Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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Mahathir said PAS was built on the counterfeit PAS will Vanish will be the history of Malay land


PAS was built on the counterfeit PAS will Vanish will be the history of Malay land 

At the 59th PAS muktamar recently, its vice-president, Datuk Husam Musa, expressed hope that its party president will be named prime minister should Pakatan Rakyat wrest Putrajaya. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 1, 2013.

UMNO, which has had the longest innings in power since independence, leads the pack. But others none dares cross their path. What “software” of democracy can they possibly bring to the table? Precious little.But these permanently feuding  Taliban PAS ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib   leaders from one end of the political spectrum to another Erdogans   can and do make common cause when their interests as  Taliban PAS ulamas   are in jeopardy. Consider their opposition to any serious effort to keep   Erdogans    at bay. Consider, too, the alacrity with which they refused to come within the purview of  . Such “software” contains far too many bugs to serve any worthwhile purpose. PAS is only a thorn in the flesh for the Malays, the kind that would form pus, decay and end the history of Malaysia as a Malay land.

There is a single phrase that defines the ethos of  PAS  built to flaunt the grandeur of political power, it is the imperious assertion by the few to the many: hallucination doesn’t stem from the fogging of individual minds. It happens because some people have internalized PAS’s overriding philosophy  There’s  Pakatan  effect, but not PAS  wave. DAP  leaders claim there is definitely a PAS  effect,but  electorally insignificant.  PAS lack a strong leader who can discipline all the rascals in  PAS politics and the its bureaucracy.

The country’s longest serving prime minister said based on PAS’s performance in previous general elections, it was “obvious that PAS would not head the  Government even though it partnered with DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat”.PAS, according to Dr Mahathir, had never had any big wins in general elections and he defended ruling party, Umno, by stating that “Umno’s right to head the Government has never been disputed”.“PAS can only be a junior partner if Pakatan ever forms the government and only as DAP’s puppet,” he added.Dr Mahathir drew on the party’s experience helming the Perak government for a short while after the 2008 general election.

“We saw what happened when PAS headed the Perak government,” he said, referring to the coalition helmed by PAS’s Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin, but which was widely seen as a puppet to DAP.

Dr Mahathir’s comments comes following PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa’s statement last week that he wanted to see party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang become prime minister.

In response to that, political analysts had outlined the various hurdles PAS would have to overcome in order for the Islamist party to snag the post if Pakatan Rakyat wins the next general election.

“PKR and DAP also have Muslim leaders,” Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs chief executive Wan Saiful Wan Jan said.

Dr Mahathir’s stinging column today alleged that prior to the formation of PAS, Malays were united.

“The formation of PAS was only successful in dividing the Malays and Muslims until they became weak in a country where they are the majority,” he said.

He went on to say that although PAS a  refuge party  broke with UMNO  and  the unity among Malays in 1959 when it brought up the issue of religion, since then it had not been able to show it could  not replace Umno as the party that represents the Malays.

“Where would PAS head to next? Would PAS defeat Umno with the help of DAP? Would DAP help PAS so that it becomes huge in Pakatan and form an Islamist government?” asked Dr  Mahathir.

“It is only those who are obsessed with PAS who will dream that the party would lead an Islamist government ruling Malaysia.”

“The rest know that PAS is only a thorn in the flesh for the Malays, the kind that would form pus, decay and end the history of Malaysia as a Malay land.”Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said is an imperative for implementing Vision Umno, , won 88 seats just by itself  PAS  with 20seat now you PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang tell me who is sinking BEWARE OF OVERVALUING THE SYMBOLIC PAS RELATION WITH DAP IN THE CONTEXT OF MALAY AND NON MALAY VOTES THERE NO LOVE BETWEEN THEM Washout of DAP its part of a PAS strategy…that PAS is responsible for making politics inside Malaysia  so murky. Well, it’s a trend that it has started. If it gets to rule Parliament ever, the need for spite and retribution will drive the UMNO to pay back in the same coin. So forget PAS good governance; what we are in for is a period of great turmoil in the future. This is why . The problem goes much beyond 2013… Pas a refuge fringe party that they used Islam as their political tool

Do we want fear or hope in these eyes!

Johare  advice to P119 Titiwangsa voters Here are a few pointers to help you remain true to your core…
• Keep in mind long-term goals. Plan for work, life as well as for a meaningful life beyond work.
• Do not try to please everyone; you never can!
• Be your own critic; do not be affected by others’ praise or ridicule.
• Recognise your self-worth. Focus on what or who gives meaning to your life!
• Never trust blindly — neither your circumstances, nor people around you!
• Create and indulge in meaningful activity away from work.
• Invest in good personal friends.

It is time PAS stood up to truth dont make Islam a political football?

Pakatan Rakyat top leaders, (from left) PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, PKR de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, and DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang. The coalition's stand on religious issues has been described as 'smart' by analysts. - The Malaysian Insider pic, November 17, 2013.


Prior to attempting any genuine critique of UMNO, it becomes imperative to substantiate the same with either empirical facts or hard evidence. Even so, in tune with the liberal tenets of our Constitution, UMNO does not object to genuine criticism of its judgment in Islam. However, scurrilous attacks and comments attributing motives to decisions are absolutely unacceptable. These exceptions are reasonable and essential to preserve the sanctity ofits’ that flow . Commentators must understand that the scope of their criticism ought to be restricted to decisions itself – and not the personal characteristics of its leaders .  The simple fact of the matter, is that the politicians is supposed to be, and thankfully is, scrupulously apolitical.  Islam is not in the race to win a popularity contest Change they say is the only constant in life. Some minor, some life altering while some leave a lingering aftertaste. Taking a leaf from PASi’s philosophy, attention was the appeal to youth to spin the spindle and have an experience in meditation while spinning.It is clear that the changing situation in Malaysia needs a fresh approach. Rampant corruption, failing economy and spiralling inflation are enough to defeat  UMNO in the next election but PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang  has kicked unnecessary debate such a strategy was not a new thing as such scenarios had existed for thousands of years.“Muslims in our country were shocked by a string of attacks in relation to Islam being the official religion of the country.Undoubtedly, today’s  PAS is not the one which fought for Islam in Malaysia. PAS version of islam flourished in KELANTAN under PAS. The pluralistic society of  Malaysia flourished under UMNO.One unified  Malaysia, the other gave a socio-economic direction. Together,D AP controlled riots and put thousands of innocent life lives..in danger


DAP led temple movement, leaving behind series of  Hatred Chaos. DAP go beyond ‘builders’ brew’ and give masala chai and chapati a try allow us to believe! Please? In an era that prides itself on ripping away dreamy veils to reveal ugly truths, a sense of mystique is a rare, undervalued commodity.Life would be simpler if we accepted everything at face value but would … Read more

Who is the real you?

Mentioned that neither changing circumstances nor people can affect your balance so long as your core as a human being remains the same, I was inundated with requests to write about one’s “core as a human being!”

Simply put, your core is your real, essential self — the authentic you, the person you are when you shed all pretences. That’s the easy part; what is more difficult is tearing down the perception you have of your real self! For, all of us come to adopt an image of ourselves that we believe in very early in life, and then live trapped in that image for the rest of our lives. In doing so, we forget to understand who we really are, what makes us tick and what is true happiness or the real purpose of our lives.Read more

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