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Najib the Political grandmaster of bad moves, according to ex-NST chief editor


The  former New Straits Times editor-in-chief has mocked Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a “political grandmaster”, saying the various mistakes  like  the ousting of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Umno on grounds of morality and going after him with the “Anwar Sodomy II Charges Cooked Up by PM’s Office” | Asia Sentinel.Anwar was acquitted of the sodomy charge in a Kuala Lumpur high … We Malays in UMNO deeply regret all the slander hurled against Anwar Ibrahim,  ’bad lapse of judgment’. Clearly, the end doesn’t justify the means. And, as you sow, so shall you reap.The  allegation has come to haunt Najib

Prime  Minister’s wife,Rosmah Mansor,has delivered a spectacular charges with help from Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah against  Anwar since taking over the helm reflects his poor moves and judgement.Kadir did not mince his words when questioning the prime minister’s right to such a title political grandmaster , saying the Umno president botched his moves in giving green light to Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  as deputy public prosecutor (DPP)

Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  today claimed that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was making a deliberate second application to disqualify him as deputy public prosecutor (DPP) to further delay Putrajaya’s appeal against his acquittal for sodomy.

Shafee said the application was frivolous, vexatious and an abuse of court process, adding that Anwar had a history of disqualifying judges and prosecutors.

He said the current grounds raised by Anwar to disqualify him also had no bearing on his appointment and Anwar’s fear of not getting a fair trial was baseless.

There is much that is disturbing, if not outright shocking about  in Putrajaya’s appeal against his acquittal on a second sodomy charge.   It is not just that the evidence used to convict  is circumstantial at best, but it is in the manner in which speculative conjecture has become bland certitude and airy theories have been taken to be established facts. there is a larger, and equally perplexing question. Why has it become so easy  Najib to believe in   all the possibilities that could have been speculated upon, why has this been so easy to accept, not just for the investigators but for the larger publics becomes particularly mystifying because usually in cases involving political class, there is a pronounced bias in favour of  Najib’s own class. In this case, given that the other possible Rosmah.

Perhaps the biggest reason why the sentiment around the case has become what it has is the absence of any easy explanation for what happened. The vacuum created by the mystery around the  powerful wife (Datin Seri) Rosmah (Mansor) are involved,  has exerted an inexorable force field which demands that the consuming public’s hunger for an answer be satisfied somehow. The space created by the mystery has been filled in with any number of wild theories, half-baked suppositions and assertions based on empty speculation. The more intractable the mystery, the more open we become to believing that the truth must be something terrible. This is why Ghani Patail has got away with changing its mind so often, has managed to argue successfully that a key conclusion was a typographical error and presented experts that have modified their statements and passed off speculation as fact. As a result, the mystery has apparently solved with what most agree, is at best a theory but at least it serves the purpose of providing some kind of an explanation. The appetite has been silenced functionally, if not satisfactorily.

A former New Straits Times editor-in-chief has mocked Wanita Umno head Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s description of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a “political grandmaster”, saying the various mistakes he had made since taking over the helm reflects his poor moves and judgement.

“Under Najib, Barisan Nasional performed worse in the 13th general election than under former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in the 2008 election. BN failed to recapture the wealthiest state in Malaysia, Selangor, almost lost Terengganu and barely retained Perak,” Kadir wrote in his blog today.

“Worse, Pakatan Rakyat made healthy inroads into Johor, which had been a traditional BN stronghold,” he said.

“Mainstream media were unable to report on the full range of topics which were discussed during the assembly. But thanks to reporting of juicy topics by online news portals, there is a lively debate in 24-hour coffee shops.”

One popular topic of discussion is Shahrizat (pic) calling Najib a chess grandmaster.Suara Keadilan Malaysia blogged Najib the ‘Superman, AG and CJ can’t respond to judicial fixing claims

Najib You can run but you can’t hide.. Why Najib scared of strong Rosmah? this chief editor is asking the home minister to sue him to the facts that he had put here don’t go on cheating the Malaysians A new kind of freedom And so insecure people all pull down each other, but when … Read more

Kadir did not mince his words when questioning the prime minister’s right to such a title, saying the Umno president botched his moves in trying to regain Selangor.

“When Najib succeeded Abdullah as prime minister, he put former law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim in charge of Selangor BN. After the 13th general election, Najib dropped former Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar from the Cabinet and put him in charge of Selangor BN.”

Kadir said it was obvious the “grandmaster” did not know what to do with Selangor and has given up.

He also cited the irony of the ousting of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Umno on grounds of morality.

“Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has been allowed to remain as president of MCA,” Kadir said, referring to the sex video featuring the former Health Minister.

Furthermore, Shahrizat, despite her husband’s involvement in the National Feedlot Corporation scandal, remains as Wanita Umno head.

“Shahrizat stayed in the same house and slept in the same bed as her husband Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail. But she claimed she did not know what he and their children were doing in the NFC,” Kadir wrote, adding the public was not stupid.

Mohamad Salleh had managed to secure the privatisation of NFC and a RM250 million soft loan from the government. During the Umno general assembly, Shahrizat proposed that a Bank Wanita be set up for women.

Kadir said it was fortunate that Najib ignored Shahrizat’s suggestion as the people would have asked whether the Bank Wanita was for the women or for Shahrizat.

He suggested the Auditor-General check the books of the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to see whether the accounts were in order.

He also mocked Najib for attempting to appoint a PAS member to the Umno supreme council. Najib had invited Islamic religious teacher Ustaz Mohammad Kazim Elias to be a member of the Umno supreme council on November 29.

Mohammad Kazim declined the offer.

“Did the grandmaster not ask Mohammad Kazim if he was willing to join the supreme council? Luckily, PAS was not all that brilliant either as they had attacked Mohammad Kazim,” Kadir said, adding they should have allowed him to join the supreme council.

Kadir ticked off Najib for inviting Mohammad Kazim to join the Umno supreme council, speculating that perhaps it was because Umno was now the rakyat’s party, so anyone could join.

Further surprises could be on the horizon, he added, as Najib might soon extend the invitation to DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat members to sign up with Umno. -

VK Lingam Video – Part III

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