Shafee’s affidavit a load of rubbish says ex-cop Mat Zain is still fighting for it in his own way, Mat Zain came out and took the political course to change the system. This change is not about changing the government alone but realizing true democracy by ensuring public participation in the decision making process.
Mat ZAIN has embraced the Gandhian concept of Swaraj to bring the change. In fact, Swaraj is “the change”, which if understood, adopted and implemented with sincerity can provide solution to all the problems.
The real problem is Najib’s degeneration into a bunch of powerbrokers that has completely forgotten the political party’s primal role, of empowering the people, of mediating between the people and the state. Only leaders and power matter for the party, the people have fallen off its map, except as voters who have to be managed with handouts, identity politics and poll-eve temptations.his is why it stands devoid of any organic emancipatory imagination of its own and its government needs an external brain graft in the form of Shafee Abdullah . This is why Najib is oblivious no advance the country has made over the last 5 years and is incapable of converting that to its credit.Real Swaraj will come, not by the acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority when it is abused. In other words, Swaraj is to be attained by educating the masses to a sense of their capacity to regulate and control authority”— Mahatma Gandhi
Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. Many virtues extolled by religion have waned over time; scapegoats have thrived.Lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah will be allowed to act as deputy public prosecutor (DPP) in the prosecution’s appeal against the acquittal of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on his sodomy charges.
Datuk K.S. Nallakaruppan and Dato’ Muhammad Shafee Abdullah were behind the conspiracy to frame Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim on sodomy charges back in 1998. This was confirmed by Nalla’s driver, Thagarajoo a/l Thangavelu, in a Statutory Declaration signed on 21 August 2008.
This latest revelation puts to rest, once and for all, the speculation as to the real dalang behind the 1998 conspiracy. It appears like these same players are also involved in the latest sodomy allegation, dubbed as ‘Sodomy As people evolve and circumstances change, no decision seems too sacrosanct to be questioned again Between the two Liars , what a lesson learnt amidst the beautiful environs of Liars Club: Be true to your own self and cultivate passion for something meaningful… Is it okay to change your mind? How often can one do so without being labelled a weak-minded flip-flopper? Contemporary thinkers and successful people encourage thinking, revisiting issues and questioning decisions we may have once considered closed. Nothing is written in stone. We change our minds about small things almost every day and think nothing of it. But it takes courage to declare a change of mind about larger issues as we are scared of being labelled weak-willed or lacking in confidence. As a result we pressurise ourselves to take ‘firm’ decisions and stick by them. However, decisions are always taken under a certain set of circumstances and the context changes over time — as do people, their attitudes and beliefs. So, how can one not change his/her mind about decisions taken earlier as one learns and evolves?
Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim has described Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah’s affidavit in reply to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s second application to disqualify the Umno lawyer from acting as deputy public prosecutor as “a load of rubbish”.
The former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief also welcomed Shafee’s earlier statement that he would expose Mat Zain’s relationship with Anwar.
“I now challenge Shafee to demand the prime minister to order a full-scale investigation into my SD (statutory declaration).
Rajoo also confirmed that Shafee coached him on what to say and that his coached ‘statement’ was tape-recorded. Rajoo was also summoned to Bukit Aman by the current IGP, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, who was then in charge of the case, and subsequently was brought to meet Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad so that he can repeat what he had been instructed to tell the Prime Minister.
Howeve Liar Muhammad Shafee Abdullahr does not want to confirm the presence of others until he reads former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim’s statutory declaration as he said it would be unfair to the former police officer.He added this was also to be fair to Mahathir. “Tun (Mahathir) is certainly not involved in all this rubbish.” If this fellow intends to be TRUTHFUL at all, – why on earth should he have to first sight Mat Zain Ibrahim’s statutory declaration? If anyone cares to ask Mahathi what was discussed, he’ll say he cannot remember..a plot was made against Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail at an alleged high-level meeting at Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s residence three months ago. Denial is a very common way of trying to escape from the truth. Even though if there was a meeting to remove the AG, they have to thread very carefully. Well the AG is very powerful person. His loyalty to his political masters and the many secrets he holds will put him in a secure position to deal or not to deal.Whom do we believe – Shafee, Mahathir or Mat Zain. And why the AG is not suing Mat Zaid for what he mentioned in the Sd ?
If you wish to achieve anything in life, go for it with passion, cultivate a degree of madness, lunacy for it Shafee Abdullah thundered.Malaysia today has everything we need, except the most essential thing needed for our future — Mahathir and Abdul Gani Patail that’s what the youth must inculcate.” Indeed, passion is a very strong emotion, which invariably acts like a magnet for whatever it is directed towards. It manifests itself as a stronger form of emotion, more intense, more driving and overpowering. In that sense, passion is not different from emotion. You have to feel deeply to want something badly, and try for it with all you have.
“I will scrutinise Shafee’s affidavit line by line and record my observations in my next SD. As it stands now, I can say that his affidavit is imperfect and a load of rubbish.
“I reserve my right to take on the next course of action,” said Mat Zain.
Shafee had been appointed DPP by Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and will appear for Putrajaya in its bid to reverse the High Court ruling that acquitted Anwar of a sodomy charge last year.
Anwar’s first application to recuse Shafee on grounds that it was against the law was dismissed by the Federal Court last month.
Anwar is now relying on Mat Zain’s SD in his second attempt to disqualify Shafee.
Shafee, in his affidavit, had said Mat Zain’s SD merely showed that the former police officer was an “angry man” over the way the authorities dealt with him regarding the 1998 “black eye” incident.
Mat Zain, in his statement today, said he knew Shafee’s intention was malicious but still welcomed the expose on his so called relationship with Anwar.
The former police officer said he had been labelled as Anwar’s lapdog, or “chief barua”, among others, for his refusal to unlawfully take the former deputy prime minister’s blood sample for a DNA test in 1998.
“So one more humiliation created by Shafee won’t make any difference. It may well be a blessing in disguise since the government might be forced to look into the cases I have mentioned in my SD,” he said.
Mat Zain said the people were more interested to know why Shafee called him to his office through former Commercial Crime Department director Datuk Ramli Yusuf and later took them to meet former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Or can he tell the public, if it was really Dr Mahathir who wanted to see me or was it Shafee himself who planned the meeting for his own personal benefit?” he asked.
Mat Zain also pointed out that Shafee must explain to the court the reason he concealed a material fact that he had acknowledged receipt of a bundle of documents from him on September 24.
Mat Zain said his meeting with Shafee, together with Ramli, was on August 10, not a day earlier as mentioned in Shafee’s affidavit.
He also warned Shafee that he had proof to show that it was Shafee who had wanted to meet him and Ramli, and not the other way around, as claimed in the affidavit.
Mat Zain also asked Shafee to disclose what was discussed at his office and later at Dr Mahathir’s house in Seri Kembangan.
“If Shafee says that Gani’s conduct in the Pulau Batu Puteh was never discussed during the one hour meeting in his office and later for another hour in Dr Mahathir’s house, then he should tell what was the subject matter that was discussed,” he said.
Mat Zain said Shafee was a public servant in his capacity as DPP and under the law, he was required to provide information of offences allegedly committed.
“As a lawyer, he is bound by the Legal Profession Act when acting as prosecutor and he shall not surpress material facts establishing the innocence of accused persons,” he said.
Mat Zain said he would be making a second SD to further explain the full discussion Shafee had with Ramli in his presence with regards to Ramli’s suit against Gani and several others.
He said his SD could only be declared false only after an investigation, not based on what Shafee had stated in his affidavit.
“I challenge Shafee now to demand that the prime minister order a full scale investigation into the contents of the SD and he (Shafee) knows where he stands.
“Shafee may well find that his affidavit is the one that had been slanted,” he said.
Mat Zain, in his 31-page SD, had said that he went with Shafee and Ramli to Dr Mahathir’s house during the Hari Raya period this year where they allegedly discussed the wrongdoings of Gani.
However, Shafee had said that the idea for Mat Zain to go to Dr Mahathir’s house was only decided impromptu in his office and there was no agenda except to pay respect to Dr Mahathir during the festive season.
Shafee had also denied that he was involved in any meeting to discuss Gani’s conduct or the Pulau Batu Puteh issue. He had also said that he did not insinuate or mention about funds being transferred into a bank account in Hong Kong after the Pulau Batu Puteh case was decided by the international court.
Anwar’s application to recuse Shafee will be heard on December 19.
Anwar, among others, had disclosed in his application last Friday that Shafee knew of Gani’s actions but the lawyer deliberately suppressed important evidence, especially on the Pulau Batu Puteh territorial dispute between Malaysia and Singapore.
Further, the SD pointed towards Gani and Musa’s involvement in fabricating evidence in the infamous “black eye” incident.
As such, Anwar had said, Shafee was not a fit and proper person to be appointed deputy public prosecutor to lead the prosecution team.
He had added that Shafee would not be able to comply with the requirement of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) 1978 to conduct the appeal.
Anwar had also said that he would not receive a fair hearing if Shafee were to lead the prosecution team.
The text and scanned versions of the Statutory Declaration can be read below. In the meantime, let us ‘flashback’ to what happened during Anwar’s trial in 1998-1999.
The former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief also welcomed Shafee’s earlier statement that he would expose Mat Zain’s relationship with Anwar.
“I now challenge Shafee to demand the prime minister to order a full-scale investigation into my SD (statutory declaration).
“I will scrutinise Shafee’s affidavit line by line and record my observations in my next SD. As it stands now, I can say that his affidavit is imperfect and a load of rubbish.
“I reserve my right to take on the next course of action,” said Mat Zain.
Shafee had been appointed DPP by Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and will appear for Putrajaya in its bid to reverse the High Court ruling that acquitted Anwar of a sodomy charge last year.
Anwar’s first application to recuse Shafee on grounds that it was against the law was dismissed by the Federal Court last month.
Anwar is now relying on Mat Zain’s SD in his second attempt to disqualify Shafee.
Shafee, in his affidavit, had said Mat Zain’s SD merely showed that the former police officer was an “angry man” over the way the authorities dealt with him regarding the 1998 “black eye” incident.
Mat Zain, in his statement today, said he knew Shafee’s intention was malicious but still welcomed the expose on his so called relationship with Anwar.
The former police officer said he had been labelled as Anwar’s lapdog, or “chief barua”, among others, for his refusal to unlawfully take the former deputy prime minister’s blood sample for a DNA test in 1998.
“So one more humiliation created by Shafee won’t make any difference. It may well be a blessing in disguise since the government might be forced to look into the cases I have mentioned in my SD,” he said.
Explain meeting with Dr M
Mat Zain said the people were more interested to know why Shafee called him to his office through former Commercial Crime Department director Datuk Ramli Yusuf and later took them to meet former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Or can he tell the public, if it was really Dr Mahathir who wanted to see me or was it Shafee himself who planned the meeting for his own personal benefit?” he asked.
Mat Zain also pointed out that Shafee must explain to the court the reason he concealed a material fact that he had acknowledged receipt of a bundle of documents from him on September 24.
Mat Zain said his meeting with Shafee, together with Ramli, was on August 10, not a day earlier as mentioned in Shafee’s affidavit.
He also warned Shafee that he had proof to show that it was Shafee who had wanted to meet him and Ramli, and not the other way around, as claimed in the affidavit.
Mat Zain also asked Shafee to disclose what was discussed at his office and later at Dr Mahathir’s house in Seri Kembangan.
“If Shafee says that Gani’s conduct in the Pulau Batu Puteh was never discussed during the one hour meeting in his office and later for another hour in Dr Mahathir’s house, then he should tell what was the subject matter that was discussed,” he said.
Mat Zain said Shafee was a public servant in his capacity as DPP and under the law, he was required to provide information of offences allegedly committed.
“As a lawyer, he is bound by the Legal Profession Act when acting as prosecutor and he shall not surpress material facts establishing the innocence of accused persons,” he said.
Mat Zain said he would be making a second SD to further explain the full discussion Shafee had with Ramli in his presence with regards to Ramli’s suit against Gani and several others.
He said his SD could only be declared false only after an investigation, not based on what Shafee had stated in his affidavit.
“I challenge Shafee now to demand that the prime minister order a full scale investigation into the contents of the SD and he (Shafee) knows where he stands.
“Shafee may well find that his affidavit is the one that had been slanted,” he said.
Mat Zain, in his 31-page SD, had said that he went with Shafee and Ramli to Dr Mahathir’s house during the Hari Raya period this year where they allegedly discussed the wrongdoings of Gani.
However, Shafee had said that the idea for Mat Zain to go to Dr Mahathir’s house was only decided impromptu in his office and there was no agenda except to pay respect to Dr Mahathir during the festive season.
Shafee had also denied that he was involved in any meeting to discuss Gani’s conduct or the Pulau Batu Puteh issue. He had also said that he did not insinuate or mention about funds being transferred into a bank account in Hong Kong after the Pulau Batu Puteh case was decided by the international court.
Anwar’s application to recuse Shafee will be heard on December 19.
Anwar, among others, had disclosed in his application last Friday that Shafee knew of Gani’s actions but the lawyer deliberately suppressed important evidence, especially on the Pulau Batu Puteh territorial dispute between Malaysia and Singapore.
Further, the SD pointed towards Gani and Musa’s involvement in fabricating evidence in the infamous “black eye” incident.
As such, Anwar had said, Shafee was not a fit and proper person to be appointed deputy public prosecutor to lead the prosecution team.
He had added that Shafee would not be able to comply with the requirement of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) 1978 to conduct the appeal.
Anwar had also said that he would not receive a fair hearing if Shafee were to lead the prosecution team.Mat Zain’s insistence that police could investigate Gani based on the contents of his statutory declaration (SD) without lodging a police report.Mat Zain drew attention to Sections 107 and 107A of the Criminal Procedure Code related to information given to the police and their powers to investigate. Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman said”I am saying … Read more