Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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MCA Wanita chief Yu Chok Tow said FT Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor a cosmetics salesman King Con


Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor has come under fire from B.N and Pakatan Rakyat’s women parliamentarians for comparing property values with that of cosmetics for women, and they want him to undergo “gender education”

But goodness,  MCA Wanita chief Yu Chok Tow said  FT Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku  is in for a huge heartbreak?! Yes, because the sociopath is incapable of loving anyone but himself. He will romance her wildly, get her hooked and then move on to the next victim. The poor girls forget that most of the romantic novels end at the point where the hero unites with the heroine, without talking of the undoubtedly awful marriage the two will have. For, how can a man full of himself, focussed on his own needs and incapable of loving another, be good husband material?

For all those girls out there fed on romantic literature, here are a few tips on how to recognise the predator who feeds on nice girls. You may still get swept off your feet, but at least you’ll have been warned: Parliamentarians in Kuala Lumpur have taken the federal territories minister to task for making much hurrah about a cosmetic change to property assessment rates, which fell far short of answering protests from angry residents.

The “flip-flop policies” of Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), they said, proved how insensitive they were to the sufferings of the people.MPs dismiss ‘cosmetic move’ on assessment rates

with Nurul 100%! Further, there are too many foreign workers and big rats roaming about in KL so what is so desirable living there? Rental income could be taxed so it’s none of DBKL’s business to be busybody hijacking someone else’s work. After 21 years of not increasing assessment, justification is they increase alot more to “make up” the lost opportunities. Twisted logic. If I am to apply that logic, if I have not posted a vote in the last 3 elections, can I have 4 votes in the next election to “make up” for the lost oppotunities?To this no locus standi minister, all he did was tai chi. He thinks it is that simple to hoodwink the people by announcing the reduced rates and broadcast it over national TVs to confuse the people. The BN leaders are so stupid to the core when people protest to ask for their rights, they get angry and our Home Minister and IGP become violent and furious with the people. Looks like the year 2014 is a bad year for the all the voters and a very good year for the Home Minister and the IGP as they can show their power and fist to the rakyat. It’s too late to regret for putting the power into wrong hands. Well, we’ll have to pray to GOD for change to take place soon.Najib’s Comedy piece Inspector-General of Police’s an Abrahamic Call to follow Imam Ahmad Zahid Hamidi  the savior of SunniMuslim Ummah: On Aug 5, 2013, former PM Mahathir attended the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rohani.He met with him to discuss Teheran-Kuala Lumpur relations. So is Mahathir an admirer of Shiite teaching? In common discourse, …Read more

Why would anyone expect that RM250million silly cow to open her mouth?? This matter does not involve money and power, so why would she bother?? Maruah kaum hawa?? Shahrizat doesn’t even know what maruah means. One wouldn’t know unless one has it.

  • Anyone who is unbelievably good has to be unreal. This may sound cynical, but when have you ever seen a perfect hero walk out of a book or movie and enter your life? The good guys are the real guys, the ones with all their foibles and follies, the ones who forget to wish you on your special day, but are always there to pick up the broken pieces when you most need them.
  • Watch out for flowery compliments that ring untrue. While some concession can be made for a heart touched by romance, an overflow of compliments that are unbelievable even to your own ears should be taken with fistfuls of salt.
  • He is charming, but just when you are most bemused and starry-eyed, just when you are slipping under the spell, step back and take another hard look at him beyond his hypnotic eyes. Is the charm superficial or genuine?
  • Most rakes are pathological liars. If you happen to catch his lie, do not take it lightly. Be alert and watch out for further untruths.
  • Most sociopaths have a grandiose sense of themselves. They will exaggerate and try to portray themselves as highly important. This may or may not be to impress you; it is just the way they are.
  • Their emotions are pretty shallow and sociopaths rarely have friends.You will be able to figure this out by checking on his relations with relatives and friends.
  • They have poor control over their emotions and find it difficult to control their anger or irritation. They also do not respond with emotion to good or bad news.
  • A sociopath will not find it easy to apologise. In fact, he will almost never accept his fault, preferring to blame others.Recognise anyone close to you? If you do, put a hand over your heart and run miles away   FT Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku if you wish to avoid a major heartbreak.disgraced his own wives and daughters. Women are chattels as far as he is concerned. Who else in UMNO/BN aren’t like him ? Bung Mokhtar leads the pack.

Delegates at the Wanita MCA's annual general assembly in Kuala Lumpur paying close attention to their outgoing chief Datuk Yu Chok Tow's speech. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 20, 2013.

Beware of predators!

Outgoing MCA Wanita chief Yu Chok Tow is demanding Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Mansor apologise for his off-colour remarks comparing women with property.

We all know that some men are forever on the prowl. The men who are misfits in society, the mysterious loners who hold an allure for unsuspecting girls. Lesson to learn? Be suspicious. Mothers warn their daughters against exactly these men while, ironically, literature has romanticised the same breed of men – the strong and silent type. Remember Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre? Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice? Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights?Even Howard Roark in The Fountainhead? Or a Mills & Boon hero? The more brooding and difficult they are, the greater their appeal. Each one of them is a perfect example of a sociopath who amazingly changes colour once he meets ‘the right girl’.

And herein begins the problem that plagues our fair sex. All girls fed on a diet of impossible romance start dreaming of a sociopath they can help change and claim as their very own Darcy. That makes it easier for the predators lounging silently on the fringes of society. They recognise this and understand a woman’s emotions and responses much better than she does herself. They know exactly which string to pull to manipulate her.

Tengku Adnan  said  MCA politicians are loudest when they are relinquishing or viewing for new positions.Oh well, credit needs to be given where credit is due. Good one, MCA grandma (sorry if you’re not there yet)! Where are the rest of the defenders against sexism?Ku Nan was referring to MCA women, then it is about right.Women pretend to be weak and cannot do tough and dirty jobs such as rubbish collectors, repair roads, clean sewerage tanks, sewerage pipes and etc. but wanted gender equality. But when there is gender inequality in such areas, they just pretend not aware. when there is gender inequality in the allocation of places in university, they again pretended they not aware. That’s why women needed make up to cover their hypocrite faces. Without make up, most women dare not go out to shop or dine. Women Truly Hypocrite.Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. … Read more

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