DAP has roped in former law minister Zaid Ibrahim (left) to address a multi-racial crowd of some 1,000. He wasted no time to help Kit Siang dispel the anti-Malay allegations.
“I have known Kit Siang for a very long time, inside and outside of Parliament.I know him as a brave MP. I have never heard him attacking Islam or belittling Malay leaders in Parliament, never,” said the former UMNO minister, who was sacked for protesting the use of the Internal Security Act in 2008.
“He always talks about the issue of good governance, corruption and others. In the past, if Mahathir (Mohamad) has succeeded in convincing Malays that Kit Siang is against the rights of Malays, that is a lie! “How can he fight against the rights stipulated in the federal constitution? He can’t,” he stressed, reminding the crowd that Malays still dominate the country with a majority population of 62 percent.
Instead of being racist, Kit Siang is one one of the most important leaders in the future of Malaysia, Zaid said, drawing rounds of applause from the animated crowd.
The DAP belief that the minority votes will save them and bring them to power with Zaid Ibrahim as PM Without DAP, Chinese would be more accommodative a Malay frog to jump into DAP’s Chinese chauvinist Pond is this time likely to prove wrong. Minorities constitute 15 per cent of the electorate in a country that follows the first-past-the-post mode of elections. By this ‘winner takes all’ system, only 30 per cent of votes are required to sweep a party into power. With 15 per cent of the minority votes in its kitty, the Congress feels that it is not too difficult to garner another 15 per cent. But this time the minorities are apprehensive of the DAP using them perpetually to ride to power. They might not vote for the DAP-PA but their votes will be diffused across many parties. More importantly, because of the strong against PAS, there will be a massing of non-minority votes in favour of UMNO. This massing by itself be more than the 30 per cent required for winning.
Former Umno member Zaid Ibrahim the man had to be the center stage shamelessly. From profundity to profanity, men have invaded, interfered, and interjected at will.delivered this view in a stinging riposte to party president Najib Abdul Razak’s remarks during the annual assembly over the weekend.Not surprisingly, men falter whenever it comes to heart or heart related issues. They seem completely unable to handle this organ. Politically, financially and emotionally, heart has ruined men there’s the alcohol factor and its aftermath. So manly and yet so pathetic. Thus from alcohol related liver diseases, to alcohol driven motor vehicle accidents, men traverse the entire path of self annihilation. Even Shakespeare understood the folly when Porter in Macbeth warned about alcohol that ‘ increases the desire but takes away the performance.’ Yes, sexual drive too.r Zaid Ibrahim suffer, going for that extra peg. DAP people are not very bright. If they were they would not be doing the many silly things that they are doing today. Even their spouse and children. So like a wicked and incompetent emperor who’s struggling to retain his throne they would resort to do anything just to stay in power. The entire governing system has gone corrupt, the coffers are empty and now they want to bleed the rakyat dry just to retain their luxurious living. If they had read the trends of history the people has a limit in tolerating wicked and greedy chauvinist . DAP is very close in breaking that limit and when that happens they’d wish they were never born.Any Malay who has read and understand the Melaka empire history would know that it was diversity that helped Melaka to grow. DAP on the other hand have adopted a Nazi like stance that does not embrace diversity but enslave and blame it’s minorities for every bad thing that happens to them. This is NOT Islam, this is NOT Adat Melayu, so what is it? It’s which is a replica of the destructive teachings of Nazism. How is it that the Malays in the Melaka Empire ARE STRONG while practising diversity Zaid has called the UMNO bluff and he knows he is NOT right. Anyone can see that the DAP’s Chinese chauvinist Emperor has no clothes on. Professional Malays like Zaid do NOT fear diversity because it is UMNO diversity that made him the competent very rich professional he is today. Nobody can destroy or enslave you when you know your stuff, the incompeten DAPon the other hand don’t know anything hence the need to grasp power at all cost. So who isweak? It DAP’s Chinese chauvinist Elections 2018’s real victor is the VOTERS, not just the party
In the first place there should not be any parties based on racial lines. Imagine the Ku Klux Klan running for President? No way! The wise Onn Jaafar saw this coming . The kind Tengku thought he could control it the very thing that Onn Jaafar was afraid would happen. Now DAP has become a racist, wicked and greedy party that no longer resembles the Malaysia for Malaysian agenda of the past but a DAP monster created by that foolish Lim kit Siang. A Pandora box has been unleashed and Malaysia is suffering from it. Things will get worse when all the check and balances have been removed and racist lies are believed and taught to young Malaysians. We are creating future racist monsters and DAP is the mother of Chinese chauvinist there are more progressive, intelligent and brave Malaysin UMNO! There are already signs that the ranks of people of calibre among the young Malays are increasing. I look forward to the day when we have a dynamic leader supported by people of the same ilk who can bring Malaysia forward as one nation devoid of racism and religious bigotry. Then you can see Malaysia progress and advance to a level higher than that of Singapore! Everyone knows of similar communal conflagrates that follow till today. Who is the final beneficiary? Over the last 3 decades, the power people in Malaysia have emerged from mostly faceless people writing star out of people. Which in a way says it all – media stars were not faces, and as a result, they lacked the … Read more