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Najib now hear this all said and done NATIONAL INTERESTS should take precedence over Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor


Can  Federal

Umno’s appointment of Mohammad Kazim Elias as its new supreme council member has left the party red-faced after the religious scholar admitted that he is a PAS member.How can Secretary-General of United Malays National Organization (UMNO) can not advice  UMNO Presiden. Doesn’t UMNO has rules and regulations governing such appointment?. Look like   Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor  more powerful  this is wonderful! It shows we are so mature politically when a member of the opposition party sits in the supreme council of the ruling party!

There always remains much more to be done that speaks for itself.There is much to note about  Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor political temperament, hardly ever ruffled, and   abusive to his opponents. If the politics is the art taking people along and yet to be able to enforce the greater part of one’s own conviction, then this is it.Territories Minister Tengku Adnan  ever restore  Kuala Lumpur City   glory? Can Kuala Lumpur  ever become the most aspirational city to live in Malaysia? Can it be a role model for other Malaysian  cities? Can it be a place where merit scores over corruption, and citizens are safe? There are no easy answers. Not as long as  Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor Party at Federal Territories Ministry considered the hotbed of corruption, given that in any crisis, good, clear and honest communication has a far better chance of convincing people than taking Najib to  the Road to Disastereffect will remain hotly contested. We will know the truth only in 2018.

 Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor’s biggest scams have originated here. Second, the most horrific cases of crimes against women have come from here. Today, few talk about Kuala Lumpur as glorious and great. Many talk about as  unsafe.Here is a self disciplined and proud community that has the appetite for enterprise at par with any in the world. Along with that comes a rich nexus of culture that keeps human bonds intact despite immense wealth.   Najib gets his rating because the small as well as the large entrepreneur feels that he is more adept in minding his  as well as the other’s business. Opinions may differ.

It isn`t fair to Klites — 99.9% of them did not tarnish the city.  Nong Chik  and Tengku Adnan   ruined the metro`s reputation. a chance to redeem itself,NAJIB MUST REPLACE TENGKU ADNAN MANSOR coming G14 election the country will watch. The way  votes will decide if it deserves the mantle of a great city. the ‘silent’ interim day is the one with most deals, maneuverings, interparty spying, and surely money exchange It isn`t an easy election, UMNO must be the first choice, with a dynamic  Najib seeking a third term. Despite misconduct allegations, the fact remains  Najib has overseen a transformation of   Kuala Lumpur City `s infrastructure, almost unmatched in any other  city.and individual professionals and take rentals as per customer and usage. In terms of real estate costs, perhaps they can dig a bit more horizontally at major underground railway stations. Waiting for trains shall no longer be a pain. Well if they had thought that much, it would have been a winning slogan for the young first time voters.

With   taxpayer  money  they live with  free, and often luxurious, housing and all the other perks that they enjoy.  But it seems that even after death – or at least some of them – can continue to cost us almost as much as they did when they were alive. Whose interest does it serve for the government of the day – whichever it might be – to shell out huge sums of public money – your money and my money – to bring out such commemorative ads?  However, misfortune remains  fromTengku Adnan  who faces a loss of confidence amongst Federal Territories voters .Najib should appoint new ministerwon`t just clean up  KULAA LUMPURi, it can clean up politics around the nation.If all this happens,  city will redeem itself and restore its honour. The city has been ridiculed and shamed far too much. In deciding   For the 13 Federal Territory seats, assembly seats, it has the chance to show the nation why it deserves to be  Malaysia`s capital. . Go get your honour back.

Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan, who is also the Umno secretary-general, and mother of all snake But admit it: whatever  the strategic thinking for Tengku Adnan. Tengku Adnan has the future mapped out. Operating procedure to bring down Big Boss Najib: sound resigned if you have to, but don’t resign. Deflect and wait. Do a costume change, don’t alter the script.all to make sure that the real “villain” in UMNO The election of 2018  will be about the future of the stomach.  Since we live in overriding virtually every other attribute, this week’s sordid scandal involving an alarmingly enough has appeared about the lurid details of the case, so let’s skip the muck, and focus on what could have been done to salvage a pretty hopeless situation.  fledgling political hopeful, made a mistake it would be loath to recognize, let alone admit?  seeking to achieve the unprecedented — break through glass and steel ceilings, and in one dramatic leap soar from street anger to responsible office?  Tengku Adnan brash  image, representative of  UMNO visual signature of a party that wants to   insists the rate hike will take effect on January 1, for the middle-class, sort out the capital’s silly drainage, and, if there is any time left over, eliminate corruption from the intricate layers of government that claw and crush citizens from all sides? Does a symbol make much difference to electoral fortunes? UMNO has won Titiwangsa in G13 election on a humble Najib’s  promise to voters to hear them. But  voters might be more successful in creating a rebellion than in benefiting from this achievement. In any case,  Tengku Adnan Mansor deserves congratulations for making Titiwangsa a fascinating electoral case-study . A flat equation has acquired the tension of a fragile triangle.: no election is a mirror of the past. Previous statistics can be misleading  Najib has indicated what he will do: continue the distributive largesse from the national exchequer.

Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor: Non-performing MCA MIC UMNO seats should go  has called on party leaders to relinquish their positions if they can no longer perform.Umno ALL BN leaders, all are useless, all are self seekers. is infested with leaders who overstay their welcome.For the big benefit their can continue to dig out of the nation most of them shamelessly stay on with low profile.Amongst them some dare to openly ask others to step down.We admire their thick skin.
hat party interests should take precedence over personal interests is the wrong reason for leader to step aside. NATIONAL INTERESTS should take precedence over party over both party and personal interests. The leaders should also ask themselves, seen from the national perspective, what they have contributed in the positions they have been holding, whether they are capable, whether they have unquestionable integrity, whether they are corrupt and corruptible, whether they work for cronies and families or the nation, that sort of positive virtues, qualities our people can look up to,respect, admire. If these questions are asked and answered truthfully, there will be none left in UMNO. That is not just my view alone.  the President of UMNO ,Tengku Adnan Tengku Manso his creation or creature  , if you like, said the party has no leaders of talent. dont destroy UMNO .Where do UMNOU go to? Present UMNO has dug a hole big enough to bury the whole blooming useless lot in!…starting with the corrupted Eunuch Tengku Adnan . Ku Nan wipe the stupid smile off your face…you are next in lineYou must lead by example. Ku nan , you hv dig enough , don’t be so greedy, you cannot bring it all to yr grave.Which effectively means all will have to go including you, you over fed fat cat. The people have not forgotten you from the ” correct, Correct, Correct Lingamgate  where you played a leading
Sooner rather than later, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor   have to buy your own flat, and it’ll probably have to be a DBKL flat, which is all that you will be able to afford,What’s  DBKLIt sounds grotty DBKL stands for  Dewan Bandar It’s a sort of government agency which provides flats for people who can’t afford accommodation constructed by private builders, which is far more expensive,
“Trouble is,  DBKL allots flats, and getting a flat  allotment is like winning a lottery. It would take forever for us to get one. So we’ll have to get a  flat on a POA,  said  wirawati said.
“What’s a POA?”  Nurul  had asked.”Power of attorney,”  wirawati translated.”Gosh, there’s an awful lot of things with initials in  DBKL that you’ve got to learn about,”  Nurul  had said.Less than eight months after we’d got to  Kuala Lumpur  we finally managed to locate a DBKL flat we could afford: a 2 ½ bedroom (the ½ bedroom was either a largish storeroom or smallish study), 2-bathroom, 2nd and 3rd floor duplex in Wangsa Maju  . The crony DBKL KU NAM  broker who found it for us was an affable  DBKL flatDBKL KU NAM  broker  had explained the deal to us. The cost of the flat  RM  150000 . had said, was a very good price for a flat in Wangsa Maju , which though it was still under construction, was already being called a ‘five-star’ colony.”That’s because it’s the only DBKL  colony in Kuala lumpur  that is all SFS. Besides, Ministers lives there,” DBKL KU NAM  broker had said.

“what is SFS  ’s initials?” Nurul had asked.

It had turned out that  SFS stood for Self Financing Scheme. People who’d been allotted flats in DBKL – as  DBKL KU NAM  broker said had to fork out the entire cost of the flat up front and not in installments on a construction-linked basis. The allottee of the flat we were buying has pay to  the crony of DBKL KU NAM  broker  to pay RM 150000.

Where were we to get RM 150000.  from? If there were no home loans from banks. If you wanted a home you had to come up with the money in one go and under your own steam.

“Half the money will have to be in blackK ,” DBKL KU NAM  broker  had said.

No. 2 sounded like something you did in the loo. But  had explained that No. 2, in this context, was black money. Cash.

“But I don’t have any No. 2,” I’d said. I didn’t. And still don’t, honest n. Or dumb, perhaps.”Just take cash out of your bank. Then your white money, or No. 1, will become the seller’s black money, or No. 2,”  had explained.

Nurul  and wirawati had made withdrawals from our respective provident funds, put the cheques in our bank accounts, withdrawn cash. I’d handed a battered old leather briefcase to Ashok. It contained RM300,000 in cash. Half the savings of a lifetime.

“I hope you’ll give me the briefcase back,” Nurulsaid.

“I’ll give you back much more. I’ll give you your own home,” he’d replied.

He’d been as good as his word.  Nurul and Wirawati had become the owners of a DBKL flat. Or rather, the shell of a flat.

“You’ll have to do woodwork and put Paloo in the windows,” Mr KU NAM do not know  wife no 1 ,2 or 3  had said.worked with Wirawatiin O&M. He had become our adviser on all matters relating to DBKL flats.

“Who’s Paloo?” had asked.

“Paloo. To put in the windows. To keep flies and rapisr out of your flat,” had said. “Just tell the shopkeeper you want Paloo.”

We’d asked the hardware merchant for Paloo. He gave us a roll of fine-gauge wire mesh. Paloo was ‘power loom’: power loom-produced wire mesh as distinct from hand-woven wire mesh.

“Nipp-als,” Beri had said. “You must change all your nipp-als.DBKL gives bad nipp-als. It’s very important to have good nipp-als.”

Wirawati had correctly translated nipp-als to mean nipples. Nipples were components of water taps. We’d changed all our nipples.

Finally, the flat was ready for us to move in. The first home we could call our own, not rented from someone else.

Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar said nothing short of a resignation from the Federal Territories Minister and the Kuala Lumpur mayor would atone for the mismanagement of the assessment rate hike in the capital city.

She also said the issue of transparency and accountability on the rate hike is the latest example of what happens when a very powerful position is appointed rather than elected. (She was referring to the appointment of the Kuala Lumpur mayor.)

“They should all just resign. What is the point of having a federal territories ministry or a mayor’s office when they cannot manage?” Nurul Izzah said when met at a forum in Petaling Jaya last night.

She said the Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL) until today had not justified why the rates must be increased, especially since many of the council’s primary services such as sewage treatment and garbage collection had been taken over by private companies.Agendas have vote catching components. They have others that show the overall vision of a party. Both need to be spelt out well in terms of implementation. That sounds authentic, and even helps the party to actually start working on it. “Aadhaar” was one such grand scheme, that could later give all the benefits of a social security number. Nilekani left his chair at Infosys to join the government. He should have been given the publicity and exposure to express his plan to the nation. Being a corporate man he knows how to take contracts, meet client requirements and hit deadlines in time. The nation only knows how much time, talent and resources were wasted.

Reasonable housing, water, heating and cooling are now essential for any citizen if India needs all sections of its population to contribute to its growth. The voter should not believe any promise that does not have a phased out blue print and deadline. He has every right to ask methods of implementation and the presence of such talent. A slum housing policy, with affordable water and energy has to be spelt and the formula of economic viability shown. Just to list a flashy new idea without sufficient data to define the mode of implementation and economics should no longer be taken at face value. One example is the CP Airport-Metro. That would have made Delhi a very distinct city for travelers and businessmen. The polity needs to be explained, when we had the best talent in the world doing the whole Metro, why was this blue chip sub-project handed over to an inexperienced party. There was more than a fifty percent chance that there would be problems of co-ordination. What was lost was time, resources, but the extreme loss was the inability to put together a world class system.

“I have seen no improvement of City Hall’s services. So we are asking them what is the justification for such a hike?”, she said when asked about the apology from Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.

Tengku Adnan apologised yesterday to the public over confusion and discord created by the rate hike. He said the announcement could have been “better handled”.

He added that his officers should have sent letters instead of notices which made home and property owners very unhappy. This, he said, allowed Pakatan Rakyat MPs to take advantage of the situation.

Nurul Izzah said DBKL could have informed rate payers a year ago that it was studying the possibility of a rate hike instead of suddenly sending notices to residents and owners.

“The mayor should be able to plan one year ahead of time and anticipate whether he needs to inform residents that they (City Hall) are considering a rate hike.

“But instead residents got a notice in November saying that there will be a hike and that it will come into force in January.”

Despite Tengku Adnan’s apology, she said, residents would still have to deal with the fact that rates are going to go up next year.

Tengku Adnan must make clear if he was announcing that he was canceling the revised Valuation List.
After having said more than once that new assessment rates will take effect on January 1, 2014, Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said yesterday that owners should discard the notices they received from KL City Hall (DBKL).
Such remarks have legal implications and Tengku Adnan should immediately clear the air whether he was announcing that he was canceling the new Valuation List of KL holdings.
Tengku Adnan should know that Rating and Valuation matters within DBKL are governed by 1976 Local Government Act and, every procedure must be complied with.
City Hall is required by Section 141 of the Local Government Act to inform owners of the proposed new Valuation List so that owners who are aggrieved on any of the 5 grounds stated in Section 142 (1) can file their objections.
Section 142 (2) says that “All objections shall be enquired into and the persons making them shall at such enquiry be allowed an opportunity of being heard either in person or by an authorized agent”.
The issuance of the notices of revision of the Valuation List is a legal procedure that must be complied with in a revaluation exercise.
Under the Local Government Act, the Federal Territories Minister is empowered to decide whether to confirm the revised Valuation List
When Tengku Adnan asked the people to ignore the notices, was he not as good as saying that the notices were revoked and that the people do not have to make further objections?
And if notices are revoked, how can the revised Valuation List be confirmed and the new annual values come into force?
Did any one mention about “five year warrantee  pothole free roads”. Delhi having the maximum cars in the country, besides a large population of bulls, buffaloes and goats,  a huge slot of voters that would have gone straight for that, were missed. Besides, yearly costs and taxes for repairing roads would go continue to escalate.We are talking of infrastructure in the capital city-state of this country. There can be no further compromises on quality. Did anyone hit at “quality” for infrastructure, amenities, education, health and finally governance. Every campaign leader knows how to pick up and kiss a child in the crowds,  how to hug an old widow, how to chant with the pundits, and show abeyance to the Mullahs. That’s fine. Finally, the job at hand has a time limit and a budget. That is the final impression that calls for a “return”Politics is still a game of money, mind and manipulations. False promises are not entirely a sin, but let these be redeemed by true, professional, and quality governance, that shows at the end of the tenure. Many Asian countries have transformed their work culture, and up-scaled their economies.

I am an optimist, but there might be reasons why we like the term, “Incredible India”

There is a old joke where an IAS candidate was asked to translate a particular line of Hindi to English ( you shall get it at the end of this translation). So it goes:

“ In India, if work is nat done, then nat done. But bhen it iz done, then it iz dun-duna-dun, dun-dana-dun!”

I believe this guy has not yet passed away, though many in the selection committee have.

Ku Nan  drinking toddy in Sentul Naked vs nude on poverty Advice  is likely to ignore Change is a mist which floats through events, often obscured by the daily cloudburst of facts. It is noticed least by those it affects most. Tengku Adnan Tengku Manso have a sharper eye than they are given credit for, but they can … Read moreTENGKU ADNAN TENGKU MANSOR WHICH WIFE NOT HAPPY WITH ASSESSMENT HIKE NO 1,2,3

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