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Did Nurul committed graft in defaming Nong Chik to win in the 13th general election for the Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat, alleging that the latter had committed a graft offence in defaming BN candidate Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin and his supporters as purportedly having destroyed two ballot boxes and papers.
We have a bunch of gangsters claiming that they have lost and need to seek justice because the good guys had won in spite of the cheating and fouls deployed by this bunch of gangsters. What a bunch of complete evil retards. It looks like the EC is being stabbed from behind by its own gang members. BN is not satisfied with minority government status. BN wants to be downgraded to minority 2/3 majority government status if ever there is such a thing.
so this is the strategy of the Najib govt to counter the election petitions by the opposition. lodge counter petitions which are frivolous. this is like a filibuster where a perfectly valid submissions are blocked by frivolous counter submissions. if we go by their logic, then bn politicians are much more guilty of defamation and in many documented cases, race-baiting, hate mongering etc. BUT the objectives of these filibustering petitions are not the truth but to so clutter up the public domain and the courts that the whole point of unfair and one-sided electoral practice is smothered and hopefully forgotten as the public tires of incessant snipping. to effectively counter such filibuster (only in the court of public opinion, forget about the courts) is to present each petition and argument in well-reasoned explanation and well-researched and documented facts. the shallow nature of such filibustering counter-petition will defeat itself in the public domain.
Never wrong
Based on Raja Nong Chik’s statement, Umno is never at fault. It is everyone else, except Umno’s fault, if a fraca were to take place. Let me put this straight to the face of Raja Nong Chik: Self-denial is the worst weapon in this political game.
This is what the people can see from the statement he made. It shows how immature our politicians are, and how shallow are their thinking.
Watching one thuggish episode after another, as observers, people throughout the country can see that it is always Umno that is unable to live peacefully with the rest of the people in the country.
As a party, it has descended to such a low level since 1987 that it no longer can see what is acceptable from what is not. When will there ever be a good leader emerging from this party?
‘We know Anwar can’t be punching himself in police lock-up. Likewise, he can’t be throwing projectiles at his own ceramah.’If it wasn’t done by Lembah Pantai Umno division, it must be a pro-Umno group that did it. Maybe from another division? Raja Nong Chik, too, has rivals within Umno. Lembah Pantai Umno division chief Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal, you know very well the bringing of outsiders is the modus operandi of Umno all over Malaysia.Umno even does it from one state to another. Umno leaders never apologise. They are only good at making excuses. It is sad to have such pathetic leaders – found abudance in Umno and MCA.MIC is smart – they have been uncharacteristically quiet since the departure of the ‘loud-mouthed’ former president S Samy Vellu.
Raja Nong Chik, who is likely to contest against Nurul Izzah in Lembah Pantai constituency, has to come up with something better if he wants to win against her. It is hard for him as he is even afraid to debate with her as she had challenged him to one.
So if a Petaling Jaya person is in Lembah Pantai, you call it an outsider. I thought you know your Lembah Pantai boundary well.Isn’t Petaling Jaya the adjoining district and in many areas you cannot distinguish whether it is PJ or KL (Lembah Pantai)?What a silly and ridiculous excuse. Outsiders? We are all Malaysians, wherever we may reside. As Malaysians, we have the liberty to move around freely and attend ceramahs, road shows and peaceful assemblies.Which is more dangerous – attending ceramahs outside one’s constituency or registering illegal immigrants as voters? The former is lawful while the latter is treasonous.Which outsiders? Which outsiders would have the motivation and resources to go around disrupting PKR’s rally?
It costs money, time and also it incurs risk to go around throwing stones, water bottles and chairs.Unless these people are highly motivated for some moronic reasons or highly paid, tell me who would go around doing all these?First we have the racial divide, now Raja Nong Chik is introducing a geographical divide when the issues affecting BN’s chances at the ballot box come to a head.If we have someone from Petaling Jaya being called an outsider for attending a ceramah in Pantai Dalam, what are the chances that he is a voter in Pantai Dalam after all? That is possible, isn’t it?We have had voters staying in a Gombak address sent to vote in Puchong before, haven’t we? And what about foreigners legalised to vote? Isn’t that more descriptive of an outsider as far as our local politics are concerned?This is reverse psychology. Throw the stone, hide the hand and blame it on someone else. Umno-BN, your techniques are well read by people. Cry wolf all you want, you are gone in the next GE.It’s so easy to differentiate – as long as there’s no action by the police, we are sure confirm they were Umno thugs.We definitely know what would happen if they were not Umno thugs – just look at what the police have done to those Bersih supporters.”If we just stress on what you as a party, whatever party you represent, for the future, for the country, or for the area… it is okay…,” said Raja Nong Chik, suggesting that ‘negative politics’ from both sides of the political divide should be avoided, such as fault-finding and accusing each other of wrongdoings.It looks like Umno members have been very well briefed already. There is a concerted effort by Umno members to support the idea that TV air time for the opposition would be limited to talk on the manifesto.The opposition would not be allowed to talk on radio/TV on corruption, cronyism and gross abuse of power committed by the ruling party. The stage is already set to deny opposition the voice to talk about gross Umno misdeeds.Come on, Raja Nong Chik. How are they going to get proof when a guy from the other side did it? Do you suppose your supporters have the integrity to hand over the culprit to the police.We won’t be here if that sort of integrity existed where you come from. I don’t know why you are rushing to descend to the ranks of imbeciles by saying the stupidest things. Say something that makes sense for a change.Like your people deliberately set up a function right next door with the intention of disrupting the PKR ceramah. And they got the usual bunch of thugs to do the dirty work.And from what was reported, people saw even government equipment and vehicles used in this sabotage exercise. They just did not expect it to back fire like this by injuring an old man and a child.Take the responsibility like a man and move on. At the very least, you are guilty of not being competent enough to rein in your supporters.Why would PKR wants to sabotage their own ceramah? Obviously Raja Nong Chik will not admit his wrongdoing, but he cannot lie to Malaysians.I am sure even among his own party members and leaders, many doubted him as well. For him to go that low and then lie about it, is a new low for Malaysians politics. See how pathetic our country is? When can one of these BN goons with a ministerial position be able to say something believable for once?We are not asking for a perfect person but one with the highest integrity and responsibility for the country and the rakyat.It is so obvious Umno perpetrated the violence at all Pakatan ceramah. And yet, they blatant blame others.Worst still, all these happened in full view of the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police).

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has admitted receiving donations amounting between RM2,000 and RM3,000 on an annual basis from Federal Territories and Urban Well Being Minister, Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin. Anbalagan was responding to allegations made by
Hishammuddin repeatedly referred to his pal as the person closest to the people in the area, well-received by residents and committed his full support behind Raja Nong Chik in whatever he is doing.THIS TAXIDERIVER shall take RAJA NONG CHIK to bed and have his way with you I will make you ache, shake, sweat until you moan and groan. I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop. I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I’m finished with … Read more