Implications of Chinese. DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang
Implications of Chinese. DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang
“Free Women”, “No Sharia” and “No Oppression”
In a political landscape where thorns far outnumber the roses, sexism tends to rear its grotesque head often. The list of culprits is long, and the latest addition happens to be Lim Guan Eng.S Ambiga says that the term ‘grandmother’ is unacceptable and reminds Malaysians that no politician is above scrutiny and criticism Are men in DAP sex-mad? Do they have uncontrollable libidos which compel them to make unwanted and unwarranted sexual advances towards women, even at the risk of having their own reputations and careers ruined? sex-mad? Do they have uncontrollable libidos which compel them to make unwanted and unwarranted sexual advances towards women, even at the risk of having their own reputations and careers ruined?Such questions became central to a study conducted by a group of international scientists following media reports about a retired Supreme Court judge and the editor of a well-known publication who, in their own ways, had allegedly behaved in what can euphemistically be described as an ‘inappropriate manner’ with young women.
That there is a lot of what presumably is consensual sex in Malaysia is evidenced by the country population of28 million, and counting. With so much of what might be called voluntary sex doing the rounds, why are there so many sexcapades – ranging from rape to stalking and other forms of harassment – in which women are the involuntary targets?
What made the matter even more puzzling for the team of scientists was that it was only chinese men who seemed to have hyperactive libidos. Indian women seemed perfectly normal in this respect, cases of males being sexually assaulted by females belonging to the man-bites-dog category.
The baffled scientists finally turned to genetics to find the key to the mystery. And it was deep inside the genetic structure ofChinese males, encoded in their DNA, that they found the answer to their question.
It had long been known to medical science that all Chinese have a genetic bias towards cardiovascular disorders and diabetes. Similarly, the scientists discovered a genetic aberration in the chromosome of Chinese males which predisposed them to uncontrollable sexual urges.
The scientists named this genetic anomaly – which was not present in the chromosome of CHINESE females – and related it to another behavioural trait common to almost all Chinese males but not to Malay females: the compulsion to do what in the vernacular is known as No. 1 in public.
Experiments conducted under laboratory conditions had shown that, given a choice, seven out of Chinese males would choose peeing in public rather than in a conveniently situated, free-of-charge, hygienic loo. It is not that they want to pee in public, any more than any of the male sex offenders want to be sex offenders. It is just that they are genetically programmed to do so, once again thanks to the Chinese factor.
At a press conference which witnessed a record turnout, the leader of the team of scientists hinted that there had been talk of the researchers being awarded a Nobel Prize for their discovery, though it wasn’t quite clear whether it was to be the Nobel Prize for Medicine or the Nobel Prize for Peace, for having pinpointed a major cause of gender conflict in south east asia.
When asked to do so by a correspondent, the head scientist obligingly spelt out the mysterious CHINESE FACTOR which is at the root of the DAP male’s full-frontal sexual exhibitionism: Mine Is Longer Than Yours.
DAP objective is the outcome of the perception that DAP has to rectify the humiliation of past Chinese MCA and GERAKAN rule in PENANG. The Chinese aggressive nationalism and irredentism have become the key features of DAP policy and aggrandisement. The Chinese policy makers and people feel that the area in its periphery belongs to Chinese which must be occupied at all costs. However it must be mentioned that DAP has modified its strategy over the years from using PAS in finding suitable opportunities to occupy new areas outsise Penang like Perak to avoid conflicts and at the same time maintain a deterrence that would not allow UMNO to take the risk of hostilities of voters.DAP’s move in this direction has been quite systematic and well planned. TonyPua, DAP’s publicity secretary intensified its propaganda campaign the launch of the “Ubah Rocket Style to justify its claims. to come out with justifications over its claims and propagate them. his effort involved twisting of historical facts. This was also accompanied with the cartographic aggression to project in the periphery as parts of the DAP territory.Chinese appetite for territories like Singapore.
Absence of any strong reaction from UMNO as was seen during when Lee Kuan Yew tried to wrest political power from Malays and how he tried to supplant the MCA as the political party representing the Chinese. He was derisive of Tun Tan Siew Sin as not being a pure Chinese and as such not fit to represent the Chinese community. The time has come that the major UMNO stakeholders for the malays in the party take concerted steps to check the DAP agenda.
Malaysians can still recall the manner in which Lee Kuan Yew tried to wrest political power from Tunku and how he tried to supplant the MCA as the political party representing the Chinese. He was derisive of Tun Tan Siew Sin as not being a pure Chinese and as such not fit to represent the Chinese community.However, the Chinese saw through his devious schemes and rejected emphatically PAP’s politics. Lee Kuan Yew thought he could out-maneuver Tunku and become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. But Tunku beat him at his own game and he was expelled from Malaysia.
Considering himself to be intellectually superior to Tunku, he could not accept that he was defeated so resoundingly by Tunku. He was devastated. When he announced that Singapore would be separated from Malaysia, he broke down uncontrollably. This was only to be expected as his dreams of being the Overlord of Malaysia, comprising of Peninsula Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah was shattered and he has to be content with being a bully of a city state!Given such a traumatic experience, and possessing a vindictive disposition, it is a given that Lee Kuan Yew would harbour a secret agenda against Malaysia. And over the years, he has sowed and continues to sow discord among the races in Malaysia.It was reported that one of the reasons for his recent visit to Malaysia is to find out how the Chinese are faring in Malaysia.
What arrogance! Umno raised racist issues because I am a Chinese CM ‘saidPenang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng the allegation by state opposition leader Jahara Hamid that he had renamed Pulau Jerejak to Mazhu Island was “very dangerous”
The Chinese community in Malaysia has no need of Chief Minister Lim Guan Engto meddle in its affairs or wellbeing. The Chinese community working with the other communities is more than able to look after themselves.
Why is there a need for such an elaborate programme – meetings with the prime minister, the deputy prime minister, an audience with the Agong, the Sultan of Perak and more meetings with other political leaders?
The picture of Lee Kuan Yew and the leaders of MCA displayed in the front page of Sin Chew Jit Poh says it all – why, may I add, was he wearing a traditional Chinese attire? And why were the leaders of MCA so willing to honour him when he had tried to topple Tun Tan Siew Sin at a critical juncture of our history?
I take the view that had Lee Kuan Yew succeeded in toppling Tun Tan Siew Sin, and PAP supplanted the MCA, social turmoil would have ensued and we as a nation would not have been able to achieve our present status.
No country is perfect and devoid of problems. We had our fair share, but we are better off without Lee Kuan Yew.
Malaysians must be vigilant. Lee Kuan Yew cannot be trusted and while Singapore is our neighbour and a member of ASEAN, we must never forget that Singapore has never ceased to dictate terms to Malaysia whenever she perceives Malaysia as being weak.
Do not forget the 1997 financial crisis and how Singapore treated us when we were in need.
Today, Singapore is reeling under the weight of the global financial tsunami, but Lee Kuan Yew is behaving as if Singapore has a bottomless vault of financial goodies, ever ready to invest in Malaysia as a favour.
We don’t need Singapore’s sex hungry woman from Singapore!

And Malaysians have no need for a Lee Kuan Yew telling us how to develop our country!Come elections and DAP’s existential dilemma gets more pronounced. The party, founded on t the mind of the One a element’ Chinese chauvinist ideology, has failed to come to terms with the changing political narrative in recent years. Even veteran leaders like Karpal Singh were not spared when they tried to do what was seen as … Read more