146,500 delegates from 161 divisions nationwide sees matchwinner in Muhyiddin Najib no longer have the same idealistic as his father facing an existential question.UMNO division leaders saw the need for the UMNO to emerge as the single largest in the next election G14 by a wide margin.Politicians Najib, like film stars and sporting icons, are often denied a last hurrah. The temptation to linger on can turn into an obsession fed by a close circle that filters and mutates reality. Muhyiddin peripatetic to have found his final ambition be elected UMNO president,to Najib a bridge too far whose sole concern was the not his race. leaders like Najib are now concerned just with their personal agendas.If anyone thinks Najib would write this line in his letter to 146,500 delegates from 161 divisions nationwide, without knowing its repercussions, he is fooling himself. He is too smart and canny a politician not to know all this. And it is this attitude that has surprised many, for, it seems the very charge that he is leveling against others, actually applies to him even more.
It is Malaysia’s courtesy to be a good host to the participants of the Global Summit of Women which was held in Kuala Lumpur last week.Women, Family and Community Development Minister Rohani Abdul Karim respond to a memorandum from a Mongolian delegation that sought her help to provide answers to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu,a solution should be found to the questions raised by MONGOLIAN DELEGATION soon in the interest of UMNO as well as the nation., Tengku Adnan Mansor who is a close associate of Najib, also expressed hope that a solution will be found when Najib will reconsider his decision to recontest the UMNO President post
Tengku Adnan Mansor is the least qualified to speak about the rule of law and following the law. This politician was found guilty by the Royal Commission of Inquiry of subverting the course of justice by trying to fix the appointment of judges.
The RCI recommended action against Tengku Adnan and five others for offences under the Sedition Act, Official Secrets Acts, Penal Code and the Legal Profession Act. The government disregarded the findings of the RCI, allowing Tengku Adnan to continue his political career. So today, he is a minister, giving him the platform to preach and lecture Malaysians, as he did when he chastised the Opposition for continuing its mass rallies.
“I would like to advise that we live in a place with law and order…we do not follow the laws of the jungle, “ he said, explaining why the police refused to grant a permit for the Opposition rally in Padang Merbok.
Can someone found guilty of subverting the rule of law talk about law and order? Can a compromised individual take the moral high ground?
They promised to pay the Mongolian interpreter but didn’t … The carpet fellow also didn’t get paid his promised amounts.. PI Bala… he didn’t get paid the full promised sum. Do you begin to see the trend here? whatever gave these idiots the notion that people will believe that any promises made are going to be kept? You would have to be a new born sucker to believe that anyone of these bunch will keep their promises.Their language may not have been as colourful but spokespersons did not bat an eyelid as they asserted
As this internationally known scandal does not seem to go away, now or later, Umno members must seriously think hard for the sake of the party and the government.
The Umno election which will be using a new system following amendments to the party constitution in October 2009, will determine Umno’s direction henceforth in facing the next general election.
Under the amended party constitution, the nomination quota for the top posts – from Surpreme Council member post right up to president – were abolished, hence providing the biggest opportunity for any party member to contest with the minimum condition of having been a member of the Supreme Council or divisional committee for at least one term.
However, the question is whether the coming election of a political party with some 3.2 million members can provide leaders capable of meeting the needs and aspirations of its grassroot members and the people at large.
Some political analysts and party leaders feel that for Umno to remain relevant, fresh and mature in tandem with the political transformation agenda, the party election this time should make room for new faces to contest, hence creating echelon leaders capable of facing future challenges.
Acording to Assoc Prof Dr Samsul Adabi Mamat of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), the Umno election this time is crucial, considering that Umno is the pillar of Barisan Nasional (BN) and heading the national leadership.
He said that unlike the elections of the other BN component parties, the Umno election inveterably determined that the individuals winning the party president and deputy president posts would be appointed as prime minister and deputy prime minister respectively.
For the first time in the party’s history, Umno will see 146,500 delegates from 191 divisions directly electing its top leadership. Before this, only 2,500 delegates had been making the choice at the party’s general assembly.
“The abolition of the quota and increase in the number of delegates who will be voting is a transformation process in an effort to improve the quality of the Umno leadership.
“This huge democratic space provided by Umno should be taken advantage of by the party members to choose leaders who are really qualified and acceptable to the people to helm the party, hence strengthening Umno,” added Samsul Adabi,from the university’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, when contacted.
However, there are those who feel that to get leaders capable of meeting the aspirations of the grassroots and acceptable to the general public, all the top party posts including the president, should be contested.
Supporting this view, Samsul Adabi said to people outside the party, having contests for important party posts would show real democracy in Umno.
“What the people actually want to see are contests for these posts. After the party election had been put on hold for a few years, there are however those clamouring for the president and deputy president posts to be uncontested. This does not reflect what is desired as contained in the party’s new constitution.
“Having contests for the main party posts will also determine that the leadership chosen is acceptable to the party grassroots and the ‘rakyat’ (people),” he said.
Will the Umno election this time also able to attract more people from outside the party, especially the young generation, to support Umno?
Samsul Adabi opined that if there were contests for all the top posts, the party would be able to win back the support of the middle-class voters who were said to have rejected Umno, besides giving the message that the party was really serious about transformation.
However, there have been calls of late coming from some party leaders for the party president post, currently held by Najib Tun Razak, and the deputy president post, held by Muhyiddin Yassin, not to be contested this time.
This is because the two leaders had managed to increase the number of parliamentary seats won by Umno from 79 in the 2008 general election to 88 in the recent 13th general election.
The question of whether the two top posts should be contested has received mixed reaction from Umno leaders as there are also those who want the quota system be re-introduced.
Samsul Adabi said the coming Umno election should indeed be the best platform towards empowering and strengthening Umno before facing the next general election.
Umno Youth deputy chief, Razali Ibrahim said a party election showed healthy democratic practice in Umno and the maturity of its members in choosing leaders to steer the party.
“What is important is for Umno to reflect maturity and real democracy. I hope the election this time will go on well no matter what, as we want to show transparency, integrity and democracy,” he said.
Puteri Umno head, Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said the abolition of the quota system which was unanimously supported by the party members, gave the message to the general public that Umno was serious about change, besides giving the members total freedom to choose the party’s top leaders.
“The outcome of the Umno election will reflect that the party’s leadership is the grassroots’ choice,” she said.
100 years from now, history students cannot differentiate Imelda Marcos from this fat lady.
Are you the reincarnation of Mao Tsetung, Rosmah? Wouldn’t be surprised if YOU are the Chinese tsunami your chubby hubby referred to.
Fat, short and ugly piece of shit. Any tom, dick and harry will surely go for the Mongolian instead of her. Even the Mongolian ass is much better looking.
Rosmah Mansor is feeling the loneliness of her “top level” position – she only has her husband and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to complain to about allegations levelled at her in the social media. what real men want with the accompanying hems & haws?! Give me a break! Might as well I support the foaming in the mouth Cheeky fellow to regulate online portals like how Singapore did it. Come to think of it, perhaps Fat Mama’s complains to Jibby yielded some results i.e. REGULATING online portals starting with Mkini
What with the botox lady,… you are making your face look bigger than your hair. And I really like your kindergarden level of research. And “(However,) after five years, when the business is in trouble, they go to banks and ask for money”. Waahh so easy aah? I also want to ask the banks for money, can or not?Don’t poke your nose into Government affairs unless you are given a task to carry out . . . There’s going to be an International Conference on the Malaysia Agreement in Kota Kinabalu on Sept 13. Had the Malaysia Agreement been complied with, it would have been 50 years old this year. The Conference, sponsored by the Borneo Heritage Foundation, will be moderated by Tan Sri Simon Sipaun who has been preaching all his adult life that “life was better in Sabah before Malaysia”. He was even interrogated once on this after a police report was lodged against him. Tan Sri Simon was a former Sabah state secretary, vice chairman of the Malaysian Human Rights Commission and Advisor to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission . . readmoreThe whizkid dealmaker Low Taek Jho (Jho Low),,too close to Rosmah Mansor
What young men want’
Rosmah’s Luxury Lifestyles Remembering Rospussy juice
Maybe Umno members can do what the 51 percent of voters who voted for Pakatan in the recent general election cannot.readmore Suara Keadilan Malaysia blogged INSP AZILAH HADRI, 30, AND KPL SIRUL AZHAR TOLD LAWYER ZULKIFLI NORDIN ORDER COME FROM NAJIB
The Altantuya’s slain story has now snowballed into the biggest insult to our nation, its citizens and our revered DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agung owing to the government’s failure in ensuring speedy and transparent justice is dispensed with. In damaging our national reputation and the integrity of justice, we have seen shame assaulting our sovereign nation.
Who takes the blame for this national curse?When is the case actually settled? The two convicted did not have motives to kill her. Who then has/have the motives to do so. Since Altantunya was not known to the two accused, logic will tell us that they did on instructions from somebody. Yes, it is somebody who had the motives to have Altantunya removed. Altantunya case is not complete until this somebody is arressted and successfully charged in the court!!! And there may be more than one mudrerer who gets away. Yes, it is so sad that the murderer(s) could go scott free in a case that doesn’t require the skill of Perry Mason’s expertise to solve!!
Najib Razak and his fondness for beautiful women
it has proven in court that it was Malaysia government officers (Police in this case) that murder the Mongolian women. Shouldn’t the Malaysian government need to officially respond and explain to the Mongolia government and her people (specially her family) on WHY and HOW your police can end up killing their citizen and make some-kind of official apology and compensations?
Rosmah’s Luxury Lifestyles Remembering Rospussy juice
The dislocation produced by age becomes even stronger when rosmah look at those considerably older than ourselves. Were our grandparents ever really young? Of course, we have all seen their photographs, those sepia tinted assertions of their once-youth. But it seems as if the people in those photographs are other people, with an admittedly striking if faded resemblance to the real articles in front of us. Their youth seems to Rosmah like a land far, far away and stories about the times when they were young have a dreamy, fable like quality. One doesn’t quite locate those stories in the same terrain as one on which we lead our lives. Their youth seems like an aberration or at best, a vehicle for getting them to this point and making them what they are today. To use a common benchmark, who would argue with the claim that Najib and Rosmah were never young. Their youth is a manufactured back story, one that takes place quickly in the first ten minutes of a film, so that we can get on to the real story,.
Seema, however, quickly warns that this fascination is just a passing phase and that as women mature and start thinking of long-term relationships and marriage, stability is the most important quality they look for.
Here are seven reasons why girls love bad boys:
They are confident
Yes, bad boys wouldn’t be able to pull off half their antics if they weren’t brimming with confidence. The intersting this is that this attitude of confidence overflows into everything that they do, be it the friends they make, the food they eat, the car or bike they drive, the way they drive, the way they order their drinks and even the way they talk to other women, even though the girlfriend may be just a step behind. And no matter what, such overt confidence is a major major turn on for women.
They are indifferent
They just don’t give a damn. Rule books are not applicable to them and when it comes to getting things done, it’s either their way of the highway. You can’t expect to change him, or set him straight as they make their rules and believe that life is to be lived on the edge. Take it or leave it, that’s the attitude they flaunt and that’s one reason why they fare so well with women.
They are exciting and adventurous
Among the most prominent characteristics you’d find abundantly in bad boys is their love for excitement and adventure. According to them, if they aren’t living on the wild side, they aren’t living at all. Bad boys are always testing the boundaries and pushing the envelope when it comes to their life and women just can’t get enough of this attitude. They find it intriguing and extremely exciting. And when you put exciting and adventurous beside the other rebellious traits, it sends women into a tizzy.
They are challenging and mysterious
Remember, if your behaviour becomes routine, women are bound to find you boring. women dig men who are a good challenge. As for the mysterious streak, contrary to popular belief that women love the tried and tested, the guessing game actually given them a high like no other.
They are very masculine
This often goes hand-in-hand with being confident, indifferent, exciting, adventurous… etc. Bad boys are often rugged and in-control. That doesn’t mean that they are controlling, they just know how to get what they want without breaking into a sweat. They speak clearly and confidently, they look you in the eye, they are passionate about what they believe in… but most importantly, they still know how to treat a lady and make her feel good.
They give women a feeling of power
It’s rightly said that the illusion of control is often more powerful than power itself. And when it comes to bad boys, they exude an air of power like no other, thus giving their women an air of strength and togetherness. Also, this power high does eventually rub off, even if just a bit, on their woman, too… and she laps it up!
They know how to talk to women
One of the main reasons why these macho men are such chick magnets is because they are so confident, especially when it comes to chatting up females. They give out this ‘don’t give a damn’ attitude and are knowledgeable of almost every topic under the sun. That’s not all, they are not afraid of putting across their opinion or making their point. Most importantly, they know how to woo a woman and her feel good with words. Smooth-talkers, they can waltz their way in and out of situation is style and panache and consequently set hearts racing.
Follow us on Twitter for more storiesIf you thought men’s sexual response is quite simple and their needs can be met easily, then you certainly need to revise your knowledge of the “birds and bees,” for men aren’t as simple as they are made out to be.
According to Fox News, here are 10 things that you didn’t know about men and sex:
1. Trapped Sperm
Not all sperm go racing for the egg at once. Once sperm has been deposited into the vaginal canal, some of them are temporarily trapped in a semen coagulate or clot. Eventually, they are decoagulated by enzymes, which set them free to swim about a female”s reproductive system. This clotting, according to scientists, is meant to pace the release of sperm into the uterus, increasing the chance that one of these sperms will reach the egg and fertilise it.
2. Oxytocin affects males too
It is believed that oxytocin affects females during sex (and breast-feeding). But this cuddle hormone, released by both sexes during intimacy, is also found to influence males. Research from Switzerland found that oxytocin is associated with increased feelings of trust in males.
3. High testosterone = Less sex
While higher testosterone levels is typically considered a good thing for men when it comes to their sex drive, still researchers continually found that males with higher testosterone levels marry less often, are more abusive in their marriages and divorce more regularly. In fact, married men see more action than single men.
4. Death during sex has a prototype
While examining the incidence of death during sex, a 1975 study discovered a unique pattern in males: the “deceased is usually married; he is not with a spouse and in unfamiliar surroundings,” and death usually occurs after “a big meal with alcohol.” Another study in 1989 found further evidence supporting the extramarital sex bit. Fourteen of the 20 cases of “la mort d”amour,” or coital death, happened during an affair.
On the fact that there are more female than male undergraduates in local universities, Rosmah opined that this is because young men have other priorities.
“They want to earn money fast, they want to do business, they don’t want to enter university,” she said.
“(However,) after five years, when the business is in trouble, they go to banks and ask for money. When (the loan application is rejected and they are) forced to close the business, it is (seen as) the government’s fault.
“I don’t know what’s happening to you men. You’d better to think of your species very seriously.”
She urged the men present at the event – mainly comprising senior government officers – to encourage young men to complete their tertiary studies
“I want to touch on ICT use. You have to take it seriously. You should know what to (accept) and what not (to accept). You need to use rational and objective information.
She said information spread on online and in the social media are “sometimes lies”.
In a new study, researchers have investigated what factors influence dishonest behaviour.
Previous research has shown that a person’s first instinct is to serve his or her own self-interestand that people are more likely to lie when they can justify such lies to themselves.
With these findings in mind, psychological scientists Shaul Shalvi of the University of Amsterdam and Ori Eldar and Yoella Bereby-Meyer of Ben-Gurion University colleagues hypothesized that, when under time pressure, having to make a decision that could yield financial reward would make people more likely to lie.
They also hypothesized that, when people are not under time pressure, they are unlikely to lie if there is no opportunity to rationalize their behaviour.
“According to our theory, people first act upon their self-serving instincts, and only with time do they consider what socially acceptablebehaviour is,” Shalvi said.
“When people act quickly, they may attempt to do all they can to secure a profit—including bending ethical rules and lying. Having more time to deliberate leads people to restrict the amount of lying and refrain from cheating,” Shalvi said.
For the study, the researchers first tested participants’ tendency to lie when doing so could be easily justified – approximately 70 adult participants rolled a die three times such that the result was hidden from the experimenter’s view.
The participants were told to report the first roll, and they earned more money for a higher reported roll.
Seeing the outcomes of the second and third rolls provided the participants with the opportunity to justify reporting the highest number that they rolled, even if it was not the first – after all, they had rolled that number, just not the first time they rolled the die.
Some of the participants were under time pressure, and were instructed to report their answer within 20 seconds. The others were not under time pressure, and had an unlimited amount of time to provide a response.
The experimenters were not able to see the actual die rolls of the participants, to ensure all rolls were private. Instead, in order to determine whether or not the participants had lied about the numbers they rolled, Shalvi and colleagues compared their responses to those that would be expected from fair rolls.
They found that both groups of participants lied, but those who were given less time to report their numbers were more likely to lie than those who weren’t under a time constraint.
The second experiment followed a similar procedure, except that the participants were not given information that could help them justify their lies – instead of rolling their die three times, they only rolled it once and then reported the outcome.
In this experiment, the researchers found that participants who were under time pressure lied, while those without a time constraint did not.
Together, the two experiments suggest that, in general, people are more likely to lie when time is short. When time isn’t a concern, people may only lie when they have justifications for doing so.
“One implication of the current findings is that to increase the likelihood of honest behaviour in business or personal settings, it is important not push a person into a corner but rather to give him or her time,” Shalvi said.
“People usually know it is wrong to lie, they just need time to do the right thing,” Shalvi added.
The study has been published in Psychological Science.