being without their loved ones.
Mariam Mokhtar
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